Yes, this is a time of tumult and uncertainty. Worry and doubt are unavoidable, especially as we witness the aggressive plotting for a hostile takeover on Jan. 20. But even as we head deeper into this reckless chapter, let’s not lose sight that we will survive if we hold onto our sanity and do what we can to limit the damage.
That means not getting swept up with all the talk going around about “it’s over” and “we won’t survive this.” I’m not naive to the gravity, I am just not convinced these people are capable of destroying everything and I am convinced there are many good, capable and committed people who will not roll over and take it. That includes many of you in the America, America community, whose thoughtfulness and engagement I treasure.
That’s one of the reasons I am thankful this year.
More immediately, I hope you will experience a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Eat too much, laugh hard, swap sentimental stories, hug your loved ones, remember the reasons in your own life to be thankful. Do it even if your cranky uncle or wayward cousin is a Trump voter and is determined to lord it over you.
Soon we’ll be back in the hunt to make sense of our world and push back against the worst among us. But for now, please relish the chance to nourish yourself without distraction.
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Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you especially for not giving up.
Wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings, Steven. I am grateful to you for standing strong against the travesty to come. If we don’t give up, we’ll win in the end.