The fear of the loss of white privilege culture is deep and malignant. Hanging tight to the culture is self-defeating and short-sighted but the fear is insidious. It has become a religious war. When the privileged white men used their educated insights to build this nation and its constitution, the majority of them were being very careful to protect the nation and its government from the politics of religious culture. Benjamin Franklin warned us how tough it would be to maintain the rule of constitutional law over the whims of the people and their ties to religious culture. We are there now.

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So true 😭, and the truth hurts. Each have demonstrated their total disregard of ethics, morals and duty to this country and we the people. Continuing to speak our truth to their abdication of any real leadership in their quest for power at any cost is the only remedy. Along with action, accountability and voting once again in numbers to large to deny, though they will try, to rid us of their scourge. Speaking truth to all of their obstruction and lies, let the flood gates open wide with the cleansing holy water of truth and justice.

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We are watching the demise of the Republican Party in real time. Evil won’t win in America. The numbers of good are greater.

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For four years I’ve been tweeting out to as many of the so called people in positions of power the following: Desperate Times, require Desperate Measures. Yet no one seems to feel it necessary to take any head to my warning. The Democrats continue to try and govern with people that you Steven have defined so correctly. The Republicans are just not interested. Yet DEMs keep thinking bipartisanship is actually there in Congress to obtain.

It seems to be alive in the country among people of all political strips. They like the programs and legislation President Biden is putting forward, yet the people they have sent to represent them don’t care. I am watching as you and others are, our Democracy slip into the abyss. More direct persuasive measures are now called for to demonstrate our position and our resolve. Because what we are doing now is not yielding any victories.

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