I heard Senator Warnock speak in a small, Red, south GA town during his campaign and was wowed! The crowed was small but we were large enough to help get him elected. I fear that after moving out of GA, my lost vote will harm his future and hope other Georgians step up in support for his service to our country, rather than voting for big mouth do-nothings which seems to describe most of the GOP. Those that need to see your work, never will unless it is published in their media outlets. That is the great problem today.
Looking to the founding fathers, the governance concept of citizen representatives: “to serve and not be served”, To work for the common good of our fellow citizens was the stated goal. Senators Warnock and Warren are great examples of that concept. I may not always agree with their policies but I applaud them both for their beliefs in serving and helping this nation move forward.
Now look at the miscreants whose sole purpose in leadership is their own selfish need for power. The question every voter in every election needs to ask themselves “which candidate has the best interest of every American(or their local constituents)as their primary job. Until every seat in every election is term limited, until every primary becomes ranked and open, we will have the same special interests guiding elections. Elections filled with the Kari Lakes, the Jim Jordan’s, the cancer that now is destroying this “great experiment”.
Hopefully, many more honest and moral citizens will start seeking leadership positions with a pathway to election open.
At every level of existence, from the cells that serve my body/me, to me ) serving my family, ) community, country, ) all life... we live in nested worlds. When we do not serve larger worlds they lose their ability to nurture us. If I don't nurture/feed my body it dies. This is call reciprocal maintenance. Every situation calls up our map of how we draw the nested worlds. Senator Warnock sees himself serving individuals ) town ) country ) his God all as one thought. Ms Lake sees herself as central and exclusive.
Senators Warnock and Warren are heroes of our times. They speak for kindness and the spirit of goodness. It is high time those people causing stress and dishonesty for their own revenge and profit be silenced and put out of a way to make a profit. Government must not enrich the wealthy to become monopolies and have the capacity to charge common people whatever amount just to live and stay healthy. Instead of allowing criminals to run for public offic ask a second grade student. They will tell you if someone who breaks the law should ne the Commander of our Armed Services.
Many of our current politicians, even before the party lost to the Cult of Trump, disregarded the concept of "public service." They were either corrupt going in or quickly corrupted by money, hypocrisy, double standards and the need to "perform" in public hearings rather than ask for and receive answers in a respectful way. Hearings have become "showtime" for many of them - generally they show their rear ends, or their complete bias, ignorance and outright stupidity. MTG being the most extreme example of poor and unprofessional conduct unbecoming of an elected representative. It used to be that you looked to politicians for ambassadorial conduct, now it if often an embarrassing clown show. Until the Trump "senior advisors" -the children of presidents were generally off limits, but the obvious and undisguised grifting of Trump's children brought the Hunter Biden public humiliations, including what would be considered pornographic images proudly displayed on the house floor.
Until we demand better of our elected officials, we will continue to elect and re-elect people unworthy of PUBLIC SERVICE.
Considering the media coverage of trump's visit to a black church in Detroit with a white congregation, it might be beneficial for President Biden to visit the Ebenezer Baptist Church with Senator Warnock.
I heard Senator Warnock speak in a small, Red, south GA town during his campaign and was wowed! The crowed was small but we were large enough to help get him elected. I fear that after moving out of GA, my lost vote will harm his future and hope other Georgians step up in support for his service to our country, rather than voting for big mouth do-nothings which seems to describe most of the GOP. Those that need to see your work, never will unless it is published in their media outlets. That is the great problem today.
Looking to the founding fathers, the governance concept of citizen representatives: “to serve and not be served”, To work for the common good of our fellow citizens was the stated goal. Senators Warnock and Warren are great examples of that concept. I may not always agree with their policies but I applaud them both for their beliefs in serving and helping this nation move forward.
Now look at the miscreants whose sole purpose in leadership is their own selfish need for power. The question every voter in every election needs to ask themselves “which candidate has the best interest of every American(or their local constituents)as their primary job. Until every seat in every election is term limited, until every primary becomes ranked and open, we will have the same special interests guiding elections. Elections filled with the Kari Lakes, the Jim Jordan’s, the cancer that now is destroying this “great experiment”.
Hopefully, many more honest and moral citizens will start seeking leadership positions with a pathway to election open.
At every level of existence, from the cells that serve my body/me, to me ) serving my family, ) community, country, ) all life... we live in nested worlds. When we do not serve larger worlds they lose their ability to nurture us. If I don't nurture/feed my body it dies. This is call reciprocal maintenance. Every situation calls up our map of how we draw the nested worlds. Senator Warnock sees himself serving individuals ) town ) country ) his God all as one thought. Ms Lake sees herself as central and exclusive.
Thoughtfully said.
Thanks to Elizabeth Warren for expressing what so many of us believe. And to Senator Warnock for your decency and commitment to our country.
Government should produce results we can all be proud of, not merely to play whackamole with the grievance du jour
Thanks for this reposting. It's aged exceptionally well
May we find ways to elect more good people to congress.
Senators Warnock and Warren are heroes of our times. They speak for kindness and the spirit of goodness. It is high time those people causing stress and dishonesty for their own revenge and profit be silenced and put out of a way to make a profit. Government must not enrich the wealthy to become monopolies and have the capacity to charge common people whatever amount just to live and stay healthy. Instead of allowing criminals to run for public offic ask a second grade student. They will tell you if someone who breaks the law should ne the Commander of our Armed Services.
Many of our current politicians, even before the party lost to the Cult of Trump, disregarded the concept of "public service." They were either corrupt going in or quickly corrupted by money, hypocrisy, double standards and the need to "perform" in public hearings rather than ask for and receive answers in a respectful way. Hearings have become "showtime" for many of them - generally they show their rear ends, or their complete bias, ignorance and outright stupidity. MTG being the most extreme example of poor and unprofessional conduct unbecoming of an elected representative. It used to be that you looked to politicians for ambassadorial conduct, now it if often an embarrassing clown show. Until the Trump "senior advisors" -the children of presidents were generally off limits, but the obvious and undisguised grifting of Trump's children brought the Hunter Biden public humiliations, including what would be considered pornographic images proudly displayed on the house floor.
Until we demand better of our elected officials, we will continue to elect and re-elect people unworthy of PUBLIC SERVICE.
What great reminders these service centered representatives are. Here’s hoping they can stay for a while(not a lifetime, but a while longer).
Considering the media coverage of trump's visit to a black church in Detroit with a white congregation, it might be beneficial for President Biden to visit the Ebenezer Baptist Church with Senator Warnock.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin
(quoted, p. 53 in From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham)