Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

He has no business even being in the House of Representatives, let alone being elected Speaker. This whole thing is a disaster.

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We can help counter the effort Jim Jordan is currently making to bully his colleagues into supporting his bid for the Speakership.

At www.FeathersOfHope.net we just published a list of 23 selected Republican Representatives with their DC and District phone numbers. All are from districts where MAGA forces are not dominant. We are urging everyone to call them, asking that they break with extremism and support a bipartisan coalition to elect a traditional non-MAGA Republican Speaker.

Here's a link to the post:https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/finding-republican-partners .


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He is not even qualified to be elected dog catcher! Probably can’t spell it anyway.

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1 more reason: Asking for a Presidential Pardon stinks to high heaven

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@StevenBeschloss, you summarized the 5 reasons so very well. I totally agree with you. In 1 sense I hope the "no" votes prevail because it would be dangerous and unAmerican to have Jim Jordan as speaker. On the other hand, how long are we going to go without a speaker, and thus a House of Representatives that can't enact any legislation, or even fund aid to Israel? Though I conclude that hopefully President Biden can send the needed aid by Executive Order, and in the long run our country would be better off waiting until we get a competent Speaker, who actually puts the country first, and doesn't have all of these negatives in his resume. I can't conclude without mention what I saw on tv yesterday, which was 45 claiming the if he was president there would not be any Israel-Hammas war, with all of the atrocities that come with it. If I remember correctly, he also blamed Netanyahu for not foreseeing and preparing properly. Netanyahu's country is under its worst attack since the Holocaust; and all 45 can do is criticize him. This former president 45 keeps showing time and again that he is not fit to be president. He does not have the skills to lead us within our own country; and he is certainly not equipped to be a leader on the world stage. Sadly, though, he is leading in the GOP primary polls, which tells us that he is likely to get the 2024 nomination, and that he has many many many cult followers who believe and follow everything he says. Our country needs and deserves better. The world needs and deserves better. Thank you for this opportunity to vent.

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Heck, 45 is not even fit to be an effective mob boss.

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His correct position is maître d’.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Jim is a classic bully with lots of bluster and little intellectual input in what he says. He’s a disciple of Trump, and like his master, he is hell bent on destroying America as we know it. He’s unfit to even tie Biden’s shoelaces, but here he is wanting to be elected Speaker of the House so that he can further his attempts to inflict as much damage to the stability of his office. He’s unfit to serve in any capacity in the House as evidenced by his lack of political knowledge and the total absence of decorum as the chair of the judiciary committee as well as the zero number of bills that he’s never sponsored.

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Not only is he unfit, he’s scary and dangerous to fill the house speaker position. Is he threatening his Republican house members? Maybe even blackmailing some of them?

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When I read this morning someone had a polite conversation with him, my thought was that he'd dug something up on that member of congress and has blackmail in his back pocket.

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The threat of blackmail must be quite effective during a time when things are already so chaotic.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

What more to say other than I utterly concur with your essay. Please don't stop.

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And yet, Ohio, known as the Mother of Presidents, has elected Jordan to state/federal office since 1995. 28 years of nothingness ! Go figure ???

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I was born and raised in Ohio during the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I don't recognize what it has become.

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His primary function in the House is to degrade it, and my question is who historically, in terms of financial interest, has that benefitted, from his early days. Before Trump. There is a dark story there aside from his involvement in the virtual trafficking of young men.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thanks for putting it all together. I appreciate you and your substack, and I appreciate especially the few substackers I subscribe to who mention every time I read them that I, a paying reader, am a "special person,” irony included. When one reads each time (I understand ads) how one should subscribe w/payment, even if one already does (but that’s not mentioned) it interrupts the article and makes me wonder — until I see that I subscribe. If I only subscribed to one, it wouldn’t bother me, but I pay for several.

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I am a life time Ohioan, and I totally agree that Jim Jordan’s antics and total disregard for the rule of law and the truth, completely disqualifies him to hold any public office, and especially the Speaker of the House. Jordan’s behavior is a total embarrassment.

Look at his record. 0 bills passed in 16 years and forever making a mockery of being a legislator!

His denial that he knew what was happening to his college wrestlers, when he was assistant coach at OSU, is also very disturbing, and diminishes the public view of a most challenging sport that struggles for public recognition.

His bullying attitude and conduct goes hand in hand with the general normalization of violent behavior by Maga cult members.

Jordan has demonstrated no positive leadership skills in politics. His support of the Big Lie, election denialism, ignoring a Congressional subpoena, and amnesia on his Trump calls say it all. He is not a true public servant. If he had an iota of integrity, he would resign.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Is the bullying the thing that will finally push some Rs to support bipartisan leadership? If made so clear a choice between caving to the base voters or acknowledging their purple districts, surely some (enough?) will choose governance over chaos.

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Couldn't agree more! My Congressman is one of The 147. I hope I live long enough to see some sort of change to the rules pertaining to those in Congress who take a perfunctory task, blow it out of proportion, and throw the country into a tizzy. What a mess. It's so unnecessary.

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Sorry, if it regards Mr. Jordan, I cannot be respectful in my comments. In the USA that he could be a candidate for Speaker and criminal/traitor Trump for President is incomprehensible. The GOP is over, and if they win 2024, America is over.

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I totally agree with all of your reasons for keeping Jordan out of the Speakers' chair. He's a menace to American democracy and effective government. A side note: As I rewatched I, Claudius last night, I realized that Sejanus, Tiberius' amoral enforcer, chief inquisitor, and agent of terror, reminded me of Jordan, another ambitious despot.

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The evidence you describe in #5 supports stronger language than “bully.” Jordan and his gang are fascists.

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Liz Cheney may not be perfect, but, at least she has my respect for trying to right some wrongs. I’d like to hear more from her. As for the rest of the “147”, I can’t tolerate a word that comes from their mouths. Cowards all. Until they are held accountable for being complicit to all things “Phlegm”(former president), I will not validate anything coming from them.

I certainly understand I’m not relevant to them, but I do feel more compelled to have a better understanding as to just what it is people, ANYONE, sees in the likes of Jordan.

You are a big help to me, Steven, in summarizing so eloquently these topics I’ve all too often taken for granted. The more informed I become, the more upsetting it is for me. Ignorance of the voting public is so much deeper than I had imagined. Frighteningly so. Don’t people understand violence will ensue when people’s expectations are so disrupted? Changing ones mind ought not be so difficult, if GOOD is the consequence. Where is any good present in these “leaders”? What a shame to the world that this is the best we’ve got.

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So the House proposed 2 candidates - white male insurrection supporters.

One addressed a white supremacist group in 2002. About a decade before that, he is quoted as describing himself as David Duke without the baggage. He garnered more votes than the 2nd but bowed out which leaves us with the 2nd -- A shouting showboat who is forever tied to the scandal of not assisting students he coached who told him they were being sexually abused. He carries the distinction of not honoring congressional subpoenas & represents the bullying faction of the GOP.

Whether the Jordan pressure campaign (by him and those including Hannity who align with him) is totally successful or not, the GOP has shown itself to be weak and leaderless. The House GOP keeps proving that those who stand for nothing fall for everything.

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