Always spot on but your readers know this. . . How to get this truth to 50% of country who are blinded by propaganda media machines? Until we get them to hear you our nation remains in peril of a successful internal overthrow. The people I work with throughout the business industry from GA to NY cannot hear you. They listen to FOX channels all day long, and believe every lie they utter. They are always grumbling and blaming Biden and the liberals about everything. It is scary. And I am not overstating this.

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Trump's supporters are not 50% of the country. they represent maybe 28%. Our journalist and news outlets are reporting inaccurate information that plays into the hands of the GOP and Trump.

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We need the ones who are not too deeply indoctrinated. Like the 6% in that poll which caused gnashing of teeth who were not highlighted. That 6% said if DJT was convicted of a felony they would vote for Biden. The pollster calculated that if that occurred, it would give Biden the majority in 5 of the 6 swing states.

When I think about that, it tells me 6% of whoever they polled are not totally onboard the trump train. Hopefully there are more especially among the large swath of Independents.

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Santorum is of low intelligence. His seat in the Senate was taken by Tuberville for most stupid. His comment about young people should be used in ads in targeted places like Tik Tok.

People have short memories. They need to be reminded of his first term. His words and deeds need to be replayed for those who forget. I would also encourage President Biden to start working Project 2025 into his comments.

Oh and the Republicans in Ohio are already at work to circumvent the Constitutional Amendment that passed and to put repeal measures on the 2024 ballot. The fight is not over!

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Sheesh. Not a first for the GOP to undermine a ballot initiative. I remember in FL they messed around with allowing people convicted of a felony to vote to vote despite a wide majority of voters approving of it. Eventually the ‘election police’ mess came into play.

Then there was Michigan where the voters passed an initiative to make voting easier in 2018 (and later). Early voting, drop boxes, mail in ballots for any voters, automatic voter registration and many more. They’ve passed by huge margins. The GOP has fought back and tried to use the “Independent State Legislature” legal theory. Then resorted to what we saw in OH, trying to keep initiatives off the ballot.

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They cheat and steal when they can’t get their way legitimately. I believe the ISL is before the illegitimate supreme court. They may have already ruled, but I’m not sure.

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You are so right. I couldn’t remember either. Found it … I think this means they ruled in favor of themselves. 😏

“The justices rejected the independent state legislature theory, saying that “since early in our nation’s history, courts have recognized their duty to evaluate the constitutionality of legislative acts.”


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We need Jon Stewart stat

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Santorum was my district and the GOP booted him out he was so awful. A grifter

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The whole idea is frightening. Furthermore, I don’t understand how anyone with a functioning brain can think they’d somehow be unaffected by the loss of our system of government as we know it. Sure, it’s not a perfect system, but we all enjoy the protections provided under the Constitution. What’s being considered (?) by those involved with Project 2025 is not the answer to what ails us.

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The Republican voters have been convinced that the Democrats are trying to end democracy. We are living in 1984.

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Steven, it is quite simple. Believe people when they tell you who they are. Trump and the entire GOP have been telling us they are authoritarian, self-aggrandizing, nihilistic charlatans who have no interest in governing. They only care about score settling for the perceived slights (all imaginary) and soothing their enormous insecurity.

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Yes it's frightening to look behind the curtain at the people and groups that are behind the curtain at the useful idiots rallies. As the curtain rises more each day, listen to what they say and the vision they have for the end of American Democracy. They are seriously intent on taking power. Even though "we the people" think we have the final say with our vote, that won't stop them. They will create chaos in the state voting systems.

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The ‘we the people’ folks should consider why they would have a say if these power mongers win out. Once they have power they won’t need any more “say”.

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The silence of the DNC is frustrating. Biden has made a few strong statements regarding this but, for some reason, the DNC is invisible.

Same with the United States Federal Government, missing this opportunity to support and defend democracy. FDR pulled out all the stops to get the anti-Nazi, anti-fascist message across to everyday Americans. He used all the resources of the federal government. Top to bottom. Why is our government messaging so weak?

When DJT blurts some stupid, outrageous, anti-American, pro-Russia comment, the media, DNC and our government accept it as somehow valid. As "the other side of the argument". His lies and destructive claims are not valid and do not deserve any respect, by anyone. The media and government officials--Democrat and Republican--should immediately call it out for the idiocy it is. LOUD and CLEAR!

If liberal democracy is to survive in America (and the world) it will be due to the action and energy of young people. I'm afraid the low-energy, low-passion old folks are holding them back. Or they're asleep. Nancy and Joe and DNC: Release the hounds! Federal policy makers and employees: Defend yourselves and America against DJT and this thugs--or perish!

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Perfectly said! I have one more to add, why is Trump NOT in prison yet? Has he not done enough crimes?

All this is happening, including Project 2025, because the criminal is free to be himself and especially, free to keep his relationship with his magas alive and well. It is almost as if he is rewarded for crimes committed. Anyone else would be behind bars by now.

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FDR had a propaganda council to assist with the war effort: Office of War Information. Wilson established the Committee on Public Information to drum up support for WWI and silence critics. Both of these were viewed as patriotic endeavors not partisan.

Do you remember what happened when Biden’s administration tried to set up a group to debunk false information?

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1. I wish the media would not only roll their eyes at the new Republicans. I wish they would emphasize the traditions and values being violated. Maybe just preaching to the choir. 2. Fox calls democrats Radical Socialist Marxists. Democrats call Neo Fascist

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Correction: They call Crypto Fascists ... Republicans. The leader of the House is not a Republican He's a Crypto Fascist who is registered Republican. Republicans are traditionally good people. The Crypto Fascists are not good people and are not Republican in the true sense of the word. Or the traditional sense. Labels matter.

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As always you hit the nail on the head. It is mind boggling for me to see the people in the GOP that should know better continue to defend Trump and not oppose him. His lowbrow cult members are never going to abandon him because they operate on emotion and passion driven by hatred of the other. Trump like any propagandist knows this, the same with the Right Wing Faux News crowd at FoxNews, Newsmax, One America, and the host of RW propaganda outlets. Since Trump plays to their base instincts they will not waver until their world crashes down on, but the people that should know better have a greater guilt when it comes to what is happening today and might happen in 2025 if Trump is elected.

Milton Mayer’s account of his time at a German University town where he taught at the University during the 1950s is illuminating. In his book, “They Thought they Were Free: the Germans 1933-1945”, Mayer wrote of a conversation with one of his university colleagues: the colleague said:

“How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have changed here before they went as far as they did; they didn’t, but they might have. And everyone counts on that might. “Your ‘little men,’ your Nazi friends, were not against National Socialism in principle. Men like me, who were, are the greater offenders, not because we knew better (that would be too much to say) but because we sensed better. Pastor Niemöller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late.”

By then it was too late. Trump has laid out his plan to destroy the American system of government, savage the Constitution, and punish his enemies while supporting the enemies of the United States. There can be doubt of his intent, but those who should know better remain silent. Not a one refuses to stand against him. If only they would.


Steve Dundas

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The recent elections were positive for Democrats, but they were primarily, state concerns. My concern is the national election. Democrats need more topics to win than abortion and marijuana. Trump is presently ahead in the polls. I hope that will change. But look what trump is promising and enticing to voters: put parents back in charge of schools; cut programs for gender transition; restore law and order; end the Ukrainian war in one day; build 10 freedom cities where the American Dream of home ownership will come true; end China's influence; build the best economy ever; pro NRA. Now, we know this is baloney. His real agenda is hate and rage: shoot BLM protestors; shoot shoplifters; incite violence against any who criticize him; death penalty for drug dealers; control DOJ & FBI. Smugly reciting,"If you go after me, I'm coming after you." People believe the former. One pathetic woman all wrapped up in trump clothes and the flag says trump keeps his promises. They believe that stuff.

Although Biden has good intentions, has done marvelous things for the country, all people see is an 80 year old man with half shut eyes who shuffles and makes spoken gaffes. His one cool, sexy look is the closeup in suit and tie wearing sunglasses.

What do people want? As Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid," High gas, high rent, high insurance, high new cars, high clothes, and especially, high groceries. The other day, a man paid $66+ for a turkey !! Yes, we say we think climate is the biggest concern, but windmills are not uppermost on minds (besides, they cause cancer and kill whales says Sir) Filling potholes is not a winner.

Others are being considered or at least talked about as candidates: Harris-no; H. Clinton-no; Michelle Obama -no; Buttigieg or Newsome - eh. No one mentions Jaime Raskin. Look up his background, his held offices; his accomplishments. A very bright man - magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Harvard. 25 year constitutional law professor, a compassionate man who, like the President,lost a son but continued to give to his country through personal stressful times.

But, as it looks, Biden will be the nominee. Therefore, he needs to ramp up at least some sort of campaign. Not much so far. Yes, he talked to a few farmers, put on a red union tee shirt, but he needs to speak out, with force, stop reading and speak extemporaneously with passion . "Be still when you have nothing to say, when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say , and say it hot !"

( D.H.Lawrence) One-upmanship to trump's gibberish.

The Democrats also need some memorable slogans. Look at trump's: Build the wall, make America great again, let's go Brandon, America First, Biden crime family-even just Hunter Biden is a slogan.

Biden's-Build Better Back, No malarky. : ( Think of Obama's Yes We Can; Kennedy's Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. People remember these , the media eats them up. Look how company ads are remembered -Just do it; can you hear me now; the quicker picker upper, only pay for what you need, where's the beef.

We can write to each other here, stating and restating what we already know, but so what? A work friend who admires Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn't read this column. She listens to Truth Social.

So.............Democrats need to rev up, pound on the dais for emphasis occasionally, send out prominent members to speak for the President, call out trump-emphatically. Remind people of his failures, his cruelty, his partnerships with Putin, Kim. Let him have it. So we can. Just Do It !!!

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Excellent scary points but I want to point out that even under a dictatorship, we WILL have elections. There are elections in Russia and other autocratic countries. Saying we won’t have elections offers the MAGAts an opportunity, if they take power, to exclaim, “we’ll see we still have elections - they aren’t gone like the left warned.”

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Fair point, Karen. Thx.

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Where are the religious leaders? Why isn't this message being addressed from every pulpit in every church? The leadership of Christianity is not bamboozled. They know perfectly well a dictator will be horrible for their people. What on God's earth do they think they will gain? Where is the corporate outrage that translates into money to fight it? Have the fascist infiltrated the board rooms of corporate America, thinking they will sit atop the manure pile after the revolution? God save us.

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Interesting that so many claim the MSM are "ignoring" Project 2025 when the NYT reported on its plans months ago. Be that as it may--

Apparently Ohio legislators plan to "strip the courts" of deciding anything relating to issue 1, leaving them free to pass unconstitutional bills with no one to say them nay.


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I agree. And I see that others have reported on Project 2025 including ‘TV News’. I think it strikes a lot of people as a sort of boring geeky topic about how government works. It needs to be broken down into info chunks that contain the effect on people’s lives. A series of short animations could do that.

I see in The Hill the excuse announced yesterday re: Issue 1: “… four GOP lawmakers claimed without evidence that there was “foreign election interference” in the vote to pass Issue 1, …

“To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts, Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” the lawmakers said. “The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”

(While the Senate President announced this is “just the beginning of a revolving door of ballot campaigns to repeal or replace Issue 1.”)

Evidentially there is a legal angle called “subject matter jurisdiction.” I have no idea what the OH constitution says about state court jurisdiction. Maybe when/if the GOP puts legislative language out we’ll hear more about its viability. Meanwhile, I’m hoping OH voters will then look at putting an amendment in their constitution that gives the state courts jurisdiction. (This is like a bad movie.)


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subject matter jurisdiction is just what kinds of case a court can hear. State superior courts are basically courts of general jurisdiction, which means they can hear pretty much everything except those things reserved for specialized courts (traffic court, probate court, for example). I* don't think I've ever heard of any subject matter that has been completely removed from general or special jurisdiction. Federal court has minimum damage limits for some kinds of cases. State courts usually don't, except for stuff like small claims court.

Some GOP are muttering about the "independent state legislature" doctrine. That is a doctrine, now disapproved by the Extreme Court itself, that has to do with state control over ELECTION law. It has zippo to do with legislatures having unfettered control over any law. You can't just legislate courts away. Next up the GOP will be trying to keep courts from trying cases of fraud or corruption by state legislators.

Unless you are on Team Trump, who clearly will eliminate courts if he can, except for cases where he is the plaintiff to get money off of someone.

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I never had the desire to be an attorney. But the license does seem to come with an ability to find things mere mortals like myself do not see. That is concerning. For instance it looks like the SCOTUS ruling is about state courts violating, or being in conflict with federal law. Not so much about changing what state courts can hear or limit within state constitutions & state jurisdictions.

Now that there is no federal law regarding abortion, unlike elections, I fear there is a template being floated that OH and other states are eyeing. Maybe it would flop because of the right to redress or some similar right would pry open the doors to the court. It seems precarious to me.

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not sure what case you are referring to. Moore v Harper was a constitutional case about whether the Elections Clause of the Constitution gave state legislatures full power to decide anything to do with elections, without review by any court or redress to the STATE constitution. The justices said no, with Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting. The whole idea of separation of powers is why not.

That doctrine (separation of powers) is obviously under attack by the Forces of Trump--both in his own "unitary executive" ideas--the president can ignore everything he doesn't like--and in the powers of the judiciary vs the legislature. In that sense it feels precarious. But I simply refuse to believe that Americans will go for this.

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Yes that case. I expected separation of powers but have never seen it overtly mentioned. It appears to be about how much power was given to the states in the federal election clause and only federal elections.

So it concerned me, a mere mortal, because this is a state ballot initiative with state courts that receive their authority from state constitutions and state legislatures. I would think the previous decision isn’t broad enough to cover it.

On the other hand they may move on to Plan B. Revolving door propositions.


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folks are going to get REALLLY pissed if they keep using tax payer money to try to have further elections. It isn't that the case didn't go "far enough" about the theory. It is that the whole theory was based on the Elections clause. There isn't anything comparable for general attempts to oust courts.

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The answer is to make sure Trump isn’t on the ballot.

If he’s not on the ballot he will go down in history as a martyr for the extreme right, but leaving him on the ballot is way too risky. Even if Trump is out of the picture the extreme right will keep agitating & lying, but that can be handled.

What I can’t get over are the people who think reelecting Trump is a good idea. I’m talking about people who run corporations or are otherwise successful, educated people. It’s so obvious Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself I don’t know how that can be overlooked. His supporters will get very little from him. He uses people and discards them. He’ll preside over a reign of terror to benefit only himself. No one will be safe.

Republicans are hell-bent on taking over our government and probably partnered with Putin

to do it--which is certifiably insane. The

republicans running the show stay out of the public eye. I’m sure if they have to pay for votes, they’ll

do it and going forward republican Presidents will

take orders from the people behind the scenes.

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"Former Trump lawyer and critic Ty Cobb predicts a different fate: 'Trump himself is more likely to rot in jail than anyone on his alleged list.' "

Let's hope Mr. Cobb is right.

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Steve, I do not believe America can afford to let Trump be the (R) nominee. Between issues like Ukraine, Israel, MAGA and the literally billion of dollar that the media (CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Breibart, OANN, Newsmax etc. to list a few, and all hoping to EARN millions as they pit America against America is a formidable task. But I believe TFG MUST be voted out before July and the Republican convention : https://cis4mission.org/tlw-intro : this is the survey (2nd posting) that our 501c3 has published to start this initiative. This is not an (R) or a (D) issue. This is an American issue! Our survey indicates that 85% of X users reject Trump running for office. The responses from our post on your earlier piece were 100% against Trump being in office. You sent me 3 guest invites. Can you email me : alex@bcubed.io : I would like to give away 3.5 million. This can be done, and it must be done, I will share privately how!

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Steven shared this great article on my social media accounts, in hopes that more people become aware of what is happening in the country. The small minority that is Trump's base get more press than the President. Why? What has happened to mainstream media in this country? Why are journalist writing opinion pieces instead in doing investigative reporting? Why do people like myself have to search to find accurate journalism? In 100 years the historian will report that the take over of the US to a fascist government could never have happened without the help of American journalist and reporters.

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