So very well said. Glad you include AK's closing words. We need to celebrate & hold dear this fragile 'American experiment EVERY day, not just on 7/4

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you. Spot on!

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Good commentary on the hearings, and I believe they are having their intended affect, especially on Merritt Garland, who, as I indicated in a previous comment, may be waiting for the right time and with the additional evidence after the hearings to criminally expose Trump and his minions.

Something as important is our Supreme Court which appears to be on the verge of taking rights away from women in ending Roe v Wade, and states from enforcing gun laws. The decision relating to gun laws in New York is striking. They are reinterpreting a vague Second Amendment that really doesn't say we all should be packing to insure our safety (or to overthrow our Constitution) and making it lawful to go back to the "good old days" of free swinging gunslingers (who were seldom the good guys) roaming our communities with impunity and vigilante fervor to ensure that we are a theocracy ruled by a white-man led oligarchy of very wealthy and ungodly individuals and corporations who care nothing for the people or their welfare. Is that really what we want? Maybe SCOTUS is too far removed from the real world and so isolated that they don't know or care about what the nation is thinking or needing. Let's hope that these justices read about the Trumpers who supported Trump in the Justice Department but saw the real Trump, stopping an insurrection because of the rule of law and the Constitution.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

We (who are watching) can see it clearly. Those who aren’t paying attention won’t care, or be persuaded. The damage to the country by Trump and the many active and passive co-conspirators and just plain old selfish jerks is incalculable. I include the Maga-proxy media (the people and the editorial policies) which actively misled and continues to mislead Americans. That, too, should be a crime. This is a vast conspiracy.

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In my opinion , the "good people" who brought about change and saved this Republic, were the

81,283,098 people who voted for Joe Biden for President and eliminated the "Don"who liked to sit behind the big desk and sign autographs. They did this before one House hearing giving proof of what those people already believed.

Let's look at a few of those Republicans we are now praising. Liz Cheney,#3 in the House GOP lineup voted more times with trump (92.9%)than her replacement, Elise Stefanik (77.7%). Adam Kinzinger sided with trump 90.2% of the time.In his remarks yesterday, you may have missed his saying many good things were done under trump including the filling of the Supreme Court-a rapist with a devious wife, a beer loving rapist, and a woman called Sister by members of a Catholic cult like Christian group with beliefs that husbands rule,abortions are abominations , opinions that are opposite those of Ginsberg whom she replaced. A Supreme Court that has further divided the country, blue states against red ones, with their rulings on gun carrying and is shredding Roe and throwing women to the wind.

Rusty Bowers, Arizona House Speaker whose eyes misted,has, along with his family, been harassed, for not forsaking his oath and duty. Bill Barr called trump's crazy theories BS. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Sect 'y of State, refused to furnish trump with more votes than he received. His harassed dead son's wife's home has been broken into.

What do they have in common? When asked , all except Kinzinger said they would vote again for donald trump if he runs in 2024. Cheney won't,but I am not sure. She is trying to get Democrats in Wyoming to change to Republican so they will vote her into office again.

Now, if these people would vote for him, how do we come to any conclusion that the trumpettes and trumpers will change their minds and vote against him? How many even listened to the hearings, on during working hours.

The Liberty Bell rang out for freedom, but then, it cracked. It has never been put back together. Is that to be the symbol for the future of these United States?

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It’s so aggravating watching supposedly liberal people slobber all over themselves to praise these scum in a sea of pus. They’ve done the bare minimum and only because they realized their reputations would be forever blackened had they continued to go along. Every last one a them jagoffs should’ve resigned on the spot regardless if Clark was made AG or not. That they didn’t proves their inhumanity.

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I so admire Adam Kinzinger in standing up for what is right and stepping away from what surely would have been a sterling career in the House of Representatives and possibly beyond. He clearly has been working very hard on the Jan 6 committee to make sure the truth is presented to the american people. I also greatly admire the DOJ officials who put their oath to the Constitution ahead of any pressure they received from then President Trump. I admire all of those who have come forward in these hearings to tell the truth. I am less inclined to praise Barr and Pence, who have joined the truth-telling at this late stage, when they could have done it in real time and made a real difference, possibly preventing the January 6 insurrection. Noe it is truly up to Merrick Garland and the DOJ. The investigation has to get really serious really quickly to prevent this from happening again, because I believe that Trump and his enablers will try again in 2024., and that next time they may succeed in destroying our democracy. Investigating Eastman's home was a start, an encouraging sign that the DOJ is now taking this very seriously. The investigations by DOJ ,must continue and must follow every trail of evidence. The alleged conspirators must be tried and if deemed guilty must be given the appropriate punishment. No one is above the law, including the former President, Donald J. Trump. Then Congress must do its part to legislate so that there are stronger guardrails so that we can never come close to losing our democracy again. Before the energy of the 2024 presidential election gets into full swing, those who were guilty on January 6, 2021 must be brought to justice. I hope Merrick Garland is thinking the same and acting on it.

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I am not overly confident that Garland will prosecute Trump, and if he does, I am very confident the Supreme Court will overturn any conviction. Unless the public can digest and understand what the committee is exposing, prior to Nov. 8, 2022, the church, the GOP, and the Supreme Court will close the curtain on The United States of America.

Exit stage right.

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It sucks to be right, but as every day passes it is more and more clear that Garland is the worthless POS Trump protecting Republican MAGAT that I’ve always said he is. It’s already too late even if he were to arrest Trump tomorrow the damage is done. Sadly.

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