Joe Biden did not soft-pedalhis message Thursday night. “There’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” the president said, adding, “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election—either they win or they were cheated."
Consider a few more nuggets of his unfiltered tough talk in Philadelphia:
“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.”
“We can’t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. They’re incompatible. We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country. It’s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now."
“While the threat to American democracy is real, I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy…it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.”
This “soul of the nation” speech came in the wake of a recent NBC News poll, which found that “threats to democracy” topped voter concerns ahead of the midterms, ahead of cost of living, jobs and the economy. While Biden decided it was time to directly confront this peril, furious Trumpists—on cue—were up in arms and on attack. Biden, I was hearing more times than I wish to recount, is a fascist, a dictator, another Hitler. The Trumpists’ response belied the view that they can take a punch—and proved they project in the most extreme ways.
What do you think? Did President Biden make the right move? Was it time, perhaps past time, to discuss the dangers facing our democracy in no uncertain terms? Was it necessary to stand up for American values and all Americans committed to the democratic project? Or did you find the speech too partisan and too divisive? And, finally, perhaps most importantly, will it have a positive impact on the midterms?
As always, I look forward to reading what you think and for this community to learn from each other. Please do remember to be considerate of each other in your responses.
Paid subscribers: Join me Wednesday at 6:30 PM for a live online Q&A to “ask me anything.” If you are not already, become a paid subscriber for just $50 a year or $5 a month. Hope to see you then.
*Photo from President Biden’s “soul of the nation” speech by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
He absolutely made the right move, and I hope he keeps it up. Wish the mainstream media would frame things as they are now, not as the usual "horse race". When one party wishes to destroy our system of government, and the other is an imperfect but normal political party, they need to frame all of their coverage that way. All that being said, we outnumber these people who wish to destroy our system of government. "Did not vote" is the largest group in the electorate, followed by independents, then Democrats, then Republicans. We.outnumber.these.people. Let's act like it, and commit ourselves to helping to be sure all eligible people are registered to vote, and see what we can do to help them all cast their votes. If we all do things to help in our own circles and join with others, we can make a difference. Lots of elections are decided by a few votes. Never think your vote doesn't matter. It does. Please commit to voting every election at every level of's our right, our civid duty and a privilege we should never take for granted.
A bit late, but welcome. What are the next steps? If the three mainstream TV networks could not be persuaded to give up their low-watched summer reruns to air the President, what will work to energize the majority of citizens? Let me suggest a few ideas:
• To start with, many additional loud voices are needed. Political, of course, but also entertainment, business, labor another sectors.
• The funders of the right wing need to be publicized and boycotted.
• The "idea of democracy" needs a powerful, sophisticated media campaign to wake up those who slept through civics (assuming their schools even had it) so they understand what is at risk.
We need to convert the couch potatoes into fervent patriots!
Yes, Joe Biden made the right move. The Maga faction can dish it out but they can’t take it. The fact that a former president took classified documents out of the White House mere weeks after attempting to overtake his own government, brings me to the question for all Americans: Who among us is not betrayed by this?
I support President Joe Biden with his tone with his words.
He bent over backward trying to be conciliatory. But you can't reach compromise and consensus with people who refuse to even acknowledge truth. Yes, he did the right thing. Where do we go from here? No idea. But it's nice to be able to back a party that's finally developed a spine.
It was a fabulous speech! Right on point. It was time for our President to say the things we all know out loud and call out violent, destructive MAGAs. They are bullies. They have no defense. The best they can do is have a tantrum of projection -all lies. Democracy will prevail.
I think he should’ve made this his inauguration speech. And hammered it every chance he got. Of course I also think Garland should’ve prosecuted Trump on all the Mueller crimes and the Daniels bribe right out of the gate. Better late than never but boy is this late.
It was necessary to finally say this plainly. The "effect on the midterms" is the least of considerations. Treating everything as a horse race is part of our problem.
Perhaps the "effect on the midterms" is precicsely the point. In telling these truths and confirming most people's well-placed concerns Joe Biden is showing great leadership. By example. Permission has been granted and conversations have begun, many voters may now feel energized to discuss their feelings and motivations around the subject of the future prospects of your democracy. I believe it won't have harmed Democrats chances of winning both houses and may well help move some swing voters their way.
President Biden not only made the right move but he made it at the right moment. After all of the successful legislation that he passed and after letting his accomplishments become more widely known throughout the media, as was evidenced by his improved poll numbers, he was in a very strong position to appear as a strong leader speaking truth to corruption. Thank you, President Biden for all you have done so far! Now it is up to us to show up at the ballot box and be the voice of the majority, including Democrats, Independents and Republicans.
I think he was right, but my husband thinks he was wrong.
I’m tired of Biden having to cater to extremists who are trying to destroy our nation. My husband argues that Biden is president for everyone, even the extremists, and there are plenty of conservatives who feel like they’re being attacked along with the extremists.
To me, this sounds like a Conservative problem, and if they don’t see any difference between themselves and the fascists, then they are fascist. But my husband says it’s not good to alienate them. So I’m alone in my agreement with Biden’s remarks here.
As a disheartening as anything coming out of the post-presidency is how few so-called-conservatives have spoken up for their supposed values and against the insurrection and attacks on Democracy. “There are more of us” should include democracy-loving conservatives, but we just aren’t seeing them in the numbers we should. The demagoguery around the Mar a Lago search shows their true loyalty—to trump over rule of law.
Yes, I believe President Biden made the right move, told America what it desperately needs to hear: if we don't work hard to preserve our democracy, it will die. Fascism will have won. I'm 79, just an average American worker, retired person, and Vietnam Era veteran. I am deeply concerned about the state of our union, the country I love, from the perspective and experiences of an old man. I am more concerned, however, for the years ahead for young Americans. The future of America is theirs. Will they, and all of us, fight for democracy, or will we accept the threats of violence, obstruction, and destruction that is the platform of the fascist MAGA Republicans, as Pres. Biden spoke about. Pres. Biden did well, as commander-in-chief in his speech, and I hope he continues to shine a light into the darkness that is fascism determined to destroy us. This fight for preservation of our democracy requires all of us to win. And I know we can win! To the trenches, the front lines, America!
The folks who have declared that they support Trump continually describe how they love that he “tells it like it is”…this pathological liar, this straight talker. Right. He “tells it like” what THEY want to hear, which is permission to hate “other”.
Biden was NOT being partisan or divisive. He actually WAS telling “…it like it is” during his speech. With all this disinformation propagandized by Trump, right-wing media, and the fawningly feckless GOP, our country is on the brink of serious violence. The very wealthy puppeteers that are fomenting this growing danger see only many more $dollars flowing into their already obscene coffers. To hell with this democracy, as long as they achieve full control and remain all-powerful.
“We the People” could become just a quaint, nostalgic notion.
Absolutely, President Biden made the correct move: a move I was waiting on for a long time. This was important and he spoke fully to truth because our democracy is the foundation upon which all of our other issues rely. Without it, all issues belong to the whim of a person or party. What I wish is that folks on the MagaR side would see that if they have any particular issue that they care about, it could come and go like the wind based on the whim of the period by one or few individuals. It might be tempting now when their leader sees eye to eye with them, but nothing is guaranteed. Sadly, some folks who see this as a tribal issue will always look for any and all ways that the truth can be bent, distorted and reshaped so that "their leader" wins. But we cannot shape our politics on trying to appease them. I hope President Biden will keep carrying the ball from now to election day - a few speeches are just not enough. If he does, this will be seen as a positive speech galvanizing the American people to get past the politics and tribalism that seems to be entrenched.
I was relieved to hear the President name the ugly truth. I’ve read there are those who think the speech was partisan. Given by a Democrat and paid for by the government when, in fact, it was the President speaking to the American people on a matter of grave importance. He spoke in terms we’ve been waiting for, and he pointed to the way out, saying, “We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on our democracy…it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.”
I have been thinking about Democracy so much for the last few years. Because, of course, it’s been on the chopping block- by a man and party, who galvanized a group of folks, who I believe don’t know what they’re selling out. President Biden’s calling out the travesty of this movement, is exactly what we need to begin. The next step is for anyone with a voice, anyone with a platform, along with President Biden, to continue to do what he was really doing- we all need to TEACH DEMOCRACY. It has been ignored by the media, ignored by the schools, and lied about by those who seek to gain from its undoing- knowledge is the real missing link in reaching those who don’t realize the trade off a dictator would bring. Our precious elections are under attack, no differently than those in dictator led countries- and frighteningly similar to them, because,sadly, the likes of Putin are gravely interfering, and leading the charge. Biden has opened the door and I am grateful to him for that. He must double down on this set of values- The long road of re-galvanizing Americans as one, is at the feet of each of us. Our talking points must be developed and repeated. Steven we look to you and your peers to help lead us. We must declare and repeat, incessantly the beauty Democracy and its inherent freedoms brings to us as individuals and as Americans. Protecting those freedoms and rights FOR EACH OTHER, is how we’ll keep them for ourselves. And how we’ll keep America.
I believe he made the right move and specifically now is critical because of the serious threat of violence as the Trump indictments are about to be issued. Garland has crossed the Rubicon in the DOJ actions the last two weeks. The stage is set. And the stupid coonents from Lindsey Graham and Trump himself are intended to bully and threaten the government to stand down. Biden is not going to stand down. He needs to demonstrate Trump's corruption and the danger Trump has caused to both the country and the various intelligence personnel. The MAGA reaction will likely be violent. But the majority of American society will not accept the MAGA extreme conspiracy theories, unwillingness to accept the obvious guilt, the harm it will bring to the democracy. This will become another turning point similar to that of the McCarthyism era. Biden was placing the marker for societal decency and stability.
I believe that democracy is dying in darkness (thanks for the quote Washington Post) . President Biden turned on all the lights with that speech. It is now up to each one of us……………
I couldn't be more pleased about Biden's unapologetic truth telling. I truly don't understand how putting the former guy and our Joe Biden side-by-side; declaring one of them the anti-christ, and it's Joe Biden!? The only "rational" answer I can come up with is: It's a cult. And the enablers who know the difference are making money out of it. SMH
Yes he did. He was right to call them out and their poor little hurt selves because someone told it like it is: this is fascism and Nazism. It hurts sometimes when you are told that you’re anti democracy and fascist. I like this Joe - go for it Joe!
Great question Steven, the short answer is yes. Let me share with you and our community my response to Jonah Goldberg’s remarks criticizing the speech in his publication “The Dispatch".
I said the following:
“Your criticism of Biden’s speech may have more teeth in an America who’s former president hadn’t participated in a conspiracy to foment a political coup d’état to overturn a free and fair election, and sack our government.
Furthermore, his racist, fascist authoritarian movement aided by the festering ring of scumbags found in CPAC that call themselves the @GOP represents a clear and present danger to this nation and its Democracy.
Or did it slip your mind that this is not a political business as usual climate snaking across this country at all levels of government. Democracy is facing desperate times that require desperate measures, every tool in the bag must be deployed to crush what
Orban, Putin, Xi, et al are itching to see happen in America. If you don’t believe that it is possible for you to wake up Nov. 9th with your right to publish “The Dispatch” yanked out of your hands and flushed like so many top secret documents,
Then you’re just like a drug dealer of some kind using too much of your own product.”
Yes and yes. I feel it was long overdue and it will certainly affect the midterms. As Dan Rather said, if the shoe fits, then you just might be a fascist.
I also wonder if it was calculated to officially, cleanly, delineate the worst subset (basket of?) as to provide cover for those ready to FINALLY distance themselves and return to reasonable discourse.
Then again, it's just the truth and needed to be said.
Yes, he made the move calling this behavior out and giving non-MAGA Republicans an off ramp. No matter what he would have said the vocal part of the Republicans (the MAGAs, I suppose) would have had a problem with it. It was time and I am glad he did it. The threat to democracy is real. Playing nice, tiptoeing around the "F*ck your feelings" crowd, trying to compromise with a corrupted political party was never going to work. He tried. We have to face the enemy here, and now. It was time to call a spade a spade.
He absolutely did the right thing. We have everything to lose as a country if we ignore or trivialize rising fascism and violence. And Biden has nothing to lose by telling the truth to the world. History will look on this as an important speech, I think (even if broadcast networks couldn't even be bothered to show it).
Of course he made the right move. And it’s about time. Democrats are always so worried about offending Republicans; about worrying whether our candidates will appeal to them. It’s time to play offense. We’ve watched them become more authoritarian to the point of full on Fascism. American voters need a history course in how a democratic government becomes a dictatorship.
I'm glad that Biden cut through the 24/7 GOP/Fox/CNN propaganda and gaslighting. While it has been obvious for a very long time that our institutions were rotted by neglect and corruption, our sense of ourselves as a free nation was a loose thread that bound our diversity. That thread has been snapped. Freedoms through the country ate being decimated by GOP majority state legislatures. There may be more of us, but the GOP voters show up to vote.
How many people saw the speech live, with the 3 major networks refusing to air a speech detailing the authoritarian race to the bottom of the GOP, CNN anchors hysterical about the 'backdrop', and astoundingly cynical reporters like Peter Baker rushing to deliver a both-siders hit piece?
Scotus is an illegitimate body, bought by dark money and led by Chistofascists. The Senate is barely functioning and meaningful legislation blocked by McConnell, and his willing acolytes. AG Garland is as likely as a lamppost to indict Trump. I've no idea why he accepted the AG position, since he's closed every case investigating Trump and what he couldn't close has been on a slow crawl to run out the clock.
Mississippi doesn't have potable's been neglected for decades. Why do Republicans keep getting elected?
Personally I think it's too late to save this country. I studied pre-WWII history, and we're following the same path towards extinction of democracy. Yes, 90% turnout of Democrats, Independents, and anti-fascist Conservatives could hold back the tide, and allow a motivated new Senate to pass laws hardening democracy, while electing blue governors and state legislators down ballot, I just don't believe this will happen. I truly hope I'm wrong, but I see too much apathy and complacency on the other side of fascism.
LOOONG OVER DUE Yes, great msg & hope he keeps on. More on 'maggot' gop & trump cult, people have to finally accept kind of person he is: 'psychologically, morally, intellectually & emotionally unfit for highest elected office in America' - Duty to Warn: UNFIT
If you lived during WW II, the grand slam of fascism, you were too young to understand what it meant.
Unless you read about it, you probably still have no idea of its true meaning. Few people read books.Few people have newspaper subscriptions anymore.(prices: NYTimes-$3;Wall St Journal-$5. People would rather buy lottery tickets)Little history is taught in school and even that now censured. Facebook and twitter cater to your choices. TV is hellbent on airing that which will bring in the most people and the most advertising money, and that seems to be the unrelenting trump show. (now CNN : ( ) Besides more speeches like Biden gave(hopefully, secret service will be on its toes ) perhaps the above need pictures. Show what fascism stood for, show piles of bodies at concentration camps,show the blitz destruction comparing it with same in Ukraine today, show knocks on doors in the middle of the night with people being dragged out, beaten, shot in the street. Maybe the MAGA people would understand pictures since they have the sense and logic of small children who like Jane, Dick, and Spot. Show that fascism ended with a bullet to the head and an upside down hanging . Might help, but then, who would show them?
I've become of late, a follower of certain reporters, rather than their news station. I love Ali Velshi, Michael Smerconish, Jim Acosta. They tell the truth. And, if the truth is no longer allowed on their channel, I hope they move somewhere else. Good reporters are out there. You just have to look - hard.
This reminds me of the proverbial “Elephant in the room”
Everybody notices it and dutifully dances around it and refuses to acknowledge its presence even when asked directly. They actually accept this as a standard ritual. In the meantime the elephant continues to exist while ignored.
I think that the president decided to stop the game and boldly revealed the “secret”. That strategy is an excellent move to terminate the hidden existence of such a disturbing issue.
Now it is okay for all to admit and discuss the real threat to democracy in our country at this time without disguising subtleties.
The optics were terrible, and very distracting from the content of the speech, which was good -- yes, he made the right move. But he could have presented it better, and it would have been more effective.
It was time for such a-response. Beyond the obviously partisan angle he took, the clear facts are obvious that democracy is indeed under attack and Republican leaders are not stepping up to defend it based on their oaths they took..
I'm not sure it was the right move, but it wasn't a wrong move. The people who hated the speech aren't ever going to vote for Democrats anyway, and it certain encouraged me—a member of the Democratic base. There's an old saying: Republicans fear their base; Democrats scorn theirs. It's nice to see that dynamic budge an inch.
He absolutely made the right move, and I hope he keeps it up. Wish the mainstream media would frame things as they are now, not as the usual "horse race". When one party wishes to destroy our system of government, and the other is an imperfect but normal political party, they need to frame all of their coverage that way. All that being said, we outnumber these people who wish to destroy our system of government. "Did not vote" is the largest group in the electorate, followed by independents, then Democrats, then Republicans. We.outnumber.these.people. Let's act like it, and commit ourselves to helping to be sure all eligible people are registered to vote, and see what we can do to help them all cast their votes. If we all do things to help in our own circles and join with others, we can make a difference. Lots of elections are decided by a few votes. Never think your vote doesn't matter. It does. Please commit to voting every election at every level of's our right, our civid duty and a privilege we should never take for granted.
Very well stated. I am totally of the same opinion and stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
Couldn't have said it better
A bit late, but welcome. What are the next steps? If the three mainstream TV networks could not be persuaded to give up their low-watched summer reruns to air the President, what will work to energize the majority of citizens? Let me suggest a few ideas:
• To start with, many additional loud voices are needed. Political, of course, but also entertainment, business, labor another sectors.
• The funders of the right wing need to be publicized and boycotted.
• The "idea of democracy" needs a powerful, sophisticated media campaign to wake up those who slept through civics (assuming their schools even had it) so they understand what is at risk.
We need to convert the couch potatoes into fervent patriots!
I agree. Some wealthy democrats need to fund a media campaign.
Yes, Joe Biden made the right move. The Maga faction can dish it out but they can’t take it. The fact that a former president took classified documents out of the White House mere weeks after attempting to overtake his own government, brings me to the question for all Americans: Who among us is not betrayed by this?
I support President Joe Biden with his tone with his words.
He bent over backward trying to be conciliatory. But you can't reach compromise and consensus with people who refuse to even acknowledge truth. Yes, he did the right thing. Where do we go from here? No idea. But it's nice to be able to back a party that's finally developed a spine.
It was a fabulous speech! Right on point. It was time for our President to say the things we all know out loud and call out violent, destructive MAGAs. They are bullies. They have no defense. The best they can do is have a tantrum of projection -all lies. Democracy will prevail.
Better late than never, and even more urgent now that CNN is moving sharply right.
You're right about CNN. Consumers: beware. Things have changed.
A great start by the President, and about time! We now need to ramp things up so that they rise to a crescendo by the date of the election.
I think he should’ve made this his inauguration speech. And hammered it every chance he got. Of course I also think Garland should’ve prosecuted Trump on all the Mueller crimes and the Daniels bribe right out of the gate. Better late than never but boy is this late.
It was necessary to finally say this plainly. The "effect on the midterms" is the least of considerations. Treating everything as a horse race is part of our problem.
Perhaps the "effect on the midterms" is precicsely the point. In telling these truths and confirming most people's well-placed concerns Joe Biden is showing great leadership. By example. Permission has been granted and conversations have begun, many voters may now feel energized to discuss their feelings and motivations around the subject of the future prospects of your democracy. I believe it won't have harmed Democrats chances of winning both houses and may well help move some swing voters their way.
Plus: Roe, Roe, Roe your votes.
High time too. He needs to keep pushing that theme of loyalty vs disloyalty, and needs to accuse them of hypocrisy
President Biden not only made the right move but he made it at the right moment. After all of the successful legislation that he passed and after letting his accomplishments become more widely known throughout the media, as was evidenced by his improved poll numbers, he was in a very strong position to appear as a strong leader speaking truth to corruption. Thank you, President Biden for all you have done so far! Now it is up to us to show up at the ballot box and be the voice of the majority, including Democrats, Independents and Republicans.
Until the propaganda can be labeled as such, it will only get worse.
"We built this Reich on Propaganda!" - Joseph Goebbels.
As long as false narratives are being fed, unchecked by facts and spread as "News", the insurgency will only grow.
I remember a point in time when there was a thing called "Truth in Advertising" that was enforced. You could sue if you were lied to.
Shouldn't we have something similar for politicians and their spokespeople as a bare minimum?
Or all broadcasts are on a delay for fact-checks so lies may be labeled as such as they are being uttered.
Yes, and now Joe better follow through
I think he was right, but my husband thinks he was wrong.
I’m tired of Biden having to cater to extremists who are trying to destroy our nation. My husband argues that Biden is president for everyone, even the extremists, and there are plenty of conservatives who feel like they’re being attacked along with the extremists.
To me, this sounds like a Conservative problem, and if they don’t see any difference between themselves and the fascists, then they are fascist. But my husband says it’s not good to alienate them. So I’m alone in my agreement with Biden’s remarks here.
You’re not alone. Many agree with you.
As a disheartening as anything coming out of the post-presidency is how few so-called-conservatives have spoken up for their supposed values and against the insurrection and attacks on Democracy. “There are more of us” should include democracy-loving conservatives, but we just aren’t seeing them in the numbers we should. The demagoguery around the Mar a Lago search shows their true loyalty—to trump over rule of law.
I don't think Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney were confused by his speech tho...
Yes, I believe President Biden made the right move, told America what it desperately needs to hear: if we don't work hard to preserve our democracy, it will die. Fascism will have won. I'm 79, just an average American worker, retired person, and Vietnam Era veteran. I am deeply concerned about the state of our union, the country I love, from the perspective and experiences of an old man. I am more concerned, however, for the years ahead for young Americans. The future of America is theirs. Will they, and all of us, fight for democracy, or will we accept the threats of violence, obstruction, and destruction that is the platform of the fascist MAGA Republicans, as Pres. Biden spoke about. Pres. Biden did well, as commander-in-chief in his speech, and I hope he continues to shine a light into the darkness that is fascism determined to destroy us. This fight for preservation of our democracy requires all of us to win. And I know we can win! To the trenches, the front lines, America!
Beautifully said. Thank you!
The folks who have declared that they support Trump continually describe how they love that he “tells it like it is”…this pathological liar, this straight talker. Right. He “tells it like” what THEY want to hear, which is permission to hate “other”.
Biden was NOT being partisan or divisive. He actually WAS telling “…it like it is” during his speech. With all this disinformation propagandized by Trump, right-wing media, and the fawningly feckless GOP, our country is on the brink of serious violence. The very wealthy puppeteers that are fomenting this growing danger see only many more $dollars flowing into their already obscene coffers. To hell with this democracy, as long as they achieve full control and remain all-powerful.
“We the People” could become just a quaint, nostalgic notion.
Absolutely, President Biden made the correct move: a move I was waiting on for a long time. This was important and he spoke fully to truth because our democracy is the foundation upon which all of our other issues rely. Without it, all issues belong to the whim of a person or party. What I wish is that folks on the MagaR side would see that if they have any particular issue that they care about, it could come and go like the wind based on the whim of the period by one or few individuals. It might be tempting now when their leader sees eye to eye with them, but nothing is guaranteed. Sadly, some folks who see this as a tribal issue will always look for any and all ways that the truth can be bent, distorted and reshaped so that "their leader" wins. But we cannot shape our politics on trying to appease them. I hope President Biden will keep carrying the ball from now to election day - a few speeches are just not enough. If he does, this will be seen as a positive speech galvanizing the American people to get past the politics and tribalism that seems to be entrenched.
I was relieved to hear the President name the ugly truth. I’ve read there are those who think the speech was partisan. Given by a Democrat and paid for by the government when, in fact, it was the President speaking to the American people on a matter of grave importance. He spoke in terms we’ve been waiting for, and he pointed to the way out, saying, “We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on our democracy…it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.”
I have been thinking about Democracy so much for the last few years. Because, of course, it’s been on the chopping block- by a man and party, who galvanized a group of folks, who I believe don’t know what they’re selling out. President Biden’s calling out the travesty of this movement, is exactly what we need to begin. The next step is for anyone with a voice, anyone with a platform, along with President Biden, to continue to do what he was really doing- we all need to TEACH DEMOCRACY. It has been ignored by the media, ignored by the schools, and lied about by those who seek to gain from its undoing- knowledge is the real missing link in reaching those who don’t realize the trade off a dictator would bring. Our precious elections are under attack, no differently than those in dictator led countries- and frighteningly similar to them, because,sadly, the likes of Putin are gravely interfering, and leading the charge. Biden has opened the door and I am grateful to him for that. He must double down on this set of values- The long road of re-galvanizing Americans as one, is at the feet of each of us. Our talking points must be developed and repeated. Steven we look to you and your peers to help lead us. We must declare and repeat, incessantly the beauty Democracy and its inherent freedoms brings to us as individuals and as Americans. Protecting those freedoms and rights FOR EACH OTHER, is how we’ll keep them for ourselves. And how we’ll keep America.
I believe he made the right move and specifically now is critical because of the serious threat of violence as the Trump indictments are about to be issued. Garland has crossed the Rubicon in the DOJ actions the last two weeks. The stage is set. And the stupid coonents from Lindsey Graham and Trump himself are intended to bully and threaten the government to stand down. Biden is not going to stand down. He needs to demonstrate Trump's corruption and the danger Trump has caused to both the country and the various intelligence personnel. The MAGA reaction will likely be violent. But the majority of American society will not accept the MAGA extreme conspiracy theories, unwillingness to accept the obvious guilt, the harm it will bring to the democracy. This will become another turning point similar to that of the McCarthyism era. Biden was placing the marker for societal decency and stability.
I believe that democracy is dying in darkness (thanks for the quote Washington Post) . President Biden turned on all the lights with that speech. It is now up to each one of us……………
I couldn't be more pleased about Biden's unapologetic truth telling. I truly don't understand how putting the former guy and our Joe Biden side-by-side; declaring one of them the anti-christ, and it's Joe Biden!? The only "rational" answer I can come up with is: It's a cult. And the enablers who know the difference are making money out of it. SMH
Yes he did. He was right to call them out and their poor little hurt selves because someone told it like it is: this is fascism and Nazism. It hurts sometimes when you are told that you’re anti democracy and fascist. I like this Joe - go for it Joe!
Great question Steven, the short answer is yes. Let me share with you and our community my response to Jonah Goldberg’s remarks criticizing the speech in his publication “The Dispatch".
I said the following:
“Your criticism of Biden’s speech may have more teeth in an America who’s former president hadn’t participated in a conspiracy to foment a political coup d’état to overturn a free and fair election, and sack our government.
Furthermore, his racist, fascist authoritarian movement aided by the festering ring of scumbags found in CPAC that call themselves the @GOP represents a clear and present danger to this nation and its Democracy.
Or did it slip your mind that this is not a political business as usual climate snaking across this country at all levels of government. Democracy is facing desperate times that require desperate measures, every tool in the bag must be deployed to crush what
Orban, Putin, Xi, et al are itching to see happen in America. If you don’t believe that it is possible for you to wake up Nov. 9th with your right to publish “The Dispatch” yanked out of your hands and flushed like so many top secret documents,
Then you’re just like a drug dealer of some kind using too much of your own product.”
Yes and yes. I feel it was long overdue and it will certainly affect the midterms. As Dan Rather said, if the shoe fits, then you just might be a fascist.
Yes, he did.
I also wonder if it was calculated to officially, cleanly, delineate the worst subset (basket of?) as to provide cover for those ready to FINALLY distance themselves and return to reasonable discourse.
Then again, it's just the truth and needed to be said.
Yes, he made the move calling this behavior out and giving non-MAGA Republicans an off ramp. No matter what he would have said the vocal part of the Republicans (the MAGAs, I suppose) would have had a problem with it. It was time and I am glad he did it. The threat to democracy is real. Playing nice, tiptoeing around the "F*ck your feelings" crowd, trying to compromise with a corrupted political party was never going to work. He tried. We have to face the enemy here, and now. It was time to call a spade a spade.
He absolutely did the right thing. We have everything to lose as a country if we ignore or trivialize rising fascism and violence. And Biden has nothing to lose by telling the truth to the world. History will look on this as an important speech, I think (even if broadcast networks couldn't even be bothered to show it).
YES, YES, YES. He made the right move. It needs to be said and it needs to be said now.
Of course he made the right move. And it’s about time. Democrats are always so worried about offending Republicans; about worrying whether our candidates will appeal to them. It’s time to play offense. We’ve watched them become more authoritarian to the point of full on Fascism. American voters need a history course in how a democratic government becomes a dictatorship.
He did and we need to be serious about the threats and start to re-educate current and future voters about the principles of democracy...
I'm glad that Biden cut through the 24/7 GOP/Fox/CNN propaganda and gaslighting. While it has been obvious for a very long time that our institutions were rotted by neglect and corruption, our sense of ourselves as a free nation was a loose thread that bound our diversity. That thread has been snapped. Freedoms through the country ate being decimated by GOP majority state legislatures. There may be more of us, but the GOP voters show up to vote.
How many people saw the speech live, with the 3 major networks refusing to air a speech detailing the authoritarian race to the bottom of the GOP, CNN anchors hysterical about the 'backdrop', and astoundingly cynical reporters like Peter Baker rushing to deliver a both-siders hit piece?
Scotus is an illegitimate body, bought by dark money and led by Chistofascists. The Senate is barely functioning and meaningful legislation blocked by McConnell, and his willing acolytes. AG Garland is as likely as a lamppost to indict Trump. I've no idea why he accepted the AG position, since he's closed every case investigating Trump and what he couldn't close has been on a slow crawl to run out the clock.
Mississippi doesn't have potable's been neglected for decades. Why do Republicans keep getting elected?
Personally I think it's too late to save this country. I studied pre-WWII history, and we're following the same path towards extinction of democracy. Yes, 90% turnout of Democrats, Independents, and anti-fascist Conservatives could hold back the tide, and allow a motivated new Senate to pass laws hardening democracy, while electing blue governors and state legislators down ballot, I just don't believe this will happen. I truly hope I'm wrong, but I see too much apathy and complacency on the other side of fascism.
LOOONG OVER DUE Yes, great msg & hope he keeps on. More on 'maggot' gop & trump cult, people have to finally accept kind of person he is: 'psychologically, morally, intellectually & emotionally unfit for highest elected office in America' - Duty to Warn: UNFIT
If you lived during WW II, the grand slam of fascism, you were too young to understand what it meant.
Unless you read about it, you probably still have no idea of its true meaning. Few people read books.Few people have newspaper subscriptions anymore.(prices: NYTimes-$3;Wall St Journal-$5. People would rather buy lottery tickets)Little history is taught in school and even that now censured. Facebook and twitter cater to your choices. TV is hellbent on airing that which will bring in the most people and the most advertising money, and that seems to be the unrelenting trump show. (now CNN : ( ) Besides more speeches like Biden gave(hopefully, secret service will be on its toes ) perhaps the above need pictures. Show what fascism stood for, show piles of bodies at concentration camps,show the blitz destruction comparing it with same in Ukraine today, show knocks on doors in the middle of the night with people being dragged out, beaten, shot in the street. Maybe the MAGA people would understand pictures since they have the sense and logic of small children who like Jane, Dick, and Spot. Show that fascism ended with a bullet to the head and an upside down hanging . Might help, but then, who would show them?
What to do? VOTE !!
I've become of late, a follower of certain reporters, rather than their news station. I love Ali Velshi, Michael Smerconish, Jim Acosta. They tell the truth. And, if the truth is no longer allowed on their channel, I hope they move somewhere else. Good reporters are out there. You just have to look - hard.
This reminds me of the proverbial “Elephant in the room”
Everybody notices it and dutifully dances around it and refuses to acknowledge its presence even when asked directly. They actually accept this as a standard ritual. In the meantime the elephant continues to exist while ignored.
I think that the president decided to stop the game and boldly revealed the “secret”. That strategy is an excellent move to terminate the hidden existence of such a disturbing issue.
Now it is okay for all to admit and discuss the real threat to democracy in our country at this time without disguising subtleties.
The optics were terrible, and very distracting from the content of the speech, which was good -- yes, he made the right move. But he could have presented it better, and it would have been more effective.
Yes. The proof of that can be seen in the pitiful squeals from those who felt the sting of truth.
Joan Walsh asked, "If you are not guilty then why are you offended by the statement." (Or words to that effect.)
For those swarthy manly men who declare their manliness, they spend a lot of time whining like children with a bellyache.
It was time for such a-response. Beyond the obviously partisan angle he took, the clear facts are obvious that democracy is indeed under attack and Republican leaders are not stepping up to defend it based on their oaths they took..
I'm not sure it was the right move, but it wasn't a wrong move. The people who hated the speech aren't ever going to vote for Democrats anyway, and it certain encouraged me—a member of the Democratic base. There's an old saying: Republicans fear their base; Democrats scorn theirs. It's nice to see that dynamic budge an inch.