Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

She...an 80 year old woman...accomplished what all the elected MAGAs and their enablers cannot: hold him responsible and accountable for his actions. Bravo!

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Ms Carroll stood up to the bully and showed him the metal with which she is made. All he can do is denigrate those who attempt to stand up to him. He’s a loser in every sense of the word and I can only pray that he will never sit in the highest office of the land.

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In the end, it will be women who bring tfg down. Beginning with Cassidy Hutchinson, Letitia James, E. Jean Carroll, Fani Willis, and Judge Tanya Chutkan. All of them have been threatened by his rabid followers, but they all have the courage to stand for truth. We can also add Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. They, too, have the courage to do what is right.

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Each one of us must find a way to be courageous in our own way that will help in the fight to save our Democracy. Millions of small actions are just as important as any other in the fight for our future.

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you. We need to pass this on to the people who are afraid to stand up. Silence is an enemy of our freedom and hiding from our fears gives him energy and influences the hateful people.

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

The witch caught in this hunt was Donald John Trump. The hunt must continue for his consorts & enablers. This is what Julia Ward Howe meant when she wrote of “stamping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored .”

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Bravo E. Jean! Also, note Nikki Haley standing up to/calling out Trump AND highlighting his issues. Dobbs also made women stand up as they should as well.

A cascade of necessary courage!

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90% of those actually trying as well as succeeding in the myriad of legal issues ARE women. No man in shining armor is even speaking truth.

Seems the very last piece of the Cinderella myth is trampled under thousands of high heels

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

E Jean Carroll cancelled the invincibility factor of perps. Consider the impact on the jury when they were advised to stay anonymous FOREVER. When adult victims come forward, they lose their anonymity FOREVER. Some are able to get court orders to help protect them. Impossible when you do not know the identity or the number of perp proxies.


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GOP Senator Lankford showed courage too, regarding comments on the Border Bill. And the party plans to chew him up.

Remember when we all scorned "mindless following of the Party Line" as something the Soviet Communists did?

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Those were the days.

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

The women you cited, including Carroll, showed tremendous courage. I’m certain that women will lead the charge at the ballot box to vote out the menace that is DJT. Are there ever going to be any men who have the courage to stand up to the orange bully?

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Oh, most of them waited for the right time to publish their book$.

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Beautiful piece on E.Jean, and her incredible bravery.

Thank you Mr. Beschloss, it just feels wonderful to simply read more about her, and heartbreaking at the same time for so many women to suffer publicly or not at insidious violence.

Subsequent juries will take note I am sure.

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You began the last paragraph with this sentence - “The months ahead will be a vivid display of the battle between the courageous and the cowardly.” - and I read “vivid cosplay” because honestly, that’s what these fool republicans are doing. It’s all just cosplay for their donors, their MAGA cult, and of course their orange leader.

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The courage of E. Jean Carroll and the few Republican Senators looking to actually do the work of Congress to address a national issue, is promising in that it indicates that many are beginning to see Trump and the MAGAs as who they truly are, and they will suffer greatly in November. I am now more of an optimist than ever before.

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I wish I shared your optimism, but I am grateful that you have it.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Have you ever noticed that cows in the pasture always all face the same way? I associate the Republican Party with a herd of cows. The leader is always in the middle where he is surrounded by his protectors. So, that is where we find donald trump, an Ayrshire with orange spots and ancestors from Scotland. When not foraging,ravaging the growth that has made America, he holds his head high, ready to be crowned but all the while, his eyes darting in all directions for defectors to disparage. Though dismissive of women, he is defended by them. Cow on his right is Elise Stefanik egging on the "hostages,"silently begging to be his VP, & cow on his left is Keri Lake, trump in a female body who moos and moos but has low production."They'd have to kill me before I would stop!" she says, not realizing a kill box lies ahead. Leading the herd is Roseanne Barr wearing a cowboy hat,screeching, howling "We want the Magador to kill that GD bullllllllllllllllllllllllsh.. ! Behind the leader, I won't call him a man, is Tim Scott holding onto trump's (coat) tail, and throwing love kisses." One little skinny cow dares to turn and run off the ramp, away from the herd , but hesitates behind the rest, wondering should I stay or should I go. Far in the distance is Liz Cheney, heading for Wyoming, a leading sheep producer-after all, she did chime in her baas with Sir 90% of the time, a Republican sheep, just not a trump cow. Up the ramp they tramp, and there, inside the box, is E. Jean Carroll holding a captive-bolt gun. Behind her are Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman who proceed to hang the leader upside down , Mussolini style.

"i have a dream...." -- MLK

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Churchill

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Jan 29Liked by Steven Beschloss

Again a wonderful statement on her, but dearest Mr. Beschloss you did mean 'subsequent juries' would not ignore the consequences of this former president's actions, right ? 😉 Or perhaps, I am wrong, lol

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You are right, Flo. Thanks for noticing. I have just corrected this.

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