“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” - Benjamin Franklin. Still have much work to do...

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Some may be sad. I'm overjoyed! Also I am sick of hearing he has to be presumed innocent or you come at the king you best not miss. Presumption of innocence only applies to the members of the court and the jury. Every other American is free to presume whatever the hell we want! Finally, he ain't no king dammit. Were I Bragg I would've charged each count separately every two months. Keep his treasonous ass n court for the rest of his miserable life.

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Within a month, we can expect two more critically important indictments: the obstruction of justice with respect to national security documents (they don’t have to be “classified” under the law), and the Georgia case which highlights

Trump’s illegal and unconstitutional attempt to steal the election. It is reasonable to assume that those cases will take precedence and the NY case will recede in importance. But justice will be done; that we can be confident will be achieved!

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News: Democratic candidate is projected to win VERY BIG for control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (ahead by 14% which is enormous in WI political history). Protection of reproductive rights has won the day! Very significant and now control of assault weapons joins that issue which will change multiple elections in 24.

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Bragg must be kept safe. His words exemplify so well what America stands for & to think this happened on this particular day in history. NOW GA must get on with it - be a joy to see him in 2 - 3 separate courts at once. Thx, SB, for

tonight's msg.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Your post today is so Healing and Inspiring! Thank you, again, Steven Beschloss!

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Happy to hear, Lisa.

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I spend about half the year in Italy. Today, for the first time since 2016, I was greatly relieved that the USA has entered the world of countries which hold everyone accountable in a court of law, including presidents and prime ministers. My friends and family in Italy are watching this carefully and very often, I'm sad to say, know more about American politics than many Americans.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I hope to see your succinct intro everywhere the case is reported: "Donald J. Trump was arrested and arraigned for 34 felony charges for falsifying business records with the intent to defraud and cover up other crimes." Thank you!

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Thank you, Todd.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven, thank you for writing this and making it part of the history. I have just listened to 6 hours of legal theory to evaluate the probability of a guilty verdict. The net net of this is simple, follow the money, follow the facts and follow the crime. If you do this you should sleep at peace tonight. For not only are all people treated as equal under the law, NY DA Bragg and his team have followed the law with the expertise and dedication you would expect from elected officials. Forget any weaponizing of the judiciary, if they had not indicted past president Trump that would have been the death of our democracy and legal system.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Lie after lie in his whining, poor me speech at Mar a Lago tonight. I noticed as he made his entrance through the tunnel of admirers , he passed by My Pillow Guy Landell, never looked his way, but instead, shook hands with others across from him. No loyalty to anyone. It was great when CNN cut away.

I was happy that MTG was booed & escorted out of NYC. But she thought she was royalty tonight in Florida, prancing and waving. Ugh !

Onward !!

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MTG presents as a GOP flapper-style political debutante, giddy with her perceived power, and no doubt thrilled with her $174,000. annual salary, plus benefits and perks. Tax payers' money could be much better spent elsewhere.

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She is worth $11M & owns a beautiful large home in Georgia.

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Amazing, isn't it? I expect MTG is not involved in any philanthropic work or community service, to help others. As the saying goes, 'you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.' No offence to Sus domesticus intended.

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Today for me was as uplifting as November 8th 2020. The removal of DJT from the White House. May this be the beginning of his removal from our political system. I don't care what the Trump cult is saying in his defence. I will ignore their political rhetoric, I will ignore the multiple MSM reports filling airtime and newspapers with the same story repetitiously. Allow myself to gloat in this memorial day.

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Enjoy. May there be more such uplifting days ahead.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

there is another very important case IMO for women on April 25, that of E. Jean Carroll. It's not just a defamation case, it's a rape case but seems so many journalists feel ok overlooking it in favor of the bigger shiny object in the form of the Orange Yeti's multiple abuses. I for one will be opening a bottle of champagne and throwing a party for a guilty verdict in that case.


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I am beyond happy Steven. I am thinking more positively than I have in years about the future of OUR democracy.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Having to appear in NY and be cited for multiple criminal charges, is a 'reality' Trump could NOT avoid. There was no escape route for him down an avoidance lane, without being held in contempt of Court. His perpetual 'victim mentality' was on full display during his speech @ Mar-A-Lago. Foolishly launching verbal attacks on the DA, Alvin Bragg and his family, shows TFG has NOT changed at all. Trump said he thought it could 'never happen (to him.) in America.' We are relieved that it finally did. More charges will follow.....

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@StevenBeschloss, you said so eloquently what I am thinking: " While I am not in the mood to celebrate, I am nourished by this assertion of justice in which this man—no matter his station in life or the office he held—has been criminally indicted and now must attempt to defend his plea of innocence." It is really important to say over and over again and to reinforce that all people in this country are governed by the say laws and all people are given the presumption of innocence. He has been indicted by a Grand Jury. Not a Judge and not a DA; and thus when I hear the attacks against the Judge and the DA I am again very upset that this man does not understand how the Justice system works. Next is will be up to a jury of his peers, though "of his peers" doesn't mean people like him in the criminal way he has behaved over the years, but rather it means Americans who live under the laws of this country just as he does, who are willing to give of their time and energy to listen to the facts in the case as presented in the courtroom and then determine his innocence or guilt.

When you quoted from the facade of the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse is important:

“Equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion.”

DA Alvin Bragg's words are important: “These are felony crimes in New York state, no matter who you are. We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. The defendant repeatedly made false statements on New York business records. He also caused others to make false statements.” And Bragg repeated what we all know to be a hallmark of our justice system:

"we all are held accountable.” and concluded that: "No amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring American principle.”

It is very meaningful that this indictment was handed down 55 years after the assassination of MLK Jr. MLK Jr was a great leader who spent is life, taken way to soon, seeking Justice for all Americans. That assassination was a tragedy. The indictment of the former occupant of the WH is not a tragedy. It is very sad for America that the former occupant of the WH tarnished the office which he held, that he brought down the image of the American presidency. Sad is the word I use to describe what he did. Being held accountable for what he did is not at all tragic. It is indicative that our Justice System is working. That is a very good thing. Justice, Justice, Thou Shall Pursue. From the Bible. Repeated often by the last RBG. That must be our watchword as we watch this indictment play our through the Justice System. Those words must guide us as we attempt to rehabilitate America and its image after the adage the former occupant the WH did to it. Let us go forth with these words echoing in our minds and being shouted from the rooftops. Justice. That is what has made our country great; and that is what we will reclaim in the weeks and months and years ahead. God Bless America.

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it's a bit comforting to know that Trump is sitting in the same chair that so many other criminals sat in....literally. I wonder if that thought went through his tiny brain?

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Right on. Now Bragg or some ambitious DA will prosecute the Biden family influence peddling crimes and....

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