I count myself among those who have trouble fully grasping the fact that tens of millions of Americans believe in the Trump strongman persona—and are ready to toss away democracy by voting for a criminal defendant who yearns to rule as a dictator. Do they really want an authoritarian future defined by chaos and hate? Or have many forgotten—including some Democrats—what the Trump years were like? Have they not yet begun to consider what another four years would entail?
I am intrigued and encouraged by a new Biden campaign ad released yesterday. Narrated by actor and Trump critic Robert De Niro, the spot seeks to take apart Trump in just 30 seconds. The ad’s title: “Snapped.”
"From midnight tweets, to drinking bleach, to tear-gassing citizens and staging a photo op…” (We see Trump hold up a bible as police fight with protestors.) ”…then he lost the 2020 election—and snapped—desperately trying to hold onto power.”
“Now he’s running again, this time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.”
(We see Trump speaking at one of his rallies.) “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath.” (De Niro states the threat clearly.) “Trump wants revenge—and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.” (We see violence from the insurrection on Jan. 6.)
(Finally, we see Joe Biden, standing tall and saluting.) “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.”
Throughout, the music is dramatic, the images compelling. The words emblazoned over those images include “Midnight Tweets,” “Drinking Bleach,” “Tear Gas Citizens,” “Lost the Election,” “Snapped,” “Dictator,” “Terminate the Constitution,” “Bloodbath” and “Revenge.”
This offers a first answer to the question of whether Joe Biden can crack the Trump puzzle for uncertain or doubting voters and frame the reality of his opponent. The notion that Trump “snapped”—that he is unhinged and can’t be trusted—will surely be part of the ongoing framing. The ad will be widely distributed over the next month, leading up the first scheduled debate on June 27 in Atlanta. According to the Biden campaign, “Snapped” will air on broadcast television, cable and digital platforms in battleground states.
“We will make sure that the voters who will decide this election are reminded of the chaos and harm Trump caused as president— and why they booted him out four years ago,” Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon wrote in a memo accompanying the ad’s release. She also said that abortion, democracy and economic fairness would be key issues for the president leading up to the debate a month from now. Depending on the outcome in Manhattan, the campaign also will likely emphasize that Trump is a convicted felon.
What do you think? Can Joe Biden crack the Trump puzzle? Is this 30-second spot a sign that he has? Are there other issues that you think will be more critical? Are you confident that he will be tough enough in the coming months to precisely define and defeat Trump?
As always, I look forward to reading your observations and insights—and the opportunity for this community to learn from each other. Please do be respectful. Trolling will not be tolerated.
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*Photo: A screenshot from the new Biden ad, “Snapped.”
He has to pound him on inflation - trumps policies will not help and indeed tax cuts and tariffs will exacerbate inflation. Population needs basic education.
He also needs to debunk the successful businessman persona, and the foreign policy strength (show foreign leaders laughing at him over and over).
Can’t just hit him on chaos and democracy. Have to hit him where polls are telling us the voters (incredible to me) think he’s strong.
I agree! Inflation is a worldwide problem, but is lower in the US, thanks to reasonable economic policies. We have an investment-counselor company manage our retirement funds, and during a recent meeting, they told us this. They also said that the expected recession isn't happening and is unlikely to happen any time soon, and unemployment is low. I think some prices are high because some people are willing to pay them. Extremely wealthy people don't have to care how much something costs, so we all pay more. (Price gouging is big in some areas, too.)
Difficult to know how to peel away the 17% of voters who think we are IN a recession! Stephanie Ruehl was on a few nights ago with two financial experts citing that - but perhaps the polling data itself is suspect?
I hope the polling is suspect, but I don't want to take any chances! We need to vote as if it might be the last time and take nothing for granted. Leave everything on the field!
Yes, but it was only due to the pollsters having a list of donors, it wasn't a "random poll." I did polling for politicos as a PT job while in gradual school, some are more careful than others - but this was also OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO!
Years ago, when polls meant something, they somewhat mattered but not nowadays. Many now are set up by paid Republicans so that they incite fear and unrest. At least, this is what I have been exposed to.
Same way 25% of voters believe Biden is the cause of overturning Roe v Wade. And for the naysayers, it's easy to dismiss all polls out of hand, but there is something there so even if off by 5 or 10%, that's a huge problem since the election will come down to 6 states with margins smaller than that.
Thanks for posting this. Bad polling flooding the media was prevalent in 2022. Near Election Day in 2022 some mainstream media began reporting on who was behind it and their “credentials”.
I read the article in NYT. This analysis includes the key sentence:
“His lead is built on gains among voters who aren’t paying close attention to politics, who don’t follow traditional news and who don’t regularly vote."
Including so many unlikely voters in polls skews the results. I believe unlikely voters should be separated from ‘likely’ voters with other info such as new registrations, etc. Data on unlikely voters is mostly of value to campaigns.
People complain, but still spend. I love watching trump supporters complain about the cost of bread while wearing hundreds of dollars worth of trump crap.
I’m still fuming from contributing to Hillary to defeat Trump, only to have her run such an ineffective campaign. I want to see Biden running attack ads on red state favorites. NASCAR, HGTV, Hallmark, Fox News.
Inflation “pounding” is always misdirected because Biden’s campaign folks have their hands tied and their feet are too busy doing the beltway two-step with lobbyists. Corporations and their monopolistic driven greed are the main catalyst to inflation. Example. Look how the airlines shit their pants when Joe threatened their fees model. Then the White House attack on that effort kind of went radio silent. Our personal diseased consumerism being controlled by the same corporations with DC lobbyist and White House office calls is being ignored because it’s easier to run a campaign to destroy a bad Orange Man than to face complicity.
Although I agree with what you said about inflation, the problem to overcome is more basic than TFG's policies or even worldwide higher inflation rates. Too many simply don't care or pay attention. So, the Rs have the easier position on this: Are you paying more for groceries, gas, and rent than you were 4 years ago. Can you afford the interest rate on a new car or home today? The answers to those questions are going to drive people's perceptions of the economy much more than the causes. Remember, we're dealing with low information voters in many cases. "Oh, my groceries are higher today. Yep! Gotta vote for TFG." Disgusting as that may be, that's what has to be overcome and it's not an easy lift.
I don’t believe tRump can win, but the state electors can pull some sleazy crap after all is done at the voting booth, and his supporters may be pulling out all the stops by terrorizing likely Biden supporters. There are so many ways they have studied to throw out legitimate voters. There are going to be chaotic court cases unlike the ones already causing a backlog on the tRump train. Not looking forward to this mess.
This is the first sign, for me a least, that the Biden campaign has finally had the lightbulb moment we needed to defeat Trump. Short of using the profanity many of us use to describe the former President as incompetent, unhinged (great word) and wanna be dictator, they have carefully created a message the couldn’t be more clear: This guy Trump is a threat to our democracy and his run for the White House should be kicked to the side of the road. My only suggestion is to ensure that it appears on all media outlets, including Fox, to make sure it has the widest audience possible.
No we don’t, and if they said the same about us we would rightly deem them fascist. We need to be very careful about whom we extra-judiciously threaten with jail because it could well happen to us.
Throw trump in jail when he has been convicted of the first crime he is being prosecuted for, the campaign finance fraud. Then? Move on to the others. He will end up in jail or house arrest. I hope for the last of his miserable days of being a loser, once again.
Can Biden crack the Trump puzzle? I don’t think so. The loyal followers of Trump will go to their grave being loyal to Trump. But the ad must go on and on and on for the benefit of swing voters. The words “revenge”, “bloodbath”, “dictator”, and others must be seared into our minds so that we go to the polls knowing exactly who this felony-driven monster is, as well as the minions who bow and kiss the ring
I liked the video and the connotation attached to the word snapped. I also agree with Dillon that abortion has to be used as a club. Apparently, people are fired up about the court as well. That was before the flag stuff. Pretty sure Biden will hit him with everything.
We need a national billboard campaign with these messages. Billboards are the last place where both sides receive the same message.
I can't drive a mile down a FL highway without being bombarded with pro life propaganda. Dems don't take credit for infrastructure projects happening across the country. They don't make sure people know how GOP members voted on these bills, even as they take credit for the accomplishments they voted against.
We have to flip the script or propaganda will defeat democracy.
You're right, and yet it from your post it seems their propaganda has even gotten to you. These people are not "pro-life," they're "pro-birth." We have to stop letting them define the terms of the debate.
Amen. They are NOT pro-life. It makes me crazy when I hear prochoice people, including politicians, parrot that phrase. Stop it! Pro-choice=pro-life. Period. Full stop. Anti-choice or forced-birth is a more accurate description of a movement that seeks to dictate how others lead their lives. There should not be one single Libertarian who votes GOP.
Great point, James M! The Dems have let the GOP and their cronies control the national narrative through their words and phrases. They (and we) need take it back, as you suggest with your great example. Similarly, we need to re-define words that the right misuses such "patriot" and "freedom." Let's all try to do this when communicating with others, whether in writing or speaking.
Exactly so, Peter. Anyone who finds it necessary to call himself a patriot almost certainly isn't. And freedom? For the right, it's just the freedom to swing their fists and shoot their guns. Dead schoolchildren are just collateral damage. Nothing about duty or responsibility. Anyone who brings those two nouns into the discussion is just a nag. "Moms for Liberty"? Just another code word for the antonym. (Sorry. Starting to sound like Dave Barry's "Mister Language Person," but less entertaining).
The challenge is that Biden and advisors don’t understand the puzzle. They think it is a simple jigsaw puzzle. It is not. Trump and MAGA world have the ability to constantly change the shape of puzzle pieces making it difficult to visualize a complete puzzle (find a solution to crack the puzzle). Also, the media changes the shape of puzzle pieces on a regular basis -one day a ‘piece’ will be on the Middle East, next day, immigration or future of Social Security, etc. Flexibility and creativity works.
So, when one asks if Biden can solve the Trump puzzle, this question of “Asking Biden” must go beyond all campaign staff, public leaders and national Demo party. I would expand the group to solve the puzzle. I would reach out to all people concerned with Trump; I would recruit solutions from local and state groups and yes, interest groups, like LGBT or POC communities, disability community, etc.
Solving or cracking the puzzle requires the Biden team to improve their Chess Mindset with its new rules in today’s social media. They need to think several steps ahead, anticipating potential moves(changing puzzle pieces) from opposition and media shifts.
The challenge is that Biden and advisors don’t understand the puzzle. They think it is a simple jigsaw puzzle. It is not. Trump and MAGA world have the ability to constantly change the shape of puzzle pieces making it difficult to visualize a complete puzzle (find a solution to crack the puzzle). Also, the media changes the shape of puzzle pieces on a regular basis -one day a ‘piece’ will be on the Middle East, next day, immigration or future of Social Security, etc. Flexibility and creativity works.
So, when one asks if Biden can solve the Trump puzzle, this question of “Asking Biden” must go beyond all campaign staff, public leaders and national Demo party. I would expand the group to solve the puzzle. I would reach out to all people concerned with Trump; I would recruit solutions from local and state groups and yes, interest groups, like LGBT or POC communities, disability community, etc.
Solving the puzzle requires the Biden team to improve their Chess Mindset with its new rules in today’s social media. They need to think several steps ahead, anticipating potential moves(changing puzzle pieces) from opposition and media shifts.
The "opposition" consists of clever manipulators who know how play a long and tricky game. I hope President Biden and his people can catch up. There is so much at stake.
Yes yes yes Joe is a decent man. But whatever personal concept of decency is at play here, we must consider what's at stake.
Michelle's maxim is a good one: when they go low, we go high. I'm not saying that the ends justify the means or fight fire with fire.
Just know who or what you're dealing with, know the stakes, and respond accordingly.
No, Michelle Obama's words are not a maxum for politics. They might work great at a garden party full of snipes but not in the political realm. You need to hit them where they hit, and for trump? He deserves a swift and hard kick to the nuts and a Muhammed Ali-sized right hook to his face. Nothing else will do.
Agreed! Michelle's words are like bringing a pillow to a gun fight. Not even a knife. Will not work with this much at stake. Their playing a 3D puzzle and we need to step up our game.
But it's not pillows verses knives, kicks and punches.
Going "high" to me is about engaging higher executive functioning. Not just learning their game but writing our own ~ a better, smarter, more effective playbook.
With the intention of saving our democracy and denying Trump his fucking bloodbath.
Facts matter and MSM is doing a terrible job of providing the public with factual, unbiased reporting. The prevalent both-sidesism is a particularly insidious form of joirnalistic bias. If the press won't provide the public with the unvarnished facts they must be presented in ads. The DeNiro ad is a good start. That, however is not enough.
A major key is eroding the Trump persona. His silly flubs and demented short-circuits, copious displays of ignorance, physical infirmity, and craven cowardice must be highlighted. Unflattering photos should be posted everywhere. On a personal level, Joe Biden should continue to slip snide pokes at Trump's ego. Trump never fails to rise to that bait, usually making the situation worse for himself.
Finally, Trump's unpatriotic utterances and actions must be highlighted. I'm still incensed at his refusal to honor fallen soldiers on the 100th anniversary of the Allied victory at Aisne-Marne for fear that he might get his comb-over wet. It was definately not a transportation problem as billed since all the other heads of state made it there.
Trump has a plethora of vulnerabilities. Exploiting them should be easy, but it's mandatory that Biden and the Democrats take the gloves off and lose them, at least until after the election.
All policy issues aside, and that’s a tough ask, his allure is as a strongman, a persona for which he strives and one for which he is heralded by his base. Strike at that hard, continuously, effectively. And he is making it daily an easier target. Also strike hard at his claim to be a great businessman— he is not. The NY biz records case is a prime example. He’s a Loser and a Cheat
Joe Biden and his team can absolutely crack Maga's back. But it's up to the American voters who believe in our Democracy to make the Nov. 5 election the most overwhelming defeat of Fascism (and the Trump nightmare) since WWII.
Given that trump says he’s responsible for overturning roe vs wade, it is imperative that attacks on the abortion decisions be front and center. This affects women’s reproductive rights and needs to be hammered home as part of De Niro’s ad lambasting the führer in waiting.
He already tried to revise but he goes back to taking credit. Now he’s stepped in it with again on contraception - and hedged. His problem is every time he hedges or revises he offends a portion of his voters. Dems need to be consistent in their criticism:
He did it; he brags about it; he’ll go further if you let him.
Thanks, Steven, for this insightful article, as always. Like you, I am mystified at how a person as awful a human being as Trump can be revered by many, and tolerated by many, and how he won in 2016, nearly won in 2020 and is favored to win again in 2024. My sense is that there are four categories of voters. (1) Those who will vote for Trump no matter what. (2) those who will not vote for him but need to be reminded of how awful he was, and would be, so that they actually come out to vote for Biden (3) those who will come out to vote for Biden, no matter what and (4) the undecided. Obviously the first category is hopeless and the key to the election is swelling the third category with as many of the second and fourth categories as possible. I think that reminding voters of who Trump is, his complete lack of character, what he has done and what he promises to do is essential. Also, the issues of abortion, border security that Trump bade the GOP congress to block, how COVID was handled, January 6, America's standing in the world, especially support for NATO. And many other things. The problem with Trump is that there are so many issues, it is hard to focus on just one. I hope that Biden and the smart people advising him can break the Trump puzzle and defeat him again. The real issue is not why is Trump so sociopathic but rather what is wrong with America that so many people are attracted to him or at least neutural toward him. The answer, and corrective action, to that question will not only determine the 2024 election but also the future of America
There's also category 2A - those who would not vote for him but for anyone with an R after his name. They wouldn't vote for Biden, but perhaps they can be encouraged to stay home.
Well, there are several issues that I believe are just as critical as democracy, ones which might allow Biden to steal Trump’s thunder among young voters:
1) climate change (I envision Biden explaining he’s asked oil companies to pay their fair share for drilling on public lands, invested in HSR and passed the IRA, while Trump thinks climate change is a hoax and begged oil CEOs for $1 billion in Houston during intense windstorms)
2) protecting against layoffs
3) life expectancy declines (this is where expanding access to abortion, mental healthcare and maternal mortality research should be emphasized)
4) Washington cronyism and corruption (this is where SCOTUS ethics, closing the revolving door and passing the STOCK Act should be emphasized)
5) attacking structural factors (namely rising housing and auto insurance costs, and concentration in food, energy and hospitals) keeping inflation up, through price controls and antitrust enforcement
Since abortion is a huge issue for most women, an ad featuring tfg saying he “Killed” Roe vs. Wade would be another one that would get people’s attention.
They can do a series of clips in the ad because he’s repeated it often & end with the interview where he said women should be punished. The punishment aspect is becoming a hot topic.
An easy ad on the topic would be:
DJT: I'm leaving everything up to the states.
Biden: It shouldn't matter where in America you live. This isn't about states' rights, this is about women's rights.
I realize that it was over 80 years ago when Hitler took dictatorial power - nonetheless - we must raise awareness in the people who have never been cognizant of how that happened. How many realize what Hitler’s concentration camps really were? Awareness must be raised. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, Santayana
Yes. But I worry that people are just becoming numb to all of this and to the Trump chaos, and just stay home. That may not play well for Dems in November.
I canvass for Dem candidates here in Oregon and am most distressed by apathetic voters, especially young ones, who say their vote doesn’t count. I am quick to let them know this one fact: Kris Mayes is Atty Gen of Arizona, and she is the bulwark holding back the state’s anti-choice movement. In 2022 she won by 280 votes in a state with a population of over 7 million. Yep, 280. Our votes count. Also, as Sue points out, we have the power to vote with our wallets.
Good for you! We lived in AZ for 29 years, and politics there is not a spectator sport. It’s always leaned red, at times reactionary with some doozies for governor, but I see hope as I look at the current leaders. It’s actually amazing. Just remind them of the number 280 — and look up Gov Evan Mecham. Pretty terrifying.
Trump’s character also needs to be attacked - the lies, the womanizing, the hypocrisy, the false promises, the frauds, the stiffing, etc. I think Dems are over-playing the authoritarian arguments.
There can be no overplaying the fascist threat, “dictator” day one promised. All outlined in Project 2025; surely you’ve seen it, posts on Substack about it. It’s not just TFG here (he’s not bright enough on his own to have this coup ongoing in some states already) ; his enablers, supporters, the Federalists, Heritage Foundation, etc. have outlined and published all details, a bit or a lot in your face tactics that are very clear. Attacking his complete absence of character is surely of value; he has zero integrity or moral compass. Must read the discussion of his mental status in “DUTY TO WARN” as he is more than unhinged, he is in the mid stages of dementia. Taken to the next level, he is “unfit” based on medical ie psychiatric illness. If by remote chance he is installed in the White House again, Amendment #25 is for the purpose of removing him from serving. Let’s do all we can to stop this train from getting to that station. Taken to the extreme, he is just a figurehead even now as the traitors behind Project 2025 could install another MAGA elite, fascist in his place. Yes, I worry…..
I agree Judith. I’m concerned about the faceless schemers behind Project 2025. Even though Trump is their pied piper leading the lemmings, he’s also kind of the McGuffin to distract everyone from what those folks are doing behind the scenes.
Have you ever googled project 2025? The sheer number of millionaires, advocates, authors, organizations that put together this scheme (starting 40 years ago) will keep you up nights for sure. Must do what we can. Into the stack name? Oh…Project 2025 Takedown I believe. Ideas, things to do. Action defeats anxiety. ❤️🇺🇸
His character has always been out there, but has been morphed into something the man is not, has never been, and never will be. That so many “Christians” so heavily support this just bumfuddles me. They excuse his behavior because..? To me, democrats must get across to the electorate, many of whom are uneducated about how things work, what the actual effect on them will be. One of my favorite comments was the guy ranting about Texas secession and then asking if he would still get his social security checks. Connections!
Love the ad, hate that it's necessary. That half the country supports trump suggests our experiment will soon conclude; no matter the outcome in 2024, an uninformed electorate can't sustain democracy for long.
Does anyone recover from stupidity? I think not! I think it only becomes more profound. Trump’s MAGA supporters are lost for life. They cannot recover. I thought we would have lost more of them when they refused vaccinations. They died at a rate 6-times that of those who were vaccinated. I think instead of trying to somehow hopelessly reversing idiocy, it would be best to try to expand their lunacy to include achieving revenge by not voting!
Is that true about the unvaccinated?? Get that out there Biden camp!!!
Yes!!! Play it out, the ludicrous trump pronouncements. Make it funny (that’s his special gift)Nobody reduces his opponent’s with a quick degrading quip like he does. I really mean that. I swear he is where he is in all of this because his incredible ability to erase a whole, good human by calling them a degrading name.
Every American considering voting for Trump should be required to make a visit to Normandy, a sacred space, either in person or virtually. The loss and sacrifice is staggering. Hard to talk above a whisper.
Every single day, state governments chip away at our freedoms. From abortion to voting rights to book bans, the erosion is relentless. It’s time to cut the fluff and get down to brass tacks. The Biden administration must be ready to broadcast the truth incessantly if they want to secure the Democratic vote. We’re talking 24/7 saturation, hammering the facts home until even the most apathetic American can’t escape it. But broadcasting alone won’t cut it. Biden’s team needs to seize control with an iron fist and strategize meticulously to protect his reelection.
It’s staggering that millions of Americans still buy into the Trump strongman persona, ready to toss democracy into the trash for a criminal defendant who dreams of dictatorial power. Do they really want an authoritarian future mired in chaos and hate? Do they understand the dictatorship chokehold Trump will wield? Or have some Democrats forgotten the horror show of the Trump years? Have they not pondered the hellscape another four years of Trump would unleash?
Maybe the new Biden campaign ad narrated by Robert De Niro offers a glimmer of hope. It seeks to dismantle Trump in a blistering 30 seconds. The ad highlights Trump’s desperate, unhinged attempt to cling to power after losing the 2020 election. Let’s hope it’s the hook the Democratic Party desperately needs.
“Now he’s running again, this time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.” De Niro’s voice cuts through the madness, laying bare Trump’s lust for revenge and his willingness to plunge the nation into violence if he doesn’t get his way. The ad juxtaposes Trump’s chaos with Biden’s calm resolve.
The Biden campaign promises widespread distribution of “Snapped” across broadcast TV, cable, and digital platforms in key battleground states leading up to the first debate on June 27 in Atlanta. But is this enough? Is this 30-second blitz a harbinger of success? Are there more critical issues at play? Will Biden’s team be ruthless enough in the months ahead to define and defeat Trump with precision?
The clock is ticking. Biden’s campaign must unleash an unrelenting barrage of truth and strategy to keep democracy from slipping through our fingers.
HOW IS THIS EVEN CLOSE? Sorry, but I'm in a constant state of bewilderment that so many of my fellow countrymen are truly deranged. Trump is literally the WORST POSSIBLE HUMAN BEING TO BE PRESIDENT. Sorry to state the obvious.
This should help us to sway fence-sitters, Nikki Haley Republicans and others. My biggest concern is if it close,and I cannot, I refuse to imagine that, but if it is close, and we come to a Bush, Gore decision for SCOTUS. We will not like that outcome. They are the GOP's SCOTUS, not America's. They show it with every vote. What they just did to the gerrymandering decision in South Carolina, and voter suppression elsewhere, LGBTQ+ youth, feeds right into the 2025 playbook. I want to be optimistic. Every day though we hear about another appea, another pushing past envelopes like gag oreders, surrogates to say what he vcannot say, and evry day we see him get away with all of this. There is never accountability. You and I would have been in jail months ago. He walks freely spewing his lies and hatred. We just get tired, almost numb. Sorry, but I will try to hold onto hope.
Be strong and steady Darrell. The lying moron is going DOWN. If he doesn't wimp out on the debate (as I expect him to) he will get decked right there. Biden learned from their last match. Now the flatulent fraud will have no mic to seize control with! Now Biden can go toe-to- toe with him.
Do what you can Darrell. There are millions of voters fighting at your side.
And he must pummel him on destroying women’s health care, all of it, and dealing humanely with the border crisis while Republicans demonically use immigrants as pawns, not human beings, in their ugly political games.
I am always reminded of the adage: “if you believe the con then you’re the mark”. Trump is dangerous because he speaks to the anger of those who look for a scapegoat instead of being personally accountable for their actions and votes. As Mary Trump has said: “his supporters identify with him because just as big loser as they are”.
I guess fear will be a campaign ploy on both sides but should never underestimate how difficult it is to say they were wrong - they were conned.
Hopefully a guilty verdict will wake up enough voters to not make this a close call.
I am thinking that the Dems are much more aware of what the R’s are capable of doing to swing for Trump. What everyone has to laser focus on is the man who had been the head of the Federalist Society and is associated with the Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo. Brand his name in your brain. He is responsible for recommending Alito to Bush and the three recent justices to the bench. The court now leans not only far right, but extremely religious Catholics with 6, which includes Chief Roberts. I call them the Injustice 6. Please also note that Leo is the instigator of Project 2025 which is an over 900 page manifesto created to overturn our government. I have not read the entire thing but just skim through it and tell me you are not appalled, frightened, angry, and feel helpless. This is exactly why we cannot sit on our laurels. Joe HAS TO WIN!
Steve, our President has been a campaigner for a very long time, and at 74 I have been an admirer and supporter of Joe Biden every step of the way.
One thing I admire is the fact that he learns from every win and every loss. Even the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas fiasco--for which Joe Biden has apologized profusely, and from which he has credibley learned a hard lesson.
Given the above, it is my belief that Biden has learned to resist the advice to to waste resources by attacking opponents to early. He knows how short the American memory is, so he has in the main been busy with the 'quiet' work of the presidency, as in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, Iran, Taiwan, our crazy Congress, etc.
He has wisely kept his powder dry until the last five months of the campaign--about the average American's maximum political attention span. Now we will witness the sum of Biden's lifetime political education! I expect it to be a furiously withering attack on a man who is not worthy to be a county trash collector. I just hope we can give Joe Biden the Congress he can work with....
I almost never comment on SubStack anymore; but I admire and respect you Steve. Thank you for the Truth and your wisdom as well.
There is plenty of accurate info about Biden's accomplishments and Trump's depravity. The puzzle won't be solved with the next clever ad--though keep 'em coming--but with the electorate deciding to pay attention beyond their information bubbles.
I've read too many Biden detractors who base their hatred and fear on a world view fed by disinformation-laden sources. Keep pushing truth out there so when those still not listening start to do so, the truth will continue to be easy to find.
Interesting challenge to my post: With algorithms determining what we see, does "easy to find" exist? How do we break through people exclusively getting curated news?
The ad is great but it is just a start. A missing piece is the stolen election lie. The MAGAts are still yammering about the election being stolen and none of the Trump sycophants will admit that Biden won. Biden has to make a case for how idiotic this is because it is the fuel for more lies and conspiracies. They won't even commit to accepting the results of the next election, leaving the door open for another insurrection. Also, he brags about killing Roe, so he is 100% vulnerable on this point. Abortion is women's health care so I don't know how any woman could vote for this malignant narcissist. This is another missing piece.
First, the media has to acknowledge that there is only one side to this story…truth…and they don’t need to give Trump time to espouse lies. And most of what he says is lies. He is fair game.
Secondly, the corporate owners of the media platforms have to recognize and act like their businesses are at stake. They are! Trump will crash down on the companies and the journalists. First amendment be damned. The corporate media structure has to defend itself by running an organized, collaborative campaign to attack Trump via advertising, lobbying, programming, etc. And they have to target audiences that are difficult to reach. They have the know-how and resources to do this.
What does the NRA do when they think the second amendment is under attack? They defend the industry. Well, the media has to protect its own industry and the first amendment. By doing so they protect democracy.
Pres. Biden's re-election team needs to hammer out the truth about Trump almost on a daily basis, or as long as funds permit. And this should include ad buys on the FOX propaganda channel. The Repetition and redundancy of the FOX news channel is a big reason why Trump has been so successful over the past 8 years in brainwashing the sycophants' that believe in him.
Yes, it's unfortunate. But perhaps Biden should have stepped aside. Once again, like picking Hillary in 2016, we have picked the only person on the planet that Trump can beat.
Trump did not "beat" Hilary in 2016 he lost the popular vote by 3 million. He "won" the Electoral College with help from the Russians and voter suppression. Trump lost the popular vote in 2020 by 7 million and lost the Electoral College by the same "landslide" margin that he " won" by in 2016. Trump can only "win" by gaming the Electoral College system and, of course, cheating and continued voter suppression by his enablers. Joe Biden "stepping aside" would have been a huge victory for Trump and the MAGA Republicans. It would have validated every lie they continue to peddle. No Joe Biden is the perfect candidate for our times and the complete opposite of Donald Trump.
Totally disagree about Biden being the wrong candidate. He is the absolutely right one. We have a MAGA freshman Rep in Oregon CD5 who we absolutely must defeat, and we are fortunate to have a brilliant, strong Dem candidate, Janelle Bynum, who beat her not once but twice. That is critical. Go with a proven winner
Hadley, That bird flew the nest leaving the eggs unattended. If you are a GOPer keep repeating this. If you want to retain this oasis people are dying to get into, please stop.
Well, I would say the same thing about Trump. Guy should have faded into history. But here we are with two aging chumps who would barely last a round in a fight with anyone else.
As old HL said "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard"
I think the ad you just described is inadequate, and easily open to rebuttal and reversal in a counter-ad and talking points.
The image of Jan 6 rioters visually cues something the DT-supporters support, and may function as encouragement.
The image of him holding up the Bible with the backdrop of protesters at function similarly.
The images need to tell the story without any text, and the images must not assume the viewer is offended by the scenes portrayed.
I am concerned if this is the only ad, that it will only read as intended to those who already agree.
Also, that DT might want revenge or that he is calling for a “bloodbath” or that he meets the criteria for anti-social personality disorder - these are not going to touch the DT-supporter side, or those who ever were or could consider him.
I think the Biden campaign should be much more direct about specific values that our democracy provides that are at risk - freedom of religion is at risk, the right to a free public education is at risk, affordable healthcare is at risk, elimination of the middle-income class and further decimation of low-income class are imminent, the right to vote, to free and fair elections is at risk, the right of women’s suffrage is at risk, freedom of speech is at risk, freedom of the press is at risk, separation of church and state is at risk, access to birth control is at risk, right to retaining one’s citizenship is at risk.
I think any ad campaign and talking point list from Biden’s campaign should quote DT and list the specific things he has SAID he will do. The imagery reads as horrifying to democrats; as celebratory and justified by the republicans. The imagery will outweigh the narration, and the narration as written is weak on content, and is seeking an emotional response. That’s not going to get people to focus. That’s going to rile the republicans up more and destabilize the democrats and the in-between folks.
He has to pound him on inflation - trumps policies will not help and indeed tax cuts and tariffs will exacerbate inflation. Population needs basic education.
He also needs to debunk the successful businessman persona, and the foreign policy strength (show foreign leaders laughing at him over and over).
Can’t just hit him on chaos and democracy. Have to hit him where polls are telling us the voters (incredible to me) think he’s strong.
I agree! Inflation is a worldwide problem, but is lower in the US, thanks to reasonable economic policies. We have an investment-counselor company manage our retirement funds, and during a recent meeting, they told us this. They also said that the expected recession isn't happening and is unlikely to happen any time soon, and unemployment is low. I think some prices are high because some people are willing to pay them. Extremely wealthy people don't have to care how much something costs, so we all pay more. (Price gouging is big in some areas, too.)
Difficult to know how to peel away the 17% of voters who think we are IN a recession! Stephanie Ruehl was on a few nights ago with two financial experts citing that - but perhaps the polling data itself is suspect?
I hope the polling is suspect, but I don't want to take any chances! We need to vote as if it might be the last time and take nothing for granted. Leave everything on the field!
Polls are bunk, especially the early ones. They are usually skewed. I mean, have you ever been contacted for your opinion?
Yes, but it was only due to the pollsters having a list of donors, it wasn't a "random poll." I did polling for politicos as a PT job while in gradual school, some are more careful than others - but this was also OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO!
Years ago, when polls meant something, they somewhat mattered but not nowadays. Many now are set up by paid Republicans so that they incite fear and unrest. At least, this is what I have been exposed to.
Same way 25% of voters believe Biden is the cause of overturning Roe v Wade. And for the naysayers, it's easy to dismiss all polls out of hand, but there is something there so even if off by 5 or 10%, that's a huge problem since the election will come down to 6 states with margins smaller than that.
Yeah, even with margins of error it's not good.
Thanks for posting this. Bad polling flooding the media was prevalent in 2022. Near Election Day in 2022 some mainstream media began reporting on who was behind it and their “credentials”.
I read the article in NYT. This analysis includes the key sentence:
“His lead is built on gains among voters who aren’t paying close attention to politics, who don’t follow traditional news and who don’t regularly vote."
Including so many unlikely voters in polls skews the results. I believe unlikely voters should be separated from ‘likely’ voters with other info such as new registrations, etc. Data on unlikely voters is mostly of value to campaigns.
Yes! It’s not “Biden’s inflation”, it’s worldwide. Inflation is three times higher in their favorite Erdogan’s Hungary. Did Biden cause that??
Don’t know why they don’t hammer that home more. Blaming Biden for inflation seems to be the main attack
Excuse me! Orban’s Hungary
Turkey...Hungary. Both places I wouldn't want to live.
People complain, but still spend. I love watching trump supporters complain about the cost of bread while wearing hundreds of dollars worth of trump crap.
There’s just so much red meat when it comes to Trump. Clever writing, dramatic production and precise ad placement needs to be the focus.
I’m still fuming from contributing to Hillary to defeat Trump, only to have her run such an ineffective campaign. I want to see Biden running attack ads on red state favorites. NASCAR, HGTV, Hallmark, Fox News.
Inflation “pounding” is always misdirected because Biden’s campaign folks have their hands tied and their feet are too busy doing the beltway two-step with lobbyists. Corporations and their monopolistic driven greed are the main catalyst to inflation. Example. Look how the airlines shit their pants when Joe threatened their fees model. Then the White House attack on that effort kind of went radio silent. Our personal diseased consumerism being controlled by the same corporations with DC lobbyist and White House office calls is being ignored because it’s easier to run a campaign to destroy a bad Orange Man than to face complicity.
Although I agree with what you said about inflation, the problem to overcome is more basic than TFG's policies or even worldwide higher inflation rates. Too many simply don't care or pay attention. So, the Rs have the easier position on this: Are you paying more for groceries, gas, and rent than you were 4 years ago. Can you afford the interest rate on a new car or home today? The answers to those questions are going to drive people's perceptions of the economy much more than the causes. Remember, we're dealing with low information voters in many cases. "Oh, my groceries are higher today. Yep! Gotta vote for TFG." Disgusting as that may be, that's what has to be overcome and it's not an easy lift.
I don’t believe tRump can win, but the state electors can pull some sleazy crap after all is done at the voting booth, and his supporters may be pulling out all the stops by terrorizing likely Biden supporters. There are so many ways they have studied to throw out legitimate voters. There are going to be chaotic court cases unlike the ones already causing a backlog on the tRump train. Not looking forward to this mess.
This is the first sign, for me a least, that the Biden campaign has finally had the lightbulb moment we needed to defeat Trump. Short of using the profanity many of us use to describe the former President as incompetent, unhinged (great word) and wanna be dictator, they have carefully created a message the couldn’t be more clear: This guy Trump is a threat to our democracy and his run for the White House should be kicked to the side of the road. My only suggestion is to ensure that it appears on all media outlets, including Fox, to make sure it has the widest audience possible.
And Tick Tock if possible because many get their news there!
We need to throw Trump and his supporters in jail to protect our sacred Democracy!
No we don’t, and if they said the same about us we would rightly deem them fascist. We need to be very careful about whom we extra-judiciously threaten with jail because it could well happen to us.
Throw trump in jail when he has been convicted of the first crime he is being prosecuted for, the campaign finance fraud. Then? Move on to the others. He will end up in jail or house arrest. I hope for the last of his miserable days of being a loser, once again.
I think Biden and Democrats win in a landslide, 50-60 house and 10-15 senate. There's 100 million women ready to vote and they ain't voting gop.
I’m here for this comment.
Can Biden crack the Trump puzzle? I don’t think so. The loyal followers of Trump will go to their grave being loyal to Trump. But the ad must go on and on and on for the benefit of swing voters. The words “revenge”, “bloodbath”, “dictator”, and others must be seared into our minds so that we go to the polls knowing exactly who this felony-driven monster is, as well as the minions who bow and kiss the ring
Not to mention shaming them if they even think about casting a vote for Trump, framing that vote as one against democracy.
Also frame the vote as one for Putin.
And could it also show who the voice is—I hope all the famous people will proclaim their support for Biden publicly.
I liked the video and the connotation attached to the word snapped. I also agree with Dillon that abortion has to be used as a club. Apparently, people are fired up about the court as well. That was before the flag stuff. Pretty sure Biden will hit him with everything.
Not only abortion but birth control itself
We need a national billboard campaign with these messages. Billboards are the last place where both sides receive the same message.
I can't drive a mile down a FL highway without being bombarded with pro life propaganda. Dems don't take credit for infrastructure projects happening across the country. They don't make sure people know how GOP members voted on these bills, even as they take credit for the accomplishments they voted against.
We have to flip the script or propaganda will defeat democracy.
You're right, and yet it from your post it seems their propaganda has even gotten to you. These people are not "pro-life," they're "pro-birth." We have to stop letting them define the terms of the debate.
Amen. They are NOT pro-life. It makes me crazy when I hear prochoice people, including politicians, parrot that phrase. Stop it! Pro-choice=pro-life. Period. Full stop. Anti-choice or forced-birth is a more accurate description of a movement that seeks to dictate how others lead their lives. There should not be one single Libertarian who votes GOP.
Great point, James M! The Dems have let the GOP and their cronies control the national narrative through their words and phrases. They (and we) need take it back, as you suggest with your great example. Similarly, we need to re-define words that the right misuses such "patriot" and "freedom." Let's all try to do this when communicating with others, whether in writing or speaking.
Exactly so, Peter. Anyone who finds it necessary to call himself a patriot almost certainly isn't. And freedom? For the right, it's just the freedom to swing their fists and shoot their guns. Dead schoolchildren are just collateral damage. Nothing about duty or responsibility. Anyone who brings those two nouns into the discussion is just a nag. "Moms for Liberty"? Just another code word for the antonym. (Sorry. Starting to sound like Dave Barry's "Mister Language Person," but less entertaining).
The challenge is that Biden and advisors don’t understand the puzzle. They think it is a simple jigsaw puzzle. It is not. Trump and MAGA world have the ability to constantly change the shape of puzzle pieces making it difficult to visualize a complete puzzle (find a solution to crack the puzzle). Also, the media changes the shape of puzzle pieces on a regular basis -one day a ‘piece’ will be on the Middle East, next day, immigration or future of Social Security, etc. Flexibility and creativity works.
So, when one asks if Biden can solve the Trump puzzle, this question of “Asking Biden” must go beyond all campaign staff, public leaders and national Demo party. I would expand the group to solve the puzzle. I would reach out to all people concerned with Trump; I would recruit solutions from local and state groups and yes, interest groups, like LGBT or POC communities, disability community, etc.
Solving or cracking the puzzle requires the Biden team to improve their Chess Mindset with its new rules in today’s social media. They need to think several steps ahead, anticipating potential moves(changing puzzle pieces) from opposition and media shifts.
The challenge is that Biden and advisors don’t understand the puzzle. They think it is a simple jigsaw puzzle. It is not. Trump and MAGA world have the ability to constantly change the shape of puzzle pieces making it difficult to visualize a complete puzzle (find a solution to crack the puzzle). Also, the media changes the shape of puzzle pieces on a regular basis -one day a ‘piece’ will be on the Middle East, next day, immigration or future of Social Security, etc. Flexibility and creativity works.
So, when one asks if Biden can solve the Trump puzzle, this question of “Asking Biden” must go beyond all campaign staff, public leaders and national Demo party. I would expand the group to solve the puzzle. I would reach out to all people concerned with Trump; I would recruit solutions from local and state groups and yes, interest groups, like LGBT or POC communities, disability community, etc.
Solving the puzzle requires the Biden team to improve their Chess Mindset with its new rules in today’s social media. They need to think several steps ahead, anticipating potential moves(changing puzzle pieces) from opposition and media shifts.
Couldn't agree more.
The "opposition" consists of clever manipulators who know how play a long and tricky game. I hope President Biden and his people can catch up. There is so much at stake.
Yes yes yes Joe is a decent man. But whatever personal concept of decency is at play here, we must consider what's at stake.
Michelle's maxim is a good one: when they go low, we go high. I'm not saying that the ends justify the means or fight fire with fire.
Just know who or what you're dealing with, know the stakes, and respond accordingly.
No, Michelle Obama's words are not a maxum for politics. They might work great at a garden party full of snipes but not in the political realm. You need to hit them where they hit, and for trump? He deserves a swift and hard kick to the nuts and a Muhammed Ali-sized right hook to his face. Nothing else will do.
Agreed! Michelle's words are like bringing a pillow to a gun fight. Not even a knife. Will not work with this much at stake. Their playing a 3D puzzle and we need to step up our game.
We agree on the goal.
But it's not pillows verses knives, kicks and punches.
Going "high" to me is about engaging higher executive functioning. Not just learning their game but writing our own ~ a better, smarter, more effective playbook.
With the intention of saving our democracy and denying Trump his fucking bloodbath.
Fair enough and we're basically on the same page. 👍
There must be multiple fronts.
Facts matter and MSM is doing a terrible job of providing the public with factual, unbiased reporting. The prevalent both-sidesism is a particularly insidious form of joirnalistic bias. If the press won't provide the public with the unvarnished facts they must be presented in ads. The DeNiro ad is a good start. That, however is not enough.
A major key is eroding the Trump persona. His silly flubs and demented short-circuits, copious displays of ignorance, physical infirmity, and craven cowardice must be highlighted. Unflattering photos should be posted everywhere. On a personal level, Joe Biden should continue to slip snide pokes at Trump's ego. Trump never fails to rise to that bait, usually making the situation worse for himself.
Finally, Trump's unpatriotic utterances and actions must be highlighted. I'm still incensed at his refusal to honor fallen soldiers on the 100th anniversary of the Allied victory at Aisne-Marne for fear that he might get his comb-over wet. It was definately not a transportation problem as billed since all the other heads of state made it there.
Trump has a plethora of vulnerabilities. Exploiting them should be easy, but it's mandatory that Biden and the Democrats take the gloves off and lose them, at least until after the election.
Have popular actors reenact Trump‘s most horrific statements and flubs make it funny Americans love to laugh
All policy issues aside, and that’s a tough ask, his allure is as a strongman, a persona for which he strives and one for which he is heralded by his base. Strike at that hard, continuously, effectively. And he is making it daily an easier target. Also strike hard at his claim to be a great businessman— he is not. The NY biz records case is a prime example. He’s a Loser and a Cheat
Joe Biden and his team can absolutely crack Maga's back. But it's up to the American voters who believe in our Democracy to make the Nov. 5 election the most overwhelming defeat of Fascism (and the Trump nightmare) since WWII.
Given that trump says he’s responsible for overturning roe vs wade, it is imperative that attacks on the abortion decisions be front and center. This affects women’s reproductive rights and needs to be hammered home as part of De Niro’s ad lambasting the führer in waiting.
But he's hedging on taking credit for overturning Roe: Watch for a revision soon.
He already tried to revise but he goes back to taking credit. Now he’s stepped in it with again on contraception - and hedged. His problem is every time he hedges or revises he offends a portion of his voters. Dems need to be consistent in their criticism:
He did it; he brags about it; he’ll go further if you let him.
Thanks, Steven, for this insightful article, as always. Like you, I am mystified at how a person as awful a human being as Trump can be revered by many, and tolerated by many, and how he won in 2016, nearly won in 2020 and is favored to win again in 2024. My sense is that there are four categories of voters. (1) Those who will vote for Trump no matter what. (2) those who will not vote for him but need to be reminded of how awful he was, and would be, so that they actually come out to vote for Biden (3) those who will come out to vote for Biden, no matter what and (4) the undecided. Obviously the first category is hopeless and the key to the election is swelling the third category with as many of the second and fourth categories as possible. I think that reminding voters of who Trump is, his complete lack of character, what he has done and what he promises to do is essential. Also, the issues of abortion, border security that Trump bade the GOP congress to block, how COVID was handled, January 6, America's standing in the world, especially support for NATO. And many other things. The problem with Trump is that there are so many issues, it is hard to focus on just one. I hope that Biden and the smart people advising him can break the Trump puzzle and defeat him again. The real issue is not why is Trump so sociopathic but rather what is wrong with America that so many people are attracted to him or at least neutural toward him. The answer, and corrective action, to that question will not only determine the 2024 election but also the future of America
There's also category 2A - those who would not vote for him but for anyone with an R after his name. They wouldn't vote for Biden, but perhaps they can be encouraged to stay home.
Maybe Biden can crack the Trump puzzle. He has not yet.
This ad will only gratify MAGA and solidify their support for Trump.
For MAGA, the issues do not matter. Emotion does.
MAGA are angry and afraid. They like being angry and afraid.
Biden must fine a way to make them angry at Trump and afraid of Trump.
Well, there are several issues that I believe are just as critical as democracy, ones which might allow Biden to steal Trump’s thunder among young voters:
1) climate change (I envision Biden explaining he’s asked oil companies to pay their fair share for drilling on public lands, invested in HSR and passed the IRA, while Trump thinks climate change is a hoax and begged oil CEOs for $1 billion in Houston during intense windstorms)
2) protecting against layoffs
3) life expectancy declines (this is where expanding access to abortion, mental healthcare and maternal mortality research should be emphasized)
4) Washington cronyism and corruption (this is where SCOTUS ethics, closing the revolving door and passing the STOCK Act should be emphasized)
5) attacking structural factors (namely rising housing and auto insurance costs, and concentration in food, energy and hospitals) keeping inflation up, through price controls and antitrust enforcement
I’m going off of the excellent work from Blueprint (https://blueprint2024.com/polling/youth-poll-may/), Simon Rosenberg (https://newrepublic.com/article/178433/biden-must-reinvent-presidential-campaign), Robert Kuttner (https://prospect.org/blogs-and-newsletters/tap/2024-05-15-inflation-misguided-economics-fed/) and Les Leopold (https://lesleopold.substack.com/p/are-republicans-the-party-of-the), do check them out
Since abortion is a huge issue for most women, an ad featuring tfg saying he “Killed” Roe vs. Wade would be another one that would get people’s attention.
They can do a series of clips in the ad because he’s repeated it often & end with the interview where he said women should be punished. The punishment aspect is becoming a hot topic.
An easy ad on the topic would be:
DJT: I'm leaving everything up to the states.
Biden: It shouldn't matter where in America you live. This isn't about states' rights, this is about women's rights.
I realize that it was over 80 years ago when Hitler took dictatorial power - nonetheless - we must raise awareness in the people who have never been cognizant of how that happened. How many realize what Hitler’s concentration camps really were? Awareness must be raised. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, Santayana
Make ads showing that Trump is quoting Hitler show old movies from World War II and testimony of soldiers who fought fascism
I agree Stuart✋️
We, the people have only two powers
1- the power of the purse where we can choose to spend our money wisely and not support companies that are filled with greed and malice
2- the power of our vote
Our vote is our voice, and we must never silence it
I think the best thing we can do is get out the vote because we are the overwhelming majority
Yes. But I worry that people are just becoming numb to all of this and to the Trump chaos, and just stay home. That may not play well for Dems in November.
I canvass for Dem candidates here in Oregon and am most distressed by apathetic voters, especially young ones, who say their vote doesn’t count. I am quick to let them know this one fact: Kris Mayes is Atty Gen of Arizona, and she is the bulwark holding back the state’s anti-choice movement. In 2022 she won by 280 votes in a state with a population of over 7 million. Yep, 280. Our votes count. Also, as Sue points out, we have the power to vote with our wallets.
Good for you! We lived in AZ for 29 years, and politics there is not a spectator sport. It’s always leaned red, at times reactionary with some doozies for governor, but I see hope as I look at the current leaders. It’s actually amazing. Just remind them of the number 280 — and look up Gov Evan Mecham. Pretty terrifying.
Trump’s character also needs to be attacked - the lies, the womanizing, the hypocrisy, the false promises, the frauds, the stiffing, etc. I think Dems are over-playing the authoritarian arguments.
There can be no overplaying the fascist threat, “dictator” day one promised. All outlined in Project 2025; surely you’ve seen it, posts on Substack about it. It’s not just TFG here (he’s not bright enough on his own to have this coup ongoing in some states already) ; his enablers, supporters, the Federalists, Heritage Foundation, etc. have outlined and published all details, a bit or a lot in your face tactics that are very clear. Attacking his complete absence of character is surely of value; he has zero integrity or moral compass. Must read the discussion of his mental status in “DUTY TO WARN” as he is more than unhinged, he is in the mid stages of dementia. Taken to the next level, he is “unfit” based on medical ie psychiatric illness. If by remote chance he is installed in the White House again, Amendment #25 is for the purpose of removing him from serving. Let’s do all we can to stop this train from getting to that station. Taken to the extreme, he is just a figurehead even now as the traitors behind Project 2025 could install another MAGA elite, fascist in his place. Yes, I worry…..
Yes, have
Trusted doctors like Sanjay Gupta psychiatrist testify to his mental state in ads
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a neurosurgeon and journalist.
I agree Judith. I’m concerned about the faceless schemers behind Project 2025. Even though Trump is their pied piper leading the lemmings, he’s also kind of the McGuffin to distract everyone from what those folks are doing behind the scenes.
Have you ever googled project 2025? The sheer number of millionaires, advocates, authors, organizations that put together this scheme (starting 40 years ago) will keep you up nights for sure. Must do what we can. Into the stack name? Oh…Project 2025 Takedown I believe. Ideas, things to do. Action defeats anxiety. ❤️🇺🇸
I agree to all your suggestions Craig, but the threat to democracy needs to be repeated over and over
His character has always been out there, but has been morphed into something the man is not, has never been, and never will be. That so many “Christians” so heavily support this just bumfuddles me. They excuse his behavior because..? To me, democrats must get across to the electorate, many of whom are uneducated about how things work, what the actual effect on them will be. One of my favorite comments was the guy ranting about Texas secession and then asking if he would still get his social security checks. Connections!
Love the ad, hate that it's necessary. That half the country supports trump suggests our experiment will soon conclude; no matter the outcome in 2024, an uninformed electorate can't sustain democracy for long.
The chaotic violins really set the tone. We need more ads like this - concisely descriptive and evocative of coming danger.
I would add that we have to look at how trump constantly plays on people’s emotions. Remember the old sales adage: “if they cry they buy.”
I think ads that stir emotions, like this one attempts to, are what the democrats must flood the market with.
Does anyone recover from stupidity? I think not! I think it only becomes more profound. Trump’s MAGA supporters are lost for life. They cannot recover. I thought we would have lost more of them when they refused vaccinations. They died at a rate 6-times that of those who were vaccinated. I think instead of trying to somehow hopelessly reversing idiocy, it would be best to try to expand their lunacy to include achieving revenge by not voting!
Is that true about the unvaccinated?? Get that out there Biden camp!!!
Yes!!! Play it out, the ludicrous trump pronouncements. Make it funny (that’s his special gift)Nobody reduces his opponent’s with a quick degrading quip like he does. I really mean that. I swear he is where he is in all of this because his incredible ability to erase a whole, good human by calling them a degrading name.
Every American considering voting for Trump should be required to make a visit to Normandy, a sacred space, either in person or virtually. The loss and sacrifice is staggering. Hard to talk above a whisper.
Every single day, state governments chip away at our freedoms. From abortion to voting rights to book bans, the erosion is relentless. It’s time to cut the fluff and get down to brass tacks. The Biden administration must be ready to broadcast the truth incessantly if they want to secure the Democratic vote. We’re talking 24/7 saturation, hammering the facts home until even the most apathetic American can’t escape it. But broadcasting alone won’t cut it. Biden’s team needs to seize control with an iron fist and strategize meticulously to protect his reelection.
It’s staggering that millions of Americans still buy into the Trump strongman persona, ready to toss democracy into the trash for a criminal defendant who dreams of dictatorial power. Do they really want an authoritarian future mired in chaos and hate? Do they understand the dictatorship chokehold Trump will wield? Or have some Democrats forgotten the horror show of the Trump years? Have they not pondered the hellscape another four years of Trump would unleash?
Maybe the new Biden campaign ad narrated by Robert De Niro offers a glimmer of hope. It seeks to dismantle Trump in a blistering 30 seconds. The ad highlights Trump’s desperate, unhinged attempt to cling to power after losing the 2020 election. Let’s hope it’s the hook the Democratic Party desperately needs.
“Now he’s running again, this time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.” De Niro’s voice cuts through the madness, laying bare Trump’s lust for revenge and his willingness to plunge the nation into violence if he doesn’t get his way. The ad juxtaposes Trump’s chaos with Biden’s calm resolve.
The Biden campaign promises widespread distribution of “Snapped” across broadcast TV, cable, and digital platforms in key battleground states leading up to the first debate on June 27 in Atlanta. But is this enough? Is this 30-second blitz a harbinger of success? Are there more critical issues at play? Will Biden’s team be ruthless enough in the months ahead to define and defeat Trump with precision?
The clock is ticking. Biden’s campaign must unleash an unrelenting barrage of truth and strategy to keep democracy from slipping through our fingers.
HOW IS THIS EVEN CLOSE? Sorry, but I'm in a constant state of bewilderment that so many of my fellow countrymen are truly deranged. Trump is literally the WORST POSSIBLE HUMAN BEING TO BE PRESIDENT. Sorry to state the obvious.
This should help us to sway fence-sitters, Nikki Haley Republicans and others. My biggest concern is if it close,and I cannot, I refuse to imagine that, but if it is close, and we come to a Bush, Gore decision for SCOTUS. We will not like that outcome. They are the GOP's SCOTUS, not America's. They show it with every vote. What they just did to the gerrymandering decision in South Carolina, and voter suppression elsewhere, LGBTQ+ youth, feeds right into the 2025 playbook. I want to be optimistic. Every day though we hear about another appea, another pushing past envelopes like gag oreders, surrogates to say what he vcannot say, and evry day we see him get away with all of this. There is never accountability. You and I would have been in jail months ago. He walks freely spewing his lies and hatred. We just get tired, almost numb. Sorry, but I will try to hold onto hope.
Be strong and steady Darrell. The lying moron is going DOWN. If he doesn't wimp out on the debate (as I expect him to) he will get decked right there. Biden learned from their last match. Now the flatulent fraud will have no mic to seize control with! Now Biden can go toe-to- toe with him.
Do what you can Darrell. There are millions of voters fighting at your side.
Please, advertisers read out the long , long lists of his lies followed by fact checked truths. This would be very effective. It has to be done.
And he must pummel him on destroying women’s health care, all of it, and dealing humanely with the border crisis while Republicans demonically use immigrants as pawns, not human beings, in their ugly political games.
I am always reminded of the adage: “if you believe the con then you’re the mark”. Trump is dangerous because he speaks to the anger of those who look for a scapegoat instead of being personally accountable for their actions and votes. As Mary Trump has said: “his supporters identify with him because just as big loser as they are”.
I guess fear will be a campaign ploy on both sides but should never underestimate how difficult it is to say they were wrong - they were conned.
Hopefully a guilty verdict will wake up enough voters to not make this a close call.
“May we live in interesting times”. Sigh
I am thinking that the Dems are much more aware of what the R’s are capable of doing to swing for Trump. What everyone has to laser focus on is the man who had been the head of the Federalist Society and is associated with the Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo. Brand his name in your brain. He is responsible for recommending Alito to Bush and the three recent justices to the bench. The court now leans not only far right, but extremely religious Catholics with 6, which includes Chief Roberts. I call them the Injustice 6. Please also note that Leo is the instigator of Project 2025 which is an over 900 page manifesto created to overturn our government. I have not read the entire thing but just skim through it and tell me you are not appalled, frightened, angry, and feel helpless. This is exactly why we cannot sit on our laurels. Joe HAS TO WIN!
Steve, our President has been a campaigner for a very long time, and at 74 I have been an admirer and supporter of Joe Biden every step of the way.
One thing I admire is the fact that he learns from every win and every loss. Even the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas fiasco--for which Joe Biden has apologized profusely, and from which he has credibley learned a hard lesson.
Given the above, it is my belief that Biden has learned to resist the advice to to waste resources by attacking opponents to early. He knows how short the American memory is, so he has in the main been busy with the 'quiet' work of the presidency, as in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, Iran, Taiwan, our crazy Congress, etc.
He has wisely kept his powder dry until the last five months of the campaign--about the average American's maximum political attention span. Now we will witness the sum of Biden's lifetime political education! I expect it to be a furiously withering attack on a man who is not worthy to be a county trash collector. I just hope we can give Joe Biden the Congress he can work with....
I almost never comment on SubStack anymore; but I admire and respect you Steve. Thank you for the Truth and your wisdom as well.
There is plenty of accurate info about Biden's accomplishments and Trump's depravity. The puzzle won't be solved with the next clever ad--though keep 'em coming--but with the electorate deciding to pay attention beyond their information bubbles.
I've read too many Biden detractors who base their hatred and fear on a world view fed by disinformation-laden sources. Keep pushing truth out there so when those still not listening start to do so, the truth will continue to be easy to find.
Interesting challenge to my post: With algorithms determining what we see, does "easy to find" exist? How do we break through people exclusively getting curated news?
The ad is great but it is just a start. A missing piece is the stolen election lie. The MAGAts are still yammering about the election being stolen and none of the Trump sycophants will admit that Biden won. Biden has to make a case for how idiotic this is because it is the fuel for more lies and conspiracies. They won't even commit to accepting the results of the next election, leaving the door open for another insurrection. Also, he brags about killing Roe, so he is 100% vulnerable on this point. Abortion is women's health care so I don't know how any woman could vote for this malignant narcissist. This is another missing piece.
Soon he'll walk back on the Roe issue with lies, to try getting back those voters he knows he's lost.
First, the media has to acknowledge that there is only one side to this story…truth…and they don’t need to give Trump time to espouse lies. And most of what he says is lies. He is fair game.
Secondly, the corporate owners of the media platforms have to recognize and act like their businesses are at stake. They are! Trump will crash down on the companies and the journalists. First amendment be damned. The corporate media structure has to defend itself by running an organized, collaborative campaign to attack Trump via advertising, lobbying, programming, etc. And they have to target audiences that are difficult to reach. They have the know-how and resources to do this.
What does the NRA do when they think the second amendment is under attack? They defend the industry. Well, the media has to protect its own industry and the first amendment. By doing so they protect democracy.
Pres. Biden's re-election team needs to hammer out the truth about Trump almost on a daily basis, or as long as funds permit. And this should include ad buys on the FOX propaganda channel. The Repetition and redundancy of the FOX news channel is a big reason why Trump has been so successful over the past 8 years in brainwashing the sycophants' that believe in him.
Many people no longer get their news from cable TV or FOX so these ads/messages need to be on social media—especially TikTok!
Yes, it's unfortunate. But perhaps Biden should have stepped aside. Once again, like picking Hillary in 2016, we have picked the only person on the planet that Trump can beat.
Trump did not "beat" Hilary in 2016 he lost the popular vote by 3 million. He "won" the Electoral College with help from the Russians and voter suppression. Trump lost the popular vote in 2020 by 7 million and lost the Electoral College by the same "landslide" margin that he " won" by in 2016. Trump can only "win" by gaming the Electoral College system and, of course, cheating and continued voter suppression by his enablers. Joe Biden "stepping aside" would have been a huge victory for Trump and the MAGA Republicans. It would have validated every lie they continue to peddle. No Joe Biden is the perfect candidate for our times and the complete opposite of Donald Trump.
Unfortunately the game we have is the game we have. Electoral College it is.
Totally disagree about Biden being the wrong candidate. He is the absolutely right one. We have a MAGA freshman Rep in Oregon CD5 who we absolutely must defeat, and we are fortunate to have a brilliant, strong Dem candidate, Janelle Bynum, who beat her not once but twice. That is critical. Go with a proven winner
Perhaps Janelle can roust a few votes at the convention!
Hadley, That bird flew the nest leaving the eggs unattended. If you are a GOPer keep repeating this. If you want to retain this oasis people are dying to get into, please stop.
Well, I would say the same thing about Trump. Guy should have faded into history. But here we are with two aging chumps who would barely last a round in a fight with anyone else.
As old HL said "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard"
I hope this will have an impact, but will Trump’s low-information voters see it?
I think the ad you just described is inadequate, and easily open to rebuttal and reversal in a counter-ad and talking points.
The image of Jan 6 rioters visually cues something the DT-supporters support, and may function as encouragement.
The image of him holding up the Bible with the backdrop of protesters at function similarly.
The images need to tell the story without any text, and the images must not assume the viewer is offended by the scenes portrayed.
I am concerned if this is the only ad, that it will only read as intended to those who already agree.
Also, that DT might want revenge or that he is calling for a “bloodbath” or that he meets the criteria for anti-social personality disorder - these are not going to touch the DT-supporter side, or those who ever were or could consider him.
I think the Biden campaign should be much more direct about specific values that our democracy provides that are at risk - freedom of religion is at risk, the right to a free public education is at risk, affordable healthcare is at risk, elimination of the middle-income class and further decimation of low-income class are imminent, the right to vote, to free and fair elections is at risk, the right of women’s suffrage is at risk, freedom of speech is at risk, freedom of the press is at risk, separation of church and state is at risk, access to birth control is at risk, right to retaining one’s citizenship is at risk.
I think any ad campaign and talking point list from Biden’s campaign should quote DT and list the specific things he has SAID he will do. The imagery reads as horrifying to democrats; as celebratory and justified by the republicans. The imagery will outweigh the narration, and the narration as written is weak on content, and is seeking an emotional response. That’s not going to get people to focus. That’s going to rile the republicans up more and destabilize the democrats and the in-between folks.