Joe Biden has been like this for 4 years. The corporate media have just not covered it. The SOTU can't be obscured since its live and 32 M people saw it.

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I mostly agree. I do think that sometimes he's so busy getting stuff done that he/they forget that you have to punch back. Too many jabs by the GOP have gone unanswered, and you sometimes have to do that to get the attention of the press, who cover politics like sports.

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Boy, they are amazing ain’t they the GOP they don’t do no legislation they just sit around all day and criticize Democrats. They haven’t done one damn thing President Biden is working diligently every day he doesn’t have time for their bullshit. Maybe someone needs to call them out and why do you have all this time to criticize? Why aren’t you guys working like the presidents working, no matter what Republicans do they’re never gonna convince me to ever again vote for them. They’ve lost this independent at least for this decade because they are not a party. They are a cult and I don’t subscribe to cults!! and the other hand Democrats are crushing it does my heart good to see this finally let’s hope it stays like this and let’s hope we get a second party that will try and do something for the American people and not just for themselves

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Thank you for saying this. The MSM has gotten so monopolized, so corporatized that it won’t or can’t be honest because of the big suit at the top. We’ve seen local newsrooms being bought out and actual journalists tossed out in favor of a homogenized version of events, not on the local level but on a washed out national level. Joyce Vance with her special Five Questions today interviewed Barb McQuaid to talk about her new book, “ATTACK FROM WITHIN: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America”. This topic wasn’t addressed so I raised this same question. This is a huge problem and I wish someone would tackle it.

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Two days ago we cancelled our subscription to The NYTimes that we paid for years. Its headlines have been “Biden did this right but…” for quite a while now. Can somebody explain to me what is going on at this newspaper?

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It used to be they would write for readership. But given their main market, New York, perhaps these “journalists” are writing for their own ego. As a former journalism student we learned the idea of objectivity and balance, not stating opinions or using opinions to direct the flow of a story. I cancelled my subscription but still write letters@nyt.com to express my opinion and disdain for articles of the type you’ve described.

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I AM a journalist, from Chile. Married a gringo 52 yrs ago. Keep on writing those letters, please.

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I agree with you. I can't read it. too much both sides at a scary time.

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Agree. Social media is like gossip magnified millions of times. So much antagonism & lack of respect for others it’s astonishing. The ease, the anonymity (to a certain extent), the comfort & smugness of sitting in your own space and being gable to play the expert, the insider, the vitriolic crusader - it’s the ideal platform for stir & magnify division.

This combined with the SC majority. L Leo & Heritage, Putin, not to mention the propaganda factory at Fox, means our democracy has met its biggest challenge yet. We all must rise to meet it however is best for us individually & collectively.

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I very much agree. 👏🏼👏🏼 His trajectory is continuing. Well planned and thought out. He’s been accumulating the goods these past three years. A proven record. He will continue to reveal himself directly to the public so that the lame stream media are revealed for their fake news.

It would help a whole heckuvalot if “we the people” did more to hold the media accountable, didn’t fall for their 💩💩, promoted Biden’s democracy over the GOP autocracy, GOTV, register and talk to youth, knock on doors, send postcards, run for local offices. Share Eleven Films videos. Stop whining and wringing our hands, grab the ball and take it to the hoop. Use his words, his language. Diminish the autocrats by looking past them, let’s talk about the good we could do with a Blue Congress. We want to go forward not backward. More opportunities. Cleaner air and water. Democracy is not for spectators. We need a what “Joe Biden did today” substack for every single one of his Cabinet members and talk about it in our conversations every day. 😁😁

In the words of Republican James Lankford at the SOTU, speaking to POTUS: “that’s true!” 🤩


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Amen. Donate, volunteer, register new voters and vote blue on every race

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Biden is so senile he couldn’t even say Laken Riley’s name correctly. He’s a tired frail old senile man.

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As a health care professional of nearly 50 years, I've seen plenty of 'senile' (outdated term), and Joe Biden is not remotely 'senile'.

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Mar 10
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No need to be rude, really. "Enigmatic musings from the 21st century....filled with love" Is this how you express love?

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Mar 10
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You know what? I'm not gonna take the bait. Have a nice day, friend.

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her name was wrong on the monitor. regardless, to make one mistake in a speech of that magnitude and with so much pressure on him, is amazing. it's clear he's very competent and really cares about the us and it's citizens. he did a fantastic job!

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It wasn’t on the monitor

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Why don’t you just come out with and say YOU LOVE TRUMP

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I love Jesus, my family and America. I am a veteran. It’s clear to me that Biden is senile and terrible for our country. As i Catholic, I strive to love all people.

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Biden is great for our country and democracy. Trump is literally the devil

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Biden delights in his policy of partial birth aborted babies who get their brains sucked out while still having their tiny legs in the mother so it’s not murder outside the womb.

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Is there a trajectory to change? I don’t buy the Trump hype the MSM is selling with polls. Are these the same polls who told me about a red wave in 2022? The same polls that told me abortion rights were doomed in Kansas and other states? Only to have the opposite of predictions occur? Meanwhile, Biden is rolling in campaign donations at record amounts and the Democrats keep winning special and off year elections. The bones for this election are good. Blue wave.

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Thank you !! What is this thing with even allies that are virtually erasing all the good Biden has done by repeating mam memes ?

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MSM memes

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Thank you! He was already trending up, does he want the trajectory to go down?

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Mar 9
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I don’t need your opinion or tutelage on anything. Blue wave.

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Mar 9Edited
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How about you stop trolling for a fight and go outside and touch grass. Blue wave.

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Mar 9Edited
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I asked people to be respectful. That includes not swearing at people. Bye.

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It truly was a powerful, game changing speech. Joe rose to the occasion. A single speech will have only so much impact, but this one is, to use a modified Biden phrase, a big deal. One hopes the Democrats will now produce some short videos with clips of that speech alongside clips of the rambling, incoherent rage of Trump speeches of late. That man is genuinely out of it - just roll the tapes.

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Yes - especially set against the recent Trump reenactment of a scene from Fantasia (he’s not the alligator).

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These folks are killing it:


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As far back as in the Rose Garden i realized trump was saying nothing most of the time… simply emphatic snippets loudly touting himself….lettuce salad. Yet the magas heard the same gibberish repeatedly and were excited by it…maybe loving his freewheeling style .

So tho trump’s speech and subjects are now even more childlike ( do I look fat in that photo?) I doubt they will notice or care if they do….they’re lost and not coming back from an emotional kool aid trip.

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President Biden's long-awaited State of the Union address finally unveiled his vision for the future, and it resonated deeply with me. His commitment to taxing billionaires, millionaires, and corporations is not just a policy but a symphony of justice, echoing the need for fairness and equity in our society. Additionally, his directive to establish a temporary port in Gaza signifies a crucial step towards aiding Palestinians in their plight.

While I yearned to hear him announce a cessation of financial aid to Netanyahu and his Likud party, I remain hopeful that such a stance is forthcoming. In the meantime, there's urgent work to be done. I'm urging everyone, including all your followers, to use their platforms to spread truths about the election and debunk Republican falsehoods, especially in Red states.

We're at a pivotal moment where the very foundations of democracy are under threat, with women's rights and voting rights being systematically eroded in Red states. It's imperative that we mobilize for a Blue Wave not only in federal elections but across all levels of government. Let's join forces to ensure that every voice is heard and every vote counts, standing firm in defense of democracy and justice for all.

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The USA will not stop supporting Israel.

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I've thought all along that Biden was in good shape physically and mentally, and that he just has trouble with his stutter, as he has had all his life. He was sharp in his speech, and gave it to the Republicans when they booed him. Trump, on the other hand, is clearly deteriorating mentally. It may be dementia or the effect of too many drugs, but the effect is clear. That will show in his campaign speeches, and more so if he debates Biden (which I doubt).

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Agreed. President Biden overcame a stutter, which is extremely difficult to do. It shows his determination and grit in the face of adversity. That he perseveres in spite of these difficulties is a testament to his optimism and self-awareness. To my eye, these verbal stumbles show that his thinking is much faster than his talking. That is preferable to what we had with the former goof.

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He certainly proved the media coverage of him has been total BS.

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Here is my take.

There is a large group of Never Trumpers. Led by former Republicans now Conservative pundits.

I say this now. Was "Never Trump" just a feel good veil?

Never Trumpers- now. Show us you mean what you say. Biden or Putin. Choose.

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I don't know if he was what you call a conservative pundit, but Gov. Sununu comes to mind. Going with Haley he vowed, not trump. However, when she dropped out, he jumped in. trump.

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I live in NH, and I had been thinking that Sununu has always been, in his own words, "a Trump guy, through and through" and then suddenly Haley becomes somewhat prominent and he jumps on her bandwagon. The only reason I can think is that he was hoping for the VP role. Now that he realizes it ain't gonna happen, he's back to backing Trump. The rotten apples all end up together!

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You would think a seasoned politician like Sununu would not back himself into a corner by declaring "never T" if his heart wasn't really in it. They are all just self promoting, self serving in the end. Disappointing but not especially surprising.

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I loved the speech, and it did fire me up. I can't say it changed my opinion about the president or his "predecessor." But it made me smile to think that he was showing the world who he is. For a long time words like politician and liberal and compromise have been repeatedly slandered and excoriated by the right. Joe Biden embodies what is good and right about those words.

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He looked like an angry old man shaking his fist at the world. Pathetic.

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Clearly not an opinion I share, but thank you for making your point without vitriol. We may disagree an a host of issues. Resorting to judgmental excoriation does not help anyone.

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I'm working hard to make sure Joe Biden gets another four years, and I'm maybe his biggest cheerleader but I'm going to be honest: This rousing speech came early in the election year, and he can't keep making the same speech over and over again, as he did yesterday. Same wordage with the same emphasis and if felt--lazy.

He's riding on the SOTU speech but he's in danger of coming across as a boring, repetitive old man unless he changes it up, but with that same enthusiasm and humor. There are tons of issues he can address. He needs to get to all of them.

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lol. You think

This is all he’s got ? Come on.

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There was never anything wrong with Biden's trajectory for we the people. We can see, in real time, the amazing economic recovery America has had under Biden. But we also see with disgusted clarity that Corporate Media is totally in the tank for another Trump term. WE can fight the Republicans on their abject failure to govern. But the insidious nature of the damage Media is doing in both misrepresenting Biden & Democratic achievements & failing to warn US that Trump is the #1 clear & Present danger to our democracy is unforgivable

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One primary (South Carolina) changed the trajectory in 2020, so why not one speech? I agree that he can’t just rehash the same phrases over and over for the next eight months, but the mantra “let Biden be Biden” and liberal doses of “Dark Brandon” should be guiding principles. Go, Joe!

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yes! yes! yes! i was already 100% behind joe & voted for him before, but this fiery speech left me gobsmacked! it left our family feeling hopeful again, after this tired long winter.. go joe!

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I have never wavered on President Biden because I know where his gut lies. You mentioned that VP Harris is also making appearances. I believe that she needs to directly address the detractions which are directed at her in regard to her being competent to step into the presidency if an unfortunate event were to occur. Something thusly, ' Now, I am not going to try to convince you that I am a stable genius as some may try to do, but I do know what I am doing'. And then expand on that. Just a thought.

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Many of us were already in favor of Biden. He may sway some independents and republicans, but it won't affect the MAGA morons. That's no big deal, since their numbers are shrinking daily. MAGA are only about 1/3 of republicans anyway.

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I think Joe’s trajectory is in fact pretty constant towards winning, but the combined effect of ulterior motives of corporations media and the anxiety of the normal sane humans, it feels like his trajectory is constantly erratic, but I don’t think it is.

Inside everyone’s sanity there is this desire, and hope, and rock belief, to trust him, even if it is not spoken outwardly.

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This is so well said. I agree

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Oh Margaret how kind ..

I am so glad to find someone to agree .. 😀🌿

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Finally, an effective direct response to the lies of the former guy and the maga craziness! Thank you President Biden!

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Although I have been a supporter of Biden/Harris all along, it was great to see him at his best at SOTU. The thing that stood out to me was the behavior of the GOP. They sat on their hands, even for the lines that we should expect them to applaud. I think they were surprised at Joe’s energy and quick thinking after being told that he was ‘doddering’. It was telling that they were so set back by him.

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Joe’s speech and tone were perfect. Last time I think I saw a strategy like this it was Ali v Foreman. Rope a Dope. Well done Joe.

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What do you think? Can one speech change Joe Biden’s trajectory?

It will "work" only with repetition, repetition, repetition. One night with one powerful speech is not the end-all to end all. President Biden's words must be repeated across the land; at every "whistlestop". The entire Democratic Party must become a coalition of the willing. This is far more than a political campaign. It is a battle for the preservation and salvation of our republic. "Joe" cannot go this alone. Democrats must stop their internal skirmishes, Cease their petulance. This is NOT the time to be petty or overly selfish and self-centered. It must be repeated over and over again that we are witnessing a full-on threat to our democratic republic. That threat is energized, organized, determined and ruthless. This is NOT the time to "let the chips fall where they may." Nearly fifty percent of the U.S. supports the Republican Party, a party smitten with Vladimir Putin and Russia. To ignore the potency of that miscreant crew is a fool's paradise. Call them out for what they are: TRAITORS. Viktor Orban of Hungary is a guest of Donald Trump this week. Orban is the model upon which Trump wants to build a fascist country--ours. We must win this war. Yes, this is WAR. War for the very soul of our country.

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The premise of this is completely wrong. Bicen knows all this we know all of this.

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The SOTU was a great moment for him and for us. But I think Biden needs to mix it up over the next months-- rather than the same long speech, many short, informal presidential addresses akin to FDR's 'fireside chats,' each on a specific topic and focused on the concerns of the moderate swing voter-- perhaps from his kitchen table at the beach house? And plenty of friendly interviews. He's proved that he can respond 'in the moment.'

I don't think rallies are particularly effective for a politician who is trying to pull the country together. They are more like a blood sport-- perfect for Trump.

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Considering Senator Britt's comments made at the kitchen table, I don't think Joe should go there. Or mention the beach. Opponents will call him out for vacationing , not working.

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Right now we are in the run up to the election. If the corporate media continue with both-sideism rather than reporting the facts and the choices Americans are faced with, I'm sure we will see more of this.

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Just so you know, the majority of news publications in FL did not have the SOTU on their front pages or featured articles. Cate Communications in FL aggregates all the front pages in their email Above The Fold, in the state every morning. Almost none had the speech. Most in FL are owned by Gannett. The story is resonating with Dems. Others have no idea.

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Interesting. Thx.

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I live in Florida and I saw the speech but so many get their news online these days and the coverage of the speech was all over the web the next day... you couldn't miss it! the late night comedians covered it too and Bill Maher. I think some of that will break through.

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I feel buoyed by the speech. It certainly dis-spelled preconceived notions about him.

Nothing wrong with being angry. He should be angry. With what his “predecessor” is saying. What, only he is allowed to be angry?

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Trump is simply pointing out that the Biden presidency has been a disaster for our country - the economy, crime, world unrest, the border mess, which he bragged about in 2021 but now runs away from it while blaming others. Biden is the most transparently corrupt, feckless leader to ever occupy the oval office and needs to go. He will never make it to the starting gate.

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I was always going to be on the Biden train, but following this speech, my confidence in his re-election went WAY up.

No more “sleepy Joe” - now they’re calling him belligerent and loud.

Which is it?

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Belligerent, loud and off key. Appealing to the worst in human nature. Calling the opposition out in the meanest possible terms then saying he wants to be President for “all Americans”.

So, which is it?

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I was always going to vote for Biden but I was definitely concerned about his ability to fight for the job. In any recent video of Joe he seems to be shuffling, with virtually no arm movement, and a bewildered look on his face. I thought “Can’t someone work with him to help him to look more vigorous?”.

Well Thursday evening certainly showed a vigorous, fully functioning, and animated Joe Biden, as he seamlessly wove a pattern of his administration’s accomplishments while calling out the MAGA crowd for their failure to get anything done, even within their own caucus.

It’s going to be an exciting 8 months!

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Yes, it's going to be exciting! Good take. Do you know Joe has degenerative osteoarthritic spondylosis of the spine? This condition is what causes his gait to be stiff and he walks cautiously; although, his condition has apparently not worsened during his presidency. He also has arthritis and peripheral neuropathy in his (previously fractured) foot and ankle and wears custom orthotics. By the way, Joe does not use tobacco, does not drink alcohol and he works out at least five days a week. He is generally healthy and works to stay in shape.

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Those videos? Bullshit from the media trying to help Trump? Are you that easily fooled?

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You’re serious ?

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I believe Biden will go down as one of our best presidents. Tell me if I am wrong, Steven Beschloss.

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You may be right. He’s already high on the list.

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Thank you! I'm so happy to hear that, especially coming from you!

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I agree so much with your comment:

…” n my recap yesterday, I called the speech “a bracing, optimistic, vigorous expression of what the next eight months (and beyond) can look like.” I believe that it offered a visible and substantive rejoinder to the false narrative pushed, ad nauseam, that Biden is too old and doddering to do the job. The question is whether that line of attack will quiet down following the speech and as the campaign expands.…”——

I do believe the more he can speak this way the more doubts will be dispelled! I thought too that gaining about 10 pounds & increasing some muscle mass could help him! 😊 Really!

I was heartened by President Bidens speech!

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Yes, I believe his speech established him as a strong voice and much more capable than Donny T. As his predecessor was meeting with a tyrant, Biden was showing how he was in tune with the real America. Of course, I am amazed at the number of people who I truly feel should know better, continuing to say they will vote Trump, but I do see many who are less willing to admit this openly. I live in a very red state and the fact that many are beginning to see what a threat this man is, that, always as an optimist, if Biden can continue the positivity of his campaign and continue expounding on real facts rather obvious untruths, that the election may have a positive impact on down ballot races to the extent that the dems can get the House back and expand their lead in the Senate. As I said, I am an optimist, but feel better about that today.

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You knew he kicked butt when the complaint from the other side was "It was too political." HA!

Joe is a 50 year honorable public servant.

His predecessor is a convicted and self admitted sexual predator and business fraud who steals from people and wants to get away with it.

What is difficult about this?

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MAGA: "Don't confuse me. I'm still going to vote for the raper, cheater, liar guy."

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Yes, the speech did change my perspective. I can ignore the GOP slurs and even the distorted media coverage from outlets like the NYT, but I've been concerned about the negative reports coming out from Dems. After listening to the speech, I have greater confidence that the President is energetic and vital enough to face four more years.

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It rebutted Republicans constant criticism of Joe Bidens age.

What else do they have to complain about . ? Everything is fed by far right media propaganda and Donald Trumps BS . They have about three complaints ( ok , abt thirty)

But they are all things he refuted as the lies they are.

Whenever a Maga voter is interviewed they have no background or source for the lies they repeat . “ they just know it”

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Not one but not too many so as to balance exposure to limiting opportunities for the twisted right’s ability to manipulate the narrative. We saw Biden as the fighter we needed.

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Thanks, Steven, for this article. I think that this speech was exactly what President Biden needed to do. The key to whether this is a turning point or not will be whether or not he can continue to sustain this approach. If this is how he handles the remaining 8 months of the campaign, I think it will turn heads. I also think that more people need to see/hear what Trump says. While it is hard for me to even stomach listening to him, I think that normal people would be very turned off by what he says in his campaign speeches.

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We need both speech AND action, which the Pres is beginning to combine. Lots of folks don't pay attention at this point so it is, and will continue to be, important to remind voters as to just who has done what for America and whom it affects. Gotta start now and become relentless. The world depends on it!

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Well Steven, yes and no.

Biden's SOTU was terrific, instilled pride in America and in our President, and hit all the right talking points. It embarrassed the Republicans in several ways - both with Greene's ridiculous outbursts and attire and Britt's "kitchen-table" rebuttal. ( Since my fingers are a bit tired due to yesterday's all-day messaging - I will be brief.) I must have heard from 50 to 75 people yesterday and only one disagreed with my glowing assessment of the speech - which is that it "could not have been better." Biden's age disappeared in an hour-long whirlwind of youthful emotion and enthusiasm - it was an honest and informative narrative to the American people.

The "no" is that the mountains of disinformation and Trump's form of propaganda reaches every corner of our country. His constant attempts to paint Biden as too old by showing TV ads of Biden falling were even shown on MSNBC yesterday. Trump's almost intimate relationship with the Russians and their ability to hack into election information and probably even our polls, leaves me nervous.

Polls sway voters, and most Americans trust polls and their statistical numbers which in today's world of constant cyber attacks is naive. The poll information are splashed all over our nation and on all media sources (newspapers, tv, social media, etc.) and told us that our economy was failing under Biden and we would soon face a recession. The truth is totally opposite.. Biden has repaired our economy after Trump spent 49% more than income in 2020; Biden has paid down the debt created by Trump by a trillion dollars; due to Biden, the unemployment rate is now under 4% and he has created over one million jobs; and the economy is not just stable but the fastest growing in the world - again due to Biden. I no longer trust the polls and would recommend that news media and others do the same. Unfortunately, in an election year most media sources use polls to inform the American public. Well, what if they are - unbeknownst to them - using disinformation and Russian propaganda instead of the truth?

Putin has shouted from the highest peaks that "Trump will win the 2024 elections." The Russians helped put Trump into the White House in 2016, and have openly stated that election interference will continue. BELIEVE THEM FOLKS!!! If the polls are incorrectly tracked on CNN, MSNBC, ABC and others then it will be difficult if not impossible for Biden to maintain his post-SOTU ratings.

Elizabeth, www.democrazy2020.org

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I’ll be honest - I’ve been losing hope over the last few months with Donald continuing to get away with everything as he delays and delays. If Biden’s SOTU speech can bring more folks back to appreciating decency, that’s a good thing. Sadly it won’t change the minds of the cultists who are so brainwashed that they’d readily drink arsenic-laced koolaid if Donald or Bannon or the Faux News Network’s blathering heads said to.

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We don't need them, though. We need Democrats, moderate Republicans who can't stand Trump, and independents. I don't know if the speech resonated with the latter two groups but it did with me.

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Biden's State of the Union speech was a blistering supernova, an explosion of truth and righteousness that shook the very foundations of the political universe. The man was a force of nature, a hurricane of honesty, ripping through the lies and the deceit like the iconic moment of Pelosi ripping up 45s speech.

Can one speech change Biden's trajectory? Can a single match ignite a raging wildfire? You're damn right it can! This speech was a game-changer, a seismic shift in the tectonic plates of American politics. Biden stood tall, a colossus astride the stage, his words echoing through the halls of power like the voice of a god.

And let me tell you, my optimism is soaring; ready to kick ass and take names. Biden's words have lit a fire in my soul.

But make no mistake, the battle ahead will be a knockdown, drag-out brawl. The enemies of progress, the merchants of misery, they'll fight like cornered rats to maintain their stranglehold on the throats of the American people.

But we've got a secret weapon, a predecessor card, if you will, that will send them scurrying back to their holes: the unbreakable spirit of the American people, the unwavering commitment to the values of honesty, decency, dignity, and equality. These are the ideals that Biden embodies, the shining stars that will guide us through the tempest and lead us to the promised land.

The journey ahead may be fraught with peril, but with Biden as our fearless leader and the indomitable will of the people as our armor, there's no obstacle we cannot overcome, no challenge we cannot conquer. Let's ride! Let's storm the gates of injustice, one vote, one voice, one glorious crusade at a time!

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I believe, as I have since 2016, that the thing that brought us Trump, is the our apathy. We, collectively, do not appreciate the value of our privilege as Americans. In a contested election year a full third of us do not bother to vote. If we all vote this year, our privilege to be citizens of a democratic republic will continue. If we don't vote it's a toss up.

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The SOTU was excellent! A fabulous kick-off to the campaign season. The Republicans did everthing they could to make it more effective. The president played them like a fine-tuned instrument. Katie Britt's, melodramatic, not ready for prime time, response highlighted the, unserious, unthoughtful Republican positions better than any Democratic strategist could have scripted.

To use a sports analogy, I hesitate to call the SOTU address a game changer. With all due respect to pollsters, (for many, not much respect is due), we don't really know what the score is.

My hope is that President Biden can continue to showcase his intellect, quickness, political savvy, and determination. As you've already stated, that will be crucial. A large part of that is up to us at the grassroots level.

My fear is that Russia, Iran, and other bad actors will do everything they can to, with Republican support, steal attention away from the President's accomplishments and messages. The Trump courtroom drama, already does that to large extent. Unfortunately, much of the main stream media will abet those efforts.

President Biden and his team will continue his campaign. It's up to us to help The President expand his campaign at the financial and grassroots levels.

As a personal aside, I've watched loved ones and acquaintances fade into dementia. I've been shocked by how quickly the decline worsened as they reached the stage where Trump now appears to reside. We must be prepared for someone more competent than Trump to become the eventual nominee. That will require even more emphasis on President Biden's accomplishments and vision and the destructiveness of the MAGA/Republican, not just the Trumpian alternative.

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President Biden hit it outa the park. But then, he's always been a good politician, and he's always had at heart the people he represents.

The country is better off, because of the years of Biden's administration. Most people know that, and the maga propaganda can't cover that up. There's a reason that recent elections have been swinging ever more to the left. Folks get it. And Biden is real.

I'm looking forward optimistically to this November.

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I think his SOTU address was a HOMERUN. Now we just need to build on that and get the momentum and keep it till November. This address will go a long way in unifying Democrats. The bottom line is this: the election is about a choice between Democracy or Dictatorship. I expect after putting in the work all year, to see a Democratic landslide and the defeat of FASCISM. Period.

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President Biden delivered many reasons to vote for four more years of his administration. Anyone voting for trump because gas prices were higher or because they believe that he is a successful businessman or because they believe aborting a fertilized egg or deformed fetus is murder or because they believe he was sent by God or they believe rich people should pay less tax than the rest of us or they believe that he is a patriot or they believe that he can force himself on women against their will or they believe that there are Democrats in the basement of a pizza parlor promoting sex with children or that they can threaten others with assault and battery or that our love interest is wrong or that autocracy should replace democracy are an abomination (Leviticus 1776:2024)

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I agree with Richard Catalano! And I never had doubts about our President. He has had to fight his way forward from the first day of his presidency. He has good people working with him. I am tired

of republican lies and their candidates

Nazi playbook. Moving forward we all have work to do!

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President Biden has started out his campaign with a bang, and I hope a good beginning produces a good ending.He enumerated all he has and wishes to accomplish.He changed minds to believe the country is on a positive track. But we must also remember that people have short attention spans.Ever start telling someone something, they are interested, before you are finished, person is interrupted by something, wanders off and forgets all about you? Eight months is a long time to keep up the momentum. I am glad cabinet members will go on the road. Candidates for congress could also put in a word for the president, though I have wondered if some of the more all for me ones have not participated in doing so in case they wouldn't get the votes of people who don't like Biden.

Perhaps as he travels from state to state, instead of reiterating his SOTU speech, he could reflect on the problems, interests of each individual state and address them and how he has and could help.Make it personal. Wear the state flower in his lapel. Add some local humor if appropriate.

No matter what age you are, you get tired.Ask young nurses and doctors who do 12 hour shifts if they are still full of pep at the end.How many never know the ending of a TV movie because they fell asleep?How many NJ commuters who work in NYC fall asleep at the dinner table? And so, the President will need the help of others. Don't forget also, that at the same time he is campaigning, he must also govern. There are only so many hours in the day, and there are a lot of problems facing him, needing his attention and time. Neglecting that would be media news and lower approval. I believe he will have to find a way to supersede the House and confront the immigrant problem by himself. The Republicans are not going against trump orders to help him. He should also put Governor Abbott in his place. That man is the Jefferson Davis of the border states.

Now that Republicans can no longer call him Sleepy Joe, they cite anger, shouting, whatever negative comes to mind.How arrogant considering the vitriol that spews from trump's mouth.

We should also thank Senator Britt , purveyor of disaster and nightmare of the Republican Party.

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