In the morning after twelve jurors found Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony charges, he stood in front of the stars and stripes of American flags and called his jury trial “rigged,” the judge a “tyrant,” witness Michael Cohen a “sleazebag” and the criminal case itself “a hoax” and a “scam.” It was a terrible sight to watch this convicted felon lash out against the judicial system while employing the symbols of American democracy and freedom behind him.
His sour, rambling, low-energy and angry monologue was filled with lies, of course, and both ridiculous and hateful claims. That started with his first words less than a day after being found guilty on all counts involving the falsification of business records to hide hush money payments in order to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. "If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone," Trump began. "These are bad people. These are, in many cases, I believe, sick people."
Here’s how President Biden responded yesterday: "It's reckless. It's dangerous. It's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict…The justice system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It's as simple as that.”
Yet Trump’s despicable display was made worse by the growing collection of United States senators and other high-level Republican enablers immediately supporting his criminality by echoing his attacks on the American judicial system and the rule of law. “This was never about justice,” Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, who yearns to be Trump’s VP, said on CNN. “The only thing that Donald Trump is guilty of is being in the courtroom of a political sham trial.” On Fox “News,” House Speaker and Trump sycophant Mike Johnson said, ”He’s a symbol of fighting back against this government corruption, the deep state, the bureaucracy and all the rest.”
This appalling and predictable response is just a warm-up for the coming onslaught. The announcement by the Trump campaign that they had raised $52.8 million in the 24 hours after the criminal conviction—closing the gap with the Biden campaign’s fundraising—underscores the certainty that they will not run from Trump’s crimes but lean into them as proof of political persecution. If the language has already been incendiary, bent on burning it all down, we should brace ourselves for a once-legitimate political party to further exploit its power to condemn our system of justice, a bedrock of democracy.
While a Reuters/Ipsos survey conducted after Thursday’s’ verdict found that only 1 of every 10 Republicans said the jury decision made them “somewhat less likely” to vote for Trump, other polling found equal or greater numbers who said the guilty verdict made them more likely to vote for Trump. But the more important observation at this early stage may be what New Republic staff writer Greg Sargent wrote after the verdict. “One of the most bizarre things about the Donald Trump era has been the persistence of his aura of invincibility,” he wrote. The guilty verdict “upends that dynamic.” Or, as the headline puts it, “shatters” that aura.
Maybe. We will see. I suspect Trump’s own sad and sordid self-pity will wear on voters, as will his tired repetitions of political persecution. If the last few days are any indication, it’s also possible that recent weeks may have finally taken a toll on the physical and mental capacities of this man whose previous ability to keep moving forward despite his myriad troubles underscored his desensitized sociopathy. What we can be sure of is he will use the months ahead to do everything in his power to further undermine our system of government and the public’s belief in our institutions in the most grotesque ways.
But how will his newfound status as a convicted felon, facing possible prison in his July 11 sentencing just days before the Republican National Convention kicks off, change the dynamic? How do you think Trump’s criminal conviction will affect the election? And do you think Democrats will aggressively address Trump’s proven crimes or downplay them, even as Republicans embrace his mob boss persona and attacks?
As always, I look forward to reading your observations and the opportunity for this community to learn from each other. Please do be respectful in your comments. Trolling will not be tolerated.
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*Photo of convicted felon Donald Trump at Trump Tower on May 31, the morning after being found guilty. Photo by David Dee Delgado via Getty Images.
I think we also need to be talking about the ridiculous letter initiated by Mike Lee and signed onto by seven other senators stating they will no longer do their jobs as elected officials because blah blah blah it’s so unfair. Find me one company in America that would tolerate that from its employees. They need to forfeit their salary and benefits and resign. To publicly state a refusal to work on behalf of We The People who (foolishly) elected you to the job? And even worse they’re trying to expand the numbers of congressional officials who agree to stop working for us. As it is the House is shut down over it with the Speaker absolutely negligent in his duties. Yeah … I’m pretty angry. Trump started this mess but the numbers of utterly shameless people jumping into the sewer with him is something to behold. I guess money and power really is that important to some people.
In Oregon, after repeated legislative sessions where republicans walked out because they didn’t like the proposed bills, we the people signed an initiative to pass a law stating any absences of more than 10 disqualified a member from running for reelection. The walkout republicans challenged it and lost. It’s time for this requirement in congress.
One of my senators, Marsha Blackburn, signed that letter.
I don't think we'll be able to tell in Tennessee whether she's "doing her job" because she only serves her donors not the citizens of Tennessee. VOTE FOR GLORIA JOHNSON!! 💙💙💙 Marsha loves to take credit for any good things done for our state, when she, in fact, voted against doing those things. She's not a lawyer or a doctor but she weighs in on women's health and contraception!
That letter is a despicable violation of their oath. They’re holding the business of the people hostage because they don’t like that their party leader was finally half accountable for his illegal behavior.
What’s so disgusting about this is that the Mike Johnson is not only cozying up to trump, but actually kissing his derrière. He’s has to be one of the worst speakers of the House without any integrity. He’s really good at speaking from both sides of his mouth and is lacking in his knowledge of law - viz wanting to go directly to the SC about Trump’s felony without even passing go.
It will be hard to tell the difference. Most of what they do doesn’t really fall in their job description. It’s not like they’ve been helpful or even decent.
The refusal of those eight senators to do the jobs they were elected to do is outrageous. Their defense of a felon, who said in 2016 that “a felon in the White House would cause a constitutional crisis” because of Hillary Clinton’s email issues, is laughable while frightening. The GOP, led by the shrieking comedy team of Comer and Jordan, has spent millions of taxpayer dollars on retributory action against Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Alejandro Mayorkas finding nothing on the scale of the malfeasance the former resident of the Oval Office was guilty of. They are wasting our taxpayer dollars, and are delinquent in their duties. They are claiming a rigged election before the first votes are cast, and somehow forget that “the irregularities” of the 2020 election process (mail-in ballots, early voting) were due to a global pandemic. Republican legislatures in many states attempted to interfere with the process themselves. How much longer will voters put up with the GOP ranting and raving on a script provided by a convicted felon, while the country is waiting for serious legislation, I.e. a border bill agreed on by a bipartisan-partisan committee? Of course, the last occupant of the White House does not wish to be upstaged by Joe Biden’s administration. My prayer is that voters will consider their November 2024 choices seriously.
What is incredibly disheartening to me is the accelerated capitulation of politicians at the highest level. If we compare responses to Jan 6 2021 right after the Capitol attack (almost all GOP senators condemned Trump) and the response after the verdict (almost all immediately jumped on the 'rigged trial' bandwagon), it is clear that our system is far more broken now than it was 3 years ago.
The media is complicit, continuing to normalize a sociopath. And our social communication and cable TV echo chambers ensure that meaningful debate is precluded. There seems to be among nearly half the country and their elected representatives (and some SC justices) a willingness to initiate a completely different political experiment, one which history has shown to be monstrous.
Many in the billionaire class are now openly supporting Trump-- Bill Ackman, Elon Musk, etc.
The verdict seems to have strengthened Trump once again. He wears it as a badge of honor. Remember, he compared himself to Navalny-- never mind that he also presents himself as Putin's best friend. All logic is now off the table.
I'm proud of the twelve jurors. And I'm terrified for our democracy.
Jill, you hit the nail on the head. This is so scary. Very proud of the 12 NewYorkers who did their job NOT like the rethuglicans, who haven't done anything the last ...too many years. 😡 we have one hell of a fight in front of us! It's the money that scares me more than anything. How do we normal people fight against billionaires with unlimited resources! Ugh.
I think that what we are failing to look at is the history making vote for Joe Biden in 2020. Although Biden has been an excellent president the vote in 2020 was decidedly anti Trump. The Democrats and Independents are antimated once again to come out in numbers that can’t be denied. Just because Republicans are loud does not mean they are winning.
Correct. I think a vote for Biden is more a vote against trump. No one elicits anger in a person like that guy. I think the majority will tire of his constant whining and tirades.
Unfortunately, thanks to the absurd electoral college, this election will be closer than it should be.
I feel like that historic vote count might not have happened without so many people opting to vote absentee due to Covid. I hope Dems remember this and come out in even larger numbers. I fear that people are just fed up that they have simply checked out.
No one is failing to see history here. A 4-point spread in a general election is not as much as we pretend it is. Only a gambler with a serious addiction would play those odds in Vegas. With only five months remaining till the most important Tuesday of this year, which objective indicators (hope is not objective) would you have us believe indicates a solid and significant popular vote victory for Biden? Need way more than 4 points this time.🧐
My comment is based on the history of Democratic performance from 2018 to 2020 2021 2022 and special elections in 2023. Despite polls that say the contrary we continue to win. I believe our winning record since Trump came on the scene tells us something positive. Under Trump the House Senate and presidency were lost. Democrats have won state Supreme Court seats as well as state and local seats.
Polls are a lot like fortune-telling, don't you think? People like to indulge in them when they go on vacation. Americans spend $2.3 bn a year on fortune-tellers. I wonder how much we spend on polling? Seems like much the same thing to me.
Thanks for the clarification. That makes more sense than the first sentence in your first statement. 2020 Biden election history fanfare is always hyper exaggerated.
Midterm 2022 election performances crushing “the red wave” is an encouraging trend, though I would take an appetite suppressant with those results as that was only 46% voter turnout (according to Gallup). That being said, even in 2020 with Biden we still haven’t broken 70% (66%) voter turnout - and I am not even including improved (since 2020) gerrymandering, voter suppression techniques and efforts, and the ill preparedness in general, nationwide to support more than 70% voter turnout.
I am not saying we don’t have work to do. I also don’t have stars in my eyes about the facts. Democrats are always on the defensive and don’t get credit for the massive grassroots political machine that has been built in all fifty states since 2017. Democrats are voting. 2020 was when 3,000 people were dying of covid a day yet we turned out. I have got to believe that because Roe was overturned and voter suppression has been so bad that we will over perform again. Those 81 million voters for Biden in 2020 know what the stakes are in this election. I wrote for a national postcard group for seven years. I know how Democrats have performed since 2017 in all kinds of races in all 50 states. Our group started with 16 writers in 2017 and has 150,000 now. I live in Georgia ground zero for the 2020 election. We won the senate here. My group wrote 1 million postcards for Ossoff and Warnock. So we have to believe in the work that continues to be done. I would much rather be us than them.
That’s defeatist syntax and a big leap to tyranny when we start framing “us versus them.” If you haven’t already, I suggest you read Timothy Snyder’s book called “On Tyranny.”
I respect your work with the Dem base, but the determining factor this November is how are swing voters, undecideds, independents and homeless Conservative Resurrectionists being courted.
I continue to remain unimpressed with how the DIM campaign process approaches this challenge, thus my concern with turning the next page to yet another chapter to autocracy.
Objectively, I think ‘us’ just means the Democratic Party and ‘them’ just means the Republicans party. This is an expression that Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg uses a lot. In the electoral contests, looking at the whole suite of factors that determine which party’s candidates end up with more votes, one would much rather be ‘us’ — the Democratic Party — than ‘them’ — the Republican party. Of course we still have to work like all get-out to GOTV.
IMHO the conviction will hurt Trump badly. The Independents and undecided already have permanent mental images of the Capitol attack. A mugshot with "convicted felon" will further persuade them that this man is too much of a risk. They've seen lots of smoke, but this is a glimpse of the flames.
I’m hopeful that Judge Merchan, cloaked in the might of American Justice, will show that the rule of law will not be mocked with impunity, and accordingly impose sanctions that are in direct proportion to Trump’s contempt of it. Power exists to be used. For some, it’s intoxicating and capricious. For us it must be both the shield and, when assailed, the SWORD.
I'm thinking Judge Merchan should sentence Trump to house arrest in Trump Tower for, say, 6 months. Maybe he could be let out on weekends to campaign for the presidency.
30 days for each violation—11 so far—of the gag order and then maybe a 2 year sentence served concurrently with the possibility of a suspended sentence at the end of one year for good behavior?
A little background, I’m the son of a (now deceased WW2) veteran and grew up in the home of second generation Italian Americans, where like my parents I grew an unwavering Love of this nation. We are imperfect as a nation but every generation has shown growth and promise of a better society until this one. In the 1990’s under speaker Gingrich polarization and “party purity” really grew legs. It crippled legislation and led to high government congressional members more interested in keeping power than doing their jobs. These last 48 hours have made me fear for the country that I love. Based on commentary by high office republicans, whether out of cowardice (of the base and losing power), or they actually believe the bullshit they say? What I do know is that we are in danger of losing this republic and every vote counts. Dr. Biden said it best, we are in a battle of good vs. evil. However, Even when Trump is defeated (I pray to divine Providence) the stain of Trumpism and Maga will still remain. I only remain hopeful by the Liz Cheneys and Adam Kitzingers who put the country above themselves. Other than those two the last two days have shown that Republican Party no longer exists.
But I think there's only about 30 million MAGAs, right? That leaves 320 million "other." Surely that majority can prevail against whatever blood bath they cook up.
In my irrational moments, I believe the best bet is for the D’s to print millions of 8x10 pictures with “Felon” etched across Trump’s face and attach those simple pictures to millions of power poles across the land. Simple, direct—and it shows that when they go low, we can go lower to explode them on their own petards. In my rational moments, I believe the same thing. We can no longer appeal to a rationality that doesn’t exist. Short-attention-span media rules our ADHD culture, so let’s dive in and post those pictures everywhere.
Since nobody can say how the guilty felony verdict will impact the election, I’ll freely add my two cents to our collective pool of ignorance.
As long as Lee, Hawley, Tuberville, and the rest band together, we won’t see any real change in the Republican Party’s circling the sewer drain. They NEED to stick together behind Trump because they are complicit in the upcoming J6 trials, and face a similar fate if Trump goes down for that as well. They “hang together or, …hang apart” as one of our founding fathers said when signing the declaration of Independence from England. They know their “cause” shares none of the nobility of that one, but they are trying to sell that idea anyway. They all need to face the music for their seditious behaviour, and thay are freaking out because this guilty verdict makes that possibility more likely.
This is exactly it. Those minions who showed up outside the courthouse, dressed as the Combover King, to play proxy violator of judicial gag order, NEED him to get PARDON POWER again because they were all active in the conspiracy to stage a coup.
Wow, David you are so right. I actually didn't think of it that way but, of course, if he goes down, they too may be held accountable! Oh that would be poetic justice! Thanks
Not to mention Mrs. Alito and Mrs. Ginni. They could very well go to jail for their roles in the insurrection. Unless maybe their husbands pardon the felon and make the issue of insurrection go away. How could that not be considered a conflict of interest requiring recusal by Alito and Clarence? What fantasy-land are those two living in?
Thanks, David. Well said. I think you are right. But now I have an ear worm stuck in my head of all the songs from “1776,” the musical, our high school production in 1976. Lol!
Make no mistake...the current batch of Republican politicians have sold out to a Nazi fringe and will do whatever the Fuhrer demands to stay in the good graces of the Nazi mob.
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Thanks for your response…here are a couple of my blog entries related to this topic that you may wish to peruse. Blog is free, and I welcome interested subscribers.
Thank you for defining Tyrumpism as “desensitized sociopathy”.
It seems necessary to have more highly visible activism from citizens similar to the event the DeNiro and Capitol Police held outside the courthouse. Necessary to counter the 2-3 times daily Trump performances spewing lie after lie.
Perhaps, Somehow, we need to reach the Far Right Religious voters who seem to be confusing “Conservative Media” as followers of Christianity.
Let's not be discouraged by the loud outcry from the GOP. It seems as if they've been issued their standard talking points, and amidst all the noise they're basically repeating the same words and phrases. Not a lot of thought, sincerity, or credibility there. And remember that one goal of the entire right-wing messaging machine is to flood the media with so much rage and chaos that we reasonable folks get exhausted and give up. Hang in there! The squeaky wheel may get the grease for now, but the vast majority of reasonable American voters will get the final say.
I am at a loss to understand how any of this is going to be anything be a disaster for the Republicans. Their leader is a convicted felon, and by the election may have been convicted in another courtroom as well. They have stopped legislating and turned to full time whining and threatening. They continue to double and triple down on taking away women's bodily autonomy. And we are about to suffer a series of far right wing Christo-fascist SCOTUS decisions brought to us by Alito, Thomas and their co-conspirators. Gerrymandering will save many of the MAGA house members. Voter suppression may save a few more. But IMHO Cruz, Scott and Hawley are in deep shit no matter what they or the elite media have to say. And with the odious Manchin thinking about running as an independent, Justice is no longer a shoo in from WV.
As for Trump, the majority of Americans are already tired of his act. Shit, even Fox News won't carry a whole rally or news conference to the end anymore. Add to that the real evidence that he is both physically and mentally unwell. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't make it to November. He is a walking, babbling stroke just waiting to happen.
I agree, I think Trump is deteriorating rapidly. He is damaged goods. I am beginning to fear, though, that the billionaires like Koch who seem to control the MAGA extremists will kick Trump to the curb and put Haley in his place at the last minute. She is young and plausible (although scratch the surface and she's an extreme right-wing Tea Partier). Haley is so plausible and so opposite to Trump that I fear she could win. Whoever thought I'd be wanting Trump to go up against Pres. Biden? But he's so compromised--felonies, dementia-- that I think he makes a Biden-Trump contest look favorable for Biden. Biden-Haley, not so sure. Although of course Biden is by a thousand percent the better hope for our American future.
I don't think the majority of the MAGA cult will vote for Haley. After all she is what they hate most - female, brown with a weird name. But what she would do is make life easier for more down ballot near normal Republicans and while she would not be as good for the country as Biden, she would not destroy democracy like Trump. Oh, the next four years would be awful in that George W Bush kind of way, but not a dystopian hellscape. Frankly I'm more worried that the Koch Network replaces Trump with DeSantis or another true believer. Pure MAGA without the drama.
But Peter, don't you think the MAGA billionaires can buy whomever they want and make them say whatever they tell them to say? We know Koch owns Haley and Harlan Crowe owns Clarence; who are they other billionaires in the group, and who owns Mike Johnson? McConnell? Have you noticed that all of them are currently singing from the same song book, in perfect tune, using the exact same words? All the billionaires have to do is write a new script, and they will all obediently sing that song. Even McConnell and Romney are singing about the evil American judiciary system. I'd like to make a list of which billionaire owns which GOPer.
Sure, but who? DeSantis? Cruz? Oh, I know Hawley, Cotton or Vance. The problem they have is that fealty to Trump has tainted them all and none of them can lie worth a damn. And do not forget for one microsecond that Dobbs, IVF, Contraception and SCOTUS corruption are all on the ballot this year and Democrats, especially Democratic women are pissed. And there is not one single Republican with any credibility left on the issue.
You saw how badly he reacted to the NY case. If Jack Smith can get the DC case going before the election I think we'll see a complete breakdown. SCOTUS suspects it too so will likely delay their ruling on immunity until July if they can in hopes Chutkin can't restart the trial in time.
The Press is addicted to the money generated for them when they report anything on Donald.
The 50 million MAGAs are addicted to the feeling of belonging to a cult, wishing and hoping, without reason, that Donald cares about them.
The 147 Congressional Objectors are addicted to the money and short term power they get from selling their sacred honor to Donald. But the ASK to keep loyal gets more expensive for them as Donald sinks.
Trump World is a small core of deceivers, feverishly trying to keep the plates spinning, knowing that at any minute, the unholy mess can all come crashing down.
Even though Trump World is a scam, the Dems (and the rational Republicans) hold back. Biding their time. When will they finally pull the Trumpers' pants down? And expose this con game for what it is.
Donald can't help himself from self-destruction. He's Lonesome Rhodes. He's a cliche. We've seen this movie before.
It's time for Congress to update the Constitution. We need more restrictions on the presidency. If a man can't qualify for a security clearance, he should forfeit the job.
I agree with your premise. However, what you are suggesting would require a constitutional amendment. It is very unlikely to happen at this point in history.
As of now, here in Arizona, the guilty verdict has not "moved the needle," as pundits like to say. Everyone is in knee-jerk reaction mode right now. I agree with what a respected Republican consultant said on a local program yesterday: "...wait three weeks, then poll the voters." As for Biden's campaign, IMO it is best for him to strategically reference the "convicted felon", but focus on "kitchen table" issues with voters. Let the political class and PACs hammer in the message about Trump's legal status, the Republicans, and Project 2025.
You can’t possibly know from anecdotal evidence whether it has moved the needle or not. I think people forget that there are SO MANY people in this country, and the loud mouths plus the people we talk to are very very few of those people.
If he's not a flight risk, yes; and the DA didn't ask for restrictions. If it's any gratification, as a felon Trump can't go to Canada or the UK without special permissions from those places. And probably quite a few other countries. Note IANAL.
And if he can’t travel internationally, how the heck will he visit our allies (or enemies) if he is elected? Convicted felon private citizen Trump also cannot own a gun in several states. Why should we allow him near the nuclear arsenal? ( very proud of the jurors, prosecutors and Judge Merchan)
"The announcement by the Trump campaign that they had raised $52.8 million in the 24 hours after the criminal conviction—closing the gap with the Biden campaign’s fundraising—underscores the certainty that they will not run from Trump’s crimes but lean into them as proof of political persecution." OK. First, one must believe that out of the mouths of chronic liars comes the truth about the funding they received. Second, I most certainly agree that many Americans have become sick and tired of seeing this man-baby and listening to his constant whining. It will eventually wear on the nerves of even his most smitten supporter. What I cannot understand is how often the Republicans have been gifted with the opportunity to rid themselves of this toxic grifter and have chosen to double down on a losing hand. I cannot fathom how the Speaker of the House and members of SCOTUS believe that they will remain unscathed after Trump's goons come for them too.
It’s amazing what happens when you have to take your outlandish claims into court. All of the sudden you need things like proof and evidence, whether you’re trying to steal an election or avoid conviction for a crime.
I’ve been on three juries, two criminal trials and one civil trial. In my experience anyone, ANYONE who acted as Trump has acted inside and outside of the courtroom would have found themselves in lockup for contempt.
He whines that there’s a two tired justice system. He’s right. He gets away with behavior that nobody else would.
Your last sentence is important. Why do you think that happens? I think it's because he lies (and the fallout of his lies) and he has money to pay lawyers. Is there anything else you can think of?
Biden needs to be highly selective with the above, allow key political allies/influencers to carry a more blunt message, Biden provides the highlights and contrasts with humor and confidence - Trump will do the rest this cycle - do not interrupt his own reactionary self inflicted political harms.
His strong man persona is actually his political Achilles heel with most valuable voters - namely independent likely voters who are just emerging within the polls.
As a retired Federal employee who worked in the Defense Department for 24 years , I am most concerned with his stealing Top Secret documents and his willingness to give them to Putin, and others. He has done more than enough damage in his previous four years. Anyone who votes for him is supporting a traitor.
Republicans are suffering from a contagious disease for which there is, while trump walks this earth, no cure. He has repeated the same "trumpery" for years, over and over, until his parrots have adopted the same mindset . They will not change. I wonder if they even consciously think of trump as a person, it has just become a movement from which they cannot extract themselves without admitting they have been wrong, hoodwinked. Instead, they are even more committed to voting for him and giving him money.
While there used to be more Democrats than Republicans, they are now evenly split. That leaves Independents, most of whom are disgusted with both parties, especially the young.
It would benefit Biden and those running for Congress, to concentrate on the issues that concern these undecided voters. They are, in my opinion, high grocery prices (and cars, and gas and , well, everything !),
the flood of South Americans coming to our country, and gun violence. For seniors-low social security payments that no way pay constant incoming bills leading to living on credit cash advances.For women, their rights. And for everyone, the dream of owning a home has ended. I am not an economist, an analyst of national financial problems. Keeps me busy staying solvent with household issues. But surely, there are those who could come up with ways to solve these main interest problems. Democrats need to find them, then, listen to them, then act.They had better hurry up. People don't care about pot holes in the road, NATO, they are becoming immune to Gaza and Ukraine, they don't think about Taiwan or taxes that Jeff Bezos may or may not pay. When it is election time, personal issues that affect the family take precedence.So to answer the question, I don't think the conviction will change voting for those who have already signed up for one party or the other. Go for the others, Democrats. Don't run this election like those in the past. Face the issues, admit them, promise to try to fix them.
I don’t believe in this object “on the fence voter”… despite the historic nature of this verdict it tells us nothing that has not been crystal clear about the Trump crime organization for decades.
Trump voters know all about Trump.
What’s needed is new voters, fresh voters disaffected voters who don’t want to end the American experiment.
When you're on TV can you pls point out that 1. his anti Semitic followers are blaming a Jewish donor for supporting the DA, and that jurors were obviously pro T since they followed his blog, and 3: HE DIDNT CALL ANY WITNESSES TO SAY HIS CONDUCT WAS NOT CRIMINAL!!! His one witness was irrelevant. Blanche was a horrible lawyer he ruined his reputation. The legal press is castigating him. . . . And don't blame the Sup Ct. Name the individuals who are at fault. And who lied during confirmation proceedings. Don't let that be forgotten.
I imagine (hope?) that many people will come to their senses, and change their minds regarding all things convicted felon-citizen Phlegm (former president), and desist in their support. If only Judge Merchan would sentence him to 12 months in prison for his persistent violation of the gag order(s), immature lack of respect or decency regarding our Justice system and those “peers” who found him guilty, or, anyone involved in his prosecution. Now THAT would be something…
The Dems should use the words "convicted felon" in every one of their messaging efforts. It is high time they took the high road, taking no prisoners, going after Trump, et al. in an aggressive campaign on all media platforms. This business of "we're not going to dirty our hands by stooping to Trump's level" is a sure-fire way to lose. Biden is losing. It is imperative that the messaging machine go into high gear from here on out. The complacency of the Biden campaign staff is frightening. This is no time to play nice. Every one of Trump's lies should be called out, over and over. The medium is the message; let's get to it.
If the man had any sense of decency and civic duty, he would abandon his campaign, giving way to others who are not as preoccupied and conflicted; a Liz Cheney and/or Will Hurd perhaps. R party needs to be rebuilt, from the ground up. I can’t think of a better time or place to start.
"If the man had any sense of decency and civic duty..." Sadly, he is lacking in both. Therein lies - and always has - the problem. And his supporters are not much different, if at all.
I imagine that Biden will not say much about the conviction, but everyone else below him will, incessantly. I find it hard to believe that folks needed more evidence that Trump was unqualified to be president after the first time around. Hopefully some fence sitters who were leaning R, will just be disgusted enough to stay home.
We need to provide people specific ideas of what it would be like to have a lawless president compared to their other complaints. This is some of the bad news bothering Donnie.
“ A Morning Consult poll conducted on Friday found 54 percent of registered voters approve of the jury's verdict while 39 percent disapprove. Across party lines, 18 percent of Republicans approve of the verdict while 74 percent disapprove, 52 percent of independents approve while 33 disapprove and 88 percent of Democrats approve while 8 percent disapprove. The poll surveyed 2,220 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.‘
The Trump team thought they were going home in shortly - longer deliberations meant, better odds for the defendant. …
“The judge walked into the courtroom shortly after16:00 local time, and said he planned to dismiss the jury for the day in a half hour. Then he left to talk to them.
Passing the time, Mr Trump and his lead attorney, Todd Blanche, huddled together at the defence table laughing. They looked like old friends sharing a good joke – and Mr Trump’s shoulders even shook in a rare display of mirth.”
Trump, his handlers, his acolytes, including the hateful eight senators, have gone into full defensive mode. They're likely to lash out even more as we move toward November and negatives accumulate. Frightened, defensive people are far more likely to make serious mistakes. Small though those mistakes may be, they do accumulate. This can be exhausting to them and those who follow them. We can hope, and I believe we have reason to hope, that this will lead to burn-out for, at least, some of his core.
On another note, display of political signs or symbols of any kind is not allowed in our neighborhood. We did, however, have a couple of neighbors who had Trump and MAGA oriented flags displayed inside their garages. Last evening as we drove out to dinner, both of them had their garage doors up, and those flags were gone.
At this moment, I'm guardedly hopeful that Trump's conviction will become a telling blow, but I'm assuming nothing. Still a lot of work to do.
Addendum: As I write this, a Washington State group calling themselves "Mainstream Republicans" is convening in Yakima. It will be very interesting to see what comes from that meeting.
Stephen, don’t you think those fundraising figures are something that need to be taken with a grain of salt as is everything that comes out of that campaign? The Donald is a liar and a grifter and ever will be so; his handlers are canny operatives; these people were not completely blindsided by the verdict no matter how much the grifter in chief was himself deluded that he would walk away on this as he has on so many other things. Folks like Bannon and Miller were preparing how to deal with the possibility of a guilty verdict well ahead of time and the trashing of the justice system is part of the plan. journalists must ask to see the ledgers and not just believe the fundraising propaganda without proof. Every single statement that comes out of the GOP from this moment on must be questioned and pushed back against facts are not facts. Truth is not truth. Where is the money coming from? We must not remain stuck in this mode where we just take their claims at face value. it feels uncomfortable to decent normal people to consistently and constantly remain on alert and in battle mode. But we are in the battle of our lives and we must win it.
thank you as always for everything you are doing. Courage!
The Washington Post says Trump lied 30,573 times while in office. Is that 21 lies per day for four years? His trial lawyers trashed Michael Cohen for being a liar. Said we couldn't believe Cohen and should find Trump not guilty because of Cohen's lies. Hmm. I guess they were saying we should believe serial liar Trump because Michael Cohen was such a serial liar. Does anyone else find this horribly funny? It's like Trump accusing Fani Willis of compromising her job because she had an affair with someone in her office. What about sleeping with a bunch of Russian prostitutes, porn stars, and Playboy bunnies? Might that compromise someone's ability to do their job? National security, blackmail, pillow talk security leaks?
For a moment, set aside the guilty verdict itself and just look at the hateful rhetoric he spewed. What a disgrace coming from a person who wants to earn a position of high respect. Totally disgusting and embarrassing for our nation.
I believe there is some fair chance that the criminal conviction of DJT may provide the shockwave that shakes a critical mass of Americans out of the hypnotic trance that has encouraged far too many to flirt foolishly with a dangerous brand of hateful neo-Fascism.
I hope you're right. However, my concern is this simply isn't the case for that kind of reaction. IMO, the DC J6 case and the documents case in FL are much more tangible for people to grasp. Sadly, neither one of those will likely even start before the election, certainly not completed. Too many people don't seem to care about this case. Convicted felon? Absolutely critical. But this will be under appeal during the election, is too complicated for many people, and the media is blasting 24/7 the voices of TFG and his sycophants and acolytes so much so that doubt will be cast into the impact. His supporters don't care and will vote for him regardless. Those who care about democracy and its future will vote for Biden. This is going to come down to a few thousand votes in 5 or 6 states max. I fear the outcome and low information voters.
I think we also need to be talking about the ridiculous letter initiated by Mike Lee and signed onto by seven other senators stating they will no longer do their jobs as elected officials because blah blah blah it’s so unfair. Find me one company in America that would tolerate that from its employees. They need to forfeit their salary and benefits and resign. To publicly state a refusal to work on behalf of We The People who (foolishly) elected you to the job? And even worse they’re trying to expand the numbers of congressional officials who agree to stop working for us. As it is the House is shut down over it with the Speaker absolutely negligent in his duties. Yeah … I’m pretty angry. Trump started this mess but the numbers of utterly shameless people jumping into the sewer with him is something to behold. I guess money and power really is that important to some people.
In Oregon, after repeated legislative sessions where republicans walked out because they didn’t like the proposed bills, we the people signed an initiative to pass a law stating any absences of more than 10 disqualified a member from running for reelection. The walkout republicans challenged it and lost. It’s time for this requirement in congress.
One of my senators, Marsha Blackburn, signed that letter.
I don't think we'll be able to tell in Tennessee whether she's "doing her job" because she only serves her donors not the citizens of Tennessee. VOTE FOR GLORIA JOHNSON!! 💙💙💙 Marsha loves to take credit for any good things done for our state, when she, in fact, voted against doing those things. She's not a lawyer or a doctor but she weighs in on women's health and contraception!
That letter is a despicable violation of their oath. They’re holding the business of the people hostage because they don’t like that their party leader was finally half accountable for his illegal behavior.
What’s so disgusting about this is that the Mike Johnson is not only cozying up to trump, but actually kissing his derrière. He’s has to be one of the worst speakers of the House without any integrity. He’s really good at speaking from both sides of his mouth and is lacking in his knowledge of law - viz wanting to go directly to the SC about Trump’s felony without even passing go.
It will be hard to tell the difference. Most of what they do doesn’t really fall in their job description. It’s not like they’ve been helpful or even decent.
Good for Oregon, 👩💕
The refusal of those eight senators to do the jobs they were elected to do is outrageous. Their defense of a felon, who said in 2016 that “a felon in the White House would cause a constitutional crisis” because of Hillary Clinton’s email issues, is laughable while frightening. The GOP, led by the shrieking comedy team of Comer and Jordan, has spent millions of taxpayer dollars on retributory action against Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Alejandro Mayorkas finding nothing on the scale of the malfeasance the former resident of the Oval Office was guilty of. They are wasting our taxpayer dollars, and are delinquent in their duties. They are claiming a rigged election before the first votes are cast, and somehow forget that “the irregularities” of the 2020 election process (mail-in ballots, early voting) were due to a global pandemic. Republican legislatures in many states attempted to interfere with the process themselves. How much longer will voters put up with the GOP ranting and raving on a script provided by a convicted felon, while the country is waiting for serious legislation, I.e. a border bill agreed on by a bipartisan-partisan committee? Of course, the last occupant of the White House does not wish to be upstaged by Joe Biden’s administration. My prayer is that voters will consider their November 2024 choices seriously.
What is incredibly disheartening to me is the accelerated capitulation of politicians at the highest level. If we compare responses to Jan 6 2021 right after the Capitol attack (almost all GOP senators condemned Trump) and the response after the verdict (almost all immediately jumped on the 'rigged trial' bandwagon), it is clear that our system is far more broken now than it was 3 years ago.
The media is complicit, continuing to normalize a sociopath. And our social communication and cable TV echo chambers ensure that meaningful debate is precluded. There seems to be among nearly half the country and their elected representatives (and some SC justices) a willingness to initiate a completely different political experiment, one which history has shown to be monstrous.
Many in the billionaire class are now openly supporting Trump-- Bill Ackman, Elon Musk, etc.
The verdict seems to have strengthened Trump once again. He wears it as a badge of honor. Remember, he compared himself to Navalny-- never mind that he also presents himself as Putin's best friend. All logic is now off the table.
I'm proud of the twelve jurors. And I'm terrified for our democracy.
Jill, you hit the nail on the head. This is so scary. Very proud of the 12 NewYorkers who did their job NOT like the rethuglicans, who haven't done anything the last ...too many years. 😡 we have one hell of a fight in front of us! It's the money that scares me more than anything. How do we normal people fight against billionaires with unlimited resources! Ugh.
We have billionaires too. Gates, Buffett, Soros, Laurene Powell Jobs, McKenzie Scott (Bezos), etc.
But there comes a point where all that money may not be able to be spent either (just not enough airtime on TV/radio/social media).
They control too many sources of “news/disinformation”
Yes, we do. But they have too many conservative "Christian" billionaire rethuglikkkans... who want to push their agenda over all things...
There resources are not unlimited seize thier assets charge them with tax evasion I'm sure the governments can find it if they look
I think that what we are failing to look at is the history making vote for Joe Biden in 2020. Although Biden has been an excellent president the vote in 2020 was decidedly anti Trump. The Democrats and Independents are antimated once again to come out in numbers that can’t be denied. Just because Republicans are loud does not mean they are winning.
And it's a good reminder that Democrats need to get loud and stay loud!
Correct. I think a vote for Biden is more a vote against trump. No one elicits anger in a person like that guy. I think the majority will tire of his constant whining and tirades.
Unfortunately, thanks to the absurd electoral college, this election will be closer than it should be.
I feel like that historic vote count might not have happened without so many people opting to vote absentee due to Covid. I hope Dems remember this and come out in even larger numbers. I fear that people are just fed up that they have simply checked out.
No one is failing to see history here. A 4-point spread in a general election is not as much as we pretend it is. Only a gambler with a serious addiction would play those odds in Vegas. With only five months remaining till the most important Tuesday of this year, which objective indicators (hope is not objective) would you have us believe indicates a solid and significant popular vote victory for Biden? Need way more than 4 points this time.🧐
My comment is based on the history of Democratic performance from 2018 to 2020 2021 2022 and special elections in 2023. Despite polls that say the contrary we continue to win. I believe our winning record since Trump came on the scene tells us something positive. Under Trump the House Senate and presidency were lost. Democrats have won state Supreme Court seats as well as state and local seats.
Polls are a lot like fortune-telling, don't you think? People like to indulge in them when they go on vacation. Americans spend $2.3 bn a year on fortune-tellers. I wonder how much we spend on polling? Seems like much the same thing to me.
Thanks for the clarification. That makes more sense than the first sentence in your first statement. 2020 Biden election history fanfare is always hyper exaggerated.
Midterm 2022 election performances crushing “the red wave” is an encouraging trend, though I would take an appetite suppressant with those results as that was only 46% voter turnout (according to Gallup). That being said, even in 2020 with Biden we still haven’t broken 70% (66%) voter turnout - and I am not even including improved (since 2020) gerrymandering, voter suppression techniques and efforts, and the ill preparedness in general, nationwide to support more than 70% voter turnout.
I am not saying we don’t have work to do. I also don’t have stars in my eyes about the facts. Democrats are always on the defensive and don’t get credit for the massive grassroots political machine that has been built in all fifty states since 2017. Democrats are voting. 2020 was when 3,000 people were dying of covid a day yet we turned out. I have got to believe that because Roe was overturned and voter suppression has been so bad that we will over perform again. Those 81 million voters for Biden in 2020 know what the stakes are in this election. I wrote for a national postcard group for seven years. I know how Democrats have performed since 2017 in all kinds of races in all 50 states. Our group started with 16 writers in 2017 and has 150,000 now. I live in Georgia ground zero for the 2020 election. We won the senate here. My group wrote 1 million postcards for Ossoff and Warnock. So we have to believe in the work that continues to be done. I would much rather be us than them.
That’s defeatist syntax and a big leap to tyranny when we start framing “us versus them.” If you haven’t already, I suggest you read Timothy Snyder’s book called “On Tyranny.”
I respect your work with the Dem base, but the determining factor this November is how are swing voters, undecideds, independents and homeless Conservative Resurrectionists being courted.
I continue to remain unimpressed with how the DIM campaign process approaches this challenge, thus my concern with turning the next page to yet another chapter to autocracy.
What’s the name of your post card writing group?
Objectively, I think ‘us’ just means the Democratic Party and ‘them’ just means the Republicans party. This is an expression that Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg uses a lot. In the electoral contests, looking at the whole suite of factors that determine which party’s candidates end up with more votes, one would much rather be ‘us’ — the Democratic Party — than ‘them’ — the Republican party. Of course we still have to work like all get-out to GOTV.
IMHO the conviction will hurt Trump badly. The Independents and undecided already have permanent mental images of the Capitol attack. A mugshot with "convicted felon" will further persuade them that this man is too much of a risk. They've seen lots of smoke, but this is a glimpse of the flames.
The Biden team needs to pound on those pictures.
I’m hopeful that Judge Merchan, cloaked in the might of American Justice, will show that the rule of law will not be mocked with impunity, and accordingly impose sanctions that are in direct proportion to Trump’s contempt of it. Power exists to be used. For some, it’s intoxicating and capricious. For us it must be both the shield and, when assailed, the SWORD.
Thank you, Jack. You have eloquently expressed the proper use of power. May Judge Merchan bravely and wisely wield his on our behalf.
I'm thinking Judge Merchan should sentence Trump to house arrest in Trump Tower for, say, 6 months. Maybe he could be let out on weekends to campaign for the presidency.
30 days for each violation—11 so far—of the gag order and then maybe a 2 year sentence served concurrently with the possibility of a suspended sentence at the end of one year for good behavior?
I like the message: "Trump confined to Tower."
House arrest from June to November. His sentence could end on Election Day. -;)
A little background, I’m the son of a (now deceased WW2) veteran and grew up in the home of second generation Italian Americans, where like my parents I grew an unwavering Love of this nation. We are imperfect as a nation but every generation has shown growth and promise of a better society until this one. In the 1990’s under speaker Gingrich polarization and “party purity” really grew legs. It crippled legislation and led to high government congressional members more interested in keeping power than doing their jobs. These last 48 hours have made me fear for the country that I love. Based on commentary by high office republicans, whether out of cowardice (of the base and losing power), or they actually believe the bullshit they say? What I do know is that we are in danger of losing this republic and every vote counts. Dr. Biden said it best, we are in a battle of good vs. evil. However, Even when Trump is defeated (I pray to divine Providence) the stain of Trumpism and Maga will still remain. I only remain hopeful by the Liz Cheneys and Adam Kitzingers who put the country above themselves. Other than those two the last two days have shown that Republican Party no longer exists.
If it is true that 15-17% of his supporters say they will not vote for him IF he is convicted?
Then the GOP has only 2 choices. 1- Lose Lose Lose or stick with him & Lose Lose Lose
Seeing GOP exactly parrot Kremlin talking points - "Kremlin defends Trump, claims he is being politically targeted"
Journalists are still failing US by confronting the real question:
Is GOP really protecting Trump or themselves?
God only knows what we might be in for if he loses again.
Anything will be better than what the whole world is in for if he wins. It’s an absolute non starter and MUST not happen.
I agree, it will be a sorry state of affairs and a disaster for the nation, and the world! 👩🤬
Then what I Say to those evil insurrectionist bastards is BRING IT!!!
But I think there's only about 30 million MAGAs, right? That leaves 320 million "other." Surely that majority can prevail against whatever blood bath they cook up.
Or if he wins!
In my irrational moments, I believe the best bet is for the D’s to print millions of 8x10 pictures with “Felon” etched across Trump’s face and attach those simple pictures to millions of power poles across the land. Simple, direct—and it shows that when they go low, we can go lower to explode them on their own petards. In my rational moments, I believe the same thing. We can no longer appeal to a rationality that doesn’t exist. Short-attention-span media rules our ADHD culture, so let’s dive in and post those pictures everywhere.
I have a printer and ink. And telephone poles. Great idea!
Since nobody can say how the guilty felony verdict will impact the election, I’ll freely add my two cents to our collective pool of ignorance.
As long as Lee, Hawley, Tuberville, and the rest band together, we won’t see any real change in the Republican Party’s circling the sewer drain. They NEED to stick together behind Trump because they are complicit in the upcoming J6 trials, and face a similar fate if Trump goes down for that as well. They “hang together or, …hang apart” as one of our founding fathers said when signing the declaration of Independence from England. They know their “cause” shares none of the nobility of that one, but they are trying to sell that idea anyway. They all need to face the music for their seditious behaviour, and thay are freaking out because this guilty verdict makes that possibility more likely.
This is exactly it. Those minions who showed up outside the courthouse, dressed as the Combover King, to play proxy violator of judicial gag order, NEED him to get PARDON POWER again because they were all active in the conspiracy to stage a coup.
End of story.
Wow, David you are so right. I actually didn't think of it that way but, of course, if he goes down, they too may be held accountable! Oh that would be poetic justice! Thanks
Not to mention Mrs. Alito and Mrs. Ginni. They could very well go to jail for their roles in the insurrection. Unless maybe their husbands pardon the felon and make the issue of insurrection go away. How could that not be considered a conflict of interest requiring recusal by Alito and Clarence? What fantasy-land are those two living in?
Thanks, David. Well said. I think you are right. But now I have an ear worm stuck in my head of all the songs from “1776,” the musical, our high school production in 1976. Lol!
Make no mistake...the current batch of Republican politicians have sold out to a Nazi fringe and will do whatever the Fuhrer demands to stay in the good graces of the Nazi mob.
Thanks for your response…here are a couple of my blog entries related to this topic that you may wish to peruse. Blog is free, and I welcome interested subscribers.
MAGA-Mafiosi Heed the Boss’s Instructions:
Trump Channels Hitler…Thousands Cheer, and the GOP Shrugs:
Kash Patel: Embodiment of the Incompetent, Unqualified and Corrupt Sycophants Trump Would Ensconce at the Top of our Government:
Thanks for your response…here are a couple of my blog entries related to this topic that you may wish to peruse. Blog is free, and I welcome interested subscribers.
MAGA-Mafiosi Heed the Boss’s Instructions:
Trump Channels Hitler…Thousands Cheer, and the GOP Shrugs:
Kash Patel: Embodiment of the Incompetent, Unqualified and Corrupt Sycophants Trump Would Ensconce at the Top of our Government:
I would like to see proof of the thirty five million raised. So many lies bring every statement into question.
And regardless of the number, the more relevant number is what will be left after siphoning off money for legal fees.
And the money he owes E. Jean.
Though surely that's a step beyond what supposed campaign money can be used for?
Same thing I was thinking. Everything surrounding this despicable loser is a lie.
I think that some of his supporters don’t recognize dysfunctional behavior because it may be part of their lives. So it’s no big deal for them.
It's insanity pure and simple. We are headed into a dark dark time I believe. Voter intimidation tactics have begun in Texas.
Thank you for defining Tyrumpism as “desensitized sociopathy”.
It seems necessary to have more highly visible activism from citizens similar to the event the DeNiro and Capitol Police held outside the courthouse. Necessary to counter the 2-3 times daily Trump performances spewing lie after lie.
Perhaps, Somehow, we need to reach the Far Right Religious voters who seem to be confusing “Conservative Media” as followers of Christianity.
(I think of my family)💔
Let's not be discouraged by the loud outcry from the GOP. It seems as if they've been issued their standard talking points, and amidst all the noise they're basically repeating the same words and phrases. Not a lot of thought, sincerity, or credibility there. And remember that one goal of the entire right-wing messaging machine is to flood the media with so much rage and chaos that we reasonable folks get exhausted and give up. Hang in there! The squeaky wheel may get the grease for now, but the vast majority of reasonable American voters will get the final say.
I am at a loss to understand how any of this is going to be anything be a disaster for the Republicans. Their leader is a convicted felon, and by the election may have been convicted in another courtroom as well. They have stopped legislating and turned to full time whining and threatening. They continue to double and triple down on taking away women's bodily autonomy. And we are about to suffer a series of far right wing Christo-fascist SCOTUS decisions brought to us by Alito, Thomas and their co-conspirators. Gerrymandering will save many of the MAGA house members. Voter suppression may save a few more. But IMHO Cruz, Scott and Hawley are in deep shit no matter what they or the elite media have to say. And with the odious Manchin thinking about running as an independent, Justice is no longer a shoo in from WV.
As for Trump, the majority of Americans are already tired of his act. Shit, even Fox News won't carry a whole rally or news conference to the end anymore. Add to that the real evidence that he is both physically and mentally unwell. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't make it to November. He is a walking, babbling stroke just waiting to happen.
I agree, I think Trump is deteriorating rapidly. He is damaged goods. I am beginning to fear, though, that the billionaires like Koch who seem to control the MAGA extremists will kick Trump to the curb and put Haley in his place at the last minute. She is young and plausible (although scratch the surface and she's an extreme right-wing Tea Partier). Haley is so plausible and so opposite to Trump that I fear she could win. Whoever thought I'd be wanting Trump to go up against Pres. Biden? But he's so compromised--felonies, dementia-- that I think he makes a Biden-Trump contest look favorable for Biden. Biden-Haley, not so sure. Although of course Biden is by a thousand percent the better hope for our American future.
I don't think the majority of the MAGA cult will vote for Haley. After all she is what they hate most - female, brown with a weird name. But what she would do is make life easier for more down ballot near normal Republicans and while she would not be as good for the country as Biden, she would not destroy democracy like Trump. Oh, the next four years would be awful in that George W Bush kind of way, but not a dystopian hellscape. Frankly I'm more worried that the Koch Network replaces Trump with DeSantis or another true believer. Pure MAGA without the drama.
But Peter, don't you think the MAGA billionaires can buy whomever they want and make them say whatever they tell them to say? We know Koch owns Haley and Harlan Crowe owns Clarence; who are they other billionaires in the group, and who owns Mike Johnson? McConnell? Have you noticed that all of them are currently singing from the same song book, in perfect tune, using the exact same words? All the billionaires have to do is write a new script, and they will all obediently sing that song. Even McConnell and Romney are singing about the evil American judiciary system. I'd like to make a list of which billionaire owns which GOPer.
Sure, but who? DeSantis? Cruz? Oh, I know Hawley, Cotton or Vance. The problem they have is that fealty to Trump has tainted them all and none of them can lie worth a damn. And do not forget for one microsecond that Dobbs, IVF, Contraception and SCOTUS corruption are all on the ballot this year and Democrats, especially Democratic women are pissed. And there is not one single Republican with any credibility left on the issue.
I hope you’re correct, and we don’t have to wait long! 👩
You saw how badly he reacted to the NY case. If Jack Smith can get the DC case going before the election I think we'll see a complete breakdown. SCOTUS suspects it too so will likely delay their ruling on immunity until July if they can in hopes Chutkin can't restart the trial in time.
Donald is addicted to attention.
The Press is addicted to the money generated for them when they report anything on Donald.
The 50 million MAGAs are addicted to the feeling of belonging to a cult, wishing and hoping, without reason, that Donald cares about them.
The 147 Congressional Objectors are addicted to the money and short term power they get from selling their sacred honor to Donald. But the ASK to keep loyal gets more expensive for them as Donald sinks.
Trump World is a small core of deceivers, feverishly trying to keep the plates spinning, knowing that at any minute, the unholy mess can all come crashing down.
Even though Trump World is a scam, the Dems (and the rational Republicans) hold back. Biding their time. When will they finally pull the Trumpers' pants down? And expose this con game for what it is.
Donald can't help himself from self-destruction. He's Lonesome Rhodes. He's a cliche. We've seen this movie before.
He is the spawn of PT Barnum and Archie Bunker!
It's time for Congress to update the Constitution. We need more restrictions on the presidency. If a man can't qualify for a security clearance, he should forfeit the job.
I agree with your premise. However, what you are suggesting would require a constitutional amendment. It is very unlikely to happen at this point in history.
As of now, here in Arizona, the guilty verdict has not "moved the needle," as pundits like to say. Everyone is in knee-jerk reaction mode right now. I agree with what a respected Republican consultant said on a local program yesterday: "...wait three weeks, then poll the voters." As for Biden's campaign, IMO it is best for him to strategically reference the "convicted felon", but focus on "kitchen table" issues with voters. Let the political class and PACs hammer in the message about Trump's legal status, the Republicans, and Project 2025.
You can’t possibly know from anecdotal evidence whether it has moved the needle or not. I think people forget that there are SO MANY people in this country, and the loud mouths plus the people we talk to are very very few of those people.
Is it normal for a miscreant convicted of felonies to just walk out of court? That seems off to me.
He’s a man, white, and supposedly wealthy. That’s how it works. They walk free unencumbered not even by an ankle bracelet.
It’s disgusting and simply unacceptable.
I do hope the Democrats remind all of his real crimes. Repeat them with great frequency.
If he's not a flight risk, yes; and the DA didn't ask for restrictions. If it's any gratification, as a felon Trump can't go to Canada or the UK without special permissions from those places. And probably quite a few other countries. Note IANAL.
And if he can’t travel internationally, how the heck will he visit our allies (or enemies) if he is elected? Convicted felon private citizen Trump also cannot own a gun in several states. Why should we allow him near the nuclear arsenal? ( very proud of the jurors, prosecutors and Judge Merchan)
Oh dear, how sad - he's just blown his chances of visiting the two golf courses he owns in Scotland...
Sunak might have granted permission, but I can't see Starmer allowing it as a former Director of Public Prosecutions 😎
Wonder how long it will be before somebody replaces the sign saying Trump Turnberry with Convicted Felon Turnberry 🤣
"The announcement by the Trump campaign that they had raised $52.8 million in the 24 hours after the criminal conviction—closing the gap with the Biden campaign’s fundraising—underscores the certainty that they will not run from Trump’s crimes but lean into them as proof of political persecution." OK. First, one must believe that out of the mouths of chronic liars comes the truth about the funding they received. Second, I most certainly agree that many Americans have become sick and tired of seeing this man-baby and listening to his constant whining. It will eventually wear on the nerves of even his most smitten supporter. What I cannot understand is how often the Republicans have been gifted with the opportunity to rid themselves of this toxic grifter and have chosen to double down on a losing hand. I cannot fathom how the Speaker of the House and members of SCOTUS believe that they will remain unscathed after Trump's goons come for them too.
Why would anyone believe the GLOAT (Greatest Liar of All Time) about how much money he says he raised?
It’s amazing what happens when you have to take your outlandish claims into court. All of the sudden you need things like proof and evidence, whether you’re trying to steal an election or avoid conviction for a crime.
I’ve been on three juries, two criminal trials and one civil trial. In my experience anyone, ANYONE who acted as Trump has acted inside and outside of the courtroom would have found themselves in lockup for contempt.
He whines that there’s a two tired justice system. He’s right. He gets away with behavior that nobody else would.
Your last sentence is important. Why do you think that happens? I think it's because he lies (and the fallout of his lies) and he has money to pay lawyers. Is there anything else you can think of?
First, please continue your great Substack work.
Democratic strategy:
Engage, highlight, contrast, goad and stand back.
Biden needs to be highly selective with the above, allow key political allies/influencers to carry a more blunt message, Biden provides the highlights and contrasts with humor and confidence - Trump will do the rest this cycle - do not interrupt his own reactionary self inflicted political harms.
His strong man persona is actually his political Achilles heel with most valuable voters - namely independent likely voters who are just emerging within the polls.
As a retired Federal employee who worked in the Defense Department for 24 years , I am most concerned with his stealing Top Secret documents and his willingness to give them to Putin, and others. He has done more than enough damage in his previous four years. Anyone who votes for him is supporting a traitor.
Republicans are suffering from a contagious disease for which there is, while trump walks this earth, no cure. He has repeated the same "trumpery" for years, over and over, until his parrots have adopted the same mindset . They will not change. I wonder if they even consciously think of trump as a person, it has just become a movement from which they cannot extract themselves without admitting they have been wrong, hoodwinked. Instead, they are even more committed to voting for him and giving him money.
While there used to be more Democrats than Republicans, they are now evenly split. That leaves Independents, most of whom are disgusted with both parties, especially the young.
It would benefit Biden and those running for Congress, to concentrate on the issues that concern these undecided voters. They are, in my opinion, high grocery prices (and cars, and gas and , well, everything !),
the flood of South Americans coming to our country, and gun violence. For seniors-low social security payments that no way pay constant incoming bills leading to living on credit cash advances.For women, their rights. And for everyone, the dream of owning a home has ended. I am not an economist, an analyst of national financial problems. Keeps me busy staying solvent with household issues. But surely, there are those who could come up with ways to solve these main interest problems. Democrats need to find them, then, listen to them, then act.They had better hurry up. People don't care about pot holes in the road, NATO, they are becoming immune to Gaza and Ukraine, they don't think about Taiwan or taxes that Jeff Bezos may or may not pay. When it is election time, personal issues that affect the family take precedence.So to answer the question, I don't think the conviction will change voting for those who have already signed up for one party or the other. Go for the others, Democrats. Don't run this election like those in the past. Face the issues, admit them, promise to try to fix them.
You ask how this has happened ?
Rupert Murdoch is 1 of The Key Felons
Media Manipulation & a Fascist Death Cult in the mold of Jimmy Jones
IT IS TIME that The Truth was told - that The American Media is about 60-70% Utttttter Shiiiiiiite
How do I think Trump’s criminal conviction will affect the election?
I think Biden-supporting folks are going to expend much greater effort than in 2020 to convince on-the-fence family members to vote against Trump.
I don’t believe in this object “on the fence voter”… despite the historic nature of this verdict it tells us nothing that has not been crystal clear about the Trump crime organization for decades.
Trump voters know all about Trump.
What’s needed is new voters, fresh voters disaffected voters who don’t want to end the American experiment.
It would be ready to spread on toast if it wasn't so poisonous.
Toxic Melon Dropped
May 30, 2024
Small, round, soft, with spoiled spots,
a felon, a Patty Melon, splattered
on Centre Street. Splashing desiccated
seeds that were once viable. Scraped up,
these seeds are not put into the compost.
It is an invasive species, that can be deadly
to humans, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs.
To be safe, this Prickly Melon’s seeds
are sent to the waste treatment incinerator.
The people who bought this pretty face,
over-ripe squash, are free as scree—
while others clean up the mess
the rubble left from erosion of a mountain.
When you're on TV can you pls point out that 1. his anti Semitic followers are blaming a Jewish donor for supporting the DA, and that jurors were obviously pro T since they followed his blog, and 3: HE DIDNT CALL ANY WITNESSES TO SAY HIS CONDUCT WAS NOT CRIMINAL!!! His one witness was irrelevant. Blanche was a horrible lawyer he ruined his reputation. The legal press is castigating him. . . . And don't blame the Sup Ct. Name the individuals who are at fault. And who lied during confirmation proceedings. Don't let that be forgotten.
I imagine (hope?) that many people will come to their senses, and change their minds regarding all things convicted felon-citizen Phlegm (former president), and desist in their support. If only Judge Merchan would sentence him to 12 months in prison for his persistent violation of the gag order(s), immature lack of respect or decency regarding our Justice system and those “peers” who found him guilty, or, anyone involved in his prosecution. Now THAT would be something…
The Dems should use the words "convicted felon" in every one of their messaging efforts. It is high time they took the high road, taking no prisoners, going after Trump, et al. in an aggressive campaign on all media platforms. This business of "we're not going to dirty our hands by stooping to Trump's level" is a sure-fire way to lose. Biden is losing. It is imperative that the messaging machine go into high gear from here on out. The complacency of the Biden campaign staff is frightening. This is no time to play nice. Every one of Trump's lies should be called out, over and over. The medium is the message; let's get to it.
If the man had any sense of decency and civic duty, he would abandon his campaign, giving way to others who are not as preoccupied and conflicted; a Liz Cheney and/or Will Hurd perhaps. R party needs to be rebuilt, from the ground up. I can’t think of a better time or place to start.
"If the man had any sense of decency and civic duty..." Sadly, he is lacking in both. Therein lies - and always has - the problem. And his supporters are not much different, if at all.
I imagine that Biden will not say much about the conviction, but everyone else below him will, incessantly. I find it hard to believe that folks needed more evidence that Trump was unqualified to be president after the first time around. Hopefully some fence sitters who were leaning R, will just be disgusted enough to stay home.
I agree. I think Biden should stay clean from this, but his underlings can throw as much dirt as they can.
We need to provide people specific ideas of what it would be like to have a lawless president compared to their other complaints. This is some of the bad news bothering Donnie.
“ A Morning Consult poll conducted on Friday found 54 percent of registered voters approve of the jury's verdict while 39 percent disapprove. Across party lines, 18 percent of Republicans approve of the verdict while 74 percent disapprove, 52 percent of independents approve while 33 disapprove and 88 percent of Democrats approve while 8 percent disapprove. The poll surveyed 2,220 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.‘
The Trump team thought they were going home in shortly - longer deliberations meant, better odds for the defendant. …
“The judge walked into the courtroom shortly after16:00 local time, and said he planned to dismiss the jury for the day in a half hour. Then he left to talk to them.
Passing the time, Mr Trump and his lead attorney, Todd Blanche, huddled together at the defence table laughing. They looked like old friends sharing a good joke – and Mr Trump’s shoulders even shook in a rare display of mirth.”
I can only report what I see.
Trump, his handlers, his acolytes, including the hateful eight senators, have gone into full defensive mode. They're likely to lash out even more as we move toward November and negatives accumulate. Frightened, defensive people are far more likely to make serious mistakes. Small though those mistakes may be, they do accumulate. This can be exhausting to them and those who follow them. We can hope, and I believe we have reason to hope, that this will lead to burn-out for, at least, some of his core.
On another note, display of political signs or symbols of any kind is not allowed in our neighborhood. We did, however, have a couple of neighbors who had Trump and MAGA oriented flags displayed inside their garages. Last evening as we drove out to dinner, both of them had their garage doors up, and those flags were gone.
At this moment, I'm guardedly hopeful that Trump's conviction will become a telling blow, but I'm assuming nothing. Still a lot of work to do.
Addendum: As I write this, a Washington State group calling themselves "Mainstream Republicans" is convening in Yakima. It will be very interesting to see what comes from that meeting.
Stephen, don’t you think those fundraising figures are something that need to be taken with a grain of salt as is everything that comes out of that campaign? The Donald is a liar and a grifter and ever will be so; his handlers are canny operatives; these people were not completely blindsided by the verdict no matter how much the grifter in chief was himself deluded that he would walk away on this as he has on so many other things. Folks like Bannon and Miller were preparing how to deal with the possibility of a guilty verdict well ahead of time and the trashing of the justice system is part of the plan. journalists must ask to see the ledgers and not just believe the fundraising propaganda without proof. Every single statement that comes out of the GOP from this moment on must be questioned and pushed back against facts are not facts. Truth is not truth. Where is the money coming from? We must not remain stuck in this mode where we just take their claims at face value. it feels uncomfortable to decent normal people to consistently and constantly remain on alert and in battle mode. But we are in the battle of our lives and we must win it.
thank you as always for everything you are doing. Courage!
The Washington Post says Trump lied 30,573 times while in office. Is that 21 lies per day for four years? His trial lawyers trashed Michael Cohen for being a liar. Said we couldn't believe Cohen and should find Trump not guilty because of Cohen's lies. Hmm. I guess they were saying we should believe serial liar Trump because Michael Cohen was such a serial liar. Does anyone else find this horribly funny? It's like Trump accusing Fani Willis of compromising her job because she had an affair with someone in her office. What about sleeping with a bunch of Russian prostitutes, porn stars, and Playboy bunnies? Might that compromise someone's ability to do their job? National security, blackmail, pillow talk security leaks?
For a moment, set aside the guilty verdict itself and just look at the hateful rhetoric he spewed. What a disgrace coming from a person who wants to earn a position of high respect. Totally disgusting and embarrassing for our nation.
I like the term “desensitized sociopathy.” It’s not particularly catchy for protesters’ chants, for example, but it’s highly accurate!
I believe there is some fair chance that the criminal conviction of DJT may provide the shockwave that shakes a critical mass of Americans out of the hypnotic trance that has encouraged far too many to flirt foolishly with a dangerous brand of hateful neo-Fascism.
It was never reasonable that he had enough support to win even once.
I am not a fan of the Clintons, but nothing could be more obvious than the aptness of the phrase basket of deplorables.
I hope you're right. However, my concern is this simply isn't the case for that kind of reaction. IMO, the DC J6 case and the documents case in FL are much more tangible for people to grasp. Sadly, neither one of those will likely even start before the election, certainly not completed. Too many people don't seem to care about this case. Convicted felon? Absolutely critical. But this will be under appeal during the election, is too complicated for many people, and the media is blasting 24/7 the voices of TFG and his sycophants and acolytes so much so that doubt will be cast into the impact. His supporters don't care and will vote for him regardless. Those who care about democracy and its future will vote for Biden. This is going to come down to a few thousand votes in 5 or 6 states max. I fear the outcome and low information voters.