Joe Biden really has been a transformative president. And he’s done it with very slim democratic majorities in Congress. It’s really a shame more people don’t realize it and give him the credit he deserves.

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Hi Diane, It is more than a "shame people don't realize..." I think it is criminal that we've had, for decades, people snipping, ripping, tearing at the threads of democracy, demonizing good and glorifying negativity--lying---until it is hard to see through the muck to his accomplishments.

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You are so right!

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He has, Diane, no question about it, and with such class.....

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Frankly, I wasn’t sure what President Biden could get done considering the razor thin makeup of the Senate but I did know that it had to be far and away better than what we had just barely survived of trump and his insurrection. The President’s long experience in government though paid off in his vision of what we, as a country, could do with the right legislation. Reagan’s famous quote about government being the problem was far off base; but that was the purpose of his making it. Drive in the spike so others, with their corruption, could drive it in to accomplish the split. I hope that all the good that has already been done will pay off for Democrats on Election Day.

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and he followed through! Better to read America America than any stupid polls.

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Absolutely Brilliant! I’m so happy you shared this again! If only, IF ONLY somehow we could get even my MAGA relatives to read this …. AND…. then BELIEVE IT!

We have to find a way. We must!


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President Biden has had success in a number of his State of the Union promises. But, as Einstein said, Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. The pandemic was brought under control, our economy is in better shape than other countries ( interest rates are high trying to control inflation, but in 1981, they were about 18.63%. As a realtor that year, I sold one house. When company transferree bought a house, their company paid the difference between old & new rates.)wages are up, infrastructure is being attended to, climate change is being confronted, unions are coming back, background checks for gun owners signed, aid continues to Ukraine & Gaza, some drug prices have decreased. This is a lot, & he plans more.

BUT -vaccines are now verboten, Dr. Fauci is being crucified, 80% of people are in debt, food,cars, rent, the biggest political concerns, still unaffordable , shootings continue & SCOTUS now allows bump stocks on guns (trump gets credit for banning them ), immigrant problem uncontrolled-even as a Democrat, I am against letting all those people come here, crazy Republicans support Putin, threats of government shutdowns continue (35days under trump because couldn't get wall funding)the US debt is astronomical - most owed to banks, bonds, insurance companies, etc. , but owe Japan $1.18 T,

&860B to China. Economists predict total shutdown.in 20.years if not brought under control. One must admit Biden is a big spender. But as Warren Buffett says- price is what you pay, value is what you get. I have to add, not always.

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Thanks for the reminder today!

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What Biden's doing still feels like half-measures to me—at a time when we need what AOC's calling for, and The Republican Party put down like the rabid dog it is.

I used to wonder how Communism took over so many small developing countries after WWII. After forty years of Right Wing and Clinton NeoLiberal misrule? I don't wonder at all any more.

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The presidency is not a monarchy.

It is Donnie who talks about eliminating people in his way. If that is the type of government you want, Donnie will oblige you if he gets in the WH again.

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Oh, dear—you're one of THOSE people, aren't you? The kind who tsk, fold their lips primly, and say "I don't sink to THEIR level." The kind of disapprove of Antifa and would rather write a strongly-worded letter to the TIMES when literal Nazis(!) beat up on Black family with police approval than stand and fight alongside Black people.

You say "The Presidency is not a Monarchy"—don't tell me, tell the Republicans because that's sure how THEY'RE acting! If you don't fight back using the only language those animals on the Right understand, they will destroy you—which I figure you deserve for Not Doing Anything, but since I'd be destroyed along with you I'll fight on your behalf anyway.

For now I'll take my chances at the ballot box because violence should only ever be used as a last resort—but given they've already tried to overthrow the Government in the name of a Reality TeeVee Clown who thinks he's the reincarnation of Hitler? I'd say we're coming up on that "Last Resort" part mightly quickly.

FYI? I don't have to dehumanize them by calling them "animals", "vermin", or "scum", because they've already done that to themselves. All they understand is Hate, so I say let's give them all of it that they could want....

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Well, I sure hope you enjoy the dictatorship you're begging for!

Me? I'd rather fight the bad things then just look virtuous as it devoured me.

You Hillary liberals disgust me.

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There is a difference between defending someone from a physical attack and spreading hate because ‘they’ do it. Your hostile reaction is usually a prop used by people who have trouble handling their anxiety, fear etc. I don’t care about your mockery and foolishness, except it is counterproductive for meaningful discussion.

I say the presidency is not a monarchy for 2 reasons - 1. People need to stop expecting a president to do everything as though we elect monarchs. It’s one of the reasons they accept Donnie’s behavior in office. - 2. If everyone tosses out the rules we have a choice between lawless A and lawless B. There are no rules & we’ve lost.

I live in magaland. I have a few relatives who vote for the orange wonder. At least one left the cult. Not because he was doused with buckets of hate. All that does is make people dig in deeper.

But you do you and get all the enjoyment you can out of it. Mock everyone not like you & make up fantasies about who they are blah blah blah.

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I’ve believed in Joe Biden for decades!

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Thanks. Steven, for this terrific article. I agree with your assessment completely. However, I will say that Biden has not been successful in communicating this to the American people. Whereas FDR and Lincoln were masterful communicators. It definitely seems as though Biden is not one to boast but would rather let actions speak louder than words......but then he needs to find others in his administration that will get the word out about the transformative work that he is seeking to do. I also think that one missed opportunity was to continually remind the public that he inherited an economy and general situation during the Covid crisis and successfully guided us out of that. We are so much better off than we were in Jan 2021 (not even counting the benefit of having a decent person in the White House as opposed to an evil person) but the comparison many make is between the pre-Covid Trump period and now. I wish there was a way to change that dynamic

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When Goldwater gop confronted Nixon, tricky dicky resigned. Today’s gop have learned from that experience that that didn’t work to win on lies and coverups. So the alternative is to unite in the lies and coverups. Will the cheat to win work? Maybe electorally.

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Crimes and Misdemeanors {{****- We also need more help from the artists .****}} Article Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Theatrical release poster

Directed by Woody Allen

Written by Woody Allen

Produced by Robert Greenhut


Caroline Aaron

Alan Alda

Woody Allen

Claire Bloom

Mia Farrow

Joanna Gleason

Anjelica Huston

Martin Landau

Jenny Nichols

Jerry Orbach

Sam Waterston

Cinematography Sven Nykvist

Edited by Susan E. Morse

Music by Franz Schubert



Jack Rollins & Charles H. Joffe Productions

Distributed by Orion Pictures

Release date

October 13, 1989 (United States)

Running time

104 minutes[1]

Country United States

Language English

Box office $18.3 million[2]

Crimes and Misdemeanors is a 1989 American existential comedy-drama film written and directed by Woody Allen, who stars alongside Martin Landau, Mia Farrow, Anjelica Huston, Jerry Orbach, Alan Alda, Sam Waterston, and Joanna Gleason.

The film was met with critical acclaim, receiving three Academy Award nominations: Allen, for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, and Landau, for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Several publications have ranked Crimes and Misdemeanors as one of Allen's greatest films.


The story follows two main characters: Judah Rosenthal, a successful and reputable ophthalmologist, and Clifford Stern, a small-time documentary filmmaker.

Judah, an upper-class respected family man, is having an affair with flight attendant Dolores Paley. After it becomes clear to her that Judah will not end his marriage, Dolores threatens to disclose the affair to Judah's wife, Miriam. She is also aware of some questionable financial deals Judah made before becoming a wealthy ophthalmologist, which adds to his stress. He confides in a patient, Ben, a rabbi who is rapidly losing his eyesight. Ben advises openness and honesty between Judah and his wife, but Judah does not wish to imperil his marriage. Desperate, Judah turns to his brother, Jack, a gangster, who hires a hitman to kill Dolores. Before her corpse is discovered, Judah retrieves letters and other items from her apartment in order to cover his tracks. Stricken with guilt, Judah turns to the religious teachings he had rejected, believing for the first time that a just God is watching him and passing judgment.

Cliff, meanwhile, has been hired by his pompous brother-in-law, Lester, a successful television producer, to make a documentary celebrating Lester's life and work. Cliff grows to despise him. While filming and mocking the subject, Cliff falls in love with Lester's associate producer, Halley Reed. Despondent over his failing marriage to Lester's sister Wendy, he woos Halley, showing her footage from his ongoing documentary about Professor Louis Levy, a renowned philosopher. He ensures Halley is aware that he is shooting Lester's documentary merely for the money so he can finish his more meaningful project with Levy.

Cliff learns that Professor Levy, whom he had been profiling for a documentary centered on his philosophical views and the strength of his celebration of life, has committed suicide, leaving a curt note that only says: "I've gone out the window". When Halley visits to comfort him, he makes a pass at her, which she gently rebuffs, telling him she is not ready for another romance. Cliff's dislike for Lester becomes evident during the first screening of the film. Cliff has maliciously edited the film, which juxtaposes footage of Lester with clownish poses of Benito Mussolini addressing a throng of supporters from a balcony. It also shows Lester yelling at his employees and clumsily making a pass at an attractive young actress. Lester fires him.

Adding to Cliff's burdens, Halley leaves for London, where Lester is offering her a producing job; when she returns several months later, Cliff is astounded to discover that she and Lester are engaged. Hearing that Lester sent Halley white roses "round the clock, for days" while they were in London, Cliff is crestfallen as Halley falling for Lester is his “worst fear realized.”[3] His last romantic gesture to Halley had been a love letter which he had mostly plagiarized from James Joyce including references to Dublin.

Judah and Cliff meet by happenstance at the wedding of the daughter of Rabbi Ben, who is Cliff's brother-in-law and Judah's patient. Judah has worked through his guilt and is enjoying life once more; the murder had been blamed on a drifter with a criminal record. He draws Cliff into a supposedly hypothetical discussion that draws upon his moral quandary. Judah says that with time, any crisis will pass; but Cliff morosely claims that “very few guys could live with that on their conscience.”[3] Judah cheerfully leaves the wedding party with his wife, and Cliff is left sitting alone, dejected.

The wedding party continues. Rabbi Ben, who is now blind, shares a dance with his daughter while the voice of Professor Levy is heard, saying that the universe is a dark and indifferent place which human beings fill with love, in the hope that “future generations will understand more.”[3]

**** This is a crucial moment, or series of moments. The debate (if it even happens) is one Polar Star, we can keep learning.

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