I got into it on Twitter with yet another millennial complaint about boomers. The thesis was boomers were born into greater prosperity than millennials were and we somehow ruined it. That's true about the prosperity and I think that the GI bill is responsible. I think GOP policy decisions are responsible for the decline. I graduated from college and law school in 1974 and 1984, respectively. The economy wasn't great at either point and Republicans were in charge. It took two full-time jobs to give my millennial children a middle class life. (And, yes, we got off to a late start. I could have had Gen-X kids.) My father provided his family with a middle class income with a GED. He no doubt took advantage of the GI bill. My husband and I are both college educated. Staying in the middle class wasn't always easy for a newspaper editor and government bureaucrat.

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Thanks for your insight, Janet. Maintaining or achieving a middle class life has gotten tougher and tougher.

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I will admit it. I thought President Biden would have his hands full just trying to correct the damage done by the GOP, battle the pandemic & reestablishing acceptable norms & behaviors. But, he has done one of the things that makes a leader, a great leader...he has surrounded himself with the top experts in all fields & put together a plan that is multi faceted, attacking several issues that must be addressed ASAP. Although the GOP is stalling at every turn, Pres Biden needs to do what needs to be done to get these things passed while we have the chance. We must accept that the GOP will not support us. So, move on. The GOP is reducing in #s so I try to focus on the % of voting Rep versus the % of voting Dem / Ind. We must be bold to meet the current needs of our people, our planet, our economy, etc. At the same time, we need to encourage that justice be served by any citizen that has resorted to corrupt, unethical & illegal behaviors. When Press Secretary Psaki said they were able to walk & chew gum at the same time she wasn’t just blowing smoke. She meant it & the entire Biden Adm is proving it. It is all our best interests to get on board & support his plan while we can. If Biden succeeds, we all will succeed. If ever there was a time to go Big, go Bold, it is now!

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I agree that it's important not to underestimate the importance of Biden surrounding himself with skilled experts. We saw the consequences of the refusal to do that over the last four years.

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Yes, as you’ve said many times, a great leader surrounds himself with the experts in every field. Then he listens to the experts to formulate his opinion. He relies on the experts to help develop a plan. What we had never seen, in such vivid detail, is how important the emotional / psychological state of the Pres is when making policy. Everybody I know felt like they needed a rehab program to get over the past 4 years. We all needed a vaccine (COVID-19) and therapy (45). So, I’m so appreciative & respectful of what Pres. Biden & his team are doing. So far, he has proven he was the right man for this time. I’m trying to celebrate every little good thing!

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President Biden is definitely exceeding my expectations. There’s no question he is the right person for the country right now. He’s got loads of experience in gov’t, and he’s

confident because of it. Not only that, he understands that we’re on the brink of a

global re-structuring of our way of life whether we like it or not, and he’s committed to doing everything we can to help America and the world be ready for it.

But most importantly, President Biden has compassion, which, when combined with experience & intellect is the exact antithesis

of the former guy in that job. I’m certain

Biden will be considered one of our greatest presidents.

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