Jul 18, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for your astute observations and commentary, Steven. As a Canadian, I follow American news, and it plays out like a staccato of alarming events, characterised by many rapid-fire mass casualty events. There were red flags of concern about businessman Trump, long before he ever entered the White House. He carried his wrecking-ball approach to the rule of law right into the political arena, and skirted accountability at every turn. Trump is a blatantly dishonest, grandstanding illusionist who cajoled, manipulated and incited his followers, to the point of violence. Underneath the bravado persona of # 45, was a heartless, inept and insecure individual, constantly seeking affirmation and applause. His tenure is Washington, DC was a continuation of his distorted Reality Show-style act. There is a need for a more co-operative effort among politicians to prioritising the country. Until America aspires to good purpose, being GREAT is just a faraway dream.

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Thanks for your comments, Audrey.

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Totally agree. Unless DOJ is keeping its work very quiet and way out of the media, I would think they are very busy evaluating the evidence and building a case. Our entire legal system becomes meaningless if Trump is given a pas on all of this and is enabled to be above the law. This is not what our founding fathers intended when they declared independence July 4, 1776 and the Constitution became the law of the land March 4, 1789. 🇺🇸

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After learning that Garland referred to Barr's declaration that no charges could be made against a political candidate. I think it would be wise for Biden to make another appointment. Soon.

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Absolutely. How can Garland think running for office protects anyone from adhering to the laws of the US. We are all equal under the laws of the Constitution. Anyone who thinks otherwise should be ready to cite where the Constitution provides otherwise. More disappointed in Garland than ever that he would even consider letting Trump be protected by running for office. Garland should be replaced.

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The Jan.6 committee has, from the beginning, conducted a top down policy-get donald trump.The DOJ has instead, worked the bottom up angle, prosecuting so far, 850 of the riff raff that stormed the Capitol. The delay of finding trump guilty of this rampage and all the other ploys against democracy and the Constitution must be very comforting to the GOP; the longer Garland takes, the closer comes the 2022 election at which time it is constantly predicted a Republican win. Loud, big mouth show off Jim Jordan promised they will impeach Biden (on what grounds??) and with all the damage and disruption his man has done, he wants Garland impeached for not persecuting protestors outside of Supreme Ct. Justice's homes.

Barr was wrong for being trump's chum and chump.When a president is stepping past the bounds of the laws as written, it is the duty of the AG to set him straight. That should not be political. However, the people elect a president on policies on which they agree , so is it right for the AG to pay no attention to the overwhelming desires of those voters and deny the carrying out of their wishes?

Garland is bright. He was Harvard valedictorian of his class & graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. And magna cum laude from Harvard law. He has not been hesitant as a prosecutor, having led the conviction of the Oklahoma bombers and execution of Timothy McVeigh.

So why? Backlash accusing him of political siding, chaos that would ensue from trump's believers that might be worse than the Capitol riot, personally wishing to keep the job if Republicans win, weakness and meekness, his life?

Taft was a president, then appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Harding; Robert Kennedy was appointed AG by his brother; perhaps the AG or SC Justice might have gone to Obama. Too political? I think he would have been fair. I think trump and his "crazy stuff" would be wearing stripes by now or soon. And if people called on the carpet by opponents for it, so what? We could perhaps start the long road back to normalcy. Let's see some profiles in courage.

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Criminal referral is bupkis. Just ask Mark Meadows. It’s already too late anyway. If Garland had any interest in prosecuting Trump he could’ve already done so ten times over. He’s a friggin federalist society GOP MAGAT. No wonder they like him.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

The sad reality is that those who hold power make the rules. And, the GOP has, for the most part, sided with the Big Lie, tolerated outrages like Clarence and Ginny Thomas, "grab 'em by the p*ssy”, and more. To the extent that the Republicans hold power, they'll ignore or selectively enforce laws, and even build their advantage into our system of government. If they take power, Trump nor anyone in his universe will be held accountable. And it will be whitewashed or made "legal".

American is at an inflection point where the value of ethics is being challenged. When Trump announced he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue without consequence he was correct, so long as holding him accountable relies on Republican cooperation.

Check out this 10-year old study from The Journal of Applied Psychology, in which they measure peoples' ethical base and the degree to which it can amplify their basic tendencies to either fairly share power or abuse power: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-power-corrupts-37165345/

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