I think the NYT is doing something even worse than looking for amusement in a deadly serious situation. In the last week, for example, the NYT ran an article with this headline: “Biden Campaign Aims to Weaponize Trump’s Threat to Obamacare.” The article uses “weaponize” even though the only thing the Biden campaign was doing (per the article) was utterly appropriate—using Trump’s own words against him. Given Trump’s constant accusations about Biden “weaponizing” the DOJ against Trump, this hyperbole by the NYT unforgivably lends credence to Trump’s false accusations.

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That article on "weaponizing" was written by the same guy who did the "Dems want more trump." What I found interesting is that what it REPORTED was that the campaign wants to highlight the dangers of trump, which is what we all want. It would be interesting to know whether Epstein chose the headline. More and more I am finding the bias of the NYT showing more in its misleading headlines than in its actual coverage (except for the Biden Age bits). I'd wondered if the problem was more the headline writers than the article writers. Epstein's follow-up makes me think he MEANT "weaponizing" as a way of discrediting what is a perfectly legitimate campaign strategy: comparing Biden's approach to Trumps on things that matter to the American people.

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Great work with your Media Misses conversation. Hard hitting facts that are glossed over, misrepresented, made up and delivered for amusement by media miss the true danger of the political environment through which we are living. Thank you for expressing and clarifying the truth. We need more!

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Thank you.

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I like the concept of Media Misses. Given the danger of a dictatorship under Trump if elected again, pointing out where the media is doing a poor job is vital in helping Americans make an informed decision when they vote for US president in November 2024.

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https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/11/joe-biden-2024-election-post-policy-era/676157/ Thanks, guys! This is a fabulous, fabulous idea and much needed. Calling out the B.S. (excuse my French). Although you can't read this article unless you subscribe (and I used to, but pieces like this became too discouraging)...I am still shocked that Tom Nichols would write such....drivel. I often write to authors who write nonsense, and worse, misleading and dangerous framing, but could not find a way to contact Nichols to express my profound disappointment. It almost felt like Kremlin propaganda, for heaven's sake! BIDEN IS NOT BORING. Which outlets covered his dip in the freezing Atlantic ocean on Thanksgiving Day? (I only found the amazing photos via my account with Post.News). With his family, so many young people, and he was on top of his game. At the very least, give credit where credit is due, Media. We are so very fortunate to have a functioning adult as our President.

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Thanks for your observations, Naima.

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It sickens me, as well, Naima, the way that President Biden is presented as a nebbish by virtually all of the MSM. I guess that kindness, integrity, and hard work just aren't sexy.

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I also was very very upset by the article from Tom Nichols.

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It would be great for Stephen and Mark to dissect it, I think.

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The NY Time is a sophisticated savvy organization... they would be aware of what you are saying. So why did they print this story? Is the NY Times really just another amoral transactional organization? God help us if that is true.

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The answer is: Yes.

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The NYT, as are other outlets, are in a transactional relationship with Trump..They are counting on the clicks and selling papers, that's it..All about the $$$..They and others are selling out the country..Just ask your Substack colleague Steve Schmidt of The Warning..Who would be a good voice to add to this new effort..

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Yes. And Robert Reich as well. He has been shouting coherently from the rooftops for decades and is still utterly on point.

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I agree with you about MSM being all (only?) about $$$$$ these days. Having said that, I'm am confused about adding Steve Schmidt to "this new effort". Are you aware, Sam, that Steve is now actively "selling out the country" by becoming Dean Phillips' campaign manager -- and only for $$$? (I think I remember you from "The Warning". I quit following him the day after his announcement. I realized that he was the same, cynical man that he'd always been.)

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I understand those such as yourself who feel this way vis-a-vis Schmidt..I’d have to disagree with you regarding him selling out..I guess I see in him more than meets the eye..I do not believe he is the cynical man you describe.. He has for a good while now spoken out on the generational change this country needs in its leaders..It is a position I concur with..It’s difficult to know what is going on in this situation without really knowing the intimate details.. I too am somewhat bewildered at this choice in this particular moment..And I do not claim to know what motivates him.. However, I can respect you and how you feel, while we disagree..similarly I can respect Schmidt even if I am uncertain of his motivation..To determine that, I can only extrapolate from his past statements, postings and essays.. Then do the best I can..

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Ditto for me. Thank you kdsherpa for voicing my opinion also. I’m really tired of the trashing or to put it more ladylike the damage that some of his subscribers have inflicted on Schmidt. Im saddened by it all. He’s a good man with good intentions.

As an aside, I’m not a podcast aficionado, but I did appreciate Steven’s effort to bring people like me along with small doses such as this one. Thank you Steven, and I promise to listen to these podcasts whenever you post them. They add a different layer to enriching my knowledge of the USA political scene. 🙏

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kdsherpa and Sam, my response is in the incorrect sequence. I don’t know how to correct it.

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Carole Ann,

Thank you for the correction..when you are on the website, you will see three small dots (...) in the lower right corner of your reply..opposite of the Like, Reply and Share icons..Clicking them will give you an edit choice..



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Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Sam, Steve's columns and our tremendous community was my favorite place on substacks for over a year. He writes beautifully, and expressed himself so well on critical topics. Maybe I'm the cynical one, because it wasn't until a couple of months till he revealed his "deal" with Phillips that he began endlessly writing about President Biden's age. I felt as if I had been being "groomed". I respect your decision 100%. It sure was hard for me to leave that site. I'd already renewed my subscription for a second year. That's how much I valued Steve's site. (I also really needed the title he chose, "The Warning", because it expressed everything I felt.)

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Regarding your current status with The Warning..It sounds as though you are a nonparticipating subscriber..able to rejoin the group when so motivated..If this is so, perhaps allow for the future to unfold more..allowing you to gain a more informed understanding of all of this..You may discover that circumstances are less dire than they seem to present to you now.. You can Also reach out to Steve directly through Substack and engage with him for a better understanding of what he is seeing..This way you can better resolve the conflicting feelings you are currently dealing with..

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I actually did reach out to Steve the day after he made his announcement. His response was brief. I do think that things are less dire -- thanks to the fact that Phillips lacks experience, as well as charisma. Nevertheless, it would have been better not to have to deal with this at all. So glad that we are discussing this, Sam.

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I'm glad we are as well kd.. This is what Joyce Vance would characterize as Civil Discourse..And your remarks regarding Philips are correct..

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This is a great effort to call out what is wrong with the media..They clearly do not get it..Or rather they are deliberately as my earlier reply noted in business with Trump.."Media Misses" is a good name, Media Fuckups might be more to the point..I think you guys ought to take off the gloves..There is still a whiff of lingering unwarranted deference to them..

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That was one weird story. What Democrats want is further exposure of the dangers of trump, not trump himself. It takes 20 paragraphs to get to what the Biden campaign is actually SAYING, and what it is saying is "more emphasis on the dangers of trump." That is not at all the same thing as following trump rallies or fluff about Biden voters who now want trump--which is what this thing IS until we get to paragraph 20.

In its defense, the NYT has a whole section on the 2025 agenda. I'm thinking this piece might be a defensive response to the growing number of people who are complaining to the paper about the false equivalency aspect of their reporting. Its tone is "Oh, that's silly, you just want more trump" as a way of saying "how can you complain about all our stories about Biden's age when you want trump in the spotlight. "

Thank you, btw, for making your video BRIEF. I routinely archive aka roundfile pod-cast posts that say things like "60 minute listen." If I listened to all of them I'd run out of hours in the day.

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Thanks, Susan. The plan is to stay between 5 and 7 mins.

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Trump sells papers. All of us would like his picture to be smaller than the story. I want less punditry and a real picture of current events.

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I listened to the first episode of Media Misses and agree100%. Thanks to you both for highlighting just one example of the really outrageous NYT article.

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I subscribe to the Times in spite of their political coverage. I don't read it, but I read a lot of complaints about it. I subscribe to read a few of their columnists, who are in a different league from the political news people. I wonder if they do things like you pointed out on purpose, or because they are pursuing ratings and clicks. It makes me wonder if they want Trump to win.

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This was really a good short and to the point podcast, Steven. David Andelman did a great piece for CNN regarding the media: https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/29/opinions/biden-democracy-israel-ukraine-taiwan-andelman/index.html

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Thank you, Marlene.

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Please have transcripts available. (I read much faster than I listen!)

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Do you not see a button at the top to turn on the transcript while the video plays? It should be there.

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Plus, there are those of us who struggle with hearing, being able to read along with is very helpful... if possible.

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Do you not see a button at the top to turn on the transcript while the video plays? It should be there.

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I will look. Thank you, Steven

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Excellent point!

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