Jul 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

My biggest frustration is that the media reports on Trump’s presidential candidacy as if this is so normal. I hate hearing the term “GOP front-runner”

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Steve,Jennie and “Team Steve”: my neighbor is an intelligent, college educated,well read woman in the SoCal political environment who fervently believes Joe made up all of these accusations because he is thoroughly corrupt with his son’s dealings in China. It is stunning and facts do not matter to her because he has persuaded that entire universe of Rs that the rest of us are delusional. After more than 70 years as a Democratic activist, I am stunned by this brand of republicanism. So it is what it is and we cannot change them but we can beat them! My foundation Inspire2Vote registered 104,000 high school seniors in 9 states over a period of 5 years.

But when I discovered www.turnup.us a year ago,I realized we can,and must, do far more and far better to save our democracy in 24! These brilliant Harvard students have technology that is far more successful-in one month in the midterms, they registered 180,000 young women!

Everyone, please click on the link, make a generous tax deductible contribution (we are a nonpartisan C3) and pass the message on to family and friends. We must act now and continuously over the next 16 months! Thank you thank you!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I just made a generous donation. I believe in this project!

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Thank you Marge could you please send me an email at iralechner@yahoo.com to discuss a ground effort in competitive CDs

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Bravo, Ira. You captured the goal in a nutshell. Vote Blue!

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Thank you Diane; this group of Harvard students is amazing; they employ paid nonpartisan messages on Snapchat that reach specific age 18 to 29s in specific locations that deliver a direct message to save your abortion rights, swipe up on your cell and you will be registered to vote in less than 5 minutes! Powerful, effective that can be measured and highly personal!Abortion rights are potentially PERSONAL to every young woman and many young men rather than a matter of policy!Personal rights to control your own body wins over nationwide abortion ban! Please contribute generously:


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The young ppl will have to save this country from another DT term. The older ppl seem to be brainwashed onto DT cult.

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Be careful about ageist assumptions. Just because there are more people who support Trump in the 60 plus age group, remember that Ron DeSantis who is every bit as vile and maybe more effectively evil is in his 40s. MAGAISM and American fascism is Gen X.

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That’s impressive! I’m assuming they keep up with Victor Shi and the GenZ podcast (applicable to all young people wanting to hear and understand the facts about voting suppression)? All 50 states need the youth vote to fight for Democracy because too many older people are silent. Thanks for sharing, Ira.

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Deflection and denial are the best of friends and the worst as enemies.

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Inspiring! Donated and plan to follow this effort.

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Wonderful thank you; I’m trying to form a group that will focus on turnup’s efforts in 40+ competitive CDs; you in?

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Not China--Burisma in Ukraine.

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What is your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid, Linda?

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023

Huh? A bit obscure for me. Or, has there actually been some China connection that I missed? When was Hunter supposed to have had any dealings in China??

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I agree! It's unreal to witness this willful denial of truth. They have no shame.

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I agree Jennie. The media is seemingly captivated by the man they love to hate. Common sense would dictate that Donald Trump should NEVER be considered or eligible to hold office in ANY capacity, EVER AGAIN. As a Canadian, we are dismayed that a twice impeached misogynist with blatant narcissistic tendencies, devoid of integrity and untethered from the truth, could even be considered.

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I agrée. That’s what’s so infuriating about all this. They make all this nonsense seem normal.

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Yeah, it feels like Trump somehow has insisted they must always refer to him as ‘front runner’ like Michael Jackson made everyone announce him as ‘king of pop’

Bad marketing.

Donald ‘front butt’ Trump is running like hell.

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It’s mind boggling. The repetition serves to etch these ridiculous concepts into the minds of those who are prone to absorbing « alternative facts. »

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Me too. It’s like the media exists in a different reality. Incredibly frustrating and downright dangerous given the situation.

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Jack Smith is well versed in prosecuting the most horrifying criminals ever. He is the one and only man for this job IMHO. It’s chess vs checkers. No match for DJT. Waiting patiently for justice.

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Jack Smith and I competed in triathlons and time trials around Nashville for a few years before he moved his family to The Netherlands. I can tell you his intensity is metronomic - tick tock tick tock tick tock - and if you let up at all you're toast. I know. He was my 30 second man at Bells Bend TTs (alphabetically Smith is before Tate) and I would often pass him around mile 4, which would set up a series of passing and repassing. One thing I have been mindful of since learning that this is indeed THE Jack Smith that I know is how Jack would never draft me. No one was watching. It wasn't a USA Cycling sanctioned event and he could have drafted me, but he just wouldn't do it. Folks, integrity in the small seemingly meaningless things is indicative of integrity throughout a man's every day living. That is Jack Smith. He is indeed a badass. Thank you for saying so.

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Outstanding! That is exactly how he comes across to those of us who will never have the privilege of meeting the man who, I believe, will save this country from the evil machinations of the person that Mary Trump called "The world's most dangerous man".

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I admit that when I initially saw memes and stuff of Jack Smith I was confused and bothered by it. "He's such a good guy - why are they doing this to him?", I wondered. But when I realized what was going on, it filled me with pride and gratitude. We never know who we're working with, competing against, or standing in line with at the checkout counter. It pays to talk to people, honor your competitor (love your enemy?), see them as people; listen to them. In late summer of 2018 he told me he would likely be moving to The Netherlands and that his career might go places he'd never dreamed of. My God… can you even imagine what he's seen and heard? Pray for Jack and his sweet family if you do pray. Thanks.

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So pleased To learn so much about Jack Smith. He’s becoming quite the hero in this house. He is solid to the core. He knows exactly what he’s doing--brilliant always.

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Agreed--what an unexpected treat to learn about him from someone who actually knows him! I'm guessing that he is a very private person due to his profession. Not likely to be deluged with pics and rants from someone like that. I just hope he knows how much good will is being sent his way daily.

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Perhaps Jack Smith could become our next AG.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I certainly hope that Trump has met his nemisis. But I have no faith in the Republican party nor his supporters to ever ackowledge his guilt. If he is found guilty, they will make a terrific hullabaloo of it.

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Hullabaloo: guaranteed.

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No question there will be considerable violence

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Empty threats from a group of coward traitors

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Hopefully seeing so many of the Jan 6 insurrectionists being jailed and fined will temper the violence somewhat. It is the lone wolf crazies that are the worry!

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I believe that Trump will be found guilty on one of the pending cases and will be held accountable by half of the nation. It will be up to the ELECTED Republican Congressman and Senators to lead the other half of the nation to follow suit in dennouncing Trump. I am not opptomistic that this will unfold, as their main objective is to weaken Democracy and rule by power and decree.

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It would help the anxiety of many to realize Republicans are NOT HALF the nation of voters. Empty Land isn’t Republican. Most voters aren’t affiliated with a party. Granted, many are voting ‘R’ because they only watch Fox but it’s still a minority of voters that support Trump becoming our supercilious Sacred Dictator of Love

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I like what you said here: "empty land isn't Republican." Makes me think of election nights, seeing all that red on the maps. Remember, guys--most of all that red is actually populated by non-human life forms who don't vote!

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But nearly empty STATES are republican and that is a big problem. Their voters for senators and for POTUS count more and their control of state legislatures allow for gerrymandering & voter suppression.☹️

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Agree. Wonder what we can do about places like Wyoming to even out the representation....

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Fox probably will shortly take a stand against T inasmuch as the WSJ just editorially denounced him particularly with respect to the newest indictment. Both owned by the same family of course!

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Too late, too much. Fox needs to be shut down, Murdochs stripped of assets in America for their part.

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Fox needs to Fade Out. Plug pulled on seditious & lying transmissions

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WSJ just reversed course editorially so it is likely that Fox will do so soon

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@Ken Richards

you are right and I doubt that they get the courage to do so.

The Republicans, today, have no real program, a great weakness for all the young voters who look for a party connected to their life, so the abortion ban, to please the evangelical, was in fact a disaster for their party. Their only way to regain power would be to just go back to work, and be a serious party. They want power without the work. it's a bad spiral for them, and it's bad for us. Healthy democracy needs two serious parties.

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Absolutely correct inasmuch as the nationwide abortion ban as well as unrestricted gun ownership are significant albatrosses around Kevin’s neck and virtually every MOC in the House and the Senate who are up for election in 24! Younger women age 18 to 36 as well as most younger men (and many conservative mothers) will be voting against all candidates who support the nationwide ban because it is now a PERSONAL ISSUE rather than a policy issue! It may put their lives in jeopardy; it may affect the way they live their lives; it is a real risk for them; it is a disastrous issue for most Republican candidates and officeholders and they will pay a terrible price--thankfully!

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I so agree Ira.

Perhaps also a sense of community being threatened will lead to a renewal of civic sense, of all we care for.

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I see a classic flaw in the Republican mindset. They chose to stand behind an individual who NEVER should have become President of the United States. Deep-pocketed members benefited from Trump's Tax laws for the wealthy.. Rather than admit their error, they chose to perpetuate his claims of a stolen election. The GOP seem more intent on saving face, than saving the Country. Shame on them.

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Jack Smith is playing three dimensional chess. Ex-POTUS is playing with Cheerios. And the media is reporting as if they have collectively ingested ‘shrooms.

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If we have any hope at all that any republicans finally understand and ACCEPT that they have been thoroughly gamed by trump the court proceedings MUST be televised for all to see. When the suckers of trump mania finally realize they have been duped THEN the elected republicans in office will cease their spineless homage to DJT.

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The saddest part of his diminshed but continuing support IMHO is that it indicates how many Americans can be duped by such a con man. It simply makes me cringe when I hear them spouting his lies back to anyone who questions them...What does this say about the state of our education system: The death of rational thinking?? As he would say: SAD

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As a life long educator, I blame some of this on the demise of the educational system that has evolved into teach for the test. We no longer teach kids to think rationally, analytically or critically. And I fear that it will not get any better as long as they teach to test rather than teach kids to love learning, curiosity and thinking, rather than rote learning and the gross distortion of our history.

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Exactly. I was very excited when I read the same motto of my children's school district. And I am happy, and proud to see how my children have been shaped; curious, empathetic, kind, and respectful of learning and knowledge. It is sad re: FL, to see how public education is being destroyed. Teaching is hard, and being a good educator is difficult in those circumstances.

Sadly the oligarchs, via republicans want to rule the un/less educated, uninformed, ignorant, hence the destruction of public education, good jobs, and American middle class.

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And it is Republicans in my state all for vouchers and charter schools to use public school taxpayer money. It’s a ploy to break public schools and depress good teachers everywhere.

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I suspect you're talking about my state too -- NH. I truly hate to pay property taxes when I know most of that money is going to vouchers for private schools!

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Sadly- the GOP thrives on the dumbing down of America

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We need better education in this country

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Well to be fair, it’s not just one man but the relentless drumbeat of Fox and talk radio spewing lies and conspiracies.

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Does anyone know if there is any movement toward allowing the trial to be televised?

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Federal no but perhaps yes in GA and NY

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Why not Federal too, Ira? Please see my response a moment ago to Sue's comment.

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Well taken point but I believe federal judges just don’t permit it

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That’s unfortunate.

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From the US courts website:

Electronic media coverage of criminal proceedings in federal courts has been expressly prohibited under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 53 since the criminal rules were adopted in 1946.

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It is more unlikely now than ever, I'm guessing. In the words of former Associate Supreme Court Justice, David Souter: 'cameras entering the court would have to "roll over my dead body."' https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/11/cameras-in-the-supreme-court/66183/

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Sue, I couldn't read the entire article, no longer being an Atlantic subscriber, but the gist I got from the beginning of it is that Souter was concerned that the proceedings would present an opportunity for grandstanding and playing to the camera, but that is what the radical Republicans in the House do every day, and most people are aware of it, however much many of us despise their histrionics, e.g., from Gym Jordan.

The difference with Trump's imminent trials is that they, for now, will not yet be before the Supreme Court and even if (when?) they get there, given the momentousness of the DOJ trial(s), I believe We, the People have a right every step along the way to witness this history in the making, to hear for ourselves all the apparently compelling evidence against him and witness the efforts of the defense, hopefully feeble, to exonerate him.

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You're right, Mim. Grandstanding has always been a key argument against allowing them. The argument being that cameras' presence inevitably changes the action before them. But (I should have said this) ALL federal courts operate in the same fashion thereby leaving it to court artists to capture history there. In state courts the judges decide. It's been a hot topic for decades. (1946, as I recall. Disclosure: I wrote the book "The Illustrated Courtroom" re 5 top artists' work. One, Elizabeth Williams, was my artist co-author. She, for example, was in federal court in Miami for AP for DT's "not guilty" pleas in the classified documents case.) (Interesting note maybe: she drew Trump in court back in the 70s.) Yes, hopefully feeble. Wish I could stop worrying! As so many of us do!

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Many thanks for what you and court artists do to make court proceedings more visible to the public and for history.

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I will pass on your thanks to the three still-living court artists: Elizabeth plus the magnificent Bill Robles and Aggie Kenny (the latter has covered Supreme Court proceedings for many years.) Thank *you*, Mim!

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Exactly my question - why is he opposed?

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Trump? I have no inside knowledge but will hazard a guess that it's a situation he can't control. Perhaps one that even he finds deeply humiliating on some level? (And it will be complicated moving forward with so many cases in various courts. So we'll likely continue to get some photographs and some artwork.)

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History kept secret from the masses for all time.

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Does he want that to happen? What is he afraid we will see?!

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

oh, god, yes--what I'd give to watch Jack Smith annihilate #45 on TV! This would make a fortune on pay-per-view, if we still had that thing!

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I believe that is the crux of the matter. People who won't accept that they made a mistake in judgement, may NEVER want to own up to their error. Look at all the GOP members of the House who believed that the Election was stolen, and many continue to do so, despite no evidence to that effect. Closed minds prevail mindlessly.

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I would bet quite a bit that the GOP members in congress KNOW FIRST HAND that the election was, as ALWAYS, fair and without cheating. THEY KNOW. But, BUT, they also know Trump controls the GOP VOTERS and therefore they will do and say whatever to keep their cushy jobs on the hill! Every time one of them steps left, Trump starts talking about primarying them! We MUST, as Dems and independents and sane minded republicans, come out ENFORCE in the next elections and get this congress totally BLUE! Having the GOP in charge of anything is a peril to our country’s very democratic existence. This is not hyperbole by any means…it’s the scary truth.

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My sense is that they will never feel duped except by the present administration

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Don’t hold your breath while waiting for republican

suckers to realize they’ve been duped.

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Robert Mueller was dealing with a sitting President.

Jack Smith is not.

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Robert Muller was a Republican who handed off to a Republican Attorney General clear chargeable obstruction of justice. This was the beginning of Republican “FEAR.” The negligence of Barr & McConnell to hold Trump accountable when impeachment would have been the without “Fear or Favor” gave us the America we have today.

Jack Smith has done a great job - I just hope the wheels of slowly grinding justice do the job before Trump is declared the nominee & heads to impunity!

Meanwhile lets urge the media to cover all the charges piling up 24/7 like they cover every nonsensical utterance from the former guy!

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Mueller was worthless. He owed us a lot more than simply shrugging his shoulders and walking away.

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This has been my greatest frustration. It really doesn't take much to "match" Trump whom I view as a low-intelligence, ignorant slug. Mueller failed when he did not loudly and publicly defend his work. He was retired, for Pete's sake; what could Barr do to him? His protestations should have shaken the heavens!

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It was also apparent at the end that he was suffering from dementia!

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That I believe is the sad truth! 😔

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Perhaps he will go flying out of his 57th floor Trump Tower office window when Putin realizes that his usefulness is at an end. Of course, Mohammed bin Salman isn’t above framing Putin for it. After all, it is Putin’s signature punishment.

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Dis Barr

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I'm 75 and when I was born the Nuremberg Trials had been held only a couple years previously, so I'm really not that far removed from it. I've seen the photos and read about the high level Nazis being tried for their crimes. Trump is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. For the past 6 years or so, I've pictured the collaborators, the donors, the members of his administration and current members of the GOP Congress sitting before a tribunal, being tried and convicted of attempting to overturn Democracy and the Rule of Law in this country. Eventually, Trump will get what's coming to him, evil never wins in the long run, but even more importantly, the people who propped him up and continue to do so, also need to get their comeuppance. Without that, we're not going to be free of the specter of Fascism. Billionaires want control and the GOP is more than willing to be their servants to see it through. Trump is the figurehead. I want to see him go to prison, but I don't want it to stop there.

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Here, here! Well said.

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As I have said many times, I wish 45 the best of health... so he gets to spend a long time in prison. As to a match, how does one compare a two-bit criminal to an honest man. Matches are among equals.

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Yes! Just reading other replies and mine was quite similar - his match would be as despicable as he!

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Unfortunately, Jack Smith cannot prosecute all the Trump enablers who continue to present the fiction to MAGAts that this is some strange Biden plot to undermine democracy. The way that McCarthy, Stefanik, and others so cynically parrot this line makes me want to shred their nasty little mouths as they speak—oh so religiously— how we need to stop Biden from undermining the rule of law. If only, Smith could get those guys!!

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When we heard "from the ground up" I took that to mean the people that pulled the permits knowing they were giving false numbers for attendance, bought/used burner phones, danced and drank champagne while our officers fought for their lives against the mob who had been fueled by lies. Those people should have been held to account already, if truly following the evidence, plus MOC.

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Accountability for these scofflaws is tantamount to prove that we do live in a functioning democracy maintained by the rule of law.

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Excerpt: ". . . in other words, when any reasonably adept criminal would have known to stop digging holes—Trump made matters infinitely worse.” Her conclusion: If the allegations (which she calls “the epitome of obstruction”) hold up, “the former president is a common criminal—and an uncommonly stupid one.” Close excerpt.

I will start with "uncommonly stupid", and add "uncommonly arrogant". The more disturbing reality is how many continue to buy into the Trump scheme & scam. One of my favorite quotes: Chinese philosopher/Warrior Sun Tzu said, "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." That describes Trump and his minions in a nutshell.

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1. I pray Trump's reign is at an end. Hearing his name as a possible candidate is incomprehensible.

2. Nothing will convince me of his accountability until he is behind bars for years. I guess I am a pessimist but I have been fooled too many times with the commuting of a sentence, due to their money and status. Guilty is guilty and I do not want to hear his sentence being pardoned. He is a traitor and has no intention of not causing chaos to be a dictator of the United States.

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I'd like to suggest a newsletter topic for @StevenBeschloss if I may be so bold, Steven.? I'd love you to take a swing at "An Open Letter to Mainstream Media." They would read it. (You write, we America, Americans circulate your words.) This past year I've canceled the New York Times in disgust and will no longer watch Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes." Etc., etc. Time to snap them all out of their trance.

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I agree Sue. The media should be doing a lot more.

It’s as if they’re afraid of something so they don’t address it, which is pure cowardice.

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That would be something I would support. All their ratings chasing brought trump to the forefront of the discussion. Unfortunately, we all pay the price for more trump news. We should be talking about Bidenomics and his successes. Let’s put trump in the review mirror, for good.

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Amen on all fronts, Donna. I, for one, can't wait for that rear view mirror. Hope I live that long!

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I believe he has met his match, but living in Florida part time and in northwest Georgia the part time gives me pause imagining the (violent?) response from people around me! It’s frightening to think about!!!

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America will be ready this time to face down any and all insurrectionists that are stupid enough to try it again! Years in jail for the liar in chief? How ignorant would you have to be after seeing how little he cares for anyone but himself?

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I sincerely hope you are right! People in my surrounding area view these circumstances completely differently from you and me. They see him as a victim of the present administration and think the charges are bogus and a result of him being attacked because he is a political opponent.

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Trump screwed up bigly on his own time at the end of his debacle of a presidency. He has ALWAYS tried to blame others for his own screw ups.Trump made them his victims too. Hopefully they will wake the hell up.

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50% will grumble to friends & family, 40% will fly trump flags on their pickup and complain on Truth Social etc, and the last 10% scares the crap out of me.

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All we can do is hope that he is the badass that will bring the golden one to his knees, and just as importantly, all those sycophants around him. Hopefully he also goes after the MAGA Congressmen, including their leader, who were instrumental in the effort to overthrow the government. I believe Jack Smith is fully aware of what he is about and its importance to our future..

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A Magat on the jury ruins all Jack's hard work.

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My biggest fear, no question. But if anyone can bring justice, I do believe it is Jack "Without Fear or Favor" Smith.

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I trust in Jack Smith. He is a NINE time Ironman Triathlon Winner. He’s got more mental toughness than needed to convict

TFG and all his stupid henchmen together.


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Jack Smith is the best. He is just one of those incorruptible people that no one can stop from doing what is right. it is just magnificent to watch him. How lucky are we.

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Well, Robert Mueller got totally ambushed by Bill Barr, and so we never saw how truly guilty and implicated Trump and the GOP were despite over 20 of his people being convicted- this time Jack Smith will finish what he started. Everyone except the cult knows Trump is guilty, but unless we expose all the GOP traitors, who, aided and abetted him?

They will simply do it again with a different candidate

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49 of Nixon's cronies went to prison. Halderman, Erlichman, Mitchell, etc. No matter what happens (or doesn't) to trump, all the enablers, including congressional ones, should be indicted too. ps I was Cronkite's sound engineer during Watergate.

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Badass is, alas, the only appropriate word. Even my 20-year-olds think so. One mentioned him in the same sentence as Taylor Swift.

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Yes, Jack Smith is more than a match for Trump. Smith is methodical in sequencing every move, building his case. This is going somewhere for sure this time!!!

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Badass indeed! I have full faith and confidence that Jack Smith will deliver Justice to that evil man.

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I have no doubts about Jack. My cynicism is about the ability of TFG’s lawyers and judges to delay delay delay, likely until after the election.

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I don't care what trump and his minions say or scream as it were. They are meaningless howls of a wounded minority soon to experience consequences of their crimes. Trump is not gathering new followers with his bellicose whining. His somewhat smarter enablers are scrambling to remain relevant even as every thing they try backfires. I see the media and journalism as the biggest problem. We can stop speculating about DJT as Jack Smith and Merrick Garland have things well in hand. We can stop worrying about a daily onslaught from the White House as we have the most competent President and administration in a great while who have had no need to run vengeance campaigns or slur others. The same camp followers for Trump show up at every rally socializing and buying merch. They rarely stick around to hear the same ol same ol litany of lies from their chosen one and his cohorts who grovel at his feet begging for attention like lost puppies. We don't need breathless coverage of every tainted lie from these people. We don't need 24/7 speculation of every tidbit that is thrown out to media to keep our eyeballs glued to the screen. The fault lies in the 24 hour news loop that struggles to find something...anything to keep viewers. Our media would better serve us by spending 1/2 of the time actually disseminating facts about other important news..like our on fire planet!!!!! Like the fascist movements taking away our rights. Like Ukraine still fighting every inch for survival as an independent nation. Where is that coverage? It only showed up when it made money? We as a citizenry need to demand better information. We need to stop being glued to our screens waiting for every crumb of curated information that some nameless suit behind the curtain thinks will keep us up all night. We need to concern ourselves with voting, helping others to vote. I love me some Jack Smith but he as Mueller will not save our country. That is up to us. When trump finally receives his truly deserved consequences it won't really matter. The issues we ignored will still be here.

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Like Ms. Wilson, I too dislike TV pundits' views from the start that Trump will run for presidency, and soon called him "GOP front-runner". Did the mass media create or instigate and support his candidacy? Fear or a wish? Too much amazed attention is given to this deranged man, without exploring why he lies and why he has a cult-like following.

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I wonder how it would have worked out if Jack Smith had been appointed instead of Mueller

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I am so buoyed by how Jack Smith handles his role as special prosecutor. He doesn't go after headlines or try to become famous. He doesn't try to grab attention or fame. He just does his job, methodically and professionally and with the seriousness that these cases demand. Unlike Trump who does everything he does to bring attention and benefits to himself, Jack Smith does what he does, the way he does it, to bring justice to this country, justice that this country needs so much after crime after crime by 45, and coverup after coverup by 45, have brought this country to new lows. Jack Smith is a patriot. He lives by the Constitution. He is certainly much smarter than 45,; and he certainly has a demeanor that is far superior to 45. Jack Smith has the character and the vision that our country needs so desperately. I try to not get optimistic because the drama and trauma that started when 45 came down the escalator in 2015 seems to have evaded tough scrutiny and accountability up to this point. However, @StephenBeschloss, I think maybe 45 has met his match now. Finally.

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Who cares what the reaction of loser cowards who lack common sense and critical thinking skills think, if we live in a country that respects the rule of law and holds criminals accountable for their atrocities then Jack Smith and the US DOJ can’t bring this massive accountability project on fast enough for me. Just do it already - its high past time for these indictments to be presented and a criminal trial to begin. The MAGA crowd and Republicans will cower and run and hide once the gauntlet is dropped imho.

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I believe that Smith has the measure of the ex-guy and is a steely, dedicated prosecutor. I heard that Smith attended Trump’s documents arraignment and stared at Trump the whole time. Assessing him, no doubt. Anyone who has seen photos of Smith at The Hague can see that he is fearless.

And Trump’s sense of what is important is skewed—I believe he has no understanding of what he is facing. If he wasn’t a completely amoral narcissist, I might actually have some iota of pity. However, I understand the stakes and feel no pity.

“I am your retribution”. Lucky for us, Smith may be OUR retribution.

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Trump is toast. It's just taken too long. Garland should have appointed Jack Smith in February of 2021.

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I agree with your assessment of Jack Smith, Steven. He appears to be a very honest and committed public servant. If the matter was entirely up to his capacity and integrity, then I would say that Trump finally has met his match. However, I am not sure that his fellow Americans are up to the same standards. First, I worry about a hung jury because there may be at least one diehard MAGA person in the jury box. But more importantly, I worry about the voters, since, if re-elected, Trump could seek to either stop the process or pardon himself. It bothers me greatly that so many Americans still support such a person and would be willing to reelect him. Or that so many other people may not support him but don't care enough to go out on election day to vote against him. Ultimately, no matter what Jack Smith does, it seems as though it will come down to the ballot box at which time it will be up to Americans to decide what kind of leader we want, and what kind of country we want to be..... and then we will see whether Donald Trump has met his match or not. My sense is that he will either be President or a convict and it will be up to the American people to decide.

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As they, there is no truth with the yellow-haired narcissist who would ruin America in a heartbeat to get re-elected. I applaud Jack Smith 100%. Justice is overdue, but I feel it’s coming. I only wish Congress would act “American” and stop lying.

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Indictment is the first step true. But only conviction and incarceration will bring justice.

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What’s the difference between the WSJ, Fox News, and the NY Post? Why is no one commenting on how crazy the WSJ has become?

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I am so impressed with Jack Smith. We finally have a prosecutor who is unafraid of Trump. Even though there have been death threats against him and his family.

William Barr was nothing more than an enabler and a terrible AG.

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Bill Barr is like an acrobat, who cavorts on either side of the political tightrope, so as to protect his own interests. Barr was instrumental in giving the order to Police, who violently stormed the protesters in Lafayette Square, ahead of Trump's infamous 'parade to the Church', here he held a Bible on high. Barr catered to #45, but has turned coat, and was a witness for the January 6th Special Committee. By doing so, Barr has managed to metaphorically dodge the bullet of accountability. His turn may come....

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As I recall Trump was holding the Bible upside down. Excellent commentary

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I just won’t give up! We need to keep pointing out the truth .

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Yes, hope for justice is rising but it is still too early tell if accountability will be fleeting or enduring.

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The bigger they are, the harder they fall. trump is obese.

He is of two mindsets : Uh oh & Eh !

Smith's is Gotya.

May Gotya ( and America ) win.

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I have hopes that Trump will be convicted but I am not that hopeful, if that makes any sense. What I would really like to know and I haven't yet heard my question addressed by anyone yet - if Trump is convicted and put in jail but wins the election, what happens? What happens if his trial is in process and he wins the election and the trial is not yet over by inauguration date, does it stop because he is now president?

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He simply puts an end to all federal charges immediately and fires all DoJ employees even remotely involved BUT he can’t touch any of the state charges in GA and NY etc though they won’t be able to touch him.

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My biggest concern is that even with the new indictments it may never get to court before the next election if the Florida judge has anything to do with it. If Trump would win he would definitely make the charges all go away.

John Murrell

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Jack Smith IS a badass and he will nail Trump.

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Steven such sublime words but such significance in them. I love Jack Smith and have the utmost confidence that he will save our democracy because he understands the criminal mind better than most and is the most capable of any prosecutor before or since his return to Washington DC.

I am smiling finally as I write this. Thank you

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Hey Al, did you read what I reposted from John Tate about Jack Smith? It’s the best

take on him. You’ll like it

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Thank You Donna for directing John to my attention. Great insight and obviously thoughtful.

I did Subscribe to his account.

Keep me informed of any others that you feel I might benefit from please.

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Will do, Al. When I read his feelings about Jack Smith, it made me feel better. I’ll pass the good ones on!

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Good Lord, I hope so. MSM persist in demented donny's candidacy. MSM, get wise & report it all on him - don't forget GA, if he's not held guilty there after the phone call we are in even bigger trouble. And these far right so-called Christian groups - far from my faith. Will say again, shades of '30s Germany loom big. American public wise up.

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Jack Smith’s greatest asset is his appearance and demeanor. He simply looks like a blue-collar, working person’s lawyer. Rumpled, yet professional, making statements and producing documents filled with pure facts.

He is flawless so far.

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And eating Subway like the rest of us...

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It appears that DJT has met his match and more! His 2nd class bench of attorneys have their hands full as they prepare the semblance of a defense. If only DJT would accept his sentence quietly and fade into the mist of the day. But, that simply cannot happen and, once again, we must brace ourselves for the trumpeting of his pitiful whining. In the final analysis, I suspect Mr. Smith has some juicy news for DJT and his cohorts. So we wait with baited breath for the final chapter of this saga!

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Jack Smith or a few dozen more super greasy cheeseburgers just might get the job done.

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It is nearly unfathomable that Trump is still being normalized. I have to remind myself of the Salem Witch trials or the McCarthy era rooting out communists in Hollywood to understand how people can still be duped by Trump. I am fervently pinning my hopes on Jack Smith and ordinary people to deliver our country from Trump.

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