I'm staying with the guy who brought me to the dance. Nothing about his humanity, sense of decency, Presidential accomplishments, or plans for America's future has changed because he gave a weak "performance" at a so-called debate. Indeed it IS the convicted felon Trump who should be leaving the race.

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The NYT would disqualify Biden based on ninety minutes of mediocre debating, whilst treating Trump's 34 felony convictions as if they were parking violations.

I'm sticking with the guy who doesn't want to be a dictator.

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NYT has been complaining about Biden's age for months. Why should I care now?

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Well stated.

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With 28 documented lies by TFG at the debate!

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"Liar, Liar, Trump on Fire: A Catalog of Deceit”

In neon lights, our nation burns,

As Donald's deceit wildly churns.

The Con Don's cry, a country's rue,

Ninety minutes of lies anew.

"No one fibs like me," Trump boasts,

His venom sprays like venomous hosts.

Biden gapes, jaw slack with shock,

As Teflon Don runs amok.

"I would have accepted defeat," he cries,

"But fraud!" Trump screams, spinning lies.

A claim so bold, it sparks a storm,

Debunked, yet still his platform.

"Insulin's down," the Donald claims,

Ignoring Biden's Medicare aims.

The $35 cap, not his to own,

A 2022 act, truth be known.

"Millions from jails," he fabricates,

"Prisons, mental wards," he states.

Statistics he manipulates,

Impossible numbers he creates.

"We saved Roe," Don Juan deceives,

"All wanted it back," none believes.

The Bankrupt King, with brazen lies,

Rewrites history before our eyes.

"Fake quotes," Trump Tower's lord snarls,

"Sleepy Joe's lies," he loudly quarrels.

"Suckers and losers," Donnie denies,

His own staff leaked his contempt's disguise.

January 6th, a twisted tale,

"Ten thousand troops," a myth so frail.

"Pelosi's fault," he boldly states,

As video evidence negates.

"Evidence gone," The Donald lies,

Committee's proof his claim denies.

Records intact, for all to see,

His falsehoods clear as can be.

"Crooked Joe's a crook," he roars,

As felony charges he ignores.

House GOP sought, found no sin,

Yet still The Donald spins and spins.

"Manchurian Joe," wild Don hollers,

"China pays him!" as truth he collars.

No evidence found, claims fall flat,

But Trump cares not for facts like that.

Stormy's truth makes Donald squirm,

Court decrees, he can't affirm.

"No porn star sex," he boldly states,

As evidence accumulates.

"Best shape ever," Trump proclaims,

A joke that brings the crowd to shame.

"As good as thirty years ago,"

A claim that strains credulity so.

NATO's demise, another fable,

"We paid it all," his math unstable.

Alliance strong, despite his cries,

Another of The Donald's lies.

Iran "was broke," he falsely cries,

State Department reports belie.

"No money for terror," he declares,

As facts show otherwise, he errs.

Afghanistan, his botched deal,

"Strength and dignity," he'd reveal.

But his agreement paved the way,

For Taliban's return to sway.

"World's worst border," Trump declares,

Hyperbole beyond compare.

Danger exaggerated, fear he sows,

Reality, a tale he forgoes.

Charlottesville, "all debunked," he swears,

As recorded truth his lie impairs.

"Every anchor agrees," he claims,

But facts his falsehood maims.

"The only jobs he created," Trump sneers,

"Are for illegals," he falsely smears.

Millions of jobs since COVID's peak,

His grasp of economics weak.

COVID spending, inflation's rise,

Trump takes credit, then denies.

"I spent to save," he proudly states,

Then Biden's spending he berates.

Ukraine's dead "tripled," aid "too much,"

Contradictions in his touch.

"Do nothing," then "too much," he cries,

Logic bends as Donald lies.

"I'll end the war," The Donald vows,

Rejecting terms, yet still avows

Instant peace, a magic trick,

Logic bends to rhetoric.

"Putin's terms unacceptable," he'll say,

Then promise peace without delay.

A president-elect's mighty power,

To end a war within the hour.

In this inferno of deceit,

Where truth and fiction often meet,

Trump burns bright with every lie,

A phoenix of falsehoods that won't die.

From 2020's fraud delusion,

To border fears and mass confusion,

Each claim more bold than the last,

A tapestry of lies so vast.

NATO, Iran, and Biden's kin,

The web of falsehoods thick within.

Job numbers twisted, facts ignored,

As Trump's tall tales leave truth deplored.

But as his flames of fiction rise,

And smoke obscures our nation's skies,

Remember this, both far and near:

The truth, though tested, perseveres.

No candidate in history's pages

Has lied so boldly through the ages.

A testament to shameless gall,

Trump thinks he can fool us all.

Yet facts stand firm against his spiel,

His words can't change what's truly real.

Though Donald Duck may quack and crow,

His lies, like feathers, eventually show.

America, stay vigilant and wise,

See through the smoke of Trump's disguise.

For in this battle of truth and lie,

Our nation's soul and future lie.

So spread this tale of Trump on fire,

His pants ablaze, his nose grown higher.

Let truth prevail in every state,

As we approach November's date.

In twenty-twenty-four we stand,

A crucial choice before our land.

Will we succumb to brazen lies,

Or seek the truth that Trump denies?

Each voter holds the power to choose,

Between stark facts and fake news.

Remember well this catalog of deceit,

As to the polls our feet we beat.

For in this year, this vital hour,

We wield democracy's great power.

Let wisdom guide each hand that votes,

As history our choice notes.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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The president may be seriously ill... he's haunted by the death of a son... the solution: ROLE REVERSAL

The president is pictured here in the 1940's...

...forcefully deciding on ROLE REVERSAL...


2024: Keep Biden in the White House as VP?

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This was absolutely incredible!!! Poetry at its best!! WELL DONE!!!

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CNN is not interested in the truth—they don’t seem to care about the 28 massive lies by tfg; again and again and again he flat out lied:”I reduced the price of Insulin”—No he didn’t—a lie—Joe did that;”Nancy just admitted she failed to call in the NatlGuard”No she didn’t;he failed to do that for hrs—another big lie;28 OF THEM in just 90 minutes!How can we ever believe this POS?Dana Bash doesn’t care!

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It was up to Biden to defend his achievement with respect to the price of insulin. He was unable to defend himself when Trump spewed his myriad lies and apparently when they negotiated the rules of the debate, the responsibility for fact checking was left out of the network’s agreement to host.

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Let’s put these expressions of fealty to Biden in context. I’ll stipulate that not one pre-debate Biden supporter will switch to Trump. That’s not enough. Biden is losing according to the polls. Losing to a twice impeached felon in the swing states. We need to convince soft Trump supporters that their support for him is insane. Biden clearly is not up to that job.

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Then contribute to David Hogg’s and Beto’s out reach to young voters. Also, no one mentions the palpable rage 😡 😤 boiling in women.

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Yes, but would that translate to another Democrat? I strongly believe that Joe Biden has made his pro-choice stance abundantly clear—clearer than Hillary "We need to open up a 'dialogue' with anti-choicers" Rodham Clinton ever did!

Every time I read a "Biden should step aside" comment or piece? I suspect Hillary is behind it all, trying to push the DNC for a THIRD bite of the apple, after LOSING to Trump once already!

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Hillary is DOA. And she knows it. Everyone does. She wouldn't be chosen.

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From your mouth to the Gods' and Goddesses' ears! It's just we thought that about Richard Nixon after 1962, which is who Hillary Rodham Clinton reminds me of....

After her disgusting performance in 2016, gleefully alienating everybody to the Left of Mitt Romney while obsessing over "going toe-to-toe with Putin"*? She DESERVED to lose. Rather than stepping back and readjusting, she kept blaming everybody but herself for her failure—as late as 2020 she was STILL calling Bernie Sanders(!) a "Russian Asset"(!!!).


* Please do not think my loathing for Hillary means I support Putin or Trump in any way, shape, or form. I do, however, believe in a middle ground between Belligerence To Show How "Tough" You Are, and Sucking Up to The Enemy—a course I think President Biden is doing a reasonably good job of navigating with the support he's giving The Ukraine while not committing troops to fighting there, which WOULD set off a potentially nuclear confrontation with Donnie's Daddy Vladdie!

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Polls are both suspect and unreliable. The only “poll” that matters is the election.

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And no one else is known nationwide and the choice would cause extremely harsh feelings of the unpicked and screwed over. But I’m sure everyone wd jump on board! Sure - voters wd be pissed on but they wd vote whomever you choose. That is all BS! Grow a pair and fight for Biden. He has always fought for us. You are a wimp.

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I agree Donna! And I love how you referred to Thursday’s CNN event as a so-called debate. That’s a perfect description. Trump hasn’t a clue as to how to debate. All he does is lie. President Biden called him out on his lie about “post-birth abortions,” but one of the moderators should have stated right then and there that there is no such thing, instead of thanking him for his so-called “answer.” Biden was obviously not feeling well Thursday night. You could tell from his color and the hoarseness of his voice. He’s still my guy though! I will not turn my back on him just because he had one bad night.

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Amen. These pundits are so siloed in their info bubbles they have no clue how angry we are at them

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I've read that the Gish gallop is especially effective when used against someone who stutters. I doubt that Trump studied this technique, he comes by it naturally. But you are right, it was not a debate.

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I never heard of the Gish gallop until today. Yes, Trump comes by it naturally.

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There is a great explanation in Heather Cox Richardsons letters to America. I hadn't heard of it until she talked about it.

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I believe it. We had an excellent candidate years ago for US Senator. He was a former mayor of a major city with major accomplishments. But the GOP oppo turned up an interesting fact. He was dyslexic. They would plant people in public meetings, even small more intimate occasions to heckle and interrupt so he could not use his notes. His staff was caught off guard. Before they developed a strategy the reputation for being bumbling and mentally slow, etc. became a ‘thing.’

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I agree.

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The convicted felon should already BE in prison and considered unfit to run as a candidate. Why does President Biden's age matter, look at his accomplishments. Joe Biden is a time-tested decent human being first and foremost..Those words would never apply to his opponent, nor would they apply to anyone who would favor DJT for POTUS. And BTW, the NYT doesn't speak for me.

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I say what Val Demings posted on twitter.

When Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault and 34 felony counts, I did not see one Republican panic.

If they can rally around their criminal figurehead, surely Democrats can rally around our democracy and a good man working to protect it. That's President Biden.

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💯 It’s possible to admit Biden’s age is a draw back and that his performance on the debate stage was terrible and I will still crawl over broken glass to vote for him and against DT. I am voting FOR democracy and against authoritarianism. Joe Biden has been a great president and he has my vote. If that same sentiment - of all that is at stake and the message of what a decent hard working man Joe Biden is, - fighting everyday for the middle class , hasn’t broken through past the lies and indecency of DT, what makes anyone think anyone else will do better? I am rallying around my president and his excellent advisors. Joe is clear this is about democracy. Now the undecided out there need to see that too.

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Well yeah. And trying to replace him would be a disaster.

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This isn’t about being “loyal” to Joe Biden. This is about beating Donald Trump. Biden has been afforded the high honor of being elected President. We don’t owe him anything more. Biden had more ammunition than any candidate in history that he could have used in the debate against the criminal narcissist Trump (who apparently leads Biden in all the swing states) and he failed miserably. I don’t care that he had a cold. The debate was his idea. His job was to expose Trump’s unfitness for office. He failed. Give someone younger and more energetic a chance. Do we want to lose democracy because Biden had a cold? C’mon, man.

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This is all really unfair. I suspect most of us are encouraged to stay home from work when we are sick. Joe was not allowed by virtue of his office to stay home and nurse his cold. Have we all forgotten how sick we can be with a cold? Instead, he tried to stand up to such a barrage of lies that sometimes he could only stand there with his mouth agape.

Are we our own worst enemies?

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💯 💯 💯 A lot of people don’t realize that the symptoms of a common cold very often mimic EXACTLY years of late-stage dementia. I’m not giving up on Biden no matter how many absentee ballots I have to fill out this year!

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GROW A PAIR AND VOTE FOR BIDEN! You whine like a Republican! SCOTUS is destroying democracy by implementing Project 2025!

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I’m voting for Biden and I canceled my New York Times subscription

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I did the same . And I’m sorry to say . I cancelled my subscription to

Steve Schmidt s ‘ Warning’ .

But months of negative opinions re Bidens candidacy have soured me .

I believe with his power through his site , he’s done some damage to Biden and continues to refer to him in derogatory words .

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I have a subscription as well and wrote that I felt his writing was disrespectful. Clearly, something is wrong there.

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He brought Palin into McCains campaign and he worked for the Weird Kennedy so why are you still reading him? He’s a grifter.

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I recently dumped Schmidt's The Warning also -

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Steve's column following the debate was so predictable, as I wrote on his Substack, and I detected a whiff of gloating that OMG he was so right all along! I have stuck with Steve because of his exceptional writing, when he wasn't bashing our president, but I'm more concerned about the effect of subscription numbers that include, but don't identify, people who disagree with him. So, I will be cancelling my subscription.

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I’ve tried to give Steve Schmidt a chance, but I think I’m done with him too. After putting forth the Congressman Dean Phillips to run against Biden, I tried again. He seems to go where the wind blows, and his videos and writing are way too lengthy and crazily verbose. Too much time outta my day!

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Not to mention, he also gave us Sarah Palin. I like Steve but his judgment is questionable at times.

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I very much agree! At least he’s on track with the spirit of “The Warning”, but he tends to take a few wrong turns within it.

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Yes, I agree with you. Schmidt seems to have gone over to the dark side ... cannot stand his writing any more. Used to admire him. No wonder he and the Lincoln project parted company.

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I just canceled the Warning as well.

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I did the same. They are not helping.

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I cancelled my NYT subscription several months ago because of the bad press about Biden!

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me too

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Me three.

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Me, too.

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I cancelled mine a while back!

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Mine is cancelled as well

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Me too! And made an extra donation. Since when do we throw a successful president under the bus.

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Me too!

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I am canceling mine as well.

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We can all write letters to the NYT without subscribing. They may not provide a platform for us, but they will know the will of the American people.

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I don’t blame them or anyone for that matter who has questions about Biden’s performance. They gave the caveats about how bad DJT would be for the country. Did they say he should not be the GOP nominee? That his answers were often incoherent? No they accept that the GOP won’t do any “soul searching”.

I blame them for jumping to conclusions for a big headline. It was all about appearances, expectations and optics. That’s what TV appearances including fake debates are about. Their conclusions and their opinions should be limited to speaking for themselves. The Biden campaign said it raised $27M in the 24 hrs after the debate. $14M of it in the hour after the debate while DJT raised $8M.

I’m not convinced NYT cares about the will of the American people. It wasn’t so long ago news outlets said the WH was using other media to reach people instead of NYT, WaPo, etc. Using social media, TikTok videos and TV. Not sure editors like that.

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Look, there are lots of things in the NYT that I wish they wouldn’t run, but given the sorry, sorry state journalism is in these days, the Times (as well as some other publications) does contain information we need to know. A few people cancelling their subscriptions won’t have any effect at all.

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But I won’t be violating my principles by supporting more rt wing bias.

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Then no one should subscribe at all! They don’t want us or need us.

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Still with Biden. None of the people suggesting that he step down has come up with a believable alternative. It’s a sad reflection on America that being old, even being physically weak, is considered to be worse than being a completely amoral authoritarian wannabe dictator. That should be the focus here, imo.

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What worried me was that he didn't come across as in control. Beyond campaigning, can he govern at the high level we need for four more years? Believable alternative will be whoever we all line up to support after Biden voluntarily steps aside. Today that's not believable because he hasn't yet stepped aside. The tone I read here is that we'll all support the D alternative to trump. Today that is Biden, but it could be someone else.

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It *could* be someone else, but in my 55 years of experience with the Democratic Party, working for campaigns and supporting candidates, I have rarely seen everyone line up to support anyone. With the short time frame we have, especially in the chaotic political environment we’ve been in since 2016, I just don’t see who could step in and make it happen. Harris is the obvious first contender, and the only one who can make use of the existing finances of the campaign, but she’s not well liked. The governors I’ve heard mentioned don’t have national presence, or, if they do have, it’s as negative as it is positive. I keep thinking of all the contenders in 2020 - many are certainly qualified, but none were successful and Biden emerged from the pack. My feeling is that we’re voting for an administration, not just one guy, and Biden’s is strong, capable, and dedicated to good governance. I have hope that others will see that as well. But I just don’t see who or how a replacement would work. Perhaps I’m overly cautious, but four months out, I think it’s too late to start over. I pray I’m not wrong, and if smarter people than me decide to go with another candidate, I’ll still be voting blue.

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You’re exactly right. There is no practical way of replacing Biden. “Whoever we all line up to support”? We aren’t all going to line up to support anyone, unless Superman flies in to save the day. People think they’re living in a comic book universe.

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Jon, I worry a lot about the “show” factor of modern politics. I think you’re right; so many have forgotten we’re talking about governance, not entertainment. Trump provides the circus and some folks get dazzled by the sparkles. We need a serious reset. I’m afraid I don’t have the answer for how to do that! I’m counting on young people, like my granddaughter, who is a thoughtful and serious person. Fingers crossed.

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Experiences like your 55 yrs with the Dems is why I say Dems are always looking for a unicorn candidate. Not realistic to expect the candidate to be flawless, agree with everything they want, deliver everything they want immediately. We have to see beyond all that to who will work for us.

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I agree it's too late and there's no other viable alternative. I am not a Democrat but I believe Trump has to be defeated at all costs.

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I wish one day we all look back and ponder on how ridiculous it is that we feel that an EIGHTY-ONE years old person is the only/best person to beat a flawed, childish, evil, narcissistic, selfish, and demonstrably stupid person like DJT. How did we even manage to get so stupid? Biden should’ve declared that he was a 4-years president and allow for the magical messiness of the democratic process to take place. Do we understand how ridiculous this is? I admire and respect him, and I love what he’s managed to accomplish with so little wiggled room. But the time at the helm for those born before 1960 has come to an end. This is a bloody disaster bc people who should’ve been retired and enjoying their golden years decided that they are too important and irreplaceable to let those who came after them to have a chance to be in charge. This is ridiculous. It’s not about Biden or Trump, it’s about what does it say of us as a society that these are the best we got. I understand it from the MAGA crowd bc they are in a sadistic, xenophobic, racist, anti-social/anti-democratic cult, but we all should expect better from the “sane” party. And this is insane. There’s no other way to put it. It’s insane.

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Why do you wish that? Shoulda, woulda, coulda is pretty uneffing helpful at this point. No one is glad to be in this position. How about offering a constructive suggestion, if you have one.

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You presume too much. I don’t line up very well with all the age discrimination

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If Biden doesn't win because of agism of the electorate what will resentment that that's why get you?

It's a question of what big risk are Democrats going to take. Biden's performance has increased the risk of him losing. Switching now is also an enormous risk. To me it is only worth taking if Biden voluntarily steps aside. His choice--I hope he will decide based on electability with the electorate we have with all its prejudices and shallowness not just his confidence that he can do the job.

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We talk like it all depends on one man. He has surrounded himself with an awesome administration. I have faith in that.

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Biden's delivery was poor, but his words were strong. Read the transcript...just because the vessel looks bad don't mean what is inside is runied.

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wonderful point!! Do enough Americans read more than three lines on Twitter or fb?

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Very few...

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I don’t read Twitter at all. Speaking of bias!

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Thank you.

That is what NYT’s editorial board could have pointed out. Instead they tried to get in front of the bandwagon like their hair was on fire.

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One bad night does not a disqualification make. They wouldn't be yelling so loudly for Biden to drop out if they weren't truly afraid that he will win, no matter what. Turning your back on the man who has done so much for us during the last 3.5 years is despicable, especially considering all he has accomplished while the MSM was insisting he was TOO OLD to do the job. But he has done the job, is doing the job, and will continue on doing the job in the future. And that is what should matter, not one bad night, fighting off a cold AND a Gish gallop from the convicted felon.

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His crew should be rethinking their strategy, too...... Donald might have been more "in control" for a longer period of time because his crazy wasn't feeding off of a live audience? Putting Joe on the right side made him appear to "look off" camera. Dressing him in black made him look more pale. Ultimately, they maybe should have postponed the debate and took the fallout for a bit, allowing him to be healthier. Did they prepare/practice for the GISH gallop? Who knows....Probably over-prepared him leading up to the debate, wearing down his voice and immune system.

It was so hard to watch (and fervently pray for!) a decent, moral leader struggle under the pounding lies of a narcissistic, felon, wannabe dictator.

Joe needs to dig deep and bring out DARK BRANDON again. I ordered the BRANDANA and look forward to wearing it!

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Oh, I would love that brandana! I am Canadian and we love Biden! We are terrified of Trump and his buddy Putin! Look at the map ... we are not far from Russia!!M. Will NATO come to our aid when Trump decides we have not paid up our protection $$$? We shall see how the new Nato secretary handles the issue .... Trump simply cannot win!!

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Thanks. Yes, God help us if tRump and Palin were ever in power together! I appreciate that you get it.

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Yes, be on guard. AK would invite putie in.

That NATO payment BS is another damn lie. I believe the goal is for nations to use 2% of their GDP for military readiness. No friggin “dues” or payments to NATO or anyone involved in that.

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Ann, I’m curious why you state that “AK would invite Putie in”? I lived in Western AK for nearly 40 years so am keenly aware of the huge number of military sorties flown against the Russians, as well as the strength of the Coast Guard and other military patrols on the water. Alaska is heavily involved every day in protecting the U.S. against Russian incursions. Thanks.

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The comment was somewhat facetious but with an eye to some characteristics of AK. The AK Independence Party which wants a do-over vote on statehood. It claims to be the 3rd largest independent party of any state. It is the 3rd largest in AK. (Russia feeds a similar movement in CA.) Then there is the Palin faction. If Donnie was elected again we all know he has a thing about real estate deals. Greenland comes to mind.

Yes, AK has an overwhelming number of military sites with a big influence on civilian life. The efforts you speak of are US military. Not Alaskan per se. US military personnel cycle in and out of AK or use it as a jumping off place to go overseas. Although enough remain after service to bolster the population.

I lived in Anchorage, Juneau and Ketchikan. While in Juneau I worked for the AK dept of Military Affairs. My now deceased brother-in-law was a commander of a National Guard scout battalion in the Nome-Kotzebue area. The last of my immediate family who lived in AK left about 4 yrs ago.

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Yes, the more things change the more they stay the same. I saw one of the GOP surrogates today ranting loudly & breathlessly about how ‘we’ve been lied to’ and then all the stuff they’ve always spouted.

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It’s our job to save America. Biden just runs it.

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And if we SAVE our democracy by electing Biden and other Democrats up and down the ballot, we can continue to work together to improve the institutions that are in need of repair. Looking at you, SCOTUS.

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It is critical for us to gain control of both sides of the Congress and in the states as well. Not to create absolute authority, but to wrest control from crazies like Trump and the MAGA’s. Most importantly to change the dynamics of the Supreme Court and its integrity.

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What integrity? They are so obnoxious in their power grab. They lied to Congress as well.

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Exactly! Joe Biden needs us now. It’s not ‘Of the donors,’ or ‘By the pundits.’ It is up to the PEOPLE who cherish our American ideals and values. He has governed well in challenging times—and governing is not debating—far from it. Together, WE can save America from a despot.

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I like what Gavin Newsom said. “ Bidens had our backs for a long time , maybe it’s time for us to have his”

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The mass news media has a cash flow incentive to make Donald appear "legit". When they know he's a criminal conman, driven by money and ego, who doesn't really want the job of President. Their "analysis" must ignore his malignancy, his sexual depravity, his mob boss criminality. Any one of the outlets could blow the whistle on this con and shut down his Big Con Game. An empty chair in the Oval is better than this malignant rapist. Any journalist could observe "If Donald wins, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will be registered as the residence of a sex offender. A Rapist should not be our President." But they don't.

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It is unforgivable to watch the current media give this malignant narcissist the room to spread his propaganda! CNN is an abomination selling our Democracy down the tubes...I don't to think Biden should participate in another debate without fact checkers. I believe Biden should prep to rebuttal to this poison...the American public deserves to see this criminal for what he is! Joe had a bad night but NC proofs he's still capable of standing up for truth!

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I don’t think he should do the second debate. To me, there’s no upside. The only rebuttal to that kind of word slaughter is to say “you’re a felon, liar, rapist, and you stole classified documents” over and over, which would surely blow TFG’s mind, but it’s just too much for regular people to handle. It’s far too divisive. At what point do they just throw down like in a ring? No debate because Trump cannot follow rules or STFU.

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I didn’t Trump calling President Biden Joe. He should call him President Biden

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I agree with you that there be no more so-called debates. Donald Trump has NOTHING to offer the American People

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The corporate owned media doesn’t seem to be very bright. They are basically an endangered species on the brink of extinction if Donnie is elected. Worse, they should know it, not only from what he spouts but their experiences when he was in office.

Example A: — It is the third instance over the last month in which a news media organization has disclosed that federal authorities seized the records of its journalists in an effort to identify sources for national security stories published during President Donald Trump’s administration.— https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-business-arts-and-entertainment-government-and-politics-ca37d8079ee3ae88ba1bea1158e14f59

Example B: This one begs the question: Why did the DJT WH want to stop reporting at the border? —The U.S. Government Tracked, Detained, and Interrogated Journalists. We’re Suing on Their Behalf. [ACLU] — https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/the-u-s-government-tracked-detained-and-interrogated-journalists-were-suing

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Donald and his Trump World Gang behave very much like a crime family. He encouraged his family and lieutenants to cheat and steal while he held the Oval Office and then he pardoned them for their crimes. The "Don" almost pulled off the crime of the Century: The theft of the Executive Branch of the strongest country on Earth. He stole the GOP and RNC with bluff and bluster and threats and bullying. The formerly honorable GOP leaders crumbled. Now he's conspiring with his thugs to trick his marks out of more of their hard earned money. And pull even more dirty tricks on the gullible Press and 147 Members of Congress. Roger Stone and his Merry Tricksters will flood the zone with bullshit soon. The DNC and the legit press don't have the balls to call this what it is. Trump World is a Money Scam.

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The mass news media cash flow is indeed the rationale for supporting the felon instead of Biden.

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If only!

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No one else on earth can do what President Biden can, beat Donald. He’s done it before.

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Biden will win! Let’s hope we also win the Senate and the Congress and can address 13 SCOTUS vs 9

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Yes! Biden will trounce criminal Drumpf.

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I keep thinking of FDR and all he accomplished while being in a wheelchair. It was a terrible time for the world yet he was elected 3 times because of who he was as a leader and who he brought into his circle(cabinet). Remember Trumps cabinet members? Vs who is working for US now? I would take Biden in a hospital bed before I would let Trump

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The FDR thoughts were mine also. Never, never discount the strength of will power and the desire to both complete a task as promised and to honor those for whom that task was initiated. Do not underestimate Joe and more than Americans underestimated FDR.

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Well stated, Cynthia

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To your point:

“ Suddenly, in September 1955, Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in Denver, Colorado. After seven weeks he left the hospital, and in February 1956 doctors reported his recovery. In November he was elected for his second term.”


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