Will the continuing spread of the Trump-fueled lie of election fraud catapult Arizona's former Fox anchor and other election-denying candidates to victory in November?
I will never understand why the Big Lie got so much traction other than the dumbing down of America's ill informed electorate. But you may be on to something, it's all for attention! Chaos indeed.
Thank you Steven, for you timely writing. A fractured fault line divides normal from abnormal in America. It is a sad comment on society when truth can be undermined by 'alternative facts', and disappointing that some people seem all too willing to buy into falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Author Maya Angelou wisely said: 'when people show you who they are the first time, believe them.' Trump has always shown us who he was. His disreputable business tactics, his multiple Bankruptcies, and even absconding with funds from his Charity, were all precursors for his obtuse power mongering while President. His hubris and bravado escalated, as did his belief that he he could do anything he wanted, because he was the President. In his distorted mind, he still believes he is in charge. In the first Impeachment Trial, Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, voiced a warning call of 'Danger, danger, danger', if a President should be removed from Office. The real DANGER was then, and still is now: Donald J. Trump. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1690019395845
This is Arizona at its most extreme. I would point out that Joe Arpaio lost his bad for Fountain Hills mayor, so we got that going for us! But Lake, and Mark Finchem, running for Secretary of State, are embarrassments. Plain and simple. This is one local who could mark his ballot now.
Kansas, oh sweet Kansas! Has the pendulum moved? Have independents, the young and suburban women finally seen the light; The Blues Brothers, James Brown, church scene.
I have 2 main questions: 1)Why do all those people support trump, an ignorant, lying, inexperienced , bully, foolish egomaniac-how is a troublemaker with those traits able to have any sway with anyone? Are so many bad rather than good in nature?What do psychiatrists say?
2) It seems ALL media-TV,political columns,newspapers,podcasts-focus only on the Republican candidates in the primary elections. Aren't there Democrats running? Who are they? What are their backgrounds, policies, promises. Even, what do they look like?? Who knows? All we see are pictures of trump, trump, trump and people like Lake, Herschel Walker, "Dr." Oz and the rest of the scoundrels. Nobody will know any other names, and if they don't vote straight Democrat, we are lost. Maybe we already are.
PS-We need to be pushing other qualified Democrats to be the 2024 candidate. Biden's insistence on running again against all the polls, is as egotistical as trump-almost. He has served , done his duty, but now it is time to stay in Delaware. We need a Jamie Raskin, a Joe Kennedy III. We need to win !!!
In response to your questions, there is evidence that psychopathic responses prevail among people of a certain socio-economic level, who support Trump. Those with limited education don't follow politics intently. They feel left behind, and see their neighbourhoods changing, forever. They have little faith in the government process or the Media, which Trump told them was 'the enemy of the people'. They boarded the Trump 'train' and rode along blindly. while he perpetuated his Reality Show act as President. Supremely out of his league, Trump surrounded himself with lap dog, yes-men/women and family members, who served as advisers. He repeatedly stoked fear and hostility among his followers against the establishment they believe had failed them. Trump told his supporters he had their best interests, and those of the country, at heart. And he claimed 'only he could fix it', i.e. the broken system in government. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Trump has only ever cared about himself and his own self-aggrandisement. He used wrecking-ball tactics to berate, cajole and disable his opponents. He was raised to get what he wants at ANY cost, which generally comes at the expense of others. His mob talk rhetoric is undeniable, and appealed to the alt-right with a proclivity for violence. And while he can't recite a single Bible verse. Trump presented himself as 'the chosen one,' and many religious zealots joined his procession. Donald Trump represents the reprehensible, and it will take a lot of work to recover from his influence. 2). As for Joe Biden running again, I believe he will hand the reins to someone else. He doesn't want to release his decision too far in advance. as it would serve as cannon fodder for Trump to continue to berate the man whose reason for running was to dislodge #45 and all the inveterate evil and ill will that characterised # 45'. Time will tell.,,,,,
What you have described is the stereotype of trump's legions. Not to sound elitist, but one can pick them out of a crowd, and reporters do, interview them, then, broadcast their unintelligent answers , giving people the impression they are all like that. They are not. My son in law is an ardent fan tho not racist, not against climate change thoughts and other illogical policies. He likes the pillow guy. His primary family was Republican. He is college educated, head manager of sales in Florida and Texas for his employer company. My daughter, I think perhaps not to be disagreeable with him, also goes along with him, getting upset if I or her sister text/talk about politics. We love her, so we don't. She is college educated and a director of a global company with a personality as such that no one ever has disliked her. They live in an exclusive neighborhood, their house probably worth now, $8,9K among others being built for over $1M. Their incomes are 6 figures.They do not like Biden. They vote Republican.
And this is what I was referring to with my question. Why would people like this go along with such a dumb, lying criminal? There are many more like them. Enigmatic.
Only Joe knows what he will do - maybe. After almost 3 years, he and his advisors/cohorts are finally doing some important work, having been hampered by M & S and all Republicans. (Don't forget Liz Cheney is still a Republican and has voted as such)But Americans are impatient, it took too long, they want someone else. He has been devoted but also has some baggage. And old Hunter is still a topic. I personally think something DID go on there, but he is not in gov't, and all sins of the son can not be blamed on the father.
It is God, family, country, party, with self/ego coming in last. All hell will probably break loose if Democrats win, but we must.
I will never understand why the Big Lie got so much traction other than the dumbing down of America's ill informed electorate. But you may be on to something, it's all for attention! Chaos indeed.
Thank you Steven, for you timely writing. A fractured fault line divides normal from abnormal in America. It is a sad comment on society when truth can be undermined by 'alternative facts', and disappointing that some people seem all too willing to buy into falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Author Maya Angelou wisely said: 'when people show you who they are the first time, believe them.' Trump has always shown us who he was. His disreputable business tactics, his multiple Bankruptcies, and even absconding with funds from his Charity, were all precursors for his obtuse power mongering while President. His hubris and bravado escalated, as did his belief that he he could do anything he wanted, because he was the President. In his distorted mind, he still believes he is in charge. In the first Impeachment Trial, Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, voiced a warning call of 'Danger, danger, danger', if a President should be removed from Office. The real DANGER was then, and still is now: Donald J. Trump. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1690019395845
Thank you for your comment, Audrey.
This is Arizona at its most extreme. I would point out that Joe Arpaio lost his bad for Fountain Hills mayor, so we got that going for us! But Lake, and Mark Finchem, running for Secretary of State, are embarrassments. Plain and simple. This is one local who could mark his ballot now.
Kansas, oh sweet Kansas! Has the pendulum moved? Have independents, the young and suburban women finally seen the light; The Blues Brothers, James Brown, church scene.
We shall see.
I have 2 main questions: 1)Why do all those people support trump, an ignorant, lying, inexperienced , bully, foolish egomaniac-how is a troublemaker with those traits able to have any sway with anyone? Are so many bad rather than good in nature?What do psychiatrists say?
2) It seems ALL media-TV,political columns,newspapers,podcasts-focus only on the Republican candidates in the primary elections. Aren't there Democrats running? Who are they? What are their backgrounds, policies, promises. Even, what do they look like?? Who knows? All we see are pictures of trump, trump, trump and people like Lake, Herschel Walker, "Dr." Oz and the rest of the scoundrels. Nobody will know any other names, and if they don't vote straight Democrat, we are lost. Maybe we already are.
PS-We need to be pushing other qualified Democrats to be the 2024 candidate. Biden's insistence on running again against all the polls, is as egotistical as trump-almost. He has served , done his duty, but now it is time to stay in Delaware. We need a Jamie Raskin, a Joe Kennedy III. We need to win !!!
In response to your questions, there is evidence that psychopathic responses prevail among people of a certain socio-economic level, who support Trump. Those with limited education don't follow politics intently. They feel left behind, and see their neighbourhoods changing, forever. They have little faith in the government process or the Media, which Trump told them was 'the enemy of the people'. They boarded the Trump 'train' and rode along blindly. while he perpetuated his Reality Show act as President. Supremely out of his league, Trump surrounded himself with lap dog, yes-men/women and family members, who served as advisers. He repeatedly stoked fear and hostility among his followers against the establishment they believe had failed them. Trump told his supporters he had their best interests, and those of the country, at heart. And he claimed 'only he could fix it', i.e. the broken system in government. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Trump has only ever cared about himself and his own self-aggrandisement. He used wrecking-ball tactics to berate, cajole and disable his opponents. He was raised to get what he wants at ANY cost, which generally comes at the expense of others. His mob talk rhetoric is undeniable, and appealed to the alt-right with a proclivity for violence. And while he can't recite a single Bible verse. Trump presented himself as 'the chosen one,' and many religious zealots joined his procession. Donald Trump represents the reprehensible, and it will take a lot of work to recover from his influence. 2). As for Joe Biden running again, I believe he will hand the reins to someone else. He doesn't want to release his decision too far in advance. as it would serve as cannon fodder for Trump to continue to berate the man whose reason for running was to dislodge #45 and all the inveterate evil and ill will that characterised # 45'. Time will tell.,,,,,
What you have described is the stereotype of trump's legions. Not to sound elitist, but one can pick them out of a crowd, and reporters do, interview them, then, broadcast their unintelligent answers , giving people the impression they are all like that. They are not. My son in law is an ardent fan tho not racist, not against climate change thoughts and other illogical policies. He likes the pillow guy. His primary family was Republican. He is college educated, head manager of sales in Florida and Texas for his employer company. My daughter, I think perhaps not to be disagreeable with him, also goes along with him, getting upset if I or her sister text/talk about politics. We love her, so we don't. She is college educated and a director of a global company with a personality as such that no one ever has disliked her. They live in an exclusive neighborhood, their house probably worth now, $8,9K among others being built for over $1M. Their incomes are 6 figures.They do not like Biden. They vote Republican.
And this is what I was referring to with my question. Why would people like this go along with such a dumb, lying criminal? There are many more like them. Enigmatic.
Only Joe knows what he will do - maybe. After almost 3 years, he and his advisors/cohorts are finally doing some important work, having been hampered by M & S and all Republicans. (Don't forget Liz Cheney is still a Republican and has voted as such)But Americans are impatient, it took too long, they want someone else. He has been devoted but also has some baggage. And old Hunter is still a topic. I personally think something DID go on there, but he is not in gov't, and all sins of the son can not be blamed on the father.
It is God, family, country, party, with self/ego coming in last. All hell will probably break loose if Democrats win, but we must.