May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

Ken Burn’s words brought chills as I heard them. Hopefully, they will unite us in a time we need to fight the enemies within. This is no time for complacency.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

There is no hope that Trump will change, so the attacks on our judicial system and other institutions will continue. But honestly, I'm more upset by the continuing sycophancy of people like Mike Johnson, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, etc. They know better, they know what Trump is trying to do, and they're all lining up behind him to escalate the rhetoric. But this is our system of justice in action, the process was followed, and a jury of his peers rendered the verdict after hearing the facts in evidence. Real leaders would respect that. Now would be a perfect time for Republicans to dump this horrible human being and get back to their roots by nominating a true conservative as their party's candidate for president. If they don't, it's incumbent on all of us to get out the vote in November because that's the only way he will be defeated.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, Steven, for the emphasis on the words of Ken Burns. When I first heard, and saw, his commencement speech I was encouraged to further my Faith in some of the persons of this Country. Like the jurors who courageously kept their focus on Justice and their sense of duty to uphold the Law, I have been reinvigorated with a renewed sense of Trust in those persons who have the unenviable responsibility to act as “peer” for those of us who can only Hope that they do, indeed, represent me/us. A reflection of our better selves. Together, we can make this “experiment” something to genuinely be proud of. I am Hopeful.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss



“…this convicted felon,

whose remorselessness,




for our system of justice


all those involved

has been on full and appalling display.”

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

It’s pretty simple. Choose freedom over fear mongering.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

The Republican Party is a gang of criminals led by a convicted felon.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

In sum:

Sexual Assault

Business Fraud

Charity Fraud

34 Felony Criminal Charges

Yeah, I’ll support that guy. 🤦‍♂️

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Donnie was used to be protected by his companies. I think 14 of these counts were also felonies, 7 for each of the two companies.

— A fine was the only penalty a judge could impose on the Trump Organization after its conviction last month for 17 tax crimes, including conspiracy and falsifying business records. The amount was the maximum allowed by law. Judge Juan Manuel Merchan gave the company 14 days to pay. A person convicted of the same crimes would’ve faced years in prison.—


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Beautifully worded.


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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

Today - in saluting the twelve New Yorkers who were honest and brave enough to study the evidence impartially and render their verdict - I am proud to call myself an American.

As these members of the jury have shown by their example, it is up to us - the People - to stand together this November and make our voices heard.

If we are together, we can change the world.

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May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

How true Steve! For from our democratic republic flows all other policy issues and rights that we push for. Without this root foundation, everything is up to the whims of a dictator who we will be giving our heritage to for a bowl of lentils. I hope we all wake up and resoundingly defeat this evil threat to our nation.

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yesterday, I felt like the cartoon Snoopy doing his happy dance. What a relief! Prayers answered! Now, I await the Supreme Court's ruling on the trump immunity case submitted by Jack Smith so he can proceed with the federal case accusing trump of trying to stop the election of Joe Biden, a proceeding so absurd, the court should have denied a need to rule.They could have answered within days but instead, are dragging it out for who knows how long. What a triumph it would be to have a guilty decision in Smith's conducted trial.

How true that Burns has said there is now no longer an "us" but rather a "we" and "them." It has become neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, in my case, Mother against son in law. Anymore, it seems that only tragedies like 9/11, hurricanes, the pandemic (at first, at least) and Sean "Diddy" Combs assault video have united us. Only when trump is gone will there be unity again ............until the next thing comes along. But our democracy is stronger than we think. As MLK said, We shall overcome.

I have 3 big bins in which I have kept newspaper and magazine clippings on historical moments, people. not just in the US, but world wide events. They include everything from Stalin's death to the end of apartheid in S.Africa to the Korean War to JFK death to Timothy McVeigh's exploit to landing on the moon. I'm off to buy a newspaper !

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Steven Beschloss

The part of his speech that stood out for me was "A very wise person I know with years of experience with the Middle East recently challenged me, "Could you hold the idea that there could be two wrongs and two rights?"

The one thing that you learn in law school in discussing "cause in fact" and "proximate cause" is that the number of times something is ONLY caused by one thing is--never. And that causes can explain without excusing. A lot of trump can be explained by Fred Trump. Not excused, but there IS a "wrong" in his life that has led to where we are now.

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Trump is a convict, a felon. His sycophants are as well. Hillary has been exonerated as she has patiently waited for this for 8 long years. Power to the people! Thanks, Steven, for your insights.

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Your background is wildly interesting, and the narrative about Nelson Mandela so insightful. Thank you for sharing. South Africa's short history with democracy is waining, but I sense that the light has not been diminished. In our own country, we are at the decisive pinnacle where the choice for President should be easy - but for many it is not.

Trump is now a convicted felon, and also convicted of sexual assault and fraud. He was impeached for his illegal behavior. He is in bed with the Russians - probably due to the Russians typical bribery process using either women or money. If he doesn't jump when Putin demands, his fate may be a poisonous death. If he does jump, he is committing treason and our democracy will suffer - possibly a destructive and slow death. and slip into a dictatorship - the complete opposite of our current system of government. By now, Trump has probably handed over to Putin the thirty (30) Top Secret documents that he stole from the White House. His corruptive lifestyle has caught up with him and he knows it.

If he decides to flee to Russia to avoid U.S. prison, his life is still not safe. There will be no one he can trust yet as a naive American, he will not understand this. The Russians have perfected the art of befriending a foreigner. In Russia, a foreigner cannot own property so he will rent a luxurious large apartment with cameras and listening devices in the walls - but he will not have the same "rights" he had in the United States. He could defect and become a Russian citizen, but you do not have the same civil rights in a dictatorship that you had in a democracy. Restrictive living in a dictator-led country is comparable to life in prison. My twenty (20) years of living and working in six such countries qualifies me to discuss this experience.

It would be national suicide to re-elect Donald Trump. - which would result in an entropic nation - a state of spiraling disorder and degradation. Yet many Americans will vote for Trump, and their vote will be based on emotion, conspiracy stories, and propaganda fed to them by Trump, FOX, and even as unbelievably as it seems - elected Republicans to the U.S. Congress. Trump was IMPEACHED due to Presidential wrongdoing, and the black and white evidence that convicted him as a felon was collaborated by several people. - not only Michael Cohen.

On the other hand, Biden has served the American Public for almost fifty (50) years. He was a Senator for thirty-six (36) years and his constituents re-elected him for all those years because he performed well. He was our Vice President under President Obama for eight (8) years. Obama has already been selected among the top ten Presidents of all time. In his time as our President, he has accomplished so much. Our unemployment is down to 4%, our national debt was reduced by $1 Trillion, the stock market looks good, and our country's economy is the fastest growing in the world.

The national election this Fall should be a simple choice, if you consider the verifiable facts, and not listen to more and more lies spewed from Trump.



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I wish 45 would jump bail.

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I remember our nations 200th birthday celebrations. I’m concerned about being able to have a 250th birthday party for our country. Will this coming November’s election tip us into Civil War? How the Republicans are speaking about this verdict, is not reasonable nor prudent. What’s happened to our Supreme Court is not reasonable nor prudent.

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Felon, yes. Criminal, I think so. AND, just swimming in the muck of the life he leads, the lying, cheating, back stabbing, distrustful world he creates around himself made me feel dirty reading about it. Burns quote by Mercy Otis Warren says it well, ‘The checks of conscience are thrown aside and a deformed picture of the soul is revealed.’ Heaven help us.

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