Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Your words struck home this morning. It is a time to do what we can to conserve our energy for the struggle which lies ahead. I will be resting by the lake in the mountains and gathering strength. And that’s not all I’ll be doing. I will be writing letters to voters, hundreds of them with friends via Zoom. These will be mailed in October, urging people to vote. It’s an activity anyone can join. I believe we can each make a difference in defeating the twice-impeached convicted felon.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

I'm doing the same. I'm writing postcards to people living in the swing state of Pennsylvania. 200 of them! They also will be mailed in October. If you want to join me, here's where I got them: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/

I've also bookmarked Steven's message called "Burning the House Down". I'll be reading it regularly during the next few months.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

I just signed up to do this!

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Just got my postcards!

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

"They are surely degrading what it means to be an American and a leader, but they have not poisoned my belief in the value of democracy and the promise of America’s ideals."

The emotional roller coaster of this week's D-Day Commemoration has laid open how much damage has been done to the distribution of wealth, the infrastructure, and our psyche by these traitors... as well as our love for the American Dream of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Travel safely Steve.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Happy travels. Hope we can get an occasional travelogue.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

I need to paste this paragraph from your stack all around me to keep reminding me push through the angst and exhaustion!! 🙏🏼❤️ Have a wonderful time and regeneration! We need you!

“To be clear: While the last years have been exhausting, I refuse to be exhausted. While Trump and his enablers are dispiriting, I have not lost my spirit. They are surely degrading what it means to be an American and a leader, but they have not poisoned my belief in the value of democracy and the promise of America’s ideals. Yes, there are reasons to fear the ugly, vengeful future they want, but we cannot be afraid or silent.”

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

I agree, we all need to keep on keeping on. I subscribe to a few Substack writers, but Steven Beschloss always says just what I need to hear at any given moment.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Have a great trip. Be safe! I appreciate your insights so much.

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Enjoy your travels, Steven. You deserve some time off. We all do! I too, just can’t read or listen to everything so I shut my mind off until…my neurosis kicks in. Then I’ve got to absorb every dang thing! It’s a vicious cycle, isn’t it?

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Bon voyage, happy decompression!

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Bon voyage and hope you come back with energy to spare. We will all need your sage words upon your return.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Copied an excerpt from your words in this post!


“To be clear: While the last years have been exhausting, I refuse to be exhausted. While Trump and his enablers are dispiriting, I have not lost my spirit. They are surely degrading what it means to be an American and a leader, but they have not poisoned my belief in the value of democracy and the promise of America’s ideals. Yes, there are reasons to fear the ugly, vengeful future they want, but we cannot be afraid or silent.

We have to keep in mind that the enemies within want us to be exhausted. The more exhausted and resigned we may become, the more they will exploit our flagging dedication.”

Thank you Steven

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Like you @stevenBeschloss, I will be recharging my batteries over the next 8 weeks. I have a trip to the Berkshires planned for the first week of July, and another trip to the Berkshires planned for the last week in July. I love the Berkshires and the many relaxing, cultural and sightseeing opportunities that area offers. I will be spending most of my time at Tanglewood, which I call the best music venue in the world. It's just a 2 1/2 hour drive from my home to the Berkshires; and as soon as I get off the highway and into the towns I feel the air change and the pace of life slow down and relax; and I feel myself decompress. I always appreciate those feelings, and always need them. This year I need them more than ever. As you said, and I quote: "While the last years have been exhausting, I refuse to be exhausted. While Trump and his enablers are dispiriting, I have not lost my spirit. They are surely degrading what it means to be an American and a leader, but they have not poisoned my belief in the value of democracy and the promise of America’s ideals. Yes, there are reasons to fear the ugly, vengeful future they want, but we cannot be afraid or silent.' When I am back home after my 2nd Berkshires vacation, it will be August and I will be rejuvenated and ready for the very important election ahead. I believe that September will be the time when most Americans start pay8ng serious attention to the upcoming election. Summer tends to be a get away from the real, routine world for most people. I will be ready, and I will be energized to give this election the attention it deserves and must have; and I will do that. Hopefully most Americans, especially those outside the cult, those undecided Americans, those independent Americans, and anyone who will listen, will be ready to weigh the important factors and the stark differences between the 2 major candidates for President. I will do everything in my power to be sure that the majority of Americans, particularly the majority of Americans in swing states, understand the seriousness of this presidential election and make the correct choice, with enough of a margin that superfluous disputes denying the results don't stand a chance.

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Safe travels. Elizabeth

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Jun 10Liked by Steven Beschloss

Safe trip Steven, you so deserve to take a breath also, even if working at the same time… 🫠🌿🌿🌿

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

“Abiding” was a theme of Jesus of Nazareth. He pulled back from the crowds and rested frequently… to be best prepared for the trials to come. It is a good thing…. Peace be with you as you reset…

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Keeping it brief. Safe travels Steven. Let us hear from you as you can. A break is good for the soul.

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Lovely. Rest up for the fight ahead noto be a doozy

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Jun 9Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, Steven, for all that you have done, and continue to do, to protect the spirit, and the substance, of American democracy. Reading your work during Trump's tenure in the White House was like a beacon of light in a dark sky. And you have kept up the fight as we see the clouds creeping in again. I hope that you have a restful time and again thank you for all that you have do

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