If ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX cannot be bothered to broadcast A PrimeTime Presidents Address To Save Our Democracy, they should not be allowed in the White House press room!

It paints these media companies in an Anti-Democratic Light. They are for Republicans so they will not have to pay taxes, yet, what will happen to journalism & media run by an Autocratic Ruler? DeSantis never allows them in his conferences.

I am very disappointed in the lack of media support in a time of great national crisis! What a disgrace! News in this country has gone downhill because of greedy corrupt corporate owners. They is why I read sub stacks & investigative journalist reports!

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The only savior (not really) may be that most Americans do not receive their news from regular TV. It's all on social media. The concern is what social network are these people watching? The big tech guys could care less what they are watching. They are too busy with their own space races and who has the biggest whatever.

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I actually tuned into ABC Nightly News and they were doing a Cletus Safari…

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I’m with you 100% Revoke their press pass to the White House.

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Thank you Steven for such an on-point message.

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Great list, Steven. Add one more. In what country would the ability to cheaply create and make available to the world a small part that makes any semi-automatic weapon (handgun or long gun) an automatic weapon. Houston police have been recent victims of these firearms. This needs to be stopped NOW!

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So excellent. And #13...not just a single man, but almost every R senator; and McConnell. And a sizable minority of the American population, was it 35% you and Chris Hayes discussed? All I can imagine is the checks must be clearing to swallow that much shame.

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Wonderfully well said, Steven!

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There’s no good reason the three networks refused to air the speech. Other than they can’t stand a Democrat calling them out for their perfidy. We should all file a complaint with the FCC and ask that their licenses be revoked.

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At last, President Biden has aggressively spoken out about the main cause of America's divisiveness. He needs to do this continuously. I have always thought of him as a nice guy who believes in a smile and a handshake. He is a nice guy, but that will not work anymore. As trump knows, if you repeat something often enough, people will believe it. Hopefully, some MAGA minds will see the light.

Still, on the flip side,what you have described is Utopia where all would be perfect and righteous. Has this world ever existed? Though human nature includes kindness and compassion,it also exhibits egotism, competitiveness, selfishness, greed, & malice. Has the world somewhere not condoned slavery, war, misogyny, antiSemitism, envy, authoritarian rule, violence, the poor? American soldiers committed the same atrocities as the enemy. American administrations have propped up dictators and caused the downfall of elected leaders. Just as England (where the sun never set), France, Spain, the Dutch, Japan, Russia have pursued imperialism, so have we, starting with the indigenous peoples to Panama, the Philippines, Guam, VietNam, even Hawaii. It has been the "duty" of white Christians to teach their right and virtuous ways to the inferiors of the world.

trump is not the first to call an election rigged. Harrison-Cleveland; LBJ senate race; Gore-Bush, Kerry-Bush, Kennedy-Nixon. In American history, we have had men who bought and sold elections: Boss Tweed, Daley, Pendergast. Now, we have lesser lights: Hawley, Giuliani, Greene,McConnell, McCarthy

& of course, the boss of all bosses, donald j trump. He, who likes to say he is the best at everything, IS at being the most conniving, crooked , lying president of these United States.

So, carry on, President Biden, Adam Schiff,Jamie Raskin, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney.

This country and probably the world depend on your actions and words to save democracy.

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Keep it up Steven. Your words are positioned to heal. We must keep the goal of sanity. DT had a rousing rally tonight. Until he’s stopped and taken away from that microphone, and long after, healing will be needed. Grateful for you-

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Excellent article today.

I’m incensed that the major TV networks failed to provide coverage, and don’t forget PBS; how disappointing. I’ve tried to leave comments on the network sites but there’s really no way to do it. Anybody see commentary on this topic on twitter and if so, by whom? Best way to grab the networks’ attention I imagine.

Thank you Michael for your thoughtful and cogent remarks last night on MSNBC.

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This is Steven, not his brother Michael.

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