Trump Jr's texts were 2 days after the 2020 election. Before the election was even called. This clearly shows intent to defraud the American people. DOJ should prosecute. If Merrick Garland doesn't yet think he has a strong case, he should proceed swiftly and with all due diligence to bring a strong case. And if he can't do it, he should be replaced with someone who can bring a strong case. Because from all we in the public know, there is a strong case. We must protect our Democracy. And we cannot wait.

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Agree Janet.

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and what of Hunter?

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Hunter has nothing to do with Jan 6th.

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Oh I don't know. Had the MSM covered it prior to the election, said election would not have been considered stolen by a few million people

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C'mon Steven. You know the fix is in. I become more skeptical everyday about anyone in the media or DOJ doing anything that might bring DJT down. Every morning I get up hoping to see news accounts of federal cops storming Mara Lago and dragging him out of bed and into a black van. Maybe there are more Trump appointees in critical areas of the DOJ that are preventing actions to be taken against Trump and his minions, and they know it. This lack of activity and backbone on the part of most dems is heartbreaking which will result in the Trumplicans winning the House and Senate. Then what?

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then all hell breaks loose. I think I will have some buttered popcorn on election day

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Garland talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. He is so afraid of looking political that he does nothing. He has had over a year. Blame also goes to Biden for keeping him in that job, just as he keeps DeJoy at the post office. Just as he holds back on Zelenskyy's pleas.

The Democrats need to go on the offensive, not just react to Republican behavior. Smiles and waves walking to the helicopter will not win the upcoming election. Advisors must , in plain English, stink. The party better also be thinking of alternatives to Biden in 2024. I do not believe at this rate, that he can win. Harris certainly would not. We hear everyday 'crap' from DeSantis, trump, junior when we need to hear more from the more astute Democrat leaders. Only see Schumer when he speaks a paragraph on the Senate floor. Only see Pelosi when she is kind of answering a reporter's question while walking through the hall. It is almost like we have Senator Cheney doing the work for us, and she, although speaks against trump, is a Republican and will vote Republican.

I, for one (and many) am so sick of seeing, hearing the trumps. He with the alligator eyes, junior trying to sound important. They are crooks. The evidence is there. Enough with the meetings !

Act!! Show some leadership, gumption. McCarthy is out there, front and center. Says he will restore Greene to committees ! Good heavens, her own district is petitioning against her running again. McConnell is out there. Already says will never allow another Supreme Ct justice advanced by the Democrats. (never have heard a rebuttal on that one.)

trump claims he is the most honest man God ever created. Ha! He treads no path of righteousness.He only believes in and spews out Putinology. But, he could win again. Imagine a man impeached twice becoming president again. Then Ivanka, then Eric, then Don, shoot, they could become the American Romanovs. Will we have camps for immigrants, people of color? Will those who disagree be fed poison? Murdered on 5th, 6th & Main Street? Will all allies desert us?Will the middle class either end or go along to survive? Will trump with stolen tax money, build a macromansion on the Black Sea next to Putin?

I am a Democrat. I could never be a Republican. I kow-tow to no one. But please, media, stop looking for wrong sided attention, sponsor money; pay attention to what is important. Your importance is even noted in the Constitution. And Democrats, get on the ball.Who is on the horizon as a replacement for our non acting leaders? My thoughts go to Joe Kennedy III, much like his grandfather, has charisma, been a representative, has a famous name and legacy, is good looking, a decent family man, and would draw trump supporters. He just needs to talk slower. : )

And stop with crustyfaced looking junior and his big mouthed girlfriend. May he disappear like Jimmy Hoffa, maybe in "the wall" that Rep. Vern Buchanan, FL, is still pushing.

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The mental lockstep on display here is endlessly fascinating. If Trumps son is of such great interest to you all, then why is Biden's not? Even Vox, starting their piece with the following:

Federal prosecutors’ investigation into Hunter Biden is heating up and the indictment of the president’s son is a real possibility, a recent series of reports suggests.

Obvious hatred of Trump notwithstanding, you correctly assess the Dem horizon at present. Add to the distrust of Dems, the border, inflation, crime, parent dissatisfaction and the results in November are looming to be historically disastrous for Dems. The impeachment and removal of Biden is a distinct possibility.

At least you seem aware of the potential.

The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and the Associated Press have all published stories in recent weeks with a similar theme: the investigation, run by the US attorney’s office in Delaware, has gotten increasingly active, with witnesses testifying to a grand jury.


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Lockstep defines the vast majority of Republicans today .They who say there is too much government are like greedy vultures who want to BE the gov't. They play follow the leader, fearing they will lose trump's base, none of whom he would ever invite to dinner or be seen with at Mar a Lago. Except for Romney, they all, in unison and rudeness, left the Senate when Justice Jackson was announced. They do whatever they are told by McConnell and have looneys like Greene, Gaetz, Boebert, Gosart who do nothing for their districts, are only about self amplification, like the virus.

This is a land of immigration, but under trump, families were separated, children were lost, people drank from toilets. Inflation is caused by, among other things, greedy companies who take advantage of customers and their own workers and the scarcity of goods.

Parental division started with trump and the mask situation. Stupidity rampant there. Grown women yelling at children walking to school with masks on. They weren't so competent at helping their children on zoom, and couldn't wait for teachers to return. Crime has been with us since Cain murdered Abel. It multiplied under trump's calling down Asians, blacks, Muslims, and anyone who said the truth about him.

You are something of a trouble maker, aren't you? Have a very high regard for yourself. Believe your are more knowledgeable than anyone else. Perhaps you should go back to high school and join a debate team. As for your predictions, they are no better than anyone else's. Nostradamus you are not.

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I am very aware of the potential. and the sadness is that people like you who apparently are smart enough to see some truth, still buy into the lies being spread by the once great Republican Party which is now nothing more than sump of conspiracy theories and lies fostered by Trump who is obviously under the spell of an autocrat, and who is a wanna' be autocrat himself. God help us if the wanna' be gets back in power. We will soon be a third-rate country behind Russia, which has an economy smaller than Texas. Wow, what aspirations you guys have.

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I am not a republican. I am not opposing you. I merely ask questions to learn things I don't know about people. I keep saying, if it's can be proven that Trump committed a crime, then so be it. I am ok with that. I am perplexed on the insistence on labeling people by who they voted for: I voted for Obama the same number of time that I voted for Trump. What does that prove. all four votes are in the past, and this country is facing big problems. and the theme of this thread is one-way hate. I am so fascinated by it. How is your life improved by calling others names?

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You know, my life hasn't changed except for being very concerned that someone like Trump. or the Governor of Florida, could actually take control of our government. Maybe hate is too strong a word, because I am generally an optimist. Also, I have a very difficult time talking about someone like Trump who can't tell the truth from a an obvious lie. Doesn't that bother you just a little? How can anyone ever trust someone like him. Trust me, I am not a big Biden fan, either. He is the epitome of an Irish politician from a state like Delaware where he has had to be subservient to the DuPonts who still run the state and a whole lot more. It's tough being a small d democrat like HST. who in my opinion was the last great democrat, even though he probably was a white supremist, he still stood for what was right most of the time and he knew how to work with the opposition. Wouldn't it be nice if the Trumplikins could learn what it means again to be in Congress, and that our form of government is based on negotiation and compromise. Don't you think we have lost something very important to our future, and if so, how can we gert it back?

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Thank you Richard. I feel that was a very honest answer. I wish we all could engage like this. My questions impart no judgement. I learned in prison that I was there because I committed a crime and had been judged by a man. Therefore, it is hypocritical to judge other men in there, as they had been judged just the same as I. Ultimately, God will have the final judgement. That philosophy allows me to be sincerely interested in others peoples ideas.

To me, that answers your last question. We have lost something important to our future. I write to make my attempt at addressing that loss. Please consider joining me.

There is a lot to unpack in your essay there. The thing that sticks out at me right away is the pass you give to HST for being a white supremacist. He was. In fact, probably much more so than modem pols, and certainly more vocal about it. And for sure more racist than Trump. What other white supremacists would you give a pass to because they "stood for what is right most of the time . . "?

If white supremacy is the problem, doesn't empowering more of them increase the problem?

I engage here and on other posts in the hopes of finding someone that holds a different viewpoint than I. I always ask for them to come on my platform and discuss what ever topic they choose. I extend that invitation to you.

That is a standing invitation for all readers of this comment.



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Wow! I never expected your comments. They were actually based on thoughtful concern. HST was a man of his times. I actually remember HST as a boy. My dad loved him (my dad was from Missouri), HST did integrate the military which was, at the time, very unpopular, especially in the military. If he were a true white supremist, he would not have done that, but he did do many things supporting southern Dixiecrats. He was a fair man living in a white man's world.

I do believe that white supremacy is a real threat to our republic and our way of life, and that the far right is actually trying to overthrow our freedoms in order to create a theocratical autocracy based on evangelical beliefs which have already denied millions of their rights. I believe that a woman has a right to her body and, although I would prefer a woman to try adoption over abortion, it is still her right to her body because there are just too many pressures on women that white law makers who are pandering to the evangelicals could ever imagine, and they have no right to dictate anyone's life if it is truly personal and is not otherwise illegal. There will always be abortion, but only for those white folks with all the treasure will be able to get them.

I guess you can say that I believe that are country is actually totally out of whack when the top 2% hold 80% of the wealth, and that the wealth in this country is so fantastically huge (in the trillions - can you even imagine trillions? - I can't) that the 20% left over is huge in its self and the reason many cannot see how the 2% are wanting to rule. The 2% appear to be untouchable and probably the reason that the DOJ is scared to act. How do you fight trillions?

So, I guess I am someone who is tired of the inequality of everything that is happening now. So what if Hunter is indicted? Like I have said, he has already admitted to being stupid and whatever he has done does not rise to Trump's openly backing a Russian czar wanna' be, because that is what he wants to be, and I just do not feel that he is a true American. He will always be a traitor to me, as are those in Congress who are in lock step with him.

Are we getting closer together or further apart? You have to know that I am 77, a Vietnam war veteran who is 100% disabled because of agent orange, totally living off of the largess of my government VA and Social; Security), and that I have a degree in political science and a masters in city management, so I have worked in and around government (mostly local government) all my life, and am currently the board president of a non-profit agency successfully providing services to intellectually and developmentally disabled adults. Talk about a growth industry.

I can agree to disagree and I try to listen more than I speak (what's the rule - you have two ears and one mouth - use them in that ratio). Really hard to do because I have never been able to truck with a liar. The truth is just too important to ignore.

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You... keep projecting away from the actions of Jan 6th and Don Jr.’s complicity in fomenting the horrific violence we saw that day; to Hunter Biden. I’ll say to you... respectfully, once and for all that what is happening in the attempt to dismantle our democracy to keep the oligarchy and shysters in power.. has nothing to do with any Hunter Biden criminality.

So, if you wonder why the readers here, question you and tap back .. it’s because you do exactly what is described as projection. Stop it please. Thank you. Have a great day and try to WATCH THE HEARINGS!

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Thanks for telling me about me. But no thanks. I'm good. If you cannot take the blinkers off, that's on you. If you can't see the connection between hunter and his uncle and the big guy, then you're not looking. Jan 6 is what it was, and people who broke the law ate being convicted. Id like to see the wheels of justice turn as quickly on some other examples of criminality.

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It’s called projection.

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Teflon Don and spawn. Anyone else would be in jail now.

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We keep waiting and hoping....and all the while, the lies and malfeasance grow worse and spread farther.

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Sadly DOJ and MSM will ignore all of it.

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really? a DOJ with all 3 branches and a MSM that purported the Russia Hoax for years would not pull out every stop to criminally convict Trump? They made things up to convict him. hey lied to the FISA court to convict him. The hired Mueller to convict him. NY Atty General is trying to convict him, Rachel, Stelter, Lemon, the Cuomo's. You can't be serious in blaming the MSM? On another topic, what do you think of the Durham investigation?

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Agree Steven and I believe they are going to apply the law to charge Trump and those who conspired with Conspiracy to defraud the American people. I hope all Americans who care about this and understand the gravity will be watching the first hearing tomorrow, and throughout this month. It must be addressed, and it must never be allowed to be swept under a rug. I do not believe the DOJ will bring charges on trump this year. They move way slower than that. So it’s possible the Republican House will gain majority and move with a vengeance to not make new laws which is their job; but to spite the Committee and they will act in protecting their cult leader by trying to remove BIDEN.

I hope I’m wrong. I pray we don’t see it happen .. but the good news is: Trump will highly likely be charged. I’m praying every day for justice.

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I am hopeful that the trumps will eventually be a dark stain on history. I’m 63, and before I die, I hope I see the disgusting lying piece of dung hand cuffed. He is a shyster and tomorrow at 7pm I will be watching hearings about what he and his fellow pieces of cow dung tried to do! He and his despicable minions who went along with a scheme called ‘The Green Bay Sweep’ should be charged, prosecuted and stripped of any candidacy for elected office!

I’ll never respect a trump supporter. You have seen and you know what he is and what he’s capable of. If you think he’s a good patriot than you are not being honest. Just google trump Tower Moscow and read about that. Google trump corruption. Watch ‘UNFIT’

There’s so many ways to learn the truth, and it’s not by listening to LIARS!

I highly recommend PERIL by Bob Woodward and Bob Costa! So well written. Get it and read it!

This plot to refuse to respect our constitutional process of a peaceful transfer of power has nothing to do with Hunter Biden. If he has broken the law, he should be held accountable. Thank GOD Joe Biden won in 2020! Our democracy is still under attack as actual insurrectionists who were thwarted on Jan 6th by Mike Pence’s refusal to reject the electoral count; are still at it! They are running and winning seats in the house. Yes .. that’s right! And why should it surprise you? A Supreme Court Justice’ wife was there!! She was actively involved in trying to undermine a democrat election which was almost stolen from Joe Biden! Ludicrous that she was calling and texting Meadows the then Chief of Staff, telling him to pressure Mike Pence to discard the electoral votes that went for BIDEN!

So now we will see NULLIFICATION attempts in every precinct that goes BLUE! We will see tactics which are despicable from those who stoop to the levels of trump and his minions. Vote BLUE and we must never ALLOW our democracy to be threatened again! WATCH THE HEARINGS!

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I can always count on you to make me smile so early in the morning. “a relatively small stakes tax case" is a wonderful way to describe a criminal family enterprise. Any comment on the text reveled over the weekend?

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden.

When will you at least half as hard on Biden as Trump?

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You are an idiot, mainly because you write well enough to know better. Trump is a pathological liar and cheat and Biden is just a politician. You can't tell the difference, can you? So sad that people who ought to be smarter aren't.

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and your response will be when Hunter is indicted?

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Why would he be when Trump isn't?

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because nobody has indicted Trump. Listen, I could care less if Trump or any of his family or cronies go to jail. But first, he needs to be indicted and convicted. I don't care! what I care about is the double standard. Do you really truly believe that there is nothing to see on the laptop? But you simultaneously believe the Steele Dossier? How is that possible? Bragg in NY has said no indictment for Trump. Is he a Trump stooge? Are you worried about November yet?

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I never said that Hunter Biden hasn't broken any laws. He has admitted to being stupid. It doesn't come close to what Trump and his minions have done, and what they want to do. I suppose you feel an autocracy is better? Maybe you do.

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No, actually, I prefer freedom. You can read about what I believe in on my platform. What has Trump done that has been proven in a court of law? If Hunter is afforded the presumption of innocence, as is the Big Guy, then why not Trump and his? This fixation on Trump is a huge detriment to both parties, but it will only end badly for one. The dam is breaking on the Biden's. Have you considered your reactions when and if Hunter is indicted? And what happens if the worse happens? Biden is named as a co-conspirator? It could happen

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For Pete's sake & mine, drop the Hunter bit. He has never held office, run for office. He is of no importance in any conversation. His father is not named Hunter !!

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Neither has any of Trumps kids.

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Lol you are so full of bs there’s no way to give any credibility to anything you write. Hunter Biden never said any of that. It’s a lie.

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russian disinformation?

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I guess you are one of those who feel Putin is a great guy because your fearless leader fauns over him every day. What a croc of BS. You wouldn't, or couldn't see the truth if it slapped you in the face.

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