Tremendous! You describe a demagogue, showman, gaslighter, egomaniac, self-obsessed 'person'. In their film, "Unfit", Duty to Warn describes him as 'psychologically, morally, intellectually & emotionally unfit for the highest elected office in the land.' He is a master of deflection: often used by narcissists to blame others for what goes wrong, to take focus off own behavior. Thanks for starting my day w much needed truth AND humor in a serious situation.

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Thank you, Mary.

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There have been a small number of traitors famous in history. Uppermost is, of course, Judas, betrayer of Jesus -for money. Brutus betrayed Caesar fearing he would be made king. Quisling betrayed Norway as a Nazi collaborator, his name becoming synonymous with traitor. Benedict Arnold who belittled others, was loved, however, by his soldier followers, lived in a grand house,betrayed America for money. trump is America's modern Arnold, adorns his life with gold, collaborates with America's enemies, ridicules those who disagree with him, has fanatic followers who idolize him no matter his indiscretions and with secretive stolen information, would no doubt sell out this country for money. You have well enumerated all his blameless, not my fault creations . How an apparently dumb man who cannot speak in sentences, never reads, knows not the Constitution, lies in every sentence can attract millions of followers who believe in him, are willing to put their lives on the line for him, is unfathomable. As is said, the threat of liberty comes not from without but within. America would be best served if he would soon join his first wife on the first hole of the golf course. Sorry it is in New Jersey. I love New Jersey.

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HAHAHAHAHA!!! This nasty little bigot, Trump, is malevolent and pathetic in equal measure.

The larger question, though, is what does it say about us as a nation that this evil, self-serving pathological narcissist has been able to command the unswerving loyalty of almost half the population?

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Geez, the list - the disturbing, bottomless list! Republicans in DC who are betraying their country are without excuse; they damn well know the TRUTH!! But how to get truth, just plain old simple truth, to the millions of Americans who are being bamboozled? This is our mandate before the 2022 election or we will likely fall into a darker place. We must all shamelessly act on our alarm - write letters, plaster our vehicles with placards, display yard signs, register voters, attend election events, donate to democratic campaigns, whatever! If Congress comes under GOP control in this election, I truly fear for the future of my grandchildren.

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I knew it was a lot; but when you put it all together into 1 essay it really reminds me of how very very very much it has been (maybe my defense mechanisms were trying to forget some of the older misinformation). This person is an adult. As a psychology major, way way back, I learned the 5 stages of emotional maturity that a child attains. However, this person apparently has never gone through those stages. This person is stuck at the earliest levels wherein a child never takes responsibility. This child has single-handedly, though I must admit by his creating a cult he has had enablers, tried to destroy our country and all of its foundations, everything that made us the greatest democracy in the world. We must apply the law equally, the law that puts every person responsible for his/ her actions; and we must hold this person accountable. We the people must take out country back.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

The problem is that as long as their untenable logic of: “preferred conclusion defines premises and facts” instead of visa versa, this will continue with the Maga crowd. #aliceinwonderland

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you Steve for sharing your insightful and observant summary of the facts. It’s a delight to listen to you.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

I love this, Steven. You have put together an amazing compendium of Donald Trump's off-the-wall and out-of-this-world claims. Your descriptive would be outrageously funny, but for the fact that is painfully true. Trump spins fantasy into his own reality of alternative facts. And like a Pied Piper he mesmerizes his followers and draws them into his cult-like Neverland. He frequently touted his 'big brain' which seems like a cavernous void of denial and disillusion, where the synapses don't connect properly. America had a very dangerous individual in the White House with psychopathic tendencies and DID - dissociative identity disorder traits. If ANYONE else had made false and misleading claims with the frequency of Donald Trump. they would have been designated for a psychologic assessment, and probably detained for observation. A phrase I wrote prior to the 2020 Election, comes back to haut me often: Trump is not done with America yet; not even close.

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How is it a person like this has such a powerful pull (influence) on many people? I don't mean everyday folk rather, people of considerable power & influence themselves. For example, Senator Lindsey Graham seems to have become so enamored, "all-in" in his own words, with Trump that it appears he completely lost his way & threw caution to the wind as though he has been gifted a coat of teflon from the one who seems aways to escape responsibility. On the other hand, former Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, another GOP senator would have none of Trump. I don't get it.

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I wonder that myself. I can only think that trump has something really bad on Lindsey. I also think Lindsey is a weak man. Some of them are just sadistic - MTG, Jim Jordan, DeSantis, Abbott - to name a few. All are money/power hungry and none of them give a damn about the real American people.

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Brilliant!! Thank you for this concise synopsis on trump. It is still surreal that he ever inhabited our White House. What an awful stain on America.

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deletedAug 15, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss
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Thank you.

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