No one is above the law. It’s a sacrosanct principle, tattered by a White House occupant who made clear that he believed the law does not apply to him. It can be discouraging to hear people say that they don’t think Donald Trump or his enablers will be held accountable for their crimes. This assumes that you don’t believe the rule of law applies to everyone.
In Friday’s post, The Duty to Save Lives, I sought to detail some of Trump’s flagrant transgressions of the last year and the prospects for holding him criminally liable. That same piece also highlighted the inspiring and constructive steps President Biden is taking for the US to overcome the pandemic.
I intend to keep sharing thoughts of hope and reasons for alarm. I expect to continue reflecting on the criminality and corruption of the last four years so that we better understand and don’t forget what happened, and so that we keep the pressure on until justice is served.
Here is my question: Do you believe in the principle that no one is above the law and that Trump will be held accountable for at least some of his crimes? And, as a related question, do you prefer that America, America shares more stories of hope and optimism — or emphasizes the people and forces that continue to hold our democracy back?
For now, until this becomes a feature only for paid subscribers, this forum is open to everyone. I hope you will take part in the discussion — with me and with each other. As I have said, we may read and write alone, but we drive change together. I hope to hear from you.
Justice is blind. Our government and the constitution are worthless if the law is not respected, and enforced equally. We need to be so much better at this. No one is above the law or should be unfairly oppressed by it. Up until now Presidents' only punishment has been recorded history. The amount and depth of damage this past administration has caused can not be ignored. The pandering, profiteering, and corruption. The insurrection designed, encouraged, and launched to suppress the results of a legitimate election can not be swept away. Our congress is infected by those who do not adhere to or respect law or government. We must do better. Law is meant to sort out the truth and serve justice. It should not be a game of rules to be turned and twisted to ensure the winner to be the smartest game player.
Thanks for this, Lee. I think the DoJ investigation and prosecution of the 1/6 insurrection will be a critical demonstration of our justice system and the commitment to equal justice. That means holding accountable the insurrectionists who entered the Capitol and all those who incited them or otherwise assisted them, including members of Congress and the former White House occupant.
I really appreciate the opportunity to give my opinion as to the type and style I prefer for daily writings of America, America.
I have followed you for many years on Twitter. I learned a lot about Presidential history which helped me see that there was hope that our Republic could possibly survive the Criminal that our country elected as our President in 2016.
I think so many Americans believed that
nobody could be stupid enough to believe *45's Anti-Americanism rhetoric. So everyone reported on it as if it could not possibly come to fruition. (With so many of us on Twitter screaming out loud into the void to "pay attention") The end result being that the last 4-ish months prior to the election we all had to scramble to report and teach our fellow Americans the truth. That *45 and his Seditionist GOP minions are deliberately dangerous .
To answer your question about what types of of readings I would like; both would be a good answer but I consider our time frame before the next Midterm so short that I think percentages of 20/80 is best. Hopeful at 20% and Reality based hold feet to fire alert types at 80%.
I thank you for taking the baton. Your writings brighten my day and can provoke thoughtful discussions to help find solutions.
Uplifting those working to extend the franchise, certainly.
But outrage without action is impotent.
Subscribers like me might want something to do. I'm not sure what form this would take. I have engaged in campaign voter contact and get out the vote activities, but we're not electing anyone that I can tell. What form would that take. Many of us may be willing to participate.
Phone banking? Letter writing? Submitting articles to local newspapers opinion pages?
Me! When I read or hear of situations my first reaction is how can I help. Now I’m sending postcards to Congress & I’m boycotting any products or services to companies supportive of Rep or companies that do not favor $15.00 an hour. It is slow right now, but it will pick up!
Every time another suspect (of 1/6 insurrection) is arrested, I feel a bit better. I recall the old system of the US where wrongdoers are just that. There isn't any justification for violating the laws or norms. Those artifacts, those laws, norms, or standard practices, give us security as a people and culture. Without those fixtures, we are all vulnerable. I recall after Watergate how one suspect after another came under scrutiny. We need that. We don't need a chokehold to show us "respect." Respect comes from our sustained adherence to the tenets of democracy. How did we lose sight of that?
The situation isn’t whether people of sound mind believe that Trump and his coterie should be held responsible for their actions (and inactions). However, the nagging question is that with 42-45% of the population having voted for him... and still believing him... “justice” would NOT be accountability for his “crimes”, for they see none. This is our conundrum. Where is the point on the spectrum where the vast majority of the country can agree is “truth”? I don’t think anyone knows. I’m not sure anyone is asking that question. Our left/right, liberal/conservative, Dem/GOP thinking is so siloed that we can’t see or hear each other. Unlike any other President in our history (save, perhaps, Lincoln) the gulf between the different Americas has never been wider. Unfortunately, no one on “TrumpIsland” would think to consider any idea other than that as promulgated by “Dear Leader” and his purse puppies.
Our Justice System,although not perfect, is plenty capable of prosecuting Trump fairly and squarely,just like the election was won by Biden. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have the Trump supporters agree with the verdict once a jury of his peers has spoken.Justice is not a relative concept,it doesn’t depend on whether those who are blindly on the side of the defendant see it differently.Justice is an absolute concept, because it results from evaluation of facts, which are not relative either, from the careful evaluation of the evidence by an impartial jury. Again, Justice is one in our Democracy,and is defined once the Jury Has Spoken.And since the system is not perfect, the process of Appeals is readily available.If on appeal what’s declared as Justice is different once the new Jury or a Judge has spoken,our system still produced the one and only Justice it could best deliver after putting together all the available facts. So, at any given time, Justice is one,irrespective of what percentage of the population agrees with the jury’s decision . And the truth,the facts are also one.We do the best we can to find them, to identify them. And we can achieve that goal by searching for them through the lens of honesty and objectivity.As It’s been said so many, many times before, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts”
Thank you for the opportunity to give my opinion about the direction of your daily writing. I believe equal justice under the law is an aspirational statement, not a reflection of current reality. We have seen the rich and powerful get away with lifetimes of crime and corruption, when two-bit drug crimes are harshly punished with incarceration, fines and lifelong branding of "felon." That being said, I do think ultimately Trump will face some kind of consequence. It probably won't be related to anything he did in office, but I am sure there is plenty that will come to light given all the work being done in New York.
I'd like to see you focus on what can be done; how the current administration is working, while being grounded in reality. For example--all of the work being done to roll back voting rights. Will it really work the way Republicans think it will? Or will it rile up the very people they are trying to keep away from the polls and lead to higher levels of citizen engagement in local and national government?
This should not even be a question. The answer must be “Yes, without a doubt, without any discussion; and must be commensurate with the crimes”
Politicians, the wealthy and the faux-wealthy must be held to the same standards of the rest of us. Without that standard, there are no standards of acceptable behavior and society sinks to the level of chaos.
I do believe that America will stand on the principle that no one is above the law. But as we all are aware, the wheels of justice move slowly and we will need patience as we weave our way through all of the last four years.
Hmm..good question. Perhaps it’s not either / or. Perhaps there can be a of focus on Dark Money, the reality of White Supremacy and the reality that one of America’s major political parties prefers autocracy. And then, also, inspiring articles on the goodness that is truly all around us, in regular Americans and in public figures like Stacey Abrams. Maybe like, every other post, can switch back and forth? As for the first question. I believe Dark Money is still protecting Trump. And the Trump Crime Family will be held accountable. But it will be a long and difficult slog for the prosecutors. Donald is taking down Cuomo, and plans to take down anyone else with whom he holds a vendetta. It will be a long, exhausting time.
How can you take an oath to uphold the US Constitution and not be held accountable to its laws? The argument that you are above the laws you have sworn to uphold is specious and perverse. Thankfully, his position is unlikely to be upheld by the Supreme Court he populated.
I believe no one is above the law but that doesn’t carry any weight when so many of our leaders and much of our population can’t even get behind truth and support lies.
My soul aches for justice and accountability to prevail. My head isn’t convinced it’ll happen but having Merrick Garland confirmed and in office as AG is very encouraging. The fight to protect the right to vote and for bringing the criminals of the previous administration and the insurrectionists to justice to demonstrate to the country and the world that those actions will not be tolerated seem to me to be the knife edge on which the American Democratic experiment survives or fails in the next few years. Thanks for posting, I enjoy your thoughtful perspective.
Yes, I do believe that the other guy will be held accountable. I positively agree that no one is above the law, but I have been devastated over the twisting that the other guy has done to avoid accountability. But, I will not allow myself to despair if he gets out of it, again. About the second question....I want you to focus & write about what YOU feel needs to be said. If everything is bleak, and that’s what you feel, say it. Your gift is not following a recipe. You are a positive person so instinctively you share negative news/issues in a fair, balanced & positive way. Part of the devastating effect that the other guy has had on us is his delusional view of things. He can make you feel that you are nuts. That you are out of step. During this pandemic with socialization at a minimum, the continuing hypocrisy of the Rep party can really distort things for the average Am. You may be the only voice they hear that reinforces the insanity they’re hearing. You validate the perceptions of people by simply stating your perspective. And that, gives hope. Write what you comes to you. Ask God for the words. Your words, in good times, and not so good times, is an art. Beautifully crafted to move, heal, educate, mesmerize and strengthen your reader.
Just like I have said Biden was meant for this job right now. That all of his life’s experiences have prepared him for what he faces, now. I believe the same about you. Your life has prepared you for this curve ball. You were meant to fortify & nurture Americans so we are equipped to fight for our democracy. You have stepped up, using your skill set, to strengthen & rebuild our democracy. I’m so proud of you. You are a good American. You encourage me to think, reflect, formulate opinions and get involved. Thank you!
In the 5th Democratic debate in 11/2019, when asked whether he would support Trump being prosecuted,Biden stated that he wouldn’t tell his DOJ who should be prosecuted or who should be exonerated; that he would let DOJ make their own judgment and he would go along with their decisions. However,In his first public interview as President,with People Magazine,Biden said, referring to Trump, that he’s “ not looking for any retribution”. “ My job is to heal the country and move the country forward”. And since then,It’s been widely reported that Biden has communicated to his aides that investigations of Trump would further divide a country which he’s trying to unite.That he doesn’t want his presidency to be consumed by investigations of Trump.So, no matter how many times AG Garland says he will make his decisions without allowing the President or anybody else influence him,He’s well aware of Biden’s preference regarding the matter. I think one would have to be quite naive to believe that Biden’s well publicized views on the issue will have no influence on Garland & his DOJ.So I have a gut-wrenching feeling that Garland will try to find some way to justify not prosecuting Trump for Incitement of Insurrection, simply because he’ll want to grant Biden’s wish of being allowed to implement his agenda without Trump’s legal matters getting in the way.But as a citizen,I believe and feel strongly that not prosecuting Trump just because Biden doesn’t want it to essentially” rain on his parade” ,because he doesn’t want it to interfere with his desire to have a smoothly successful Presidency, would be unconscionable.
I also understand that Biden wants to avoid the “Optics” of him seemingly going after Trump for the wrong reasons,and the DOJ of appearing politicized. But in this case more than any in politics, considerations of “Optics”must not impede the delivery of Justice. Trump committed numerous, outrageous attacks against our Democracy,and should have been convicted in the first Impeachment; but his final, unthinkable,egregious offense of trying to overturn the will of the majority of the American people by outright denying the result of the election, was equivalent to trying to strangle the soul of our democratic system of government, the will of the people freely expressed at the ballot box. And in doing so ,taking it as far as trying to get election officials to break the law; and at the end, when he had failed after trying every avenue to get his biggest lie ever to stand,Trump attempted to achieve his depraved goal by inciting Pence to thwart the certification of the Electoral votes by Congress and, as back up, Inciting his followers to commit an Insurrection-which resulted in catastrophic,even deadly consequences- against our Democracy; in order to violently prevent the will of the American people from taking its final step to place the reins in the hands of their chosen leader.
Trump’s second acquittal in the Senate, no matter how good a job the Impeachment Managers would do,was a foregone conclusion. Republicans fear of being thrown out of office by Trump’s followers has driven their shameful enabling of, support for, Trump all along, and will not end as long as his followers stick with him; and stick they will.
Trump must be prosecuted by DOJ for Incitement to Insurrection,and judged by an impartial jury. I believe a guilty verdict will be the final outcome.
If Garland, because of Biden’s overt signaling, decided not to prosecute Trump, Biden would have committed an offense pretty similar in spirit as that committed by Republicans in Congress: Prevent Trump being finally brought to face Justice because of wanting to avoid the millions of Trump supporters getting in the way of the success he’s set out to achieve in his Presidency.
AG Garland must make the right judgment; he must make Trump accountable,bring him to face the long overdue Justice. Have his DOJ Breath full life into the principle “ No One Is Above The Law”.
Let those words be ,here and now,as alive and meaningful as our Constitution.
While I like to think of myself as an optimist, I would prefer that you "emphasize the people and forces that continue to hold our democracy back". Until we deal with those who have tried to thwart our democratic principles, we cannot move on to feeling hopeful.
What about 10% for the " big guy"".. Will biden and Hunter be held accountable for their china graft?.. somehow I doubt it .. they have rat Media toady press running interference.. Will biden be held accountable for the border being overrun?.. somehow I doubt it
I wholeheartedly agree that no one should be above the law. They should also have a fair transparent and unbiased trial if sufficient evidence under the law is found.
But again no exceptions. Should Hunter Biden's laptop,providing obvious points of concern,be swept aside and forgotten?
I'm an independent as far as my political leanings and thoroughly agree; no one is above the law regardless of current party power.
This is why,seeing our justice system becoming more politicized everyday disturbs me so much.
Any thoughts as to how we can stop this progression and ensure what every American is promised under the constitution ,a fair trial without loopholes for the rich and powerful.
Unequivocally, Trump should be indicted, along with all those in Congress who aided and abetted him by lying to and inciting his supporters. While I realize that Biden doesn't want to "rock the boat" and would rather move forward without criminal prosecutions to impede his progress, I don't see how this country is every going to heal and become united once more, without those prosecutions taking place. We cannot allow such criminal actions and behavior to become mainstream in our government, or this country will for sure die a terribly, divided death. Trump has to be brought to justice; it's the only way in which those who still support him might possibly come to the realization that he is, and always was, a criminal and a conman.
In regard to the information you provide Steven, I'm new to America, America, so I can't talk about any past experience, but I can provide my personal preference - Please feel free to write about whatever you deem important enough to share. I don't see why there has to be a particular balance, as news isn't balanced, so why should we expect your pieces to be?
Justice is blind. Our government and the constitution are worthless if the law is not respected, and enforced equally. We need to be so much better at this. No one is above the law or should be unfairly oppressed by it. Up until now Presidents' only punishment has been recorded history. The amount and depth of damage this past administration has caused can not be ignored. The pandering, profiteering, and corruption. The insurrection designed, encouraged, and launched to suppress the results of a legitimate election can not be swept away. Our congress is infected by those who do not adhere to or respect law or government. We must do better. Law is meant to sort out the truth and serve justice. It should not be a game of rules to be turned and twisted to ensure the winner to be the smartest game player.
Thanks for this, Lee. I think the DoJ investigation and prosecution of the 1/6 insurrection will be a critical demonstration of our justice system and the commitment to equal justice. That means holding accountable the insurrectionists who entered the Capitol and all those who incited them or otherwise assisted them, including members of Congress and the former White House occupant.
I wish I had your confidence.
Hi Steven,
I really appreciate the opportunity to give my opinion as to the type and style I prefer for daily writings of America, America.
I have followed you for many years on Twitter. I learned a lot about Presidential history which helped me see that there was hope that our Republic could possibly survive the Criminal that our country elected as our President in 2016.
I think so many Americans believed that
nobody could be stupid enough to believe *45's Anti-Americanism rhetoric. So everyone reported on it as if it could not possibly come to fruition. (With so many of us on Twitter screaming out loud into the void to "pay attention") The end result being that the last 4-ish months prior to the election we all had to scramble to report and teach our fellow Americans the truth. That *45 and his Seditionist GOP minions are deliberately dangerous .
To answer your question about what types of of readings I would like; both would be a good answer but I consider our time frame before the next Midterm so short that I think percentages of 20/80 is best. Hopeful at 20% and Reality based hold feet to fire alert types at 80%.
I thank you for taking the baton. Your writings brighten my day and can provoke thoughtful discussions to help find solutions.
Thank you for the kind words. No question there’s a need to keep taking a clear look at the people and forces holding our democracy back.
Accountability absolutely.
Exposing those undermining democracy, of course.
Uplifting those working to extend the franchise, certainly.
But outrage without action is impotent.
Subscribers like me might want something to do. I'm not sure what form this would take. I have engaged in campaign voter contact and get out the vote activities, but we're not electing anyone that I can tell. What form would that take. Many of us may be willing to participate.
Phone banking? Letter writing? Submitting articles to local newspapers opinion pages?
Anybody else?
Me! When I read or hear of situations my first reaction is how can I help. Now I’m sending postcards to Congress & I’m boycotting any products or services to companies supportive of Rep or companies that do not favor $15.00 an hour. It is slow right now, but it will pick up!
I say yes to both questions, we should focus on hope and restoration and hold T**** accountable.
Every time another suspect (of 1/6 insurrection) is arrested, I feel a bit better. I recall the old system of the US where wrongdoers are just that. There isn't any justification for violating the laws or norms. Those artifacts, those laws, norms, or standard practices, give us security as a people and culture. Without those fixtures, we are all vulnerable. I recall after Watergate how one suspect after another came under scrutiny. We need that. We don't need a chokehold to show us "respect." Respect comes from our sustained adherence to the tenets of democracy. How did we lose sight of that?
The situation isn’t whether people of sound mind believe that Trump and his coterie should be held responsible for their actions (and inactions). However, the nagging question is that with 42-45% of the population having voted for him... and still believing him... “justice” would NOT be accountability for his “crimes”, for they see none. This is our conundrum. Where is the point on the spectrum where the vast majority of the country can agree is “truth”? I don’t think anyone knows. I’m not sure anyone is asking that question. Our left/right, liberal/conservative, Dem/GOP thinking is so siloed that we can’t see or hear each other. Unlike any other President in our history (save, perhaps, Lincoln) the gulf between the different Americas has never been wider. Unfortunately, no one on “TrumpIsland” would think to consider any idea other than that as promulgated by “Dear Leader” and his purse puppies.
Our Justice System,although not perfect, is plenty capable of prosecuting Trump fairly and squarely,just like the election was won by Biden. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have the Trump supporters agree with the verdict once a jury of his peers has spoken.Justice is not a relative concept,it doesn’t depend on whether those who are blindly on the side of the defendant see it differently.Justice is an absolute concept, because it results from evaluation of facts, which are not relative either, from the careful evaluation of the evidence by an impartial jury. Again, Justice is one in our Democracy,and is defined once the Jury Has Spoken.And since the system is not perfect, the process of Appeals is readily available.If on appeal what’s declared as Justice is different once the new Jury or a Judge has spoken,our system still produced the one and only Justice it could best deliver after putting together all the available facts. So, at any given time, Justice is one,irrespective of what percentage of the population agrees with the jury’s decision . And the truth,the facts are also one.We do the best we can to find them, to identify them. And we can achieve that goal by searching for them through the lens of honesty and objectivity.As It’s been said so many, many times before, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts”
Thank you for the opportunity to give my opinion about the direction of your daily writing. I believe equal justice under the law is an aspirational statement, not a reflection of current reality. We have seen the rich and powerful get away with lifetimes of crime and corruption, when two-bit drug crimes are harshly punished with incarceration, fines and lifelong branding of "felon." That being said, I do think ultimately Trump will face some kind of consequence. It probably won't be related to anything he did in office, but I am sure there is plenty that will come to light given all the work being done in New York.
I'd like to see you focus on what can be done; how the current administration is working, while being grounded in reality. For example--all of the work being done to roll back voting rights. Will it really work the way Republicans think it will? Or will it rile up the very people they are trying to keep away from the polls and lead to higher levels of citizen engagement in local and national government?
This should not even be a question. The answer must be “Yes, without a doubt, without any discussion; and must be commensurate with the crimes”
Politicians, the wealthy and the faux-wealthy must be held to the same standards of the rest of us. Without that standard, there are no standards of acceptable behavior and society sinks to the level of chaos.
I do believe that America will stand on the principle that no one is above the law. But as we all are aware, the wheels of justice move slowly and we will need patience as we weave our way through all of the last four years.
Hmm..good question. Perhaps it’s not either / or. Perhaps there can be a of focus on Dark Money, the reality of White Supremacy and the reality that one of America’s major political parties prefers autocracy. And then, also, inspiring articles on the goodness that is truly all around us, in regular Americans and in public figures like Stacey Abrams. Maybe like, every other post, can switch back and forth? As for the first question. I believe Dark Money is still protecting Trump. And the Trump Crime Family will be held accountable. But it will be a long and difficult slog for the prosecutors. Donald is taking down Cuomo, and plans to take down anyone else with whom he holds a vendetta. It will be a long, exhausting time.
How can you take an oath to uphold the US Constitution and not be held accountable to its laws? The argument that you are above the laws you have sworn to uphold is specious and perverse. Thankfully, his position is unlikely to be upheld by the Supreme Court he populated.
I believe no one is above the law but that doesn’t carry any weight when so many of our leaders and much of our population can’t even get behind truth and support lies.
My soul aches for justice and accountability to prevail. My head isn’t convinced it’ll happen but having Merrick Garland confirmed and in office as AG is very encouraging. The fight to protect the right to vote and for bringing the criminals of the previous administration and the insurrectionists to justice to demonstrate to the country and the world that those actions will not be tolerated seem to me to be the knife edge on which the American Democratic experiment survives or fails in the next few years. Thanks for posting, I enjoy your thoughtful perspective.
Trump MUST be held accountable. Stories of hope and optimism are critical; but so is the recognition of the forces against which we must fight.
Yes, I do believe that the other guy will be held accountable. I positively agree that no one is above the law, but I have been devastated over the twisting that the other guy has done to avoid accountability. But, I will not allow myself to despair if he gets out of it, again. About the second question....I want you to focus & write about what YOU feel needs to be said. If everything is bleak, and that’s what you feel, say it. Your gift is not following a recipe. You are a positive person so instinctively you share negative news/issues in a fair, balanced & positive way. Part of the devastating effect that the other guy has had on us is his delusional view of things. He can make you feel that you are nuts. That you are out of step. During this pandemic with socialization at a minimum, the continuing hypocrisy of the Rep party can really distort things for the average Am. You may be the only voice they hear that reinforces the insanity they’re hearing. You validate the perceptions of people by simply stating your perspective. And that, gives hope. Write what you comes to you. Ask God for the words. Your words, in good times, and not so good times, is an art. Beautifully crafted to move, heal, educate, mesmerize and strengthen your reader.
Just like I have said Biden was meant for this job right now. That all of his life’s experiences have prepared him for what he faces, now. I believe the same about you. Your life has prepared you for this curve ball. You were meant to fortify & nurture Americans so we are equipped to fight for our democracy. You have stepped up, using your skill set, to strengthen & rebuild our democracy. I’m so proud of you. You are a good American. You encourage me to think, reflect, formulate opinions and get involved. Thank you!
Thanks for these encouraging words. I feel this work as my duty. I’m so glad it has value for you and others.
In the 5th Democratic debate in 11/2019, when asked whether he would support Trump being prosecuted,Biden stated that he wouldn’t tell his DOJ who should be prosecuted or who should be exonerated; that he would let DOJ make their own judgment and he would go along with their decisions. However,In his first public interview as President,with People Magazine,Biden said, referring to Trump, that he’s “ not looking for any retribution”. “ My job is to heal the country and move the country forward”. And since then,It’s been widely reported that Biden has communicated to his aides that investigations of Trump would further divide a country which he’s trying to unite.That he doesn’t want his presidency to be consumed by investigations of Trump.So, no matter how many times AG Garland says he will make his decisions without allowing the President or anybody else influence him,He’s well aware of Biden’s preference regarding the matter. I think one would have to be quite naive to believe that Biden’s well publicized views on the issue will have no influence on Garland & his DOJ.So I have a gut-wrenching feeling that Garland will try to find some way to justify not prosecuting Trump for Incitement of Insurrection, simply because he’ll want to grant Biden’s wish of being allowed to implement his agenda without Trump’s legal matters getting in the way.But as a citizen,I believe and feel strongly that not prosecuting Trump just because Biden doesn’t want it to essentially” rain on his parade” ,because he doesn’t want it to interfere with his desire to have a smoothly successful Presidency, would be unconscionable.
I also understand that Biden wants to avoid the “Optics” of him seemingly going after Trump for the wrong reasons,and the DOJ of appearing politicized. But in this case more than any in politics, considerations of “Optics”must not impede the delivery of Justice. Trump committed numerous, outrageous attacks against our Democracy,and should have been convicted in the first Impeachment; but his final, unthinkable,egregious offense of trying to overturn the will of the majority of the American people by outright denying the result of the election, was equivalent to trying to strangle the soul of our democratic system of government, the will of the people freely expressed at the ballot box. And in doing so ,taking it as far as trying to get election officials to break the law; and at the end, when he had failed after trying every avenue to get his biggest lie ever to stand,Trump attempted to achieve his depraved goal by inciting Pence to thwart the certification of the Electoral votes by Congress and, as back up, Inciting his followers to commit an Insurrection-which resulted in catastrophic,even deadly consequences- against our Democracy; in order to violently prevent the will of the American people from taking its final step to place the reins in the hands of their chosen leader.
Trump’s second acquittal in the Senate, no matter how good a job the Impeachment Managers would do,was a foregone conclusion. Republicans fear of being thrown out of office by Trump’s followers has driven their shameful enabling of, support for, Trump all along, and will not end as long as his followers stick with him; and stick they will.
Trump must be prosecuted by DOJ for Incitement to Insurrection,and judged by an impartial jury. I believe a guilty verdict will be the final outcome.
If Garland, because of Biden’s overt signaling, decided not to prosecute Trump, Biden would have committed an offense pretty similar in spirit as that committed by Republicans in Congress: Prevent Trump being finally brought to face Justice because of wanting to avoid the millions of Trump supporters getting in the way of the success he’s set out to achieve in his Presidency.
AG Garland must make the right judgment; he must make Trump accountable,bring him to face the long overdue Justice. Have his DOJ Breath full life into the principle “ No One Is Above The Law”.
Let those words be ,here and now,as alive and meaningful as our Constitution.
While I like to think of myself as an optimist, I would prefer that you "emphasize the people and forces that continue to hold our democracy back". Until we deal with those who have tried to thwart our democratic principles, we cannot move on to feeling hopeful.
I believe it as an ideal. I do not believe that it is true of our current legal system.
What about 10% for the " big guy"".. Will biden and Hunter be held accountable for their china graft?.. somehow I doubt it .. they have rat Media toady press running interference.. Will biden be held accountable for the border being overrun?.. somehow I doubt it
What about Biden’s transgressions? Will anyone hold him accountable?
I wholeheartedly agree that no one should be above the law. They should also have a fair transparent and unbiased trial if sufficient evidence under the law is found.
But again no exceptions. Should Hunter Biden's laptop,providing obvious points of concern,be swept aside and forgotten?
I'm an independent as far as my political leanings and thoroughly agree; no one is above the law regardless of current party power.
This is why,seeing our justice system becoming more politicized everyday disturbs me so much.
Any thoughts as to how we can stop this progression and ensure what every American is promised under the constitution ,a fair trial without loopholes for the rich and powerful.
In short,justice.
Unequivocally, Trump should be indicted, along with all those in Congress who aided and abetted him by lying to and inciting his supporters. While I realize that Biden doesn't want to "rock the boat" and would rather move forward without criminal prosecutions to impede his progress, I don't see how this country is every going to heal and become united once more, without those prosecutions taking place. We cannot allow such criminal actions and behavior to become mainstream in our government, or this country will for sure die a terribly, divided death. Trump has to be brought to justice; it's the only way in which those who still support him might possibly come to the realization that he is, and always was, a criminal and a conman.
In regard to the information you provide Steven, I'm new to America, America, so I can't talk about any past experience, but I can provide my personal preference - Please feel free to write about whatever you deem important enough to share. I don't see why there has to be a particular balance, as news isn't balanced, so why should we expect your pieces to be?
Yes absolutely
The Middle Way. Please give us your insights on what’s happening in both the “good” and the “bad.”. Your perspective is always of value.
As to “that guy” i believe he and his family and his cronies are not above the law and need to be called to account for all they have done.