Excellently positive piece!

D’s need to push the positive message.

Biden’s team is nimbly responding to use the socials to respond to Trump. I believe the MSM has been forced to begin dealing with Trump’s weakness. But D’s/Biden can’t stop!

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I think the Biden plan was to begin this in January as the dust cleared. More clear that DJT would be the GOP chosen nominee instead of wishful thinking by Dems. Plus, they have all the ammo DJT’s been handing them.

There is an interesting IG report on complaints about the WH Medical Unit from 2018.


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Yes: Dr. now Congressman Ronny Jackson etc.

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With ‘gift bags’ for those departing the WH. Creepy as well as illegal.

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Trump is a "scab" in the vernacular of organized labor; his actions weaken the power of workers. Maybe Trump is also a scab in the sense that he is a a crust discharged from and covering a healing wound.

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True. ‘Scab’ is a very old pejorative believed to date back to the 1500s for scoundrels & unsavory persons. Of course organized labor views those who undermine them as unsavory. These days your description is certainly the visual image.

I do not remember ever hearing it used like this in a major endorsement speech. Maybe it happened in some local scrappy races when there was a strike or recent settlement. I had to listen to the segment twice.

Shawn Fain did this deliberately to send a message to the pols, DJT, to wayward members — It is no longer a Ronnie Reagan union. There will be a national strong effort & smart strategy as was the UAW strike. It was a “whose side are you on moment”. Opponents should worry.

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While a meager 13% of republicans think if convicted he is not fit to be president, at least an equal amount thinks he is.

I’m happy to be part of the 64% that wrote in Joe Biden on my ballot.

I don’t know why Dimon has such sway with people. Warren Buffett is more impressive to me. Congratulations to the billionaires and millionaires that went to Davos and encouraged governments to tax their wealth.

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Am so tired of seeing nothing but trump pictures on Twitter, I decided to put President Biden's on many times a day with a few apropos statements. His followers never watch anything but Fox, read truth social, so at least they will see/read these & remind them who is president & things he is doing for them. Maybe if you could do the same . . .

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I don’t watch commercial TV, cable, etc. just YouTube so I don’t see a lot of ads and I’m wondering are Dems doing all they can to inform the public about Trump’s severe deterioration mentally physically psychologically legally???

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What bothers me is that on YouTube I’m seeing nothing but republican candidate ads. There was for a time some Dean ads. Thankfully no trump ads, yet. I’m hoping that the President starts running ads soon.

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Check out Meidas Touch, Jesse Dollemore or Beau of the Fifth Column. There are others but these sites I find accurate and helpful.

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Great piece but I’m not surprised. Jamie Dimon needs to sit down with someone and have a good talking to. He’s wrong on so many levels. I remember Rep Katie Porters take down if him a few years ago. Over wages.

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Hmmm....good ole Jaime Dimon who told his peers that Trump "was kind of right" had better understand that kind of statement isn't loyal enough for Trump. Instead of hailing Trump in the most energetic manner possible that he was 100% right on NATO, immigration and the economy he'll be branded a RINO and punished.

You know, like the kind of praise and loyalty KIm Il Sung of North Korea gets.

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Great article Steven. I’m weary but won’t rest until January 2024 when Biden is safely installed as our President again.

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Yes, @StevenBeschloss, you are correct agin. and you are hopeful again. Which I very much need. However, there seems to be a disconnect between all of this good news for Biden and the polls. Perhaps Biden needs a better communications team to get the message to the electorate. We re never going to convince the Trump cult of the wrong doings of Trump and the successes of Biden. But, more importantly, more of the electorate is in the middle. The independents are the people that we need to reach. They are the ones who, with good messaging, will potentially see the positives that Biden has accomplished for our country and the REALLY BIG DOWNSIDES of another Trump presidency. The URJ RAC (Union for Reform Judaism Religious Action Center does targeted postcard mailings to voters who are well served by Biden's policies and benefit from them. Post card mailings are simple and inexpensive. We don't have to join the URJ RAC; but we can do post card mailings. I have found that phone banks don't work well because people don't answer when the incoming phone number is not recognizable. However, most people look at their mail. This is just 1 option. Maybe some of you in the group have other suggestions. We must blitz the people who can be convinced. We must stay positive. We must be hopeful. We must act. Our future and the future of the US as a democracy depends on it. Thank you. Have a great weekend. God Bless America 🇺🇸

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This is the kind of news that everyone needs to hear. Thank you!

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At the end of his statement they “America now has the strongest growth and the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world,” Biden should add the tag “America IS First!” or ”America IS Great”. Take the MAGA slogans and turn them into Dem facts.

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This is really a great idea, Joyce. Take their stupid slogan and make it ours... 💙

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In the positive news section -- Why the US economy is doing so much better than the rest of the world

Analysis by Elisabeth Buchwald, CNN

Published 6:00 AM EST, Fri January 26, 2024


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I am absolutely thrilled to read this article and learn about all the positive news surrounding President Joe Biden and his accomplishments. It brings me so much joy to see that there is enthusiasm for Biden as a pro-democracy candidate, and that he has garnered such strong support from voters. It's truly heartwarming to see that his efforts in improving the economy and protecting healthcare are being recognized and appreciated. The fact that more than 21 million people have signed up for health coverage as a result of the Affordable Care Act is truly remarkable and shows that the American people want it strengthened and protected. I am also delighted to hear about the economic growth and low inflation rates under Biden's administration. It's reassuring to know that our country is on the right track and that Biden's leadership is making a positive impact. I am grateful to you, Steven, for outlining all these wonderful details and for providing such a comprehensive analysis. This article has truly put stars in my eyes and a huge grin on my face. I am filled with hope and optimism for the future under President Joe Biden's leadership.

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New Hampshire Democrats had no choice but to abide by the state law that requires that the state hold the first primary. There was no way that the law was going to be changed, as Republicans hold the majority in the state legislature and our elected officials on both sides know that it would be political suicide to try to overthrow the cherished tradition of the "First in the Nation" primary. The DNC could have just let New Hampshire go first with a sanctioned primary without causing harm to the Biden brand or momentum. The great success of the write-in vote for Biden helped him and gave us NH Dems what we always want -- a voice in the process.

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Jamie Dimon couldn’t be more wrong. Trump wasn’t

“kind of right” about NATO. Since Russia invaded

Ukraine, NATO has rallied around Ukraine to provide

badly needed support because Ukraine is a key “buffer” zone between Western Europe and Putin’s ambition. The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine led to Finland and Sweden applying for membership on 18 May 2022. I’d say Trump was far more wrong than he was right about NATO.

Trump wasn’t and still isn’t “kind of right about

immigration” either. He’s blatantly wrong and he

implemented blatantly wrong, even sadistic

policies re immigration as president. He literally promoted xenophobia and violence toward immigrants.

As far as the American economy is concerned,

Dimon thinks Trump “grew the economy quite

well.” No, he did not grow the economy at all.

Trump increased the trade deficit because he

didn’t understand how trade deficits are created.

The pandemic was largely responsible for the loss

of jobs, but rather than try to limit job loss by limiting the scope of the pandemic, Trump peddled quack cures, sold life saving medical equipment overseas and made hospitals bid against each other for equipment instead of implementing the War Powers Act to convert manufacturing of non-vital goods into manufacturing desperately needed respirators and ventilators.

Trump literally created a devastating shortage of badly needed hospital supplies as well, and had his secret service detail stop deliveries of protective gear for hospital workers as it was en route to them and seize it.

No one knows exactly what happened to that protective gear, but Jared and friends were

selling gear out of a condo in DC during the same

time period Trump’s secret service detail transformed itself into a squad of Trumpian goons

to assist with Donald’s grift.

To top it off, Trump drastically lowered the tax rates

for the rich and corporations, creating a federal debt

that increased from $14.4tn to $21.6tn. Why anyone

would want a repeat of the Trump presidency is beyond bizarre, unless they’re being harassed by

Trump’s cadre of thugs issuing death threats to any

member of Congress who takes issue with Trump’s

myriad delusions of reality.

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