To be fair to RBG, even if she had resigned and President Obama nominated someone else, there’s a high probability that like Mr Garland, they would never have been seated on the court. And as they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So I don’t see her decision necessarily as being selfish - she may indeed have been thinking of the country but lost her gamble.

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My thoughts as well John. I keep saying it that the real issue is being able to override the filibuster in the Senate. Until then the minority will block most progressive attempts to change our country.

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I understand her reasoning, wanting the first woman president to appoint her successor, nevertheless it's costing thee country dearly.

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I don’t think that was the reason. She was smart enough to know she couldn’t predict who would be the next president. See https://time.com/5891577/ruth-bader-ginsburg-john-lewis-never-retired/ for a good essay on this.

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Monday I emailed Senator Feinstein encouraging her to do the honorable thing and resign. Many of us who are on Post.News did this. Then yesterday I emailed my Senior Senator, Richard Durbin, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the vacancy on that committee resulting from Feinstein's prolonged absence. McConnell has prevented Durbin from putting in a replacement. I believe Durbin wanted Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland to replace her on the committee. I do not understand if there is a legislative procedure in the Senate that would allow Durbin to override McConnell's latest stunt.

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I expect more from an elected legislator then a corporation. I am grateful for Senator Feinstein’s long and honorable public service. But at this point she should resign. Staying on when she can no longer effectively perform her duties is, sadly, selfish and tarnishing her legacy.

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Apr 21, 2023
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True that. Making horse races.

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The longer politicians stay in Washington, the farther they become removed from the realities of the every day life of regular people. They seem to care more about their careers than the people they represent.

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These are important words to reflect on, Steven. Nothing lasts forever, and life is finite. With respect to the tenure of elected members, I suggest the need to establish term limits as an opportunity to refresh the political landscape with 'new blood'. Optics matter, and seeing officials as potential residents of a geriatric ward, is dispiriting. Showing signs of cognitive decline and staying long past one's ability to be productive, or an inability to attend proceedings, as in Diane Feinstein's case, create far-reaching consequences. Athletes eventually depart their respective sport's arenas. Business owners pass on the torch of management. Choosing to retire is not a sin or a failure; it can be opportunity to embrace the next chapter of one"s life. As for the massive payment to Dominion Voting Systems, I consider the eleventh hour settlement to be an example of extreme desperation and cowardice, by FOX news. The Jury had been selected, and everything was in place for the proceedings to commence, albeit after a one-day delay. FOX may have avoided evisceration of its false doctrine ringleaders on the witness stand this time. However, more imposing challenges lie head, from Smartmatic and others. ' Commitment to the highest journalistic standards" is their disingenuous, face-saving snake-oil panacea. No company's financial cup runneth over forever. The accountability Hawks are circling, and sponsors may jump ship. The redemption games have begun!

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A similar argument can be made with regard to President Biden. I believe he's going to announce that he intends to run for reelection. On the surface he's more than earned the opportunity. His tenure in the face of a hostile opposition party has been marked with success after success for our nation. He's been phenomenal. But he is advanced in age. Is now the time for him to step down and pass the torch? Despite his incredible accomplishments I feel it would be best for the nation if he did. A younger more energetic leadership could continue the good work he has done.

A perfect example for stepping aside is that of Nancy Pelosi. After the mid-terms she relinquished her speakership to that younger more energetic group. Hakeem Jeffries has already proven himself right out of the gate.

As goes Madam Speaker so should the President.

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A fair question. Definitely a topic that I’ll need to reflect on and write about.

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With Biden there are the political considerations too. Biden is the safe bet. Someone else may not have the appeal Biden does to the swing voters who determine our election wins. While Biden's age is acknowledged as a potential problem by most people, not having a popular successor keeps him in the running. The saying better to be safe than sorry applies here.

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I agree. Democrats don't have a strong bench of presidential candidates. I thought Biden had originally said he would only serve one term so there has been time for the party to get someone else ready. But now time has run out and Biden seems to be the only person able to beat trump.

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Unfortunately personal self interest has in most cases overshadowed national interest. Of course the decisions you have mentioned have and are disappointing us, especially now, because of the right’s shift to build an authoritarian government.

Where ever and when ever these kinds of disappointing decisions are made we must pick up our”marbles “ ,move on, and fight the good fight.

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Like many facets of life, destruction is quick and brutal, recovery slow and painful. I do believe we are in the latter phase, but it will take hold only if we persist (to borrow a phrase.)

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These decisions are difficult to make so hard for one person to tell another that his or her time is up!

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Reading this makes me wonder whether we will be looking back in a couple of years analyzing whether another elder statesman we are watching in real time now making a decision about the right time should have put the good of the country before his own completely understandable interests in "finishing the job."

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When considering the circumstances of RBG and Senator Feinstein, it is just two more examples of how the Democrats consistently shoot themselves in the foot by not seeing the forrest for the trees..They are not deploying the right tactics necessary to prevail against Republicans who will do anything to win..Democrats are simply a feckless gaggle of Ostriches seeking solutions in a hole in the ground..

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Apr 21, 2023
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Jack, in my earlier response to your remarks I said that we are past getting involved in government at a local level..I do not mean to down play the vital importance of engaging government at a local level that must continue at a greater pace than it has been historically..Local engagement needs time we do not have to filter up the ladder..I feel we need bigger actions on a national scale to significantly combat this GOP supported authoritarian slide into Fascism..

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Apr 22, 2023
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Hey there Jack,

Continue it shall..So much in your comment to respond to, I will have to cook on it for a bit.. You will not be disappointed by The warning..I'm pleased to have introduced you to Steve Schmidt..During the first years of "The 11th Hour with Brian Williams "on MSNBC I was introduced to Timothy Snyder, bought that book, read it and then bought a dozen of them and gave them to friends and family..As I considered your telling of your congressman, I realized I am more local then I thought..at least on a state level..Just today I reached out to Rep. Katie Porter and my Governor Gavin Newsom of California and urged them to speak with Senator Feinstein..I believe Porter is the perfect choice to take on that seat, particularly in this moment..She is seeking it anyway, might as well put her in it now..We are in a fight and must take correct actions..I would say that a heavier than perhaps ought to be handed convincing of Feinstein to step down might be considered a Desperate Measure..We have to take a "Make them an offer they can't refuse" posture if we are going to crush this authoritarian movement..

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Hey there Jack, I am a subscriber to what I will call “The Two Steves”. That is, “America America” and “The Warning”..what I am seeing is a pattern of the repeating of the same massage phrased ever so differently..which is and I paraphrase: “Unless significant actions are taken we are heading down the road to becoming The Fascist States Of America.” Now I look at this two ways..One, the counter message to this authoritarian movement proffered by the two Steves repeated over and over again until it sinks in to the minds of enough people is a must. Yet time is of the essence and in short supply..Two, their counter message is not reaching enough people, particularly Democrats in Congress and the country is fucked..As I look at this Feinstein issue it further supports the latter, as another example of Democrats bringing a knife to a gun fight..as is their default Modus operandi..

If we didn’t have one of our two political parties having completely metastasized into a Fascist party and our political norms were not undermined by them, it might make sense to get involved in government at the local level to exact change..But we are way past that as a strategic step towards our future..My posted message for the past 7 years is more important now than at any time within that time..”Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures”.. Those who live and believe in our Democracy have been backed into a corner and I am being increasingly convinced that it is the Desperate Measures, the unthinkable but necessary actions must be taken if we are to preserve our Democracy and tangibly hold to account this attack..These people simply must be stopped..

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As usual, well stated, Steven. The Feinstein and Ginsburg examples in your piece showcase why term limits for all elected or appointed offices should be mandatory. I know there are those who say term limits aren’t necessary; that’s why we have elections. Apparently, that’s not working. And in the case of SCOTUS, it’s become apparent over the last several decades that lifetime appointments are proving to be nothing more than political theater that hurts the country. All this said, we need an electorate that is more engaged in our civic life and understands the importance of issues that affect all of us. Left to their own devices, those we put in office often will go their own way.

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Really important article. Yes… If only RBG had resigned when Democrats had the Senate and could have replaced her with a left-leaning justice, or at least an honorable centrist. If only Feinstein would resign. If only Dominion would have pushed for a trial and cameras would be allowed in court, because there is no other way that Fox viewers will actually see Fox people admitting their lies then live TV in a trial.

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I have to disagree with those who say RBG should have resigned; it would not have made a difference with Garland - and I disagree with those who say Dianne Feinstein should resign . I think this all smacks of sexism - did anyone suggest Strom Thurmond, Chuck Grassley, Speaker Byrd, and every other old white men resign? Rarely I say - Grassley was mentioned as someone who maybe maybe shouldn’t run again.

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The saying is that anyone can be bought if the price is right. Robert Hanssen , an FBI special agent, traded US secrets to Russia for $1.4 million. Senior CIA agent , Aldrich Ames rec'd $2.7 million from the Soviets and caused the execution of 10 of US secret agents in the Soviet Union. And so, Dominion Voting Systems took $787.5 million and ran, and though leaving us with some of the lies told, left Fox to crow they are still fair and balanced and Tucker Carlson with3.5 million viewers, larger than any other cable program.

Thurgood Marshall and Ruth Ginsburg cancelled each other out. Marshall resigned in 1991 rather than waiting till '93 when Clinton became president, thus allowing George '41 to appoint crooked Clarence Thomas. Ginsburg, champion of women equality, was replaced by Republican leaning, hardly qualified people who then, by striking down the rights of women, undid much of what she had accomplished, thus her legacy. Maybe she bet on Clinton, but she was also betting on America's future.

Feinstein will probably be incapacitated until after the 2024 election as shingles pain lingers long after the rash is gone. Some people have been forced to retire. Disliked by major leaders of our nation, an advocate of bombing China, the cause of the fall of the Philippines, arrogant General MacArthur was fired by Harry Truman. Spiro Agnew had to resign for political corruption and taking bribes while VP.

Napoleon abdicated after his Russian invasion disaster. Woodrow Wilson should probably have resigned after suffering a stroke, leaving his unelected wife Edith to decide what information he should know. Even Tom Brady knew to resign although it took him a year to decide. The Senator, at 89 and mentally declining, should perhaps be declared by her relatives and a judge, to no longer be fit to hold on to her job. In her mind, I imagine she still kids herself that she is younger, able, fit. To quit would mean she is no longer of any importance and will just be waiting around to die. Ego and fear.

I believe one of the most honest and honorable leaders, my man, Harry Truman, cared enough for this country and its citizens' wishes, that he was willing to forgo a run for president , offering Eisenhower the privilege and willing to take second place as VP.

Money is the ultimate power.

Life is about making the right decisions and moving on.

Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen.

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