The Danger of Normalizing Trump
Trump's post about a "unified Reich" was another warning that his vile rhetoric and attraction to the Nazis must not be ignored

This week Donald Trump posted on Truth Social a 30-second video with fake newspaper headlines noting “Trump Wins!” and asking “What’s next for America?” Included in the related imagery was a reference to “German industrial strength” and “the creation of a unified Reich.”
As the criticism mounted about this thinly veiled connection to Nazi Germany—even among some Republicans—the Trump campaign came up with a not believable excuse. This video was created by some “random” account and some unknowing Trump “staffer” did it while Trump was in court, even though Trump boasts that he controls his own social media.
But the damage—the likely purpose—was already achieved. This “Reich” reference was another reminder of Trump’s attraction to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. The “Third Reich” was Hitler’s aspiration to build and control a global empire. The “unified reich” text in the posted video was another shoutout to the white nationalist crowd that fervently backs the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee.
“A unified Reich? That’s not the language of an American president, that’s not the language of any American. It’s the language of Hitler’s Germany,” President Joe Biden said.
In fact, this was the just latest expression of Hitlerian language, which should not be dismissed as just another effort to trigger the libs and excite his cult. It should be seen as part of a methodical effort to familiarize the public with the depraved rhetoric and thinking of the Nazis and a glimpse into the future that Trump yearns to achieve.
“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Trump said during a Veterans’ Day speech last November. He added that “the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within.”
That Nazi talk about “vermin” followed attacks by Trump a month earlier that immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country, “ echoing Hitler’s Mein Kampf and his discussion of subhuman Jews causing the “contamination of the blood.”
This too was not news: Back in 2018, Trump condemned illegal immigrants who “infest” America—dehumanizing language that shook anyone who recognized its similarity to Nazi references to Jews as rats who infested Germany. A year earlier, we all recall he was praising “very fine people” among neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville who were carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us.”
The repetitive frequency of Trump’s repellant rhetoric should not be dismissed as not serious, no reason to worry or merely vile but insignificant insults by a shameful bigot. Rather, this should be understood as part of his continuing effort to degrade and dehumanize people, to normalize this sick verbiage and message, and prepare the public for the changes he hungers to make.
Keep in mind the Project 2025 intention to round up millions of immigrants with the aid of the military, put them in camps and deport them without due process. You can be sure there will be plenty more cruel and dehumanizing language to strengthen the public’s acquiescence to his campaign of vengeance and retribution.
And, if Trump retakes the White House, don’t dismiss the possibility that this rounding up—this desire to “root out” undesirables—will eventually include a wide range of political rivals and other perceived enemies who will fall under Trump’s broad banner of hate: “communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs.” It’s one pledge we can expect that this carnage-loving, minority-hating man will deliver on.
All of this hateful name-calling likely sounds kooky to reasonable ears, a sad echo of a tragic past that no sane person would want to recreate. But America continues to suffer from its reluctance to take Trump and his power-hungry enablers seriously, especially when the fascistic language and ideas seem so far over the bend.
With all that we have seen and learned in the last nine years, it’s not hyperbolic to note that there were plenty of Germans who did not take Hitler seriously and thought his influence and Nazi Party would be a passing thing. It was just a matter of time before sanity and decency would reassert itself, right? It’s exactly the self-satisfied and often indifferent attitude that laid the groundwork for murdering six million Jews and sending millions of others to their graves.
But getting there took preparation, not the least of which was the deadly plotting and the gradual changes in laws and regulations that prepared the population to tolerate and increasingly applaud the growing violence and persecution. You can see it in the more than 400 decrees and directives, rules and regulations that restricted the lives of Jews in Germany.
In 1933, German law limited the number of Jewish students in universities, as well as restricted “Jewish activity” in law and medicine. Jewish doctors lost reimbursements from public insurance funds. Jewish doctors in Munich could no longer treat non-Jewish patients. Jewish lawyers in Berlin were barred from their legal work.
In 1934, Jewish actors could no longer legally perform on stage or screen. By 1935, Jewish authors could not be cited in legal opinions, Jewish military officers were thrown out of the Army, Jewish university students could not complete their doctoral work. In 1936, Jewish veterinarians and and teachers were expelled from their work.
The antisemitic laws and efforts to segregate the Jewish population intensified. By October 1938, Jewish passports were invalidated and Jews were required to carry identity cards stamped with a red “J.”
The following month, on November 8, 1938, these step-by-step restrictions created the hostile environment for Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass, when Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were vandalized, set on fire, destroyed. In the coming days, Jews were banned from public schools, theaters and sports facilities and forbidden from entering other “Aryan” spaces. The conditions were in place to desensitize decent Germans from the escalating inhumanity, as if the mounting horrors were not their problem.
All through the Trump years, I hesitated making direct connections between his language, behavior and practices to Hitler and the Nazis. The still-incomprehensible scale of that tragedy demands precious care; evoking Hitler and the Holocaust to trigger a reaction is to dilute the meaning of that ultimate failure of human civilization.
But that history never strayed far from my mind as we all witnessed the continuing degradations and desecrations of the Trump presidency—and the rise in hate crimes, bigotry and hostility toward immigrants. I heard Trump’s comments in March that Jews who vote for Democrats “hate Israel” and “hate their religion” as yet another warning. Several weeks ago, he intensified his attack: “If you're Jewish and you vote for [Biden], I say shame on you.”
In those early days after Trump was elected, I worried about the future. “The normal instinct is to adapt to reality,” I wrote on Twitter on Nov. 17, 2016. “It will take constant vigilance to avoid normalizing Trump.”
Nearly eight years later, that remains true—maybe even more so as his enablers are more determined to do his bidding and free him from the constraints of democratic governance.
I see the coming months leading up to this November as a critical time to envision what the future could be if a “day one dictator” grabs the levers of power. This time he would be thoroughly surrounded by red-tie, red-hatted enablers desperate to gain proximity to power and do his bidding. This time they would no longer experience shame and would be more determined to kowtow to their leader’s vengeful whims and his hostility to democracy, justice and the rule of law.
The appalling parade by dozens of them to attack justice and the rule of law inside and outside the Manhattan courtroom in recent weeks is a chilling warning to pay attention. The groundwork for an accelerated campaign of retribution has been years in the making. But that trajectory is not inevitable if we recognize and respond to the danger.
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This is such an important piece, Steven. The year-by-year account of Hitler’s reign over Germany tracks with what I have imagined the intensification of Trump cruelty and degradation, should he be permitted by his unwitting and/or benevolent supporters, to take power this November. In the past, I never referred to anyone ascending to the presidency of the United States as someone who ‘takes power’. Power used to be the tool that presidents knew they possessed and could wield, but they also knew the responsibility of that power. The Presidency was to be used for the common good…full stop. We’ve had to completely revise the way we think about power in this country, since Trump and his supporters mean to use it for evil purposes…to hoard it and keep it for themselves, like the last crust of bread they will ever possess.
Now we know that unbridled power is the sole and stated goal of Trump and the MAGA movement. Perhaps we should try to imagine what would or could happen in the first year of a new Trump regime…and then the second…third…fourth…and so on. Would he turn on a lot of heat immediately, or are we in for a slow boil? We know migrants would suffer immediately. What about legal immigrants or people awaiting hearings on their cases? If his political rivals, including Joe Biden, “Marxists, Radical Left Democrats” and others are to be targeted in the first year whom would that be, and when, and why, and how? Will people be sent to internment camps, or deported, or to prisons? Would they be released if they profess their fealty to the new regime?
What will happen to the Press? Will it be targeted or just dismantled? If they intend to force a Christian theocracy on us, how will they do that? Will they start, as they have, with restrictions on women…forced birth and restrictions on contraception, perhaps even a ban on the latter? Will LGBTQ folks be sent for ‘reeducation’? Will any and all books that do not comport with their Christian view of history be prohibited?
Will the people convicted of crimes for January 6 be pardoned and freed so that they can be ready to fight Trump’s battles? Will the military be used against civilians on a routine basis?
If someone wants or chooses to leave the country, will they be permitted to do so? Will they be able to access their money and sell their property in order to leave? If they receive Social security benefits, will they be able to access them if they are not living inside the country?
Some of scenarios may seem unlikely, but all are possible. If we do not re-elect Joe Biden this fall, even as a protest vote by some former Republicans, I can hear myself thinking…”be afraid, be very afraid…”
I lived and worked in six dictator-led countries over a period of 20 years and personally know what a "knock on your door" could mean. I barely escaped Turkmenistan - this story is in the book From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham. Since 2015, I have been writing and comparing Trump to Hitler and to other horrific and historical dictators worldwide. This is because no other American writer was discussing brainwashing OR dictatorship with my past experiences.
Trump’s many-sided destructiveness is now using the power of speech to insight violence months in advance of the election. Oxford defines “brainwashing” as “the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means “The three phases of brainwashing are dependency, dissonance, and attitude change and is used in cult initiations and ongoing operations. Wikipedia defines brainwashing as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth." Sound familiar?
Trump is now distorting FBI standard operational procedures to mean “Biden gave orders to kill me.” He is referring to the peaceful 2022 FBI search for classified documents in which he was not even at Mar-a-logo at the time. However, it has recently been discovered that Trump has continued to keep classified documents stored in his bedroom and an aid was scanning these documents onto a disk. A total of fifteen boxes contained 197 classified documents of which 98 were SECRET, 30 were TOP SECRET, and the remainder are CONFIDENTIAL. (
The importance of this incident is clear. First, it shows the depth of Trump's fabrications. Second, "Top Secret information is national security material that requires the highest level of protection. (AI Ovrview). The U.S. government classifies information as top secret if its unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.” While the public is not informed of the content of the thirty Top Secret or the 98 Secret documents Trump carelessly stored at his residence, his lack of safeguarding of this material is an act of betrayal and possible treason. It is my estimate, that many of these documents were gifted to Russian operatives. Is he a traitor - you bet.
It took Hitler about ten years to solidify his power and brainwash the German people. Trump is right on track when compared to Hitler's game plan. With his "us-versus-them mentality" most of the Trumpers are now in a state of blind loyalty. The dark and dangerous world of mind manipulation was first used in totalitarian countries and began about 100 years ago - Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, China, and so on. Hitler converted an entire peaceful nation of good people into mass murderers using slogans containing hatred toward others - JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP.
A dictatorship can be defined by a list of words: tsarism (Russia), despotism, autocracy, totalitarianism, oppression, Nazism (Germany), and domination. Can you envision the United States having: (1) No public media. All tv channels and newspapers are government and dictator-controlled. All sources of information are inhibited. (2) No independent enterprise. MicroSoft, Walgreens, Utilities and all other corporations are privately retained by the dictator who receives a large percentage of the profits. and (3) Security services are combined (CIA, DIA, FBI, and others) into one organization controlled by the dictator and like the gestapo report on private citizens, arrest and imprison innocent people, and instill fear. Anyone not loyal to the "leader" may be murdered: poisoned, shot, thrown out windows in tall buildings, etc. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a dictatorship. He has openly admitted to preferring this form of government without an inkling of what that means. Our entire Congress would operate from fear and there would no longer be a two party system.
Trump has already amassed a group of people - gangsters - who threaten anyone (and their families) who opposes him. The askew aptitudes of the Supreme Court judges already has demonstrated proclivities and partialities toward Trump, and other judges have also succumbed to delivering asymmetric justice. Many across the U.S. have lost faith in our system of justice. And during the Trump impeachment, many Republicans voted out of fear of Trump's revenge. Gonzales (R) Ohio voted to impeach. Then due to death threats, he refused to run for re-election and hired 24 hour protection for his family. WAKE UP FOLKS - OUR COUNTRY IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE.
Trump sold his soul and our country to the Russians decades ago. Trump followed Putin's example in his role-out of a meticulous PR campaign, similar to what happened in Moscow after the bombing of several apartment buildings - a maneuver to perpetuate apprehension and terror. It resulted in a national sense of emergency and instilled fear. The financial scandal surrounding Yeltsin was pushed to the sidelines, and Putin was thrust to the frontlines. The blame was assigned to the separatist rebels and Chechnya independence fighters, but in the "unofficial" word on the street, Russian people said these bombings were like the Stalin purges. (Read: Death and Redemption: The Gulag and the Shaping of Soviet Society). Putin has been compared to Stalin, and he appears to appreciate this assessment. "Could Putin's security men have bombed their own people - hundreds died in these bombings - in a cynical attempt to create a crisis that would ensure Putin took the Presidency?" (Putin's People, by Catherine Belton).
This type of deception is widely known in Russia and other dictatorship countries. It reminds me of Trump still saying the 2020 election was stolen. Trump began traveling to Russia in 1987. He became entangled with Russian business men who were all later found to be KGB operatives. This is a period when Trump was buried in debt and at the same time, the KGB was searching for new ways to transfer black cash into the U.S. instead of just bank transfers. Bayrock Group, formed with all KGB men as a NY real estate firm, was housed one floor below the Trump Organization at 725 Fifth Avenue in New York. They offered Trump multi-million dollar real estate deals and bailed him out of another bankruptcy. He was hooked. Both Trump's elder sons have confirmed that the Trump Organization has received about $100 million from Russian banks. (
The pieces of the puzzle are obvious and again found in From Democracy to Democracy in several charts. Trump's leadership ((or lack thereof) is learned behavior. Putin spent the majority of his KGB spy years in East Germany. There he acquired Hitler's methodologies of trapping foreigners, different forms of bribery (sex, money, etc.), and brainwashing techniques.
Since 1993, I have saying to anyone who would listen that the Cold War did not die. In Putin's People, (Revenge of the KGB, page 479) Catherine states: "Putin's security men reveled in Trump's victory. To many (Russians), it seemed like revenge for the Soviet collapse. 'While the West was playing James Bond . . .we turned our attention to gaining respect... When the West thought the Cold War competition was over, they lost respect for their opponent (Russia). Now they are waking up to this again."
Unfortunately, there are only a few Americans who have “woken up” to the reality of the Trump-Russian connection, his use of Hitler's methodologies, his obvious coercive mind manipulation, and his plans for an American dictatorship.
This upcoming November election is critical to the survival of American democracy. It Trump wins - WE ALL LOOSE.