My thoughts but you stated them with clarity & purpose. He should give up before gives away the whole government with his acquiescence to their demands.

Thank you, Steven!

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Thank you, Mary.

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McCarthy already had his furniture moved into the Office of the Speaker of the House. It was clear that securing the job was a hill he was ready to die on.

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Mary, that was my first thought as well. But apparently Kevin McCarthy was willing to ride out wave after wave of embarrassment, victimised by his own Party representatives. McCarthy stated multiple times that his father told him where a situation ends, is more important that where it starts. Repeated humiliation seems like a large price to pay to secure his dream of being Speaker of the House. McCarthy comes across as a weak and lack-lustre individual. I expect he will be a virtual punching bag throughout his tenure as Speaker; not a situation many people would want to be in.

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Oh Steven, you provided the political psychotherapy that I needed this morning. I watched some of the proceedings on tv, until I couldn't watch any longer. It is so sad. Sad that the House of Representatives, is so dysfunctional, and is not doing the work of the people. I think Nancy Pelosi said it best, and you accumulated all of the thoughts in my head so eloquently. You read me so well. January 6, 2021 was 1 of the darkest days in America that I can remember, perhaps even surpassing the JFK assassination and the Watergate break-in, because 2 years ago, and, as you say, continuing to this day, there are a group of irresponsible GOP people who are damaging our Democracy, intentionally. We can only hope that good will triumph over their evil ways. Today I pray for an America like we used to have, the America steeped in Democracy and justice and freedom and goodness, a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Let it not perish from the earth.

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Thank you, Janet.

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Well, here we are: two years down the line, and the DoJ is still tip-toeing towards indicting the actual perpetrators. And what about their accomplices in Congress? The DoJ had better hold them accountable as well if justice is to be served.

Yes, we've heard all the arguments about having to build watertight cases. But, come on! Trump and his cohorts are still at large causing mayhem, as is evidenced by the current debacle over the election of the Speaker.

Justice delayed is more than justice denied: delay causes all kinds of unforeseen reverberations that continue to manifest themselves over years. In much the same way as we are paying now - as you have outlined so well, Steven - for the cavalier indifference of Reagan to anything resembling morality.

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These are truly dishonorable, despicable folk. “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” - Dorothy Parker

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Actually, he has most of the qualities of a great Speaker: Craven, egotistical, completely self-interested and utterly amoral.. Not sure if he has the most important quality: The ability and will to be absolutely ruthless. His problem is he has 10-15 people in his caucus who care less about the institution and would be happy to burn it down. Many have them have zero seniority, completely safe seats and nothing to gain by toeing the line. Republicans wish they had a Pelosi or a Rayburn

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Where's Lev Parnas and the dirty rubles spreadsheet when you need it?

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Two words in your essay stick out in particular – disrespect and spectacle! Republicans are showing total disrespect for the institution -for the American public -for the seriousness of the job they were elected to do.  Hubris spectacle, disrespect – they’re nothing but a band of bullies. 

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Now we know where the pretentious go to mingle with the preposterous--the House of Representative of the United States of America. And, we know who led the way for this cabal of ignorance--don't we? I fear the coming two years of disgrace may be a permanent blow to our way of life, providing a path to the end of representative government, here and elsewhere. The only out, I think, is to insist that those guilty of maligning and seeking to crush democracy be punished to the full extent of the law. In my view, bringing back the "stocks" may well be appropriate.

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MB, I predict that the Republicans will eventually self-implode, due to all the in-fighting and disagreement that prevails in their Pary. The fact that the 'GOP rebels' appear to have no shame or concern for the disruption they are happy to create, is telling. The greatest challenge for the GOP will be fighting their own demons that 'lie' within. Meanwhile, the Democrats can prevail, by being displaying tact and professionalism. The 'games' have begun!

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Spot on! Those of us who view government to solve ills and provide benefits that the private sector would avoid, ignore, or under provide this spectacle does not bode well for the next two years. When even Fox turns on these nihilists, it speaks volumes. But those that voted for these insurrectionists, this is a feature and not a bug and view it as owning the libs despite it hurting their own interests. How does that change? Even this would seem not to change things in those minds.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

CSPAN has been the winner of this chaos, providing a seldom seen look at the House. I'm wearing black today, for obvious reasons. One only hopes that this collapse of a formerly honorable party could be finished over the next few days, but we all know Rome didn't fall in a day.

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After reading this, I subscribed! Great analysis.

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Thank you, Matthew.

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Welcome Matthew. I consider Steven Beschloss' writing in his America, America, to be one of the most astute and powerfully literate platforms available. The readers are a diverse group, and we partake in thoughtful and respectful dialogue. You have landed in a good place here.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

You nailed it perfectly again.

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Thank you, Sandra.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for your extremely well-crafted analysis, Steven. The process to elect the Speaker of the House devolved into somewhat of a Groundhog Day repetition, with a bevy of Republican nominees being put forth. McCarthy was denied a majority, until the 15 round of voting. It was a spectacle to behold. It even appeared like members would come to blows when Republican Mike Rogers of Alabama stormed aggressively toward Matt Gaetz, in a threatening manner. Rogers was quickly restrained by fellow Republican, Richard Hudson of North.Carolina, who intervened and led him away. What I have observed is that Media thrives on the very chaos, they are quick to condemn. Sensation is their virtual life-blood, and they lie in wait for a transfusion of disorder and disarray. The GOP seldom disappoint. It was a marathon process. Forward we go, with trepidation for what may lie ahead.

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Thank you, Audrey.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

TRUTH, eloquence and rightful indignation. Very well done, thank YOU, Sir.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thanks for the thoughtful words, Steven.

There is so much work to be done.

There can never be too much light as darkness begets darkness.

As a reminder, after the Civil War, in 1865, Jefferson Davis was in federal prison. In 1931, sixty-six years later, a statue of Davis was erected and still stands in the U.S. Capitol Building.

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It’s outrageous that Davis’ statue is in the Capitol now. As you suggest, Rex: Much work to be done.

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Your article about the debacle going on in the US House is completely on target. A minority of extreme conservatives are trying to take over the government again, this time by upholding the speaker nomination. They planned this after the November 9th election. As a country we cannot allow this to happen ever again. We must change the constitution going forward the speaker with the most votes wins. We are at war from within, we have been fighting this war since Reagan introduced conservatism.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

I think that sadly, the United States has essentially been at war with itself, long before the Reagan era. The conflict has metastasized over time, and the conflict has almost reached Stage 4 (metaphoriclly), making the bedlam seem almost irreversible. But I am ever hopeful that the naysayers will be weeded out, either by attrition or a the Voting Polls.

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As a new member, I realize how important it is to have as many respected voices, such as Steven’s, to put out front the advantages of a fully functioning democracy vs. the ever encroaching weevils of fascitocracy.

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Thank you, Steven.

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