Seems all to non coincidental to me as with the caravan nonsense. I agree immigration has been weaponized and used as a political football to stoke fear and unrest. All the more reason to tackle new policies and a coherent pathway to citizenship. I also agree that this is all the more the effects of climate change, wars, socioeconomic disparities the plundering of resources, the rise of authoritarianism oligarchy or just plain old bad leadership and management among others. One always has to get at the real root of this problem instead of the continual bandaid that never solves anything. The sight of those on horses beating others truly shows how our tax dollars have been wasted and thoroughly disgusted me. One thing for sure I am not into is the slave trade of any kind and or visions of such which this clearly was. So saddened me to think how far we've sunk with this despicable behavior and that it's about time we live up to our ideals and standards. Practice what we preach and grow the hell up.

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It’s not some generic “Congress” it’s Republicans almost exclusively causing the problem. The filibuster is killing almost everything good.

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This continues to be the fault of our lazy, entitled Congress who work a part time schedule. They learned to do nothing is better than doing something. We need to stop the nonsense. These people put form over substance. They have more recesses than kindergarten. We need a shake up and break up in DC. Laws need to be passed. Now.

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This is disgraceful and shameful. I cannot wrap my head around the cruelty, hate and racism in this country. One thing that has become painfully obvious is, a fair amount of our citizens don't care about other American citizens, no matter their race, so why should we expect them to care about people from other countries, especially if those people aren't white. It makes me embarrassed to be a white American. We can't necessarily blame Presidents, alone. We must blame Congress in general, and Republicans, in particular. They have proven themselves to be devoid of any human emotion or compassion. There is a line in the song Russians, by Sting, about hoping the Russians love their children, too. People who support the former guy, don't seem to love children, even their own. Actually, if you change some of the names in that song, it still applies. These Haitians are terrified and hoping for a better life for themselves and their children. The inhumanity shown to these people, is beyond my comprehension. I do believe that this is a manufactured "crisis", but, not recently manufactured. It's been going on for decades, on several levels, starting of course, at the source, as you mentioned. I'm at a loss on so many things, that I fear that I will just grow numb to all of this destruction, not from a lack of compassion, but, for self preservation, mentally. I thought it would at least get a little better after President Biden was inaugurated, but, with the Republican party doubling and tripling down on their insanity, it's only gotten worse.

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Why so many so soon? Seems like a set up and from what is being reported, most likely was. The point of this whole situation needs to be laid right in the laps of the GOP as they have turned against EVERY reform and fix attempted in the last 20 years. Every damn one bipartisan or not.

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We’ve lost almost 700,000 souls in the 18 months. We have physical room for everyone to live here, but lack the spiritual room in our hearts. Have we always been this cruel?

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I am a paying subscriber. But when I open my email it tells me I need to become a paying subscriber. Is this peculiar to me or do all of us have the same experience?

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How do you think the congested areas of the United States will feel when the climate refugees from the southern and western parts of the United States start moving up North? With all the fires, hurricances and flooding, etc., already beginning to change our landscape, people will be on the move. As to the Haitians, I am very familiar with them as I live in South Florida. Trust me, if it weren't for the Haitians, there would be fewer caretakers in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They always seemed very caring to me and my family members when we could not care for each other. Somehow this migration seems like a conspriacy cooked up by the countries from which people are fleeing. I read background stories on several Haitians that were deported to Haiti; a country they had not lived in for ten years. Where do they get the information that it is preferable to leave a country they are living in earning money, having a home and getting their children educated, to come here, the United States, when we can't even get our act together because of disinformation and bickering between parties. If they were given true information, I believe they would not make the trip. We are not in a good place. We need to get to the good place within ourselves first.

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