Has anything come out of this man’s mouth that isn’t an indictment of himself? Just the thought that he ever had the power his sycophants gave him over our country is staggering.

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There could be video footage of him handling the nuclear launch codes to the Russians and he still wouldn't lose a single Republican voter.

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MAGA voters. yes. Real Republicans are beginning to get the picture, don't you think?

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The question is in what numbers?

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Not a great number, but increasing, aren't they?

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I would respectfully submit that there is no longer any difference between the two, i.e., that they are one and the same now.

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Um. Like they did with Nixon? At the 11th hour?

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Please end his reign of terror. Such pressure on Jack Smith. But his calm determination might just be the ticket to ridding us of the trump stench

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We should stop being surprised at the dissembling of this rancid being. This. Is. Who. He. Is. To his core.

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Trump, in his ever-pathetic drone, is a sad statement about our country and humanity writ large. Those who persist in following Trump and celebrating him have no moral code or compass. I attribute that to some flawed genetics within their blood stream. Living in West Virginia by default more than by desire, I witness the circling of the wagons to protect their dearly-beloved, sainted traitor. But educationally, those Mountaineers are in the bottom tenth of educated Americans. Forgive ignorance; stupidity, never.

In the June 13th of NYT, columnist Bret Stephens writes, "If Trump can be above the law, in a case of this kind, then we will have lost the rule of law." Stephens says that Trump should go to prison. In another time in human history, either the gallows or the guillotine would have been the outcome. Yet, all the while those 147 SEDITIONISTS in OUR U.S. Congress continue untouched and untethered. How so? Based on OUR U.S. Constitution, those 147 domestic enemies should be censured and then expelled. After all, what is "sauce for the goose" is "sauce for the gander". Selective application and appropriation of law simply underscores how law has become devalued and biased, a mere pawn on the chessboard of life.

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Thank you, AJack. I know little about Stephens, but his words resonate with me.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I read every word of the well presented indictment and there is no doubt in my mind that Trump has committed several crimes. But I wonder if facts matter at this moment in time. We are quickly heading towards January 20, 2025, and one of the biggest concerns in my life is, who will be inaugurating as President.

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It is up to Democrats in Congress to be loud and clear about their disdain for Trump, DeSantis, Abbott, JD Vance, etc...

Cannon is the thorn in our sides now. It’s unconscionable how Trump gets so many damn breaks! He gets indicted, fingerprinted, no mugshot, no bail set, allowed to walk out of the courthouse a free-wanderer, allowed to “campaign”, and allowed to have his own social media station. A man who killed a million + people re: Covid. A man who illegally became president of the US because he colluded with Russia. A man who encouraged fascism and racism to wield its ugly head. A man who incited seditious acts against our sacred grounds. A man who stole our nation’s secrets so he could sell them to the highest bidder. A man who should be in front of a firing squad.

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Since Merrick Garland was appointed Attorney General in 2021, he has been attacked, his judgement questioned, impugned for not taking trump immediately to task for inciting the Capitol rampage. He promised aloud that justice would be served, then , said nothing more. His appointment of Jack Smith was seen as a way to vindicate his inaction.

Well, everyone was wrong.

Now, we question the integrity of Judge Aileen Cannon to be fair and honest. Between the participants, we have magna cum laudes, summa cum laudes up the kazoo. She does not have the wisdom of age nor the experience of the other two, it seems she has favored her sponsor in minor cases already. She is a member of the Federalist Society. And we have Maya Angelou's famous quote, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." However, being wrong before, perhaps we shouldn't be so quick to label her behavior as unacceptable yet. Nothing much has even involved her so far. We have no way to know what she will do. So, let's hold off a little, hope for the best, and hope the pressure will induce her to do what is right and just.

Of course there is no way trump would have pleaded guilty or consented to a plea deal. Since his FL indictment , he has raked in $7,000,000. He could be the world's richest man and would still pick up a penny from the sidewalk. He always crosses his arms, his way of hugging himself, for he has little self esteem and this probably helps him believe he is someone important, worthy of admiration.

His use of the word"infamy" is appropriate , for he will live in it for all time. He is our modern day

Benedict Arnold.

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Excellent write up. I didn’t realize Cannon had so few days of experience with criminal trials. I wish the 11th circuit would do something about this because I agree with you, I don’t think she will recuse her self. Either her ego is far too big, or she has been paid or promised far too much to do so. I am also betting that she will not allow cameras in the courtroom. The Maga crowd will never hear the truth of the trial, and won’t read the indictment. They feel they don’t have to read it. And any of them that just might take the time to read it will conclude that it’s all fabricated lies. His lies have led to probably a few hundred thousand American deaths due to Covid. I do not understand why some of the relatives of people who believed Trump and died of Covid have not formed a class action suit against him.

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For some time I've been following Dr. Bandy X Lee on Twitter (and now on substack). I just checked out her book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. I recommend it to anyone who wants to better understand what Trump does. One of the things she points out is that Trump will never admit in public to being wrong about anything. He's right, and the facts be damned!

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Yes, we have many quotes from Trump, in the public venues and recorded by the media, and a tape recording of him at his Bedminster golf club, bragging about holding an apparently classified, secret defense document that he could have declassified when he was president, but now he can't. Did he have a sensitive document? Was he waving it around? Really reckless since others at the club didn't have security clearance to see it. Or was it bluster, trying to look important among his cult buddies at the club by indicating he has important stuff? Was that document ever found? Was it really a sensitive security document? His own words could be his undoing. However, just look at all of the GOP candidates and Congress people who have come to his defense, claiming that the DOJ is weaponized against him. There have been some indications in the past few days that some are willing to express some concern about Trump, about his reckless behavior, how he is unfit to be president again. Yet, I still ask the question. Those few who have spoken out, and there are just a few, have been very meek and careful about what they are saying about Trump. Yes, they are all spineless, afraid of alienating Trump's cult base, even as they try to compete with him for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. It is difficult for me to understand why they other candidates won't come out and say why they are running against him. They must feel that they would be better candidates, and ultimately a better president. They are SO AFRAID (intentionally capitalized) of alienating the base which they think they can win over and thus get the nomination. That says a lot about these other candidates. They won't say what they stand for. They are afraid to risk the anger and bullying they will get from Trump if they criticize him. That clearly indicates that they are not strong leaders. They are weak followers. For president we need a strong leader, not strong in the sense of Trump's authoritarian buddies around the world, but strong in the sense of having principles and sticking by those principles, and believing in the Constitution and the rule of law, and not being afraid of a bully. Not that I would ever vote for any of them; but their reaction to Trump's actions and indictment shows that they do not have the strong character that is needed to be president. As for Trump's own words being his downfall, I really wonder if a jury of his south FL peers would unanimously convict him. Trump is going to trial, which I expect will be fraught with many delays by his defense team, as that is the Trump team SOP. It appears that his followers don't think for themselves. They are like sponges, jut absorbing whatever lies he sees out and feeds them. All that is needed is 1 of them one the jury, 1 of them who will express reasonable doubt, and Trump will go free. One of the most serious crimes in our country, a crime that risks our safety and national defense, may not result in conviction because the jury pool just needs 1 person who believes everything Trump says about the criminality of the Biden presidency and the Biden family, even though it was a grand jury that brought the indictment, not Biden; and Trump will walk away from these charges, this very serious indictment. These people will vote for him again; and even, if my chance, he gets re-elected, he says he will pardon himself. I don't think our country has ever seen that - a president who committed a crime, got convicted of it, and then pardoned himself. That is so antithetical to democracy and all of the values on which our country stands. However, it is a possibility. On this cloudy, rainy, dreary Friday afternoon, after we have been through so much Trump dishonor over the past 8 years since he first came down the escalator to announce his first run for president, I am feeling rather discouraged that anything, even his own words, will bring Trump down. I'm hoping someone has a more positive light to shine on this subject.

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Please listen carefully to the desperate call from trump to his base that the criminal charges are illegal, the prosecutors are “communists,” “thugs,” and only he “can save the country.” Extremism writ large! There is no doubt that he, Rudy, Lindsey, and others will be indicted in Georgia. Moreover, Trump, Jeffrey Clarke, Bannon and a large group of fake electors in multiple states will also be indicted by Smith in the Jan6 case. The walls are closing in and the only way he thinks he will survive is to publicly call for another insurrection to install him as President “to save the country!” He has already predicted publicly that this “is the last battle.”

We live in the most perilous time in our beloved nation since the Civil War! We will win but our military will have to be activated and a small but significant portion of our population will support him openly while a larger portion will support him covertly. We must remain resolute as our Democracy is worth it

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When is someone (judge?) going to get the balls to shut him up? Of course, prosecutors want him to keep talking because he is constantly testifying against himself, but aren't we beginning to see some movement among more rational Republicans who are beginning to understand that his cult is brining them all down. I think Moscow Mitch has the message, but not sure why he doesn't say more. Maybe it's a Putin thang! Are the Russians still building a big aluminum plant in Kentucky? Just asking.

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Trump can lie because his MAGA followers are impervious to the truth and don't bother with such details as the 39-count indictment. He has no incentive to stop lying. He will lie for the rest of his life. I hope after he's gone the scales come off the eyes of his supporters but frankly, I doubt it. They gain too much by being able to hate everyone Trump targets for them. Our only hope is some kind of rebirth of conscience among GOP legislators.

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