In a sane world we would not tolerate child poverty (looking at you Joe Manchin). In a sane world we would not pollute the environment upon which we depend for food, water, and clean air to breathe. In a sane world, income and and wealth inequality would not be so obscenely large and those doing the work would share in the benefits. In a sane world we would reward our teachers who prepare the next generation to carry in the work that is needed. In a sane world we would not privatize all the benefits and socialize the losses.

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In a sane world we would amend our Constitution to assure our Democracy survives into the next century. Those amendments would include several of Steven's 21 examples of a sane country. I'll start with three: establish term limits for members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Next, all American's votes are equal, which would eliminate the Electoral College The President would be elected by the majority of voters. And lastly, stop the influence dark money and power on our law makers, judges, and our elections.

Let's call it the 45th Amendment, so that we never forget what the 45th president and his followers have done to our Democracy. In the future, citizens need to be assured that our leaders and judges will follow their oath of their office to, "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

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Please add to your list that in a sane world, domestic violence would not be labeled a misdemeanor and women would not be murdered on a regular basis by their male partners or ex partners, nor would they have to leave their homes or get useless restraining orders, in order to protect themselves

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In a sane world, we would never heard of Donald Trump except for being a dilettante; in a sane world, we would learn from the mistakes of the past and NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. In a sane world, Donald Trump will be tried and convicted and sent to jail where he will live out his disgusting life in an orange jumpsuit. From my mouth to God’s ears....

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Thank you again, Steven, for so succinctly delineating how utterly insane our world has become, and, with each surreal event, appears to be cascading downward. The surreal is, in all 21 described events, the real. We cannot allow ourselves to slip into a type of catatonia from the trauma of the overwhelming insanity. We have to come out of our technological “silos”, and make our voices heard in every way to promote the common good of everyone. The voices for authoritarianism are loud, and seem to get much more amplification time, than the voices of reason.

In my own state of Ohio, to add an example to your 21 insane realities above, our Ohio Supreme Court ruled in 1997, that the way we fund public education in Ohio, violates the state Constitution, and must be remedied. What have state “elected” officials done, but undermined public education, in every way imaginable over the last 26 years, including, gradually giving, to private educational systems, billions of public tax dollars, with zero guidelines to those private entities regarding accountability. Most Ohioans appear to be silent on this blatant Constitutional violation, and those who are aware, know the irreversible damage this will cause to our democracy and any sense of the common good going forward.

There are many more examples to add to your 21 big ones, above, but I will stop here and ask rhetorically, “What can we do about all this?” Well, I think, for one thing, we must continue to support one another, and do all we can to make our voices for social justice be heard and, in some way, a reality. As Ben Franklin purportedly said, (when the risks for democracy seemed to be life threatening), “If we don’t ‘hang together’ we will most assuredly hang separately.” Thank you, Steven.

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Well it is quite obvious that we are NOT living in a sane world!

I am blocking out the insanity as best that I can and am determined to do my small part in changing the story line here by voting and supporting those who want to create a sane world here now.

Thank You Steven

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Heh. I'm having a go round on another Substack with a guy who thinks that the REASON scOTUS's reputation is tarnished is that people keep COMPLAINING about the unethical actions of the justices. If only we'd all shut up and let them get on with being bribed, we could all still trust the court to operate objectively.

Using that reasoning, the only reason trump is indicted is that people, including the DOJ and Georgia prosecutor, OBJECT to his taking and keeping classified documents or scheming to set up fake electors or threatening a secretary of state who won't change the vote count. If only people would shut up about his breaking the laws, he'd enjoy an untarnished reputation.

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The last reminds me of this era, Susan: If only people would stop counting Covid cases and producing pesky testing statistics, Covid-19 would be gone in a week.

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Luckily too late for that. Donnie has lost / settled cases for decades. He’s like others who got more power & more bold and it is coming back to haunt him. Moments ago the news broke that NY has come through again. Legal analysts are still going through the decision At least there is a little more sanity in this situation:

--Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling in a civil lawsuit brought by New York’s attorney general, found that the former president and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing.

“Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee the Trump Organization’s operations. --


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Let me be crystal clear here. The state of American politics and governance is at a crossroads, and the path we've been on is nothing short of disastrous. We can't tiptoe around it; we have to confront our own complacency head-on.

In 2020, only 158 million Americans cast their votes. That's a mere 47.88% of our population of 330 million strong. It's shameful. But it doesn't stop there; in other election years, even fewer show up to the polls. Is it any wonder we're stuck with the elected officials we've got? We've been lethargic, complacent, more interested in other distractions than the fate of our nation. We've allowed this country to turn into the mess it is today, and there's no one else to point the finger at but ourselves!

If only we had been diligent, truly diligent, in researching and understanding the candidates we voted for, we could've chosen leaders who actually prioritize the values of democracy.

But let me tell you, it's not just about the grand show of presidential elections. Local elections, midterm elections—they matter just as much! They could've been our safeguard against the rise of extremists in Congress, ensuring a more balanced representation.

Our media, our watchdogs, must refuse to normalize extreme rhetoric and violent talk. They have a crucial role in shaping public opinion and showing us the danger of deranged leaders.

Elected officials, regardless of party, should be held to account for their actions. Corruption charges, ethical violations—those should be enough to force resignations, not denial.

And our justices, those who sit on the highest bench in the land, they should uphold the highest ethical standards to maintain the credibility and esteem of the Supreme Court.

Legislation on gun control and the banning of assault rifles—imagine how many lives could've been saved if we had acted on that! Mass shootings could've been significantly reduced.

We can't ignore the root causes of extremism, the economic insecurity, the grievances. Addressing those could've stripped white supremacy of its appeal.

It all boils down to one thing: an engaged, informed citizenry, a responsible media, ethical leadership, and effective legislation could've spared us from the very issues we now face. It's a collective duty to ensure the health and stability of our democratic society, and we cannot afford to shirk that responsibility any longer!

Use this Substack resource that provides step-by-step guidance on how to engage with your elected representatives, including the President of the United States. If you're dissatisfied with the state of affairs in America, consider taking the same actions I have in recent months. Instead of constant complaints, I channeled my energy into actively participating in the democratic process. I began by voting in my local ward elections here in Las Vegas, Nevada, and will continue all the way to the presidential elections next year. Additionally, I initiated correspondence with all my elected officials, and this website can assist you in doing the same. I've shifted from complaining to taking action.


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Thank you for your sharp observations, Gloria. Like you, I believe it is in our power to regain a functioning democracy and healthier body politic. But it will take greater engagement—and not just to boost the dismal turnout numbers at election time—but also creating the conditions and expectations of ethical leadership.

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You always inspire me.

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I love Jessica Craven!!

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So, these have been problems for years! The country seems to lurches from idealism and "we're all in it together," to "I want mine, and the hell with you." Meanwhile, the battle between capital and labor have always been there. And it's easy to forget the excesses of the past. And the media (I think of it as just a megaphone), is promoting short "blocks" of tabloid type headlines, to entice eyeballs, not really educating the viewers on what a thriving country should be. Consider the irony of Juliani 1.0 after 9/11, and Juliani 2.0 after DJT. Fall from Grace is such an understatement. Even Tom Wolfe, as they say, could never have predicted this story. If the goal is selling ads vs. selling (actually promoting) fundamental principles, we're doomed. There are SO many fabulous organizations promoting Democracy and civic decency. There are indeed so many fundamentally decent people throughout the country who know better. How can their voices be drowned out by the few, the reckless, and what seem like the soulless. There must be brilliant writers who have addressed this. Maybe the problem is that wisdom doesn't sell and doesn't make those who own the megaphones the billionaires they want to be. My 2 cts, TV used to have hour-long thoughtful interviews of such thoughtful people, good at diagnosing and remedying national problems. I think at least some media are inviting "not the usual suspects" to express themselves and be exposed to questions. However, I sort of think they need Oxford debaters, not the glib (bright, nice, attractive, but glib and simplistic) hosts that are filling "blocks" to promote mass appeal to get ratings to ultimately sell products to make media moguls the billionaires they strive to be. My 2 cts. FWIW sadly.

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WOW ! Just WOW! Thanks for compiling this 3rd list of what a sane world would look like. I just wished we could clean out the INSANITY as quickly as possible.

Maybe even fix a few of them at a time? But no unfortunately because those that benefit will fight any change no matter how crazy things get. So, even with that negative thought, I hope to do a few small things to change the direction of the needle toward more sanity.

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There have been things in the past that were senseless, but they seem to be getting more frequent and more serious. A lot of the things you mention would have been scorned in the past. We seem to have lost some of our sense of honor, and the ability to feel shame.

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We might even be able to create a giant fish in the sky if we all concentrated on what we want instead of complaining about what is happening now... a common vision of the future. The fish seems less complicated than sending a spaceship to an asteroid, plucking a cup of rocks, returning those rocks to earth in a pinpoint parachute landing in the Utah dessert. Good job NASA.

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It’s evident in the latest polls, showing Pres Biden and Trump virtually tied in regards to how people plan to vote in the 2024 election, that apparently a majority of Trump voters do not appreciate how many of their personal freedoms will be infringed upon with an Automatic/Fascist style government.

When will the Dems get smart and show on major media outlets the ugly hard truths Fascism will bring. Stop using only logic to fight the fight of our lives.

Simultaneously let the level headed Dems find those on the other side of the aisle willing to keep working for a compromise.

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The preservation of American democracy depends upon the adherence to the Constitution of the United States. How many citizens know what it says? Well, they know/think the 2nd Amendment allows them to carry any kind of a gun anywhere. They know the 1st Amendment is a right to free speech because trump keeps barking that "they" are trying to take it away from him. I would bet a large number know nothing more than that. Who believes Lauren Boebert knows what it says?? I would bet there are those who don't even know how many stripes are on our flag and why? How can there be what we would desire as a sane world with a nation of know nothings? And why? It all comes down to educational requirements. Tests are taken to receive a driver's license. SATs are taken for college admittance. Rigorous tests are taken to get a plumber's license. Pilots must take special training to fly a plane overseas. Those wishing to become citizens of America must learn and answer. But what knowledge is required of a state or federal official who takes an oath to support the Constitution. None.

A course of study should be required of all students, and just like they can fail a grade and have to take it over again, so should that be the case with this. (But can you see this being recommended by DeSantis !! Or others who forbid even the remembering of slavery.) Any state or federal elected who must take the oath should have to take an orientation class or two on just what they are "oathing" to.

Just as disobeying the Ten Commandments is frowned upon, so should be the violation of any commands within the Constitution, and, with an official committee composed of all parties with constitutional knowledge, the offender should be required to step down.

As for the media, straight reporting is telling what is. Otherwise, it must be called opinion .Newspapers always had opinion pieces on the editorial page, but such journals are disappearing day after day. Nightly news used to be an hour long. Now, in half an hour, ads take over , most of them geared toward the old - medicine to tell your doctor you want to take, like dr doesn't know what's what and what is best for his patient. Cable more lenient, opinionated. I liked very much last evening that on CNN, Jim Acosta confronted Republican Ralph Norman on his and his hardliner friends, their unwillingness to keep the government from shutting down. Acosta often said that's not true, refuted the rep's nonsensical statements. I am disappointed that NBC spent wasted time interviewing trump on Meet The Press. What is left for him to say that he hasn't said a thousand times? It just rouses his base more. The first 9 minutes were cut from view as Welker could not control the subject. Unfortunately, money is the bottom line for the networks; trump brings viewers, viewers bring more ad money.

In summary, above recommendation will never happen, I think Menendez will go, Thomas will stay, Biden will not be impeached tho' son is a drag, Christie will withdraw, trump will wear orange only on his face, Ukraine needs CIA help (they have done it before), public school ed will continue to deteriorate as private schools steal more tax money, guns will proliferate , racism, tho better, will always persist, more interest in the price of eggs than the number of Nazi flag carriers, rich ok if pay their taxes and give generously-complaining needy keep buying lottery tickets to be just like them, most important topic now not the gov't shutdown but will John Fetterman, masters from Harvard in public policy, continue to wear a hoodie,2024 election will be a nail biter with its outcome determining the long range sanity of America's people, events and policies. Sea remaining shining is up in the air.

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Well said, now it’s time to go on a media offensive showing the hard truths of what a Trump led government will bring and keep the logic in the back rooms.

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ALL of this.

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In a sane world we would leave women’s business to women.

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