Great piece by an astute and knowledgeable presidential historian chronicling in one place the filthy rubbish this ex-president has thrown over the American people over and over. I hope this history will not be “sanitized” in the future but preserved for all future generations to see.
An excellent collection of Trump's vile statements and acts--almost a perfect riposte for those who are wrangling Trumper friends and relatives this holiday season. Thank you, Steven, for your faithful and earnest LABOR to tell the truth, supply the context, and show why we ALL NEED TO STEP UP and DO SOMETHING. This is not a joke, or an alarmist claim. Pick something, anything..... and get involved. Your fan, Liz
He tears any and all down to build himself up. How unhappy one would really be to be filled with so much hate. Yet, people praise him for telling it like it is. My cable fixer, a trump believer, and I had conversation. He still believes the election stolen, that 3 truckloads of fake votes delivered in Arizona at 3 AM, did not know what antifa stood for but they stormed the Capital, Pelosi crooked, nothing good forthcoming from Biden, and all the rest. People like that will never change their minds.
In a way donny's right - we are fighting like H...only to preserve our democracy : voting rights for ALL eligible citizens, right to privacy for & about decisions women make for their own medical care & physicians who provide that care, right to marry whom you want regardless of race, color or sex and finally right to educate students not just about America's history but world history so times like hitler (and donny's group) never become law if land. Thanks for another great synopsis of donny's irrational mentality.
Good summary Steven. All sides are speculating why he took so many secret files out of the WH. His friends and detractors assume he's a bumbling idiot. So he's too stupid to be a mastermind spy who sold copies of these documents to our enemies. He poisoned the 2020 election by claiming it was rigged, in advance. Heads I win, tails you lose. If he's smart enough to "rig" the election and take $200 million in dupe donations, he's smart enough to sell secrets. He can claim the secret files were mixed in with his personal effects when he packed in a hurry. Everyone knows he's a moron. But he's had more than a year for his assistants to line up buyers for this intel. If he's acting to destroy American democracy, he would sell America's secrets for money.
And now he’s financially helping the insurrection it’s who broke the law and invaded the Capitol. And desecrated it. And threatened to hang Mike Pence. And thrived to stop the peaceful transition of power that is a hallmark of democracy. And he says he will pardon those criminals who tried to destroy our democracy when he becomes president again after the 2024 election. THIS IS DANGEROUS. WE CAN’T LET THIS HAPPEN. WE ARE COUNTRY OF LAWS. LAWS THAT APPLY EQUALLY TO ALL. WE MUST SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY. ( CAPITAL LETTERS USED INTENTIONALLY BECAUSE IT IS THAT IMPORTANT).
How much do I have to pay for you to write the anti fascist speech Biden should have given. He is no Churchill when we need a Churchill. You, I believe, are the next best thing. Again a storm is gathering. Clarity, powerful writing, and compelling oratory, are essential. Dollars or Pound Sterling. Name your price.
Hmm. First, he could have used a better set designer. That didn’t help. I can tell you one outcome of his speech is the MAGA crowd is on a hateful rampage online.
The way you have channeled the bigot is brilliant, Steven!
I’ve said it elsewhere, but I’ll say it here: when the guy is brought to trial, his lawyers will plead insanity on his behalf. (And I’m only half joking.)
Steven, your portrait of Donald Trump is searingly accurate, and a harsh reminder that his evil agenda is all-encompassing and never-ending. He is as dangerous as he is delusional. Such a reprehensible individual with a long track record of corrupt business dealings and misrepresenting his assets should have been held accountable, long before now. Consequences are necessary.
Great piece by an astute and knowledgeable presidential historian chronicling in one place the filthy rubbish this ex-president has thrown over the American people over and over. I hope this history will not be “sanitized” in the future but preserved for all future generations to see.
An excellent collection of Trump's vile statements and acts--almost a perfect riposte for those who are wrangling Trumper friends and relatives this holiday season. Thank you, Steven, for your faithful and earnest LABOR to tell the truth, supply the context, and show why we ALL NEED TO STEP UP and DO SOMETHING. This is not a joke, or an alarmist claim. Pick something, anything..... and get involved. Your fan, Liz
Thank you, Liz.
Oops! Sleepy reader here. I confused Steven Beschloss with Heather Cox Richardson, author of "Letters from an American," another great newsletter.
He tears any and all down to build himself up. How unhappy one would really be to be filled with so much hate. Yet, people praise him for telling it like it is. My cable fixer, a trump believer, and I had conversation. He still believes the election stolen, that 3 truckloads of fake votes delivered in Arizona at 3 AM, did not know what antifa stood for but they stormed the Capital, Pelosi crooked, nothing good forthcoming from Biden, and all the rest. People like that will never change their minds.
In a way donny's right - we are fighting like H...only to preserve our democracy : voting rights for ALL eligible citizens, right to privacy for & about decisions women make for their own medical care & physicians who provide that care, right to marry whom you want regardless of race, color or sex and finally right to educate students not just about America's history but world history so times like hitler (and donny's group) never become law if land. Thanks for another great synopsis of donny's irrational mentality.
Good summary Steven. All sides are speculating why he took so many secret files out of the WH. His friends and detractors assume he's a bumbling idiot. So he's too stupid to be a mastermind spy who sold copies of these documents to our enemies. He poisoned the 2020 election by claiming it was rigged, in advance. Heads I win, tails you lose. If he's smart enough to "rig" the election and take $200 million in dupe donations, he's smart enough to sell secrets. He can claim the secret files were mixed in with his personal effects when he packed in a hurry. Everyone knows he's a moron. But he's had more than a year for his assistants to line up buyers for this intel. If he's acting to destroy American democracy, he would sell America's secrets for money.
And now he’s financially helping the insurrection it’s who broke the law and invaded the Capitol. And desecrated it. And threatened to hang Mike Pence. And thrived to stop the peaceful transition of power that is a hallmark of democracy. And he says he will pardon those criminals who tried to destroy our democracy when he becomes president again after the 2024 election. THIS IS DANGEROUS. WE CAN’T LET THIS HAPPEN. WE ARE COUNTRY OF LAWS. LAWS THAT APPLY EQUALLY TO ALL. WE MUST SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY. ( CAPITAL LETTERS USED INTENTIONALLY BECAUSE IT IS THAT IMPORTANT).
How much do I have to pay for you to write the anti fascist speech Biden should have given. He is no Churchill when we need a Churchill. You, I believe, are the next best thing. Again a storm is gathering. Clarity, powerful writing, and compelling oratory, are essential. Dollars or Pound Sterling. Name your price.
Hmm. First, he could have used a better set designer. That didn’t help. I can tell you one outcome of his speech is the MAGA crowd is on a hateful rampage online.
Exactly. Maga red was so obviously wrong. Heart breaking that he's not a better messenger.
But the speech may well have uplifted Democrats waiting for signs he’ll fight back. Thanks for the kind words.
The way you have channeled the bigot is brilliant, Steven!
I’ve said it elsewhere, but I’ll say it here: when the guy is brought to trial, his lawyers will plead insanity on his behalf. (And I’m only half joking.)
Every day that slips away Garland looks worse. Jesus H he sucks.
Steven, your portrait of Donald Trump is searingly accurate, and a harsh reminder that his evil agenda is all-encompassing and never-ending. He is as dangerous as he is delusional. Such a reprehensible individual with a long track record of corrupt business dealings and misrepresenting his assets should have been held accountable, long before now. Consequences are necessary.