If MAGA has been able to maintain its anger and loathing for 4 years, we should be able to maintain optimism and positivity for the next 88 days.

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& love will always, always & always trump hate!

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Let's hope it trumps Trump.

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A huge boost is due from non other than former Potus George W. BUSH! It's time for him and Laura Bush to come off their ranch in Texas and give a full throated endorsement to VP. Harris and Governor Tim Walz. Surely, He must know how terrible it would be for our country if the MAGA party takes control of our country. I call the old GOP the MAGA party now as the republican party has bowed its head to the maga crazies that once were called the maga WING of the gop. There is no such thing as the republican party any longer so former potus Bush should have no qualm about giving his endorsement to the party that stands for freedom and justice for all. George W. Bush has sometimes shown his disdain for the head of the maga party and all the hate it stands for. Now its time to state his endorsement of the other ticket and be known as a "guardian of democracy" and all that is good in our country today.

An endorsement in September or early October will help keep the momentum going for what I pray will be the winning ticket on November 5th, 2024: Kamala Harris & Tim Walz 🙏.

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I think that is an excellent idea. I didn't like GWB when he was POTUS, but he has shown a really good human side in retirement. I could see him doing that. Let's hope...

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Yes! Light always obliterates darkness! Always!

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But it can take a very, very long time. Think Germany: 1933 - 1948.

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Sadly, the rise of trumpism has shown, however, that fear and loathing politics are pretty powerful. This new enthusiasm for the brighter days ahead is encouraging.

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"HARRIS WALZ IN UTERO" help me launch the podcast that acknowledges:


Americans want a younger ticket


GOP will defend ANYTHING IN UTERO😁 😁 😁 😁 😁

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America wants younger candidates, therefore candidates "in utero" are the youngest.(also, "in utero" Americans deserve more Rights than "post in utero" Americans according to the GOP). Note: Biden beat Trump from his basement. Harris should beat Trump from the womb!😁 😁 😁 😁 😁


My podcast logo will be


with the faces of Harris and Walz pasted on...

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Mitch McConnell meets with each new Dem President:"I'm going to abort your seeds"(Mitch pledges to thwart any new legislation by the new President... he did so with the newly elected Obama and the newly elected Biden and he will try to "abort the seeds" of legislation in the Harris Administration)


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I dream of Americans GROWING UP...

I dream of 15,000 Americans in the AZ rally being told that they are ...



... the 10 cables pumping illusions into Neo's brain...


...are the 10 illusions that cause all upsets(anxiety, etc, depression, etc, habits, etc):


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I doubt very seriously that this enthusiasm and joy will diminish. People feel like they are now freed of a bleak and horrid future. Like a POW freed at last. I am 80yo and will work til I drop to keep the momentum alive and see victory in November. I must because of the survival of the country that I love.

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This 85 yo says you go girl! And me too. Helping out locally with Dems...

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So too does this 78 yo gal on both counts!

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Let's collaborate?

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Let's collaborate?

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Better be careful. Musk will sue you! 🙄

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I am 75, and agree completely. This has shades of the optimism we felt in the 60s, that maybe this is it coming to fruition, just a little, not nearly the truly egalitarian world that we dreamed about, but a huge step in the right direction, maybe even a leap!~

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Thank you, Mary! 💙

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Let's collaborate?

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Please if you have any contacts with the Harris-Walz campaign office. Tell them to use this regarding Walz military record attacks: "For 24 years I got up on Saturday and Sundays morning and put on my uniform, boots and dog tags while Donald Trump was putting on his golf shoes for a round of golf. Who is he to talk about my service?" (FYI - My husband served in the Army Reserve for 28 years so I know what I am talking about. It is was more than just one weekend a month.

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Thank you and your hubby for his willingness to give up his weekends and much more.

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At 24 years Walz was an E9 and would never get near any combat?

Former Governor of Minnesota(Navy SEAL):


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Who are you to judge? All of us who served (I did 20 years Army National Guard. E7.) Did so because we chose to. So many who served have never deployed and it doesn't matter. We can respect each other.

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Awesome clip. Thanks for sharing.

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Every hour of every day until Nov.5th

We have joyfully boarded the freedom express & we’re not getting off until Kamala Harris & Tim Walz win & are inaugurated on 1/20/25

Bring on the joy

Bring on the hope

Bring on democracy

Bring US all our rights

Bring US freedom


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Sue, I love “boarding the freedom express” and thank you for sharing Matthew Dowd’s hopeful article.

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I laughed whn I saw your Meemaw because I am “Meema” to 6 grands

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AZ was thrilled to host Kamala & Tim. In airconditioned splendor.

Not some creepy parking lot without shade or water. Dems pay our bills. Unlike Trump 🌵🌵🌵💙💙💙🌵🌵🌵💙💙💙

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Sharon, wasn’t that rally amazing! I’m on such a high! 💙

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Kamala's extreme popularity and the enthusiasm for her candidacy sure have sent Trump and MAGA world into extreme desperation. The Big Blue Wave can no longer be stopped.

Trump is in trouble, he thought after the Joe Biden’s poor debate performance he was crusing to an easy victory with Dems in deep depression. Now with his little world of malignant narcissism up ended by Joe’s heroic step away and endorsement of Harris who is surpassing him in energy and enthusiasm! Donald looks, smells and exudes loserism and down right jealousy.

Kamala is gaining popularity and she’s getting real good on the stump. MAGAs don’t know what to do!

A few days ago someone posted this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt in the comments section 👇


So I ordered that shirt and it arrived yesterday! I’m going to wear it out by November 5 🤣

Whoever made this, thank you! 👍

It's so wonderful to enjoy politics again. Joy is the exact opposite of twitler’s campaign and the perfect response!

We’re NOT going back. We’re going FORWARD.

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Twitler. That's hysterical!

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I hate Musk's descent into open fascism and deleted my Twitler app

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Me, too.

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Musk? I think Magua's heart is twisted.

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Me too

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I saw it coming and dropped Twitter the day he bought it.

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Twitler may stick, like the TP to his heel.

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I just ordered four!! Thank you!! 👏👏

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You’re welcome 😉

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We need to hear policy. Over and over. Delivered with honesty, conviction and integrity. Champion accomplishments. Strong border plan. Watch her back.

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Hearing policy discussed by Kamala is like watching a very great old movie. You saw it before, loved it, but that was a very long time ago. Welcome back.

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You said in far more concisely than I do. Hope someone is listening.

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It's a movement.. more than a campaign

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I think we will continue to gain momentum. There are a lot of people complaining about the media giving Trump airtime. I think they should give him all the airtime he wants. The more people see his unhinged rhetoric the better. My problem with the media is the lack of substance to their questions and the lack of calling him out when he lies. I think the majority of people in this country are sick of his doom and gloom. They are sick of him calling our amazing country a disgrace. I firmly believe that there will be many republicans who may claim to support Trump but when they go to the polls will vote for VP Harris and come out saying “Trump 2024”. I do not believe Trump can expand his base. VP Harris absolutely can. One of the best moves she made was setting up Republicans for Harris! That was brilliant. We just need to make sure people do not become complacent and they get out and vote! The only party truly offering freedom is the democratic party!!! Let’s do this!!! ❤️🤍💙

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Agreed. Besides Trump being shaken finally by too much exposure, the complicent media now has too worry about their part.

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Maybe this is the start of short campaigns. That would be such a welcomed change.

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I think the energy we're seeing can be maintained through election day, especially if the Harris - Walz campaign addresses two things: (1) The need for the American people to feel this will truly be an administration that serves them and their future and not serve the wealthy, donors who demand they get to set the agenda to serve their personal interests. For example: Yesterday I read that Harris quietly has given up her position that Fracking should be banned. I pushed back on the maker of this claim (an environmental activist I'm connected to on LinkedIn by saying "Let's see what she says at the DNC firsts. Let's let her get elected... then she'll make policy decisions". But I am concerned that there are issues like Fracking where she might not "walk the talk". So, we need to get clarity in her policy platform (which I do not yet see on the Harris - Walz website).

(2) The need for the American people to know this administration will not fall into the "We will save you. Just let us be mommy and daddy" mindset the Democrats have exhibited in the past. Barack Obama created Organizing For America (sometimes called Obama For America) during his 2008 campaign. I participating in this network, which his team said would continue after the election as a "citizens support system that would funnel our ideas into his administration, while also helping ordinary people support his policy proposals". Imagine my dismay when just after the election a big meeting was held at a theatre space in Manhattan to announce that OFA was being taken over by the Democratic National Committee... an announcement that was followed not long after by the closing down of OFA. I would like to see Harris - Walz launch a true "Team America" initiative at the DNC (after all, Tim Walz was a very successful football coach). This initiative would be designed to keep all of us involved in the political system after the election... to help power the Administration's ability to resist those wealthy people (like the Koch Brothers, who have literally taken over key research functions at MIT) who want to control the Administration's policies on things like the climate crisis.

These two issues: Policy Transparency and Citizens Involvement Long-Term would, I believe, boost the momentum to the point where a true blow out election result would become possible.

Thanks for listening!

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@Steve Brant,

It used to be the Koch brothers until David Koch passed away on August 23, 2019. The cause of his death was not reported, only that he had been in declining health. Charles Koch remains a major contributor to all kinds of conservative think tanks, organizations, and the despicable Republican party.

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It is now the Koch Network. Its political advocacy arm, Americans for Prosperity, were a major benefit on the ground to Haley. When KN stopped funding her campaign they sent a memo through Americans for Prosperity that they were turning their attention to the Senate and the House.


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Thanks for making this point. I appreciate your point.

For what it's worth, I'm seeing the phrase "Koch Brothers" still in use (link below from February 2024). My impression is that phrase has become kind of like how we say "Hand me a Kleenex, please" when we need to blow our nose. This product name has become what we say when we're referring to a generic product. Just my 2 cents.


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Authoritarianism dies in shining sunlight. It sure does feel good to be hopeful, doesn't it?

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Excellent point. Democracy dies in the dark. Authoritarianism dies in the light. I need a new t-shirt...

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Involved with the One Campaign in Michigan. Knocking doors every day possible. We will not go back!!!

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Everyone can play a role in building even more momentum!

Educate yourself on Project 2025.

Talk to your family and neighbors, politely and intelligently. Focus on the issues, be positive and strong.

Demand that the press cover trump’s cognitive decline, lies, hatred and threats with the same level of fervor they did when they tried to destroy President Biden’s campaign. Call them, email them, post on them social media sites.

Donate if you can afford. Volunteer. Send post cards. Make phone calls. Go door to door.

Write your Senators and Representatives.

Be prepared for the hell that the GOP will unleash on America - the lies, the personal attacks, the threats. Stay positive and never lose hope.

We need to expose Elon Musk for his tactics using X to personally spread lies and misinformation. Write the advertisers on Fox and X.

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I'm writing postcards to voters and will likely do more in the new few weeks. I especially want to support Democrats down the ticket, so that we can keep the Senate and sweep the house. I think we need to count on staying involved over the next few years to continue to demand policy changes in states and in Congress. We have a big mess to clean up. Oh, and I want to see four more Justices on the bench. The number of Justices should match the number of District Courts, 13. FDR wanted 15 in 1937.

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“Put one foot in front of the other… 🎶🎶🎶”

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I like the powerful messaging of campaign surrogates like Gov. Shapiro and Sen. Kelly and Gabby Giffords. Their articulation of the themes of personal freedom is extremely important. For far too long, the right wing has gaslit the public and usurped the words "freedom" and "liberty" even as their party's agenda has curtailed them, except for the idea of unlimited personal weaponry. Keep hitting that theme hard, that Kamala and Tim will safeguard personal choice and true liberty

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It's time for some the the Dems to attack the idea of J.D. Vance becoming president because Trump's cognitive decline is so severe that he can' even make it to the election, so he certainly won't make it through four years. The idea of Vance as president is even scarier than Trump.

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I certainly agree with your premise regarding Vance. tRump is the only way that cabal will get into the White House. They know tRump is becoming increasingly delusional by the day. It may be that Vance’s Money Guy wants a seat at the table…which he will get indirectly when tRump finally goes around the corner. Vance hasn’t got the Brains or the testicular fortitude to be President on his own. He’ll be the perfect shill for the Money man. They would give Vance some petty task to keep him amused and out of the way then become the power behind the throne. Cripes we’re all becoming conspiracy theorists. But this scenario seems to obvious.

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Not only is Trump in a rapid cognitive decline and just trying to replay his greatest hits, but without the rhythm tract, he is still an uncontrollable narcissist. All his backer and staff have tried to control him and failed. Vance, depends upon them for guidance and ideas. Thus he is all the way with Project 2024. The problem with Vance, as the Dems have now labelled him, he is creepy -- as well as hypocritical, dishonest, and mean.

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I'm thinking that's the plan all along. It has nothing to do with his competency and everything to do with his absolute loyalty. If trump wins trump will not give up power after his term ends. 3 years in they'll replace him Vance. There will be no elections. Vance is young and will hold the seat by hook or by crook intending to be in the Executive seat after that, without being elected, as a puppet President.

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat who is a professor of history and Italian studies at BYU writes about fascism and authoritarianism and suggest that we look at the country of Chile as a study in resistance to autocracy. In 1988, after 17 years under the iron rule of General Augusto Pinochet, the country rose to shrug off the dictatorship through nonviolent mass protests and civil-society mobilization. After a major effort to register voters and restore electoral procedures, Chile achieved a peaceful return to democracy. JOY was a major factor/emotion that motivated people to get involved. All political campaigns will experience an ebb and flow. Kamala/Walz should get a bounce from the DNC convention starting in 9 days. If everyone reading this would just take one action, from donating money, writing postcards, phone bank, text, volunteer to work at the polls, write a letter to the editor, host debate watch parties, create a zoom event, wear a pin, post a yard sign, become an online activist, create a visibility event, we will continue to the enthusiasm, joy and momentum till November 5th. As President Barack Obama said: "“It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.” In solidarity, Ken

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Fantastic. I heard about this campaign on On the Media. It’s amazing that joy and happiness are the antidote to authoritarianism. Who knew? Since 2016 there’s been a lot of writing about authoritarianism such as Tim Snyder and that other Yale prof who’s been on PBS Amanpour & Co. But never did anyone speak of antidotes, much less joy being one of them.

Did it really take a woman (of color) to demonstrate this and teach us?

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I am in rural Nebraska as I write this. There are Tim Walz-like people all over here. Trump is still popular in these parts (popularity fueled by misinformation, it seems to me), but I have heard several people say they will now easily be voting for Harris/Walz. Several even know him from when he was a teacher here and are putting his pictures with them up on Facebook!

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I'm in Lincoln and hope Nebraska opens its eyes.

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Me, too, Teresa!!

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Ever wary of too much celebrating too soon, I nevertheless remain optimistic that the new Democratic ticket can be victorious. Suddenly, hope for the future is in vogue once again. And why shouldn't we engage in hope? On the other side of the equation, I put nothing past Trump and Co. Nothing. That frightens me as they become more desperate and entrenched in their grievances. We need to stay calm, classy, and vigilant.

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The Harris-Walz campaign is executing their plan perfectly. Allowing Trump & Vance to embarrass themselves while Harris and Walz focus on boosting enthusiasm at rallies, quickly addressing lies and running ads is working. Harris and Walz should schedule a news conference when it suits them. The media has been more focused on treating this election like a horse race instead of presenting impartial facts and calling out lies. They haven’t earned the right to insist on interviews. A platform will emerge during the Democratic Convention. Right now introducing Harris and Walz is the first order of business.

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Agree. They should have an interview with Teen Vogue and Twitch thereby reaching younger folks while giving a big ol middle finger to the corpse media.

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If the Fed lowers interest rates it's all over for the orange monster. And it looks like it could happen.

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Kamala should make a deal with the NYT or WP. I will give you an interview as soon as you do a serious front page article about my opponent's cognitive decline.

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A very exciting moment in our country’s history. Joy and light will always win over darkness. I have full faith we will win and this time Biden is in the White House so any repeat of Jan 6 will be crushed.

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I fully agree. There needs to be some level of concentration on vision and policy. Sooner rather than later the other guys will begin taking potshots and proclaim that Kamala Harris is no more than Joe Biden reincarnated. They’ll blame her for everything they blamed Biden for, particularly immigration. They’ll call her the “immigration czar” without admitting that the Republicans bailed on a viable immigration bill or that Trump put the stop on it to make it a campaign issue. Whether Trump is able to deliver these potshots is debatable but Vance is like a train wreck waiting to happen and his negativity may stick with voters. Crap like the issue with Walz’ military service is a temporary abstraction compared to heavyweight onslaughts of hateful rhetoric that’s on the horizon. Being happy and joyful is great but it will only go so far in changing people’s minds and getting them to vote blue.

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Indeed. Kamala needs to step wide and aside of Biden, and she will meet heavy opposition from Biden's close-nit party praetorians in doing so. To effect meaningful change, she will have to make many elected Democrats uncomfortable. They have been comfortable for far too long.

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I appreciate your insight and as said earlier, fully agree. I remember 1968 when Hubert Humphrey was declared “The Happy Warrior” and was soundly thrashed by Nixon. Humphrey was a perfect foil for LBJ when he spoke to an awestruck bunch of college students here at the University of Washington. His speechifying was mesmerizing: “But not Senator Goldwater”, he proclaimed. It worked because Goldwater was so off the charts in his views. I think Johnson won 49 states! I don’t think Humphrey did any better in ‘68. So, fair warning to happy warriors; we want substance which I’m sure we’ll agree with. In the spirit of “Give ‘em hell, Harry,” I proclaim war on Trump and his disgusting group of fascists.

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@Richard Brody,

I remember Hubert Humphrey's complete loss of credibility when, as LBJ's Vice President, he went happily along with the disastrous war in the Vietnam. The fact that Humphrey never spoke out alienated millions of potential supporters. Vice President Harris must forcefully oppose genocide in Gaza lest she end up like Humphrey.

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How can the momentum be sustained? A great question, Steven, for doing so will be key.

The good news, of course, is that we can count on the senior Harris campaign staff, whose ranks have now been augmented by seasoned pros, to develop and implement a detailed strategy to achieve just that. They've already proven their worth by hitting the ground running. But we have the responsibility of keeping our donations flowing in to allow them to swamp the airwaves in the swing states with targeted ads and to fund smaller and larger events as we get closer to election day. We need to stay united, stay engaged. We need to volunteer to help in the most effective ways possible. But we also need to expect the unexpected, for it's pretty well a certainty that the reprehensible others will resort to every dirty trick they can to prevail by any means whatsoever.

Of course, we will also have the added gifts of the reminders of Trump's criminality with his anticipated sentencing in the New York hush-money case on September 18, and the reopening of the Jan. 6 case in Washington DC (a gift that will keep on giving through election day).

And let's not forget that Trump is unravelling at every turn before our eyes. I mean, the guy seems to think that Kamala Harris has usurped the Presidency and does not appear to grasp the difference of her being the Democratic candidate while Joe Biden is actually our President.

Let's also consider the wonderful work that the folks at The Lincoln Project are doing with their brilliantly targeted ads. We're all in this together.

But we must win by overwhelming margins to render the post-election MAGA mayhem ineffective. They may have the Supreme Court on their side, but we will have the numbers.

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I think, barring some major negative revelation, Harris-Walz will win. If there's concern about intra-party fracturing, one tactic would be for Harris to adopt an unequivocal hard line against Netanyahu, and stick with it. As I saw it, the biggest loss of Biden voters was going to occur over the carnage in Gaza.

At the same time, the campaign needs to immediately prepare messaging to counter the ocean of dark money pouring into the tRump campaign.

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Harris-Walz is a lot like Trump 2016. In each case it’s a movement, not merely a campaign. It’s a cultural movement as much as political. I think that people are going to be buoyed up and enthusiastic about the ticket till the end. The country hasn’t been treated to this outpouring of support for a new dispensation in a while — since Obama 08. I think we’re going to be very hard to beat.

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The way to build on the momentum is to make it clear this is an historic moment and people have a chance to be part of something they will tell their grandchildren about. The first woman president. And a multiracial one as well. It was similar with Obama. It was history being made and we knew it and wanted to be part of it.

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I am overjoyed at what is happening at all the rallies throughout the country. It is about time. But we have been working for some time to make this possible. What we all can do to sustain the momentum is to keep working. In the last 4 months I have sent out 300+ messages a day to my followers and many have reposted my messages. Due to the reposts I have reached 30,000,000 impressions. Well over 1,000,000 people have read one or more of my messages and some multiple times. Our networking proves that OUR VOICES MATTER. So let's keep it up. We are Mighty Mice come to Save the Day!

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I'd like to see even more focus on the down-ballot races. I read a statistic that Democrats are much more likely to ignore down-ballot races than Republicans.

After the non-productive 118th Congress, with its Gaetz's, MTGs, Johnsons, etc. it's more important than ever to vote Democrats into those House and Senate seats.

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Not true David; I follow the House and Senate campaigns very closely and they are very well organized in the 25-30 congressional districts that are “competitive.” Please go to www.TurnUp.US and contribute generously (it is a tax deductible nonpartisan C3) run by brilliant Harvard students registering Community College & High School students supporting abortion rights, effective gun control and fighting climate change! But only in those few “competitive” districts and states! Please don’t waste your money on races that have already been won or lost!

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Unlike the Republican apparatchiks who parrot their dictator's crazed innuendos, Democrats have always felt free to agree or disagree with party policies, but will, in the end , vote cohesively, i.e. I do not favor student debt forgiveness but do support free community college. But soon, the red, white and blue "PROUD DEMOCRAT" yard sign will go up. I wear my sparkly little donkey pin everywhere -except not allowed at work -understandable, but too, company is Republican with heir giving oodles of $ to trump in the past.

I like Harris' speech cadence. Each word is spoken singularly and with spirit, plus a little smile always peeks through. I like Walz' homilies that resonate with most people. I know he is more sophisticated , but I think of The Farmer in the Dell, an appealing American. In the end, trump will be the cheese that stands alone (cheddar , rich in beta carotene making it orange !).

trump, desperate for attention will really lose it during the hoopla of the Democrat convention. His handlers cannot contain his crazy talk, and I think even some of his fans must be getting tired of it. To think that he who knows more than generals, federal reserve members, and (ha) draws more people than Dr. King is being belittled by a mixed race woman. He will jump up and down on his bed, hitting his big head on the ceiling having fits of jealousy beyond his endurance. No doubt he will throw some of his aides under the bus, blaming them, never himself. Good. The nuttier he becomes, the better our chances.

It might also help if exceptional accomplishments by Democrat administrations are mentioned: defeat of fascism of WW II, the Great Society, civil rights, a health care program that has benefited millions, a pandemic policy that saved lives as opposed to Watergate, the Iraq War, trickle down economics and trump's proposals that will increase the nat'l debt and taxes for middle class.

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress" - Barack Obama. Right now, Democrats are RUNNING !!

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Terrific thank you! I want you on my team anytime!

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It is very possible that our citizens on the fringe of the MAGA movement are tired of the doom, gloom and nastiness and wanting to see some hope for a free future. My concern is for those die hard members will go to even more extreme measurers to take the presidency including a war to put the orange man in the white house. There was a similar sentiment before the CIVIL WAR when rebels were plotting to stop the VP from counting the ballots to keep Lincoln from winning that election. I did not know about this until reading Erik Larson's new book "The DEAMON of UNREST". The rebels would go to extreme measures to assure that slavery was safe in the SOUTH which Lincoln had promised to abolish. That was done but the cost was 620,000 and 850,00 soldiers, all AMERICANS.

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It may come to a more violent and geographically broader insurrection than on Jan6 but there is no doubt that Joe, the FBI and DoJ are preparing to take much greater action to deal with it! It also may be that the extensive publicity about long prison sentences to the traitors of Jan6 will have a negative impact?

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I hold the same concern about the right and what they are willing to do to put Trump in office I have to remind myself that even they are not dumb enough to try to have a civil war against the United States military. That would be absolutely ridiculous.

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One concern I hold that qualifys my heartfelt enthusiasm for Harris/Walz is the continuing and escalating war in Gaza. Because meanwhile the targeted devastation upon the civilian population in Gaza is horrendous. I feel that Netanyahu is unchecked in his revenge and that US funding of assets as contracted is disgusting. I have no "answer" to the middle east dilemma, but it's so ugly and gross and Biden seems so undiscerning although strategic in his support. Will Harris be the same? The unresolved conflict keeps me alert to the reality of and despite the excitement of a Harris win. Hopeful for women, but not for the women of Gaza.

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@Mary Torregrossa

Dear Mary, I agree with your view. President Harris has to stop supporting Netanyahu by giving offensive weapons to Israel. In my personal view Netanyahu is the "Donald Trump of Israel." America must stop propping Netanyahu up. If our leaders truly believe in a 2 State Solution then Netanyahu must go. If the Israeli people continue to re-elect Netanyahu then they can do it without American military aid.

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We recognize first that thousands of Hamas killers, rapists, and kidnappers started this horrible war on Oct.7! They BURNED BABIES ALIVE that day. You are horrified at that! You agree? The Israelis were dancing that day!

So Hamas kidnapped about 250 civilians including babies and American citizens! You agree, don’t you? 8 of those Americans are still prisoners of Hamas almost a year later!

If Mexico did that to us, what do you think we would do to them to get our hostages back home and to teach them never to do that again? You certainly agree with that? Burning babies alive?

So what do you want to do to get our Americans home? I’m just asking civilly? Thank you! P.S. Hamas says it won’t meet to discuss ending the war and it won’t release the remaining hostages including the 8 Americans? So what should we Americans do?

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As was said many times in the USN, “lead, follow, or get out of the way “ . It’s time to roll!

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You are so correct that there was pent up demand for something different, and what we’re seeing now is the response, and a great deal of relief. I hope the democrats remain united behind her and don’t self-destruct as they often do with pushing different messages. I believe everyone coalesced behind Biden in 2020 and that helped us to win. I’m writing postcards to voters encouraging people to get out and vote, sharing positive messages on social media, and donating what I can. Everyone can do something.

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Steven, please analyze the impact that the issue of abortion protection will have on turnout of millions of new young voters AND suburban Republican husbands, boyfriends, moms, dads and even grandparents of 18 to 34 age women! MSM have either ignored it or stuck it somewhere in a list of issues? I submit media do not recognize that restoration of Roe by a Democratic President and Congress is THE ISSUE which will turn at least 20% of Republicans to vote for Harris in the final analysis because it is a personal issue of individual healthcare, not just a general policy issue?

Thank you as the political impact of reproductive rights has not taken center stage yet by MSM!

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I am enjoying the momentum and enthusiasm, I think, she does need to do a sit down interview about policy. I think she needs to make clear to the interviewer she won't respond to "horse race" questions.

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It would be a kind gesture for President Harris to reach out to Liz Cheney in recognition of her patriotism and personal courage publicly opposing and denouncing Trump when her fellow Republicans were all kowtowing to him. That would represent one way to wear down the great divide operating in our country.

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I'm thinking we need to go local - face-to-face with family members (who have to love us - they're family), neighbors, friends, co-workers, or anyone else who knows, likes and trusts us. It's a person-to-person campaign from now until Nov 5th, and those conversations are in our power to start.

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We ourselves can keep up the momentum. We are all Substack contributors. Read the articles every day. Write comments to excite other commenters. We have an amazing group of writers here: Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Reich, Robert Hubbell, Rick Wilson, Simon Rosenberg and, of course, our own Steven Beschloss. And if you want irreverent humor, you've got to read Jeff Tiedrich. We've got this!!

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A huge boost is due from non other than former Potus George W. BUSH! It's time for him and Laura Bush to come off their ranch in Texas and give a full throated endorsement to VP. Harris and Governor Tim Walz. Surely, He must know how terrible it would be for our country if the MAGA party takes control of our country. I call the old GOP the MAGA party now as the republican party has bowed its head to the maga crazies that once were called the maga WING of the gop. There is no such thing as the republican party any longer so former potus Bush should have no qualm about giving his endorsement to the party that stands for freedom and justice for all. George W. Bush has sometimes shown his disdain for the head of the maga party and all the hate it stands for. Now its time to state his endorsement of the other ticket and be known as a "guardian of democracy" and all that is good in our country today.

An endorsement in September or early October will help keep the momentum going for what I pray will be the winning ticket on November 5th, 2024: Kamala Harris & Tim Walz 🙏.

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This was in Steve Schmidt’s column yesterday. We need to make sure people have not been removed from voting registers.

“Are you registered to vote?

The Warning community member Tom Howard made an excellent suggestion that I use this platform to remind people to ensure that they are registered to vote in November. This is EXTREMELY important. Thanks to community member Joan Eisenstodt for sharing these links f