Thank you for the excellent summary and call to action. There should be no more questions about his age-related “problems”—he was focused, on point, and energized, but also responded to the rude behavior and snarky remarks with humor and redirection. In other words, he was on top of his game and can clearly move the country toward unity.
Well written and insightful. I listened to Biden - as many others across the U.S. last night - and felt a sense of pride in our President and our nation. Yes, we are still a country where justice rules, values are important, and hatred has no place unless you are announcing your own ignorance - as Greene continues to do right on cue. And yes, Biden's age should no longer be an issue after this delightful, pointed, and articulate narrative - one laced with laughter yet with a deep grasp of the "real" and dangerous issues facing our nation today. He literally told Putin that he has no intention of backing down or bowing down - which brought a broad smile to my face! As Putin is hell-bent on marching toward world domination, he now knows that the U.S. - as long as Biden is in the White House - will be his foe along with all the power and might of the United States of America.
The choice between the two Presidential candidates this year should be easy but for so many, it is a struggle between their life-long commitment to the Republican Party and Trump's corrupt, hateful, and deceitful path. The Bible-belt area and devout Christians are unaware that they have chosen to worship a false God. We can only hope that their faith will help them see the light before the November election.
Thank you Steven. Your message today was spot-on. Elizabeth
I so agree…that Steven’s essay was spot on! Perhaps just as important is that BIDEN’S message was powerful, dignified, and filled with righteous anger and characteristic Biden optimism. It left me wanting more of these things from those who love democracy. I am craving justice against the unjust attacks on Biden and our country. I am begging for more enthusiasm, more pride in our mission as a country that welcomes everyone, and despises no one because of our differences in race, religion, or sexual orientation, but that celebrates the beauty of our individual humanity. I pray for continued freedom of expression and the right of women to determine the path to their own healthcare. I stand for the right to vote…and will not back down.
Yesterday I volunteered at our local chapter of the League of Women Voters. My task was simply to answer phones and questions about upcoming election places and candidates. It’s a non-partisan organization in that regard. A training was being conducted for volunteers who are collecting signatures for the ballot issue of enshrining reproductive freedoms in the Missouri Constitution. I came away from my afternoon energized, optimistic and ready to roll up my sleeves. To be around other people who care about freedom, as well as voter information and education made my heart strings hum.
It’s time now! Join us…roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work to reelect the people who will fight for freedom and democracy for all Americans! We cannot do everything, but we can each do something!!
President Biden is the man for our times. But, I thought he was doing a super job.before this speech.
To those of you who disagree with my assessment, and will vote for neither Joe nor 45, I want to say: I'm an old woman now. I have had many times in my life where neither choice was a good option. Sometime in the real world you hold your nose and choose what you perceive to be the lesser evil. The worst happened when I couldn't or wouldn't choose and left my destiny to the fates.
If you are one of these undecided folks take heart, the really hard choices are when you have to choose between two things you love. Have you read Sophie's Choice? If not, this book may help you decide to make a choice.
Thank you for the excellent recap of our dignified and honorable President. I am so proud of our President. He left no stone untouched. He took everything and everyone on . . . Even SCOTUS! I feel like I can breathe again.
Excellent, STEPHEN. And I loved your description of him as “pugnacious.“ that is when he is at his best! I hope he carries that through until November. When he’s in that mood, he is very much alive, very much on point, and very impressive.
Apologies to Steven. I know you spell with a "v," not a "ph." However, when I am dictating a comment, it often uses the "ph" and I don't notice it. So apologies for each time it has happened and will happen going forward.
Finally, we have D in the Oval Office who is not afraid to hit back forcefully, and who can goad the Rs into fits of anger or abject inability to move during the SOTU because of shame. Mike Johnson looked so small and simpering during the whole thing.
My biggest takeaway, besides being blown away about the power President Biden totally killing it, was that when Republicans in the chamber remained silent when presented with this administration’s accomplishments they didn’t applaud but certainly did take the benefits. And certainly they will claim to their voters that they were responsible for these accomplishments. And beyond that the Alabama Senator’s response on behalf of the Republican Party was so bizarre regarding the issue of immigration legislation: She didn’t disclose that she actually was part of the coalition which crafted the bill but then voted and railed against it! It was a full realization of Biden’s assertion regarding his predecessor’s meddling and politicizing that issue. Agreed: Time to rally behind Biden and send the other guy packing.
Now that's the Joe Biden that can win the election and for our country. The other side didn't see this coming and looked and sounded stunned. He's the strong leader we need to bring us back from the edge.
Steven, thank you for your re-cap on Biden's SOTU. Biden showed the many facets of the great man he is, a true gem with the vision (and grit) to continue to LEAD us through these tumultuous times.
I listened to Biden - as many others across the U.S. last night - and felt a sense of pride in our President and our nation. Yes, we are still a country where justice rules, values are important, and hatred has no place unless you are announcing your own ignorance - as Greene continues to do right on cue. And yes, Biden's age should no longer be an issue after this delightful, pointed, and articulate narrative - one laced with laughter yet with a deep grasp of the "real" and dangerous issues facing our nation today. He literally told Putin that he has no intention of backing down or bowing down - which brought a broad smile to my face! As Putin is hell-bent on marching toward world domination, he now knows that the U.S. - as long as Biden is in the White House - will be his foe along with all the power and might of the United States of America.
The choice between the two Presidential candidates this year should be easy but for so many, it is a struggle between their life-long commitment to the Republican Party and Trump's corrupt, hateful, and deceitful path. The Bible-belt area and devout Christians are unaware that they have chosen to worship a false God. We can only hope that their faith will help them see the light before the November election.
President Biden's speech last night was, as Billy Crystal would say, "marvelous." He mentioned all the good things he has done for the American people and all that he hopes to do if reelected. Who could fault any of them?Well, the Republicans.SSNazi Greene showed up in the trump clown suit and hat, forbidden by House rules. Nothing new considering the thousands she had to pay for not wearing a mask.Her big accusation : Biden was responsible for the death of Laken Riley, killed by an illegal immigrant. Say her name, she shouted, and unfortunately, the President said Lincoln Riley, a football coach. Naturally, the media picked up on that and ran with it. I guess that means trump was responsible for any killed during his administration. Nope. Democrats and sanctuary cities were to blame. Speaker Johnson who had asked his members to be polite, civil, sat behind the President shaking his head no and with constant smirking. A couple of times, he forced a clap, even stood up once, but he seemed very small, sitting there with his condescending looks. No leader, he.
Meanwhile, the Republican response given by Sen. Britt was no response at all, could have been written a month ago. There she was, in the kitchen, a fitting Republican choice considering their disrespect for women and probable belief that the kitchen is where "the little woman" belongs. And, oh, the drama! Perhaps some B movie director will contact her for some part time work. Her speech was nothing but an unconnected diatribe. (Recently, one Republican said women should not even vote. And he, a black man! Did he not learn anything from what blacks went through? It's like Netanyahu-does he not remember what the Jews went through when he deals with the innocents of Gaza? )
I do wish President Biden would learn to speak a little slower. Let it sink in before he is on to the next thing. I am glad he refused to say his opponent's name. I refuse to ever capitalize his name.Hopefully, a few minds were changed, not by congressmen, for their brains are swarmed, infested by a fog of an orange,fat,fake blonde haired old man who wears, they say, diapers, but by independents and those trying to make up their minds for whom to vote. We will see what the new polls show, fingers crossed.
I think the parties are incorrectly labeled. Instead of left and right, more like right and wrong.
Wonderful, well written, and exceptionally clear message! THANK YOU! I wish it could be on the front page of every newspaper so that those who are still confused can see the way to freedom, rather than the way to hell for our country.
President Biden's words, they're not just some half-baked campaign promises. No, this is the real deal, the genuine article. It's a vision of America that grabs you by the lapels and shakes you until you're wide awake and ready to fight.
We can be a nation that stares tyranny in the face and says, "Not today, you vile beast." An America that stands tall and proud, defending the rights of every last one of its citizens with a ferocity that would make the Founding Fathers weep with pride.
And the middle class? They finally get a fair shake, a chance to claw their way out of the muck and reach for the stars. The fat cats and the corporate overlords, they're going to have to pony up and pay their share, because in this America, the playing field is level and the game is fair.
But it's not just about the money, oh no. This is about saving our fragile blue marble from the ravages of climate change and putting an end to the senseless bloodshed that haunts our streets.
So rise up, you glorious rebels. Rise up and join the chorus of voices that are shouting, "We believe in America, and we will fight for her until our last breath."
Because this is our country, our home, and we'll be damned if we let anyone or anything tear it asunder.
Buy the ticket, take the ride, and let's make this vision a reality.
We all know there are no perfect humans. Why do we complain that candidates are not perfect? There is no unicorn coming to save us. While we have the right and the power, we must save ourselves. This is not a choice between the lesser of two evils but between a good candidate and a path to destruction.
“This is a time to advocate among hesitant, indifferent or doubtful Democrats. This is a time to reach out to independents and that minority of moderate Republicans who supported Nikki Haley or otherwise say they won’t vote for Trump. Not willing to vote for Trump is one thing; voting for Biden is another.“
As with his previous State of the Union, Biden's team created a speech to check off many boxes. It makes sense since there are many issues facing America and many accomplishments (that continue to be undervalued and misunderstood). The speech's length will not work on a Biden or other D's campaign trail. The messaging will have to be carved up and then repeated. Four suggestions: 1) get a message (e.g. MAGA); 2) compare Trump's work days as Prez with Bidens (start with the number of days golfing, states, and countries visited. and meetings with officials and concerned groups. Biden made light of his age; Biden and voters need to make light of Trump' work ethic, along with his ethical failings; 3) do more to show Biden and D's are listening to complaints about wages and prices; and 4) do more to reflect understanding of the strong beliefs of -my non-political and conservative friends who are discouraged and dismayed by polarization--all of which benefits Trump. .
Thank you for the excellent summary and call to action. There should be no more questions about his age-related “problems”—he was focused, on point, and energized, but also responded to the rude behavior and snarky remarks with humor and redirection. In other words, he was on top of his game and can clearly move the country toward unity.
So very true. Joe Biden did his part last night, now it's time for all of us to do ours.
I loved it when he looked them in the eyes and said “Really?”
Well written and insightful. I listened to Biden - as many others across the U.S. last night - and felt a sense of pride in our President and our nation. Yes, we are still a country where justice rules, values are important, and hatred has no place unless you are announcing your own ignorance - as Greene continues to do right on cue. And yes, Biden's age should no longer be an issue after this delightful, pointed, and articulate narrative - one laced with laughter yet with a deep grasp of the "real" and dangerous issues facing our nation today. He literally told Putin that he has no intention of backing down or bowing down - which brought a broad smile to my face! As Putin is hell-bent on marching toward world domination, he now knows that the U.S. - as long as Biden is in the White House - will be his foe along with all the power and might of the United States of America.
The choice between the two Presidential candidates this year should be easy but for so many, it is a struggle between their life-long commitment to the Republican Party and Trump's corrupt, hateful, and deceitful path. The Bible-belt area and devout Christians are unaware that they have chosen to worship a false God. We can only hope that their faith will help them see the light before the November election.
Thank you Steven. Your message today was spot-on. Elizabeth
I so agree…that Steven’s essay was spot on! Perhaps just as important is that BIDEN’S message was powerful, dignified, and filled with righteous anger and characteristic Biden optimism. It left me wanting more of these things from those who love democracy. I am craving justice against the unjust attacks on Biden and our country. I am begging for more enthusiasm, more pride in our mission as a country that welcomes everyone, and despises no one because of our differences in race, religion, or sexual orientation, but that celebrates the beauty of our individual humanity. I pray for continued freedom of expression and the right of women to determine the path to their own healthcare. I stand for the right to vote…and will not back down.
Yesterday I volunteered at our local chapter of the League of Women Voters. My task was simply to answer phones and questions about upcoming election places and candidates. It’s a non-partisan organization in that regard. A training was being conducted for volunteers who are collecting signatures for the ballot issue of enshrining reproductive freedoms in the Missouri Constitution. I came away from my afternoon energized, optimistic and ready to roll up my sleeves. To be around other people who care about freedom, as well as voter information and education made my heart strings hum.
It’s time now! Join us…roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work to reelect the people who will fight for freedom and democracy for all Americans! We cannot do everything, but we can each do something!!
President Biden is the man for our times. But, I thought he was doing a super job.before this speech.
To those of you who disagree with my assessment, and will vote for neither Joe nor 45, I want to say: I'm an old woman now. I have had many times in my life where neither choice was a good option. Sometime in the real world you hold your nose and choose what you perceive to be the lesser evil. The worst happened when I couldn't or wouldn't choose and left my destiny to the fates.
If you are one of these undecided folks take heart, the really hard choices are when you have to choose between two things you love. Have you read Sophie's Choice? If not, this book may help you decide to make a choice.
Thank you for the excellent recap of our dignified and honorable President. I am so proud of our President. He left no stone untouched. He took everything and everyone on . . . Even SCOTUS! I feel like I can breathe again.
Excellent, STEPHEN. And I loved your description of him as “pugnacious.“ that is when he is at his best! I hope he carries that through until November. When he’s in that mood, he is very much alive, very much on point, and very impressive.
Apologies to Steven. I know you spell with a "v," not a "ph." However, when I am dictating a comment, it often uses the "ph" and I don't notice it. So apologies for each time it has happened and will happen going forward.
Finally, we have D in the Oval Office who is not afraid to hit back forcefully, and who can goad the Rs into fits of anger or abject inability to move during the SOTU because of shame. Mike Johnson looked so small and simpering during the whole thing.
My biggest takeaway, besides being blown away about the power President Biden totally killing it, was that when Republicans in the chamber remained silent when presented with this administration’s accomplishments they didn’t applaud but certainly did take the benefits. And certainly they will claim to their voters that they were responsible for these accomplishments. And beyond that the Alabama Senator’s response on behalf of the Republican Party was so bizarre regarding the issue of immigration legislation: She didn’t disclose that she actually was part of the coalition which crafted the bill but then voted and railed against it! It was a full realization of Biden’s assertion regarding his predecessor’s meddling and politicizing that issue. Agreed: Time to rally behind Biden and send the other guy packing.
Now that's the Joe Biden that can win the election and for our country. The other side didn't see this coming and looked and sounded stunned. He's the strong leader we need to bring us back from the edge.
Steven, thank you for your re-cap on Biden's SOTU. Biden showed the many facets of the great man he is, a true gem with the vision (and grit) to continue to LEAD us through these tumultuous times.
I listened to Biden - as many others across the U.S. last night - and felt a sense of pride in our President and our nation. Yes, we are still a country where justice rules, values are important, and hatred has no place unless you are announcing your own ignorance - as Greene continues to do right on cue. And yes, Biden's age should no longer be an issue after this delightful, pointed, and articulate narrative - one laced with laughter yet with a deep grasp of the "real" and dangerous issues facing our nation today. He literally told Putin that he has no intention of backing down or bowing down - which brought a broad smile to my face! As Putin is hell-bent on marching toward world domination, he now knows that the U.S. - as long as Biden is in the White House - will be his foe along with all the power and might of the United States of America.
The choice between the two Presidential candidates this year should be easy but for so many, it is a struggle between their life-long commitment to the Republican Party and Trump's corrupt, hateful, and deceitful path. The Bible-belt area and devout Christians are unaware that they have chosen to worship a false God. We can only hope that their faith will help them see the light before the November election.
President Biden's speech last night was, as Billy Crystal would say, "marvelous." He mentioned all the good things he has done for the American people and all that he hopes to do if reelected. Who could fault any of them?Well, the Republicans.SSNazi Greene showed up in the trump clown suit and hat, forbidden by House rules. Nothing new considering the thousands she had to pay for not wearing a mask.Her big accusation : Biden was responsible for the death of Laken Riley, killed by an illegal immigrant. Say her name, she shouted, and unfortunately, the President said Lincoln Riley, a football coach. Naturally, the media picked up on that and ran with it. I guess that means trump was responsible for any killed during his administration. Nope. Democrats and sanctuary cities were to blame. Speaker Johnson who had asked his members to be polite, civil, sat behind the President shaking his head no and with constant smirking. A couple of times, he forced a clap, even stood up once, but he seemed very small, sitting there with his condescending looks. No leader, he.
Meanwhile, the Republican response given by Sen. Britt was no response at all, could have been written a month ago. There she was, in the kitchen, a fitting Republican choice considering their disrespect for women and probable belief that the kitchen is where "the little woman" belongs. And, oh, the drama! Perhaps some B movie director will contact her for some part time work. Her speech was nothing but an unconnected diatribe. (Recently, one Republican said women should not even vote. And he, a black man! Did he not learn anything from what blacks went through? It's like Netanyahu-does he not remember what the Jews went through when he deals with the innocents of Gaza? )
I do wish President Biden would learn to speak a little slower. Let it sink in before he is on to the next thing. I am glad he refused to say his opponent's name. I refuse to ever capitalize his name.Hopefully, a few minds were changed, not by congressmen, for their brains are swarmed, infested by a fog of an orange,fat,fake blonde haired old man who wears, they say, diapers, but by independents and those trying to make up their minds for whom to vote. We will see what the new polls show, fingers crossed.
I think the parties are incorrectly labeled. Instead of left and right, more like right and wrong.
Wonderful, well written, and exceptionally clear message! THANK YOU! I wish it could be on the front page of every newspaper so that those who are still confused can see the way to freedom, rather than the way to hell for our country.
President Biden's words, they're not just some half-baked campaign promises. No, this is the real deal, the genuine article. It's a vision of America that grabs you by the lapels and shakes you until you're wide awake and ready to fight.
We can be a nation that stares tyranny in the face and says, "Not today, you vile beast." An America that stands tall and proud, defending the rights of every last one of its citizens with a ferocity that would make the Founding Fathers weep with pride.
And the middle class? They finally get a fair shake, a chance to claw their way out of the muck and reach for the stars. The fat cats and the corporate overlords, they're going to have to pony up and pay their share, because in this America, the playing field is level and the game is fair.
But it's not just about the money, oh no. This is about saving our fragile blue marble from the ravages of climate change and putting an end to the senseless bloodshed that haunts our streets.
So rise up, you glorious rebels. Rise up and join the chorus of voices that are shouting, "We believe in America, and we will fight for her until our last breath."
Because this is our country, our home, and we'll be damned if we let anyone or anything tear it asunder.
Buy the ticket, take the ride, and let's make this vision a reality.
We all know there are no perfect humans. Why do we complain that candidates are not perfect? There is no unicorn coming to save us. While we have the right and the power, we must save ourselves. This is not a choice between the lesser of two evils but between a good candidate and a path to destruction.
“This is a time to advocate among hesitant, indifferent or doubtful Democrats. This is a time to reach out to independents and that minority of moderate Republicans who supported Nikki Haley or otherwise say they won’t vote for Trump. Not willing to vote for Trump is one thing; voting for Biden is another.“
As with his previous State of the Union, Biden's team created a speech to check off many boxes. It makes sense since there are many issues facing America and many accomplishments (that continue to be undervalued and misunderstood). The speech's length will not work on a Biden or other D's campaign trail. The messaging will have to be carved up and then repeated. Four suggestions: 1) get a message (e.g. MAGA); 2) compare Trump's work days as Prez with Bidens (start with the number of days golfing, states, and countries visited. and meetings with officials and concerned groups. Biden made light of his age; Biden and voters need to make light of Trump' work ethic, along with his ethical failings; 3) do more to show Biden and D's are listening to complaints about wages and prices; and 4) do more to reflect understanding of the strong beliefs of -my non-political and conservative friends who are discouraged and dismayed by polarization--all of which benefits Trump. .