"I don’t know how Judge Chutkan will view this reposting from someone else." I would like to see her clear her calendar, so today, she can speak with the defendant. And, every time, speak with him immediately... until she has had enough and throws his unsweet patoot in a cell.
I think that a warning to Trump will act as permission. I hope she will be tougher; perhaps resetting the trial earlier with each infraction would work. Trump etal need a real negative consequence and I think this would do it.
When are the judges and the prosecutors going to bring the hammer down on this bloviating narcissist and shut him up? When will the news media (other than Fox) stop falling all over themselves to show how the golden idiot continues to violate the law? If they would just ignore him it would drive him and his sycophant's crazy and push Donny over the brink and finally put him somewhere he could not comment or act. His buddies aren't as good at his BS as he is, and maybe we could finally get on with a more normal election. The MADAs will never understand that they can't win any election, and Donny is not running for anything but a pardon.
I find it glorious that trump, accused by dozens of women for sexual assault, will be, hopefully, brought down by women judges, he who has pontifically demeaned women forever because he thinks he is a "star" and can do what he likes. And he has been defeated by one, Jean Carroll, to the tune of millions. Have you ever noticed that men, usually on the ugly side, think they can flirt with sales ladies, cashiers, think they are God's gift to women? Like trump, they are disgusting.
Unlike McCarthy and his bunch, Judges Chutkan and Willis are not afraid of donald trump. Like Jack Smith whom he calls a thug, the name calling and childish behavior of "Sir" as he likes to call himself, rolls right off of their backs. They are not intimidated
Just as he maliciously threw stones at a baby in its playpen next door, he had a plane buzz noisily over DeSantis who was taking his turn speaking in Iowa.
He will not behave nor listen to the recriminations of these judges. A leopard cannot change its spots. But in the end, I am reminded of that song: One way or another, I'm gonna findya, I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha !!
A speedy trial is Donald Trump’s kryptonite! For once, I think many of us hope, this perpetrator of myriad wrongdoings will be held accountable to the level of his many crimes.
He has far exceeded his right to free speech on numerous occasions.
Why the sower of hate and chaos is seen as some kind of leader, or a victim in any way, is totally mind boggling to anyone with any degree of rationality.
And those that boast that his being brought to justice will lead to mass violence are also guilty of the crime of inciting that violence.
Absolutely tired of this charlatan gaming the system, and thinking he’s some kind of “very stable genius” for doing so.
Hoping that this “Al Capone” will finally be brought to justice. His devotees make a hero of him, like some thought Bonnie and Clyde were champions.
More truth from you. Thank you. And thank goodness (a phrase less simple than I once thought) for moral individuals who stand against corruption, entitlement outside the law, and ultimately for our survival as a nation of laws.
Comment about the weather: I live in Tucson, AZ where we have had a month of extreme weather. However, the effects of climate change, not heat island, is that overnight temperatures are not going down! We have radiant heat, so if you are in the shade, temps are lower. This year, we wanted to go somewhere cooler, but just could not make it happen. Most rentals are also full in other places, but the other places were also higher temps without air conditioning! We have ended up staying home all day, inside.
Here are the most important take-aways from Judge Chutkan's explanation of this case:
The fact that he is running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice,” Chutkan said. “And if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how it's going to have to be.”
As Chutkan noted Friday, “The defense has reiterated at length Mr. Trump's First Amendment right to speak about this case and any evidence in it.” She acknowledged he is permitted the same rights as any criminal defendant—but nothing more.
And it is so refreshing to find that Trump will be treated with the same rights and the same restrictions as every other indicted person in this country. We are all equal under the Constitution of this country. I am finally feeling that justice will be served and that the justice system will be operating at its highest level. God Bless America 🇺🇸
"I don’t know how Judge Chutkan will view this reposting from someone else." I would like to see her clear her calendar, so today, she can speak with the defendant. And, every time, speak with him immediately... until she has had enough and throws his unsweet patoot in a cell.
So pleasant and comforting to read your work. Very kind words about Maui and incite into DC. Thank you you are a friend in the midst of chaos.
Thank you, Patricia.
Will judge Chutkan haul him into court, and explain the rules of the road to him personally before finally pulling the plug?
Let’s hope so.
I think that a warning to Trump will act as permission. I hope she will be tougher; perhaps resetting the trial earlier with each infraction would work. Trump etal need a real negative consequence and I think this would do it.
Thank you for your thoughtful analysis! I truly appreciate the tone of your writings!
Thank you.
When are the judges and the prosecutors going to bring the hammer down on this bloviating narcissist and shut him up? When will the news media (other than Fox) stop falling all over themselves to show how the golden idiot continues to violate the law? If they would just ignore him it would drive him and his sycophant's crazy and push Donny over the brink and finally put him somewhere he could not comment or act. His buddies aren't as good at his BS as he is, and maybe we could finally get on with a more normal election. The MADAs will never understand that they can't win any election, and Donny is not running for anything but a pardon.
She obviously is also a person like Jack Smith who will not tolerate the usual from the orange one.
I find it glorious that trump, accused by dozens of women for sexual assault, will be, hopefully, brought down by women judges, he who has pontifically demeaned women forever because he thinks he is a "star" and can do what he likes. And he has been defeated by one, Jean Carroll, to the tune of millions. Have you ever noticed that men, usually on the ugly side, think they can flirt with sales ladies, cashiers, think they are God's gift to women? Like trump, they are disgusting.
Unlike McCarthy and his bunch, Judges Chutkan and Willis are not afraid of donald trump. Like Jack Smith whom he calls a thug, the name calling and childish behavior of "Sir" as he likes to call himself, rolls right off of their backs. They are not intimidated
Just as he maliciously threw stones at a baby in its playpen next door, he had a plane buzz noisily over DeSantis who was taking his turn speaking in Iowa.
He will not behave nor listen to the recriminations of these judges. A leopard cannot change its spots. But in the end, I am reminded of that song: One way or another, I'm gonna findya, I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha !!
A speedy trial is Donald Trump’s kryptonite! For once, I think many of us hope, this perpetrator of myriad wrongdoings will be held accountable to the level of his many crimes.
He has far exceeded his right to free speech on numerous occasions.
Why the sower of hate and chaos is seen as some kind of leader, or a victim in any way, is totally mind boggling to anyone with any degree of rationality.
And those that boast that his being brought to justice will lead to mass violence are also guilty of the crime of inciting that violence.
Absolutely tired of this charlatan gaming the system, and thinking he’s some kind of “very stable genius” for doing so.
Hoping that this “Al Capone” will finally be brought to justice. His devotees make a hero of him, like some thought Bonnie and Clyde were champions.
More truth from you. Thank you. And thank goodness (a phrase less simple than I once thought) for moral individuals who stand against corruption, entitlement outside the law, and ultimately for our survival as a nation of laws.
Comment about the weather: I live in Tucson, AZ where we have had a month of extreme weather. However, the effects of climate change, not heat island, is that overnight temperatures are not going down! We have radiant heat, so if you are in the shade, temps are lower. This year, we wanted to go somewhere cooler, but just could not make it happen. Most rentals are also full in other places, but the other places were also higher temps without air conditioning! We have ended up staying home all day, inside.
Here are the most important take-aways from Judge Chutkan's explanation of this case:
The fact that he is running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice,” Chutkan said. “And if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how it's going to have to be.”
As Chutkan noted Friday, “The defense has reiterated at length Mr. Trump's First Amendment right to speak about this case and any evidence in it.” She acknowledged he is permitted the same rights as any criminal defendant—but nothing more.
And it is so refreshing to find that Trump will be treated with the same rights and the same restrictions as every other indicted person in this country. We are all equal under the Constitution of this country. I am finally feeling that justice will be served and that the justice system will be operating at its highest level. God Bless America 🇺🇸
We'll see. My opinion is she's all talk so far.