President Biden is the epitome of humanity, but also strength, wisdom, and resilience.

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I'm mystified, despite the inevitable cynicism engendered by today's media-saturated world of trivial "hot takes" (including from ABC, CBS, NBC, and NPR!) - by the lack of respect for President Joseph Robinette Biden.

Once upon a time, we as a culture held values of respect and deference for elders, acknowledging their experience, wisdom, and insight (unless proven otherwise). For decades now, again - driven by media stereotypes, we've parsed qualifications for leadership based on perceived youth, vigor, articulateness, style, etc. It's fair to say, empirically: This metric has failed us.

We should not only respect our elders, as once we did to at least a greater degree than now, but also actively seek out their mentorship and leadership, and by all means elect them!

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Joe Biden in all his years, experience, tragedy was made for the moment in which we find ourselves. It does not mean he is perfect or will not make mistakes, but at his core he is a generous, kind, inclusive and increasingly selfless soul. We are fortunate to have him and look forward to another 4 years.

For those who choose not to see this, they are vain, mean spirited, selfish, and divisive either because they have learned the wrong lessons in life’s travails, yearn for a belonging to something that gives their life meaning because they cannot see its meaning in front of their face, or are simply narcissistic and nihilistic.

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Thanks for this Steve. It is shameful Joe B is so disrespected. From the musical 1776: “Is anybody there? Does anybody care?” We’ve got to show we stand with democracy and the rule of law.

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Thanks for highlighting human rights in Biden's speech.: “These rights are part of our shared humanity,” he underscored. “When they’re absent—when they are absent anywhere—their loss is felt everywhere. They are essential to the advancement of human progress that brings us together.” Sometimes it seems so basic that we forget that human rights are under attack.

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Thanks for highlighting this speech, Steven. I'm going to find the full transcript online and read it in full. A sense of decency, of awareness of others, of fairness.....all an antidote for Biden's predecessor.

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Sandy, you’ll find a link to the full speech in the 3rd paragraph.

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biden’s age

Pouring my morning coffee, a ritual that's powered my vibrant 72 years—and yes, folks, that's with no signs of slowing—I breezed through today's headlines. Between the sips and the startling realization that my coffee was more lukewarm than steaming, there it was: the media's fixation on Joe Biden's age. Is this our new national pastime?

The Wall Street Journal had its two cents, as always, suggesting 73% of Americans might want to see Biden trade the White House for a recliner. And the Associated Press? Their poll hinted 77% would prefer him recalling stories of his youth rather than planning the nation's future. Shockingly, 69% of Democrats seemed to be humming this rather off-key tune.

Now, I've faced my share of age-based assumptions, mainly from sprightly young baristas wondering if I need help with the coffee shop's app. (Little do they know I could code their app.) But must we hang our hats on age? Yes, a few less candles on Biden's birthday cake might appease some. But let's be honest, who among us wouldn't rewind the clock a bit?

Should age be the litmus test for leadership? Please. I'm north of 70, still clocking in, signing checks, and, on occasion, putting younger colleagues in their place—with love, of course. And Biden in 2024? It's as predictable as my 3 pm craving for dark chocolate.

In my chats at work (yes, I’m still employed and sharper than the knives in my kitchen), the consensus is clear: Biden's age isn’t the deal-breaker. Many, including me, will vote for him, age and all.

My wish list? It's vast. How about Republicans acknowledging women, defending the sacred act of voting, and perhaps, admitting the 2020 elections weren’t some grand illusion? Mother Nature is throwing her tantrums with climate change, and some still deny her mood swings. And literature? Let's celebrate, not censor it.

Let’s not sugarcoat history for the young ones. And here's a juicy tidbit: the numbers hint that our economy thrives more vivaciously under Democrats. A fun fact I drop during those board meetings when I want to raise a few eyebrows.

On the topics of guns, the military, veterans, and healthcare? Let's just say my years have given me enough wisdom to know where the balance should lie.

In conclusion, dear media, from a sprightly septuagenarian: retire this age narrative. I assure you, it's more worn out than my vintage '80s heels—and those have seen some miles.

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Brava. Well said. Kudos to you, Gloria.

I'm nowhere near as nimble at age 80 as I was even five years ago, but I make do with the physical limitations and keep up with current events by reading a lot (Substack posts, NYT, WaPo, etc.), and by gardening and taking photos and sharing them (and my opinions) on Facebook, and by participating in armchair activism (critically important even more nowadays), I stay engaged and mentally alert.

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I love gardening. It heals the body and the soul.

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How unfortunate that so many Americans never listened to nor will ever read these uplifting words. I wonder if trump did either one. Would he have any pangs of regret or embarrassment or shame? I doubt it.

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I totally agree with this, Steven. Which is why it is equally amazing, and disturbing, that a person of this decency and quality is in a dead heat in the polls with a person like Donald Trump, the antithesis of decency. It is a very poor reflection on a good portion of our population. And, since we can't "divorce or separate", we need to find a way to cure the cancer of Trumpism somehow.

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This one quote says it all: "We know our future is bound to yours."

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Thanks, Steven. It is important for people to promulgate articles like this about President Biden and his strengths and accomplishments, as I'm about to do.

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War is what we heard this week. Joe Biden is leading the United States into a war that he started. Joe willingly crossed a line and threatened Russia by publicly announcing our willingness to let the Ukraine into NATO in November 2021. Russia stated time and again this was a red line and it felt threatened. Russia, a nuclear power, invaded in early 2022. We knew. A half a million people have been killed. Joe Biden has agreed to fund and support the Ukraine War effort “ forever”. We own it. Furthermore, given our NATO obligations, we are one bomb away from a larger war that we are obligated to fight. I wonder what our young people think about that? Joe has also compromised our National Security by running our national debt up 66% in 33 months from $19.9 to $33 trillion. Incredible. Literally Insane. Our ability to fund and fight a protracted conflict is compromised. If being the leader of the Party of War and spending and running up huge debt is what Progressive Democrats of this generation desire, identify with and value, Joe Biden is your man. The Party of War. One bomb away. The Elite Democrats. Joe.

An alternative, Robert Kennedy Jr. Represents peace and hope.

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