@StevenBeschloss, thank you for getting us through yet another turbulent year of this experiment we call the American Democracy. There were many times that stressed me further than I thought I could be stressed by 45, his many crimes (ok, innocent until proven guilty, but really), his lies, his attempts to destroy our voting integrity and his overall attempt to destroy out Democracy and make it a dictatorship, with himself as the dictator, just longing to join the club of Putin and Xi. However, I maintained my sanity because of you and all of the thoughtful, respectful people in this group that you founded and continue to lead. You made me feel optimistic even on the worst of days. It is that optimism and hope that leads me into 2024, with the belief that justice shall prevail. Happy, healthy, peaceful new year 2024 to you and to everyone in this group. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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Thank you, Janet. We have quite a year ahead. Much of it will be demoralizing, but it will be a tragic mistake if the majority loses hope.

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We won't lose hope. Happy, Healthy New Year 2024 to my politics therapist !!!

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The death of Martin Luther King should be reminder that crazy people will do anything including commit murder to justify their insanity the cruelty and their insatiable need for power.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for reposting your April essay. What truly astounds me from my perch north of the 49th is that the goon’s criminal behaviour went unpunished all of his life and now the wheels of justice have finally arrived at his doorstep. May his comeuppance be commensurate with his crimes and may we all be able to shut and lock the door on his “criming”.

Please accept my best wishes for a happy new year filled with joy, peace, good health and many more inspiring essays.

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And same to you.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Biden's honesty, integrity and caring should be effecting us all indirectly soon.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, I was just thinking about this the other day when I saw that the judge in Colorado was receiving threats, likely the SOS in Maine will be a recipient, DC and GA courts and staff have had to implement additional safety measures and thought to myself 'this is Domestic Terrorism' so why haven't they been given that designation so that when charges are brought they receive that consideration in sentencing?

Director Christopher Wray spoke precisely about the crimes of Jan. 6. “That attack, that siege, was criminal behavior, plain and simple,” Wray told U.S. senators in March 2021, 'and it’s behavior that we, the FBI, view as domestic terrorism.' What is he waiting for?

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

There is a definition of Domestic Terrorism but no specific criminal statute with penalties.

It is similar to domestic violence laws in many states where there is a definition, investigations & a category for reporting, but no specific crime in the statutes. Therefore it is “criminal behavior” charged under other criminal statutes like assault, strangulation, harassment, etc.

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Thank you, another "thing" with no enforcement mechanism, we seem to have so many of those. I appreciate your clarification and wish you a safe & Happy New Year!

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The history of how other laws were used and abused makes it a hard sell to create more powerful tools for monitoring and prosecuting inside the US. Then the DJT administration came along with its own abuses & promises a ‘retribution’ administration is re-elected. That would make J Edgar Hoover look like an angel. So, I guess it cuts both ways.

Have a Happy Healthy 2024!

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Since you mentioned a 'retribution' administration I wonder if you've taken a look at 5 USC 7311? It ties to 14/3 but addresses another aspect of disqualifying behavior that has also been documented.


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I don’t know if it has been used successfully against an elected official or if “advocating” could be a one time utterance by someone not in office who immediately claimed he just wants the election ‘corrected’. Presidents are not subject to security checks & additional ‘requirements’ beyond what is in the Constitution so I have no idea. Maybe ret. Judge Luttig needs a Q&A column.

At any rate, the big difference I see is the current challenges regarding DJT qualifying to be on the ballot are due to a Constitutional Amendment. He’s facing plenty of other federal charges. Then there are state cases in GA and NY. Not the least of his worries, the NY fraud case that could wipe out his “empire.”

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“One other note: I woke up today reminded of what else happened on this day. Fifty-five years ago, in 1968, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. He was only 39 years old. The country lost a great leader and a man who had so much more to contribute to the fate of the nation. That tragedy, that loss, still stings.”

In a rugged Mississippi town my family called home, 91 miles from Memphis, his murder shattered hearts and lives, leaving wounds that never healed.

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Thank you for stating the truth clearly and definitely.

The former president is charged for his criminal behavior.

This is our Democracy, we cannot waver on our established rule of law no matter who is the offending party.

The sense of entitlement by Donald Trump and his supporters has to be gutted .

The idea that this can be buried under an avalanche of lies and accusations of phony ‘pay back’ is the argument of a not very discerning , ill tempered child, Donald Trump.

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Maga is the Spanish word for magician. A person that tricks people to not believe their own eyes or ears.

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Thank you for the reminder of the assassination of one of our greatest sons, MLK, Jr.. I hate to admit it, but I had forgotten the date but I will never ever forget that day. I was 17 years old and was barely over the shock of losing RFK earlier in the year. Why man thinks murdering someone you have a beef with is okay, is beyond my comprehension. I will never understand those reasons but I know the distorted views behind all of it. Well, Steven, we are nearly closing out one tumultuous year and preparing for another. My hope is that justice prevails and we all get to breathe some sighs of relief. Wishing you a safe and healthy New Year.

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