I had faith voting Biden in for his second term would be probable, I now feel hopeless with the knowledge the GOP will stop at nothing for control of our country. DeSantis even has his State Guard ready for battle and he was with Trump last week in support. I hope Biden’s administration and our DOD is ready just in case of the worst possible outcome - another coup.

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Didi, I’m with you on this.

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Six months until the election, and you're feeling hopeless? Do you actually give up that easily?

A lot can happen in 6 months, but nothing will if you all are "feeling hopeless." Don't you understand that polls 6 months out don't mean squat? And that people who say they'll vote for Trump may not do so six months from now?

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Maybe you don’t live in a state where you need to fully understand the meaning of “will stop at nothing” or DeSantis having his state (not National) guard ready for battle. It is very much like having his own militia, but paid by the state & with a main focus on faux election corruption.

She also mentioned hoping the Biden WH and DOJ are ready in case of another coup. Nothing to do with polling and everything to do with maga corruption of the system, plus efforts to keep people from voting and/or trying to overturn the results.

Instead of building a GOTV effort the maga party is training people to be ‘poll workers’ and ‘challengers’ to be deployed all over the country to keep an eye on ‘corruption.’ In other words, interfere with voters and infiltrate poll workers to be disruptive. We had samples last time tin Az, FL and MI. I call their plans a decentralized coup effort.

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Maybe you don't know where I live. As I said, the election is 6 months away, polls are rubbish and people who feel hopeless are giving up.

I'm so tired of all the whining and sniveling who have never had to really fight for anything.

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If I knew I wouldn’t say ‘maybe.’

Some folks like unfounded assumptions about what is and isn’t said. I’m not one of them.

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Keep shining the light on these atrocities Steve. Thank you.

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I think it’s good that Nikki Haley has gone the way she has. Now all those folks who voted for her, as a statement AGAINST TRUMP, when she was not really still in the running, will know WHO SHE REALLY IS. It was never a doubt for me. Haley is such an obvious fake. Pretending to uphold the dignity of The Grand Ole Party, was a ruse.

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Thank you for this comment. Her lack of transparency is so telling and perhaps, as you suggest, her supporters will abandon the GOP for greener pastures.

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There really are, as James Baldwin once wrote, many ways to be despicable.

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May 23Edited

There is a certain connection between Trump's outrage that the FBI could use lethal force in self-defense as they searched Mar A Lago in 2022 and his appeal to the Supreme Court about absolute immunity. And it's a connection that he A) must have forgotten about and B) doesn't appear to like now that it could be employed against him.

Be careful what you wish for.

From X, formally known as Twitter:

Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein

Wait, so let me get this straight...

Donald Trump, the GOP candidate for the 2024 election, is now seeming to claim that the President is possibly trying to assassinate him via the FBI's "lethal force," all while his own lawyers are also arguing before the US Supreme Court that he has the right to assassinate his political rivals.

You literally couldn't think of a more epic Magic mushroom hallucination.

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If SCOTUS grants Trump's demand for immunity for his past and future crimes, Biden can do whatever he wants, while in office. If Trump wins the election, he can take out the Justices who don't bend the knee. If they don't see this, they ain't too smart.

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We do not violate the law intentionally!

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I posted this comment on Jay Kuo's article, but it is something I, as a retired lawyer, am almost as enraged about as the flag incidents. I'm worried that amongst the rest of the news it won't get enough attention:


On a different finger just displayed by Alito. He penned the decision in the SC redistricting case that came down today (https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-807_3e04.pdf) In it he simply decides that since he doesn't like the evidence the district court relied on, it is "clear error." The case was whether moving 200k people out of the districts they had been in was partisan or racial gerrymandering. His conclusion is that we have to presume legislators act in good faith. Ya sure ya'betcha.

The idea of deference to the trier of fact, who HEARD the testimony and decided who was credible, is out the window. Alito has set HIMSELF up as the ultimate trier of fact, a role the appellate courts most decidedly do NOT have.

The case was "reversed in part and remanded in part." I didn't bother reading all the dreck so I'm not sure what was remanded to the District Court to decide. Read the dissents, who make the case clearly why this is a flying finger of contempt for how our judicial system is supposed to work. In any event, it is clear that no remand can happen in time for 2024.


further comment: Does anyone else yearn for the days when we could give great deference to the good faith of our Supreme Court?

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After learning of Nikki Haley’s complete and preposterous cave to DJT and Alito’s lies, from the sycophancy of the Republicans in Congress to Trump’s preposterous lies that ‘Biden’s FBI’ came “locked and loaded” for him at Mara Lago during the document search, I moved from the ‘hopeful’ column to ‘I. CAN’T. EVEN.”. The judiciary can no longer support democracy. Congress won’t. The potent MAGA minority that supports DJT is growing. Feeling like I need to add something strong to my already strong coffee this morning.

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There is no credible evidence that his support is increasing so please do not give up! Indeed, it is clear that he has lost significant support among traditional “business” Rs and the new younger voters are registering in the tens of thousands in battleground states and truly competitive congressional districts!

Please support brilliant Harvard students who are doing that work all across the country! Www.TurnUp.US

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Thanks, Ira! Good to know!:)

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Thanks; please pass the word as they are doing remarkable voter registration ONLY in truly competitive CDs— very important distinction!!

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Haley’s cave in to the rapist almost made me puke this am. Wonder how many ‘jobs’ she will have to do to have stooped to pond scum like she did.

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Or what promises were made to her…an ambassadorship? VP hopeful? What else explains this insanity??

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MAGA is growing? Who said that?

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If people actually believe Trump's lie that Biden had planned to assassinate him, then the level of stupidity in America is beyond redemption. Why would Biden put any such intention in the body of an FBI search warrant? And why when the FBI was aware that Trump wasn't going to be present at Mar a Lago the day the warrant was executed?

And how about Nikki Haley saying Biden's "policies" are unacceptable to her, and that Trump's are better? No specifics of course, just the usual GOP hatefest garbage. Haley wants the VP nod, but she's forgetting that Trump is all about revenge and will not forgive her for badmouthing him and then waiting for months before endorsing him.

As for Alito, he's proof that the Supreme Court has never been more corrupt.

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You make a good point. But Trump has continually pointed at Biden as being the cause of his legal worries. Two things need to be said. First, Biden, nor most Presidents (perhaps excepting Trump), would not get into the trenches in terms of having the government chase down anybody. In essence, Trump, through his narcissism, caused his own mess and now he has to deal with it. He’s done so in his own way, by continually denying his involvement in most of his indictments which we know is not true. And second, Trump thinks he’s above the law and someone “very special” and resents being like any abnormal person who has presumably broken the law and for whom a search warrant has been requested and executed; perhaps the word “execute” is what’s confusing him and naturally construed that Biden is the cause of all of this. Dead stop, Donald. He wasn’t. This is all on you.

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I am flabbergasted at the items Steven discussed today. Trump, being the malignant narcissist that he is, makes statements like this like turning on tap water. His incessant lying doesn’t surprise any of us who read this column, yet the boldness of his lies is beyond belief. And, beyond the belief, there are people who actually believe his driveling complaining and finger-pointing. And many of us thought that Nikki Haley would be a breath of fresh air for the Republicans. How wrong we were. While achieving a notable 20% of the primary voting, her pivoting to supporting Trump is so grossly revealing that the GOP is lost in the desert of reality. Frankly I’d love it if he picked her for his VP running mate, and perhaps he convinced her to “switch sides” in order to become the VP candidate. But she needs to be challenged on the basis of after being castigated by Trump during the primaries, how can she, in complete honesty, support Trump who called her heritage into question and blasted her husband’s military record and integrity? And Alito’s plum lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court makes him more bullet-proof than any public servant. There’s no chance of him resigning, and given the narrow margins in Congress only an act of supreme nature could move them to impeach, let alone convict. Given all of this, we must intensify our efforts to ensure maximum voting so that the real majority in this country will have their say in November. God willing, this will all be in the rear-view mirror and Trump will be out of our lives forever. If not, kiss democracy goodbye.

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We know Nikki is always looking for her next opportunity. Changing with the wind is her trademark. I think she wants a future when the party decides to pick up the pieces. So she feels the need not be pushed to the curb like Kinzinger and Cheney. She had hinted at voting for him or supporting him before when she said she would pardon Trump & when she said Biden was more dangerous but neither were fit.

The odds of her being his VP are 0 to -10. For one thing she’s gotten too much attention which is unforgivable. For another she sucked $$ and voters away from his campaign. It will be interesting to see if she continues to draw votes in states in the few remaining late primaries. But most of all she’d never be totally loyal which is an absolute disqualification.

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Don’t call it disinformation. It’s a lie, it’s a lie, it’s a dangerous, dangerous lie! (Now I can go back and read the rest of this.)

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I agree. Progressives are too soft. We need to call it out loud - “LIES” - to combat the constant gaslighting by the Republicans!

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Steven thank you for yet again another powerful article.

And thank you for your comments on Nikki Haley whom I have never trusted one whit!

Excerpt from your writing;—;

“But Nikki Haley, in her pathetic decision to back Trump, has now proven herself to be nothing more than a craven politician who will do whatever it takes to stay close to power. No matter how unprincipled or dangerous Trump is, no matter how much he sought to humiliate and condemn her, she lacks the decency and the courage to stand up for herself, her husband or her country.”..;

What a shame she has embraced Tyrump

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All of the Substacks that I read, whether I am a paid subscriber or not, all speak to the strategies to fight back against this Fascist movement by means of a rules based society.

 The problem with approaching it this way is that the Fascist movement is not operating by means of a rules based society. The analogy is the commonly used phrase “Bringing a knife to a gun fight”.

I have heard it spoken “that is just not who we are” too many times, it is a wrongheaded way to think about all of this. As it is exactly who we are. Our history bares this out over and over again. If our critical thinking leaders representing the people of the country who want to protect our Democracy and way of life don’t wake up and start fighting on the terms that these Fascists are bringing, we are screwed.

Desperate times, is the phrase that distills down all that is opined by these Substack newsletters, It is high time for desperate measures be deployed.

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We are learning this is exactly “who we are.” The question is whether the narrative of democracy and the pull of self-governance is strong enough to overcome this danger.

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Steven, the following is my reply to a similar perspective. I would argue that there are plenty of ways to bring the very same fight to them while drawing within the lines, so much of what they are doing is not illegal, just highly immoral. By continually taking the “ high ground” we keep bringing the knife to the gun fight. I would suggest to our Reps. et.al. that they take behind the scenes, clandestine if you will measures to protect this country from this onslaught. I don’t have to know what that is, I simply need to see the public facing result of an offer made that can’t be refused.

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Sam, while agreeing with the tone of your comments, I would only add that it is vital that we do not go beyond the bounds of the law in our battle to uphold the values for which this nation stands. Or else, by descending to the level of our adversaries, we become no better than them.

That's our quandary, of course. But the end does not justify the means.

P.S. I love your wonderful images!

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Firstly, regarding my post, I would argue that there are plenty of ways to bring the very same fight to them while drawing within the lines, so much of what they are doing is not illegal, just highly immoral. By continually taking the “ high ground” we keep bringing the knife to the gun fight. I would suggest to our Reps. et.al. that they take behind the scenes, clandestine if you will measures to protect this country from this onslaught. I don’t have to know what that is, I simply need to see the public facing result of an offer made that can’t be refused. Secondly, re: my images, you must have seen my Substack or my website. Either way, many thanks!

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Yes, Indeed: I could not agree more, Sam. Our Representatives, Senators and law-enforcers (in the FBI and at the DoJ) need to rise to the occasion. (Please see my post in this thread addressing AG Garland.) And why hasn't the FBI reopened its investigation into Trump's ties to Putin after then AG Barr shut it down? The evidence that Trump is acting on Putin's orders to destroy this nation is overwhelming.

Let it not be said that we failed for lack of effort.

I've mainly seen your wonderful images on your website. Simply wonderful work!

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I will certainly seek out your post, but yes, what you are saying here is exactly what we should all expect. It is so frustrating to me that we are not seeing evidence of any action. Again, re: my images, Many thanks for your very kind words. Where do I send the check? LOL 😉

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My address is... Oh, wait a minute, you were kidding.

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If it is good enough for Iowa, it should be good enough for SCOTUS.

In Iowa, the judiciary maintains a strict separation from political activities to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the legal system. Judges in Iowa do not display political or campaign yard signs, bumper stickers, or flags. This practice underscores their commitment to neutrality and the appearance of unbiased justice.

This non-participation is crucial in preserving the public's trust in their impartiality and dedication to the law over personal political affiliations. I should note that unlike in other states where judges are elected, Iowa's judges are appointed based on merit.

During my political career, I maintained friendships with many judges. Despite these personal connections, I never asked nor expected any judge to display my campaign signs. This respect for their role and responsibilities highlights the high ethical standards upheld by Iowa's judiciary.

Americans should expect no less from Alito and his fellow justices.

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The last thing Trump uttered on joe Biden is abysmal and so is the climate he created.

I deeply think we shall survive all this, but what a long cleaning will need to be done to heal this violence.

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The "Biden was going to take me out" meme is just one example of the dirty tricks/frauds/lies that Trump and Stone and the core of Trump World will foist on us. Get ready for the FLOOD of tricks that Roger Stone and his slimy army of liars/thugs are planning. The Dems and the Press better get ready to slam down every one of them. The alternative is for Biden to get punched in the face, over and over, without fighting back. Not a smart strategy.

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EXCELLENT, Steven! Keep up the great work -this is what it will take to preserve our Democracy.

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