Aug 8, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

This is such an important posting, Steven. thank you for summarizing Joe Biden's achievements - and all within his first two years of office - so succinctly.

I honestly believe that Joe Biden will go down in history as a transformational President, especially when considering the hand that he was dealt by his criminal predecessor. Let me add that I speak as someone who voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primary.

The point you mention in passing, about the irresponsibility of the media in dwelling on the negative, is critical. Yes, as you'd intimated, please bring your attention to bear on this issue. Why, for example, is so much time spent on the question that is frivolous for now of whether Biden will run again in 2024? Rather, the media need to devote themselves to analyzing the huge challenges we, as a nation, face.

We must gain workable majorities in the House and Senate in November. It is superfluous to say that democracy itself is at stake.

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Thank you, Homi.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yes, indeed, feeling lucky and refusing to accept the divisive rhetoric of too many extremist, often clueless, media sources. (Which is one reason I read you!). Sleeves rolled up, looking on the bright side…AND working in the ways I am able to strengthen our democracy.

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I agree with you 100%.. The mess that trump left to clean up, nationally and internationally is without comparison. There is no question, if we lose control of the House and Senate our Freedom is doubtful. Biden has done a fantastic job and the Democrats must join together and spread the good news.

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Thank you for putting together all of the positive, which until now seems to have been lost in the negative which has been getting so much attention in our country. You're right. A lot has been accomplished in the first 18 months of the Biden presidency. It's been slow and steady; and it's been done in a thoughtful way with careful planning and execution and forging those Congressional relationships and working across the aisle that were a hallmark of the Biden campaign promise. So, maybe our country should think about the big picture and the future, the groundwork that President Biden is laying for that future. Maybe we can, or soon can, go back to the theme song of the Bill Clinton nominating convention: Happy Days Are Here Again.

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Citizens of the US have profited from the administrations of Democrats, not so much from luck as from proposals of decency accomplished by hard work. Partial Biden promises have, finally, come to fruition as listed above, through Biden's never give up philosophy. I am not a believer in a forever hold the job politician, but I do think the President has , except for a few clinks, served us well during his forever career.

Success has been achieved by Democrat presidents. FDR helped end terrible WW II, and though up there in the stratosphere of wealth, worked for bettering life of others. We owe him for Social Security and Medicare, etc. Harry Truman ended that war, though there is controversy over dropping atomic bombs, but Japanese were arming people with sticks, knives to fight off America landings to come, and many committed suicide rather than be defeated.With Land Lease, Truman helped Europe recover, and is now #6 on the list of best presidents of the US ever.

Carter got Israel and Egypt to agree, created a center that has helped people around the world in fight against disease and fight for freedom, and of course, all know of his contribution of Habitat for Humanity work. Clinton, despite the proclivities so many men seem to have, turned the Reagan deficit into a surplus, school performance improved through reform, achieved the largest crime bill in history, banned assault weapons, helped create NAFTA, saw income and home ownership increase. Obama's crowning achievement was the Affordable Care Act, constantly, unsuccessfully, under attack by Republicans, ended the Iraq War, ended worst recession since 1929 with Wall Street reform and aid to near bankrupt businesses like the auto industry, killed Osama bin laden, assured children health care,

As for Republicans, Reagan was a likeable man, proud of America, but is most remembered for his trickle down economics which has never,ever happened. Ownership has just brought more company stock , McMansions, and yachts. He intensely hated communism, famously saying, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. But the Soviet Union fell from more freedoms given which caused leaders of subject countries to rise up and declare autonomy. Bush 41 saved Kuwait and knew enough when to stop, was a likeable man, but not enough to win a 2nd term. Bush 43-did he really win?? lied to the American people along with Cheney and Rumsfeld and embroiled us in the Iraq war killing 4 1/2 thousand American soldiers, wounding 32,,000.Sent help way too late to victims of Katrina. The only exception was, I believe Eisenhower. All said , 'I like Ike." We all know trump! He did do some good trade deals and aided in development of medicine to fight covid. No need to repeat the havoc, chaos he has created and still is, followed by who knows why with Americans going along with the guilty, vote seeking politicians in Congress and red states.

And so, yes, thank you President Biden for taking on a job that probably few would want. 79 sounds old to a 30 year old or even a 60 year old. Maybe he forgets some detail at a moments notice, but it comes to him in a short while. Thoughts, feelings, hopes,accomplishments know no age. People have mental, physical problems, death at any age. So I don't hold his age against him. I just think he has done his duty, been of service to these United States, and should leave office and go down in history as a winner. More Republicans say they will vote than Democrats. Even with his accomplishments, Biden's popularity has continued to deteriorate. And we must win. Imagine the alternative.

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