She should stay in the race as long as possible simply to aggravate Trump.

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I think Nikki Haley is vile but I agree she should stay in the race simply to get under Trump’s thin skin and expose more of his cognitive decline in the process.

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Jan 27, 2024
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Proof, please. Name the mega donors.

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I think the remaining living Koch brother is a donor for her.

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If you make an assertion it is up to you to back it up . . . at least if you want people to take you seriously.

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And you if you said it so it must be true. Sounds MAGA to me, and so what? All mega-donors should be throttles, all sides and viewpoints, and hopefully if right- (or left-) minded people come back into power, they will overthrow Citizens United.

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Do you mean “throttled” or “throttles.” ???

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What article? How do I see campaign filings? Fundraising invitations? Twitter? You must be kidding or delusional.

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Jan 27, 2024
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Charles Koch is right wing as you can get, he's not a Democrat.

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maybe this is a good strategy for getting Biden elected. Sometimes I feel billionaires donate not to support a candidate but to throw a curveball into the race. The article really does not explain anyone's reason for donating to Haley, just states that they have donated. Are the sponsors "military industrialists"? IDK

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The Koch Brothers are not Democrats, they have always funded Republicans.

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Because that worked SO well for Hillary Rodham Clinton against Donald Trump.

Show us the receipts.

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Of course you are not highly biased. / s — Try harder.

Who do you think were her voters in the primaries? DEMs and Inds where there were open primaries where Biden wasn’t running. States that assigned delegates “proportionate” to the vote. In Iowa she pulled in about 25% of the GOP vote.

Major Dem donors and savvy pols don’t expect her to get many delegates. You’re not telling the rest of the story. 😁

Most of the remaining states are either ‘winner take all’ or have thresholds where the leading candidate gets all delegates. Guess who directed the GOP state parties to make those rules? Your guy, Donnie.

Why are Dem donors giving her $$$?

“Reid Hoffman recently donated $250,000 to a super PAC supporting Haley. The LinkedIn co-founder and a major Democratic donor has funded an array of anti-Trump initiatives. His donation, first reported by The Times, is the latest sign that some Democrats see bolstering Haley as the best way to beat Trump.”

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FACT: Haley is funded mostly by neo-liberals, corporate donors in both parties, but her biggest contributors are the Libertarian Koch brothers, who want to do away with social security. Haley's policies are extremely right-wing and appeal to old school Republicans, who worry more about equitable tax policy, than to the MAGAs, who are preoccupied with conspiracies and liberal social movement.

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Which leaves out the part about how a lot of those donors were supporting DeSantis - not the Koch network though. They got on the Haley train early. They also have their eye on the Senate. Mitch has always been a pal.


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What was once merely hyperbole is now extremist beliefs. Ie., Haley “is funded by democrat megadonors” - a denial that any Republican could have more moderate beliefs! Republican supporters like Yuri are not Conservatives, they are white extremists who believe everyone is involved in a conspiracy except them.

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I would guess his namesake represents a well practiced propagandist.

Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (1939 – 1993). Russian who also lived in India. Defected to CAN and eventually came to the US.

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Jan 27, 2024
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You can’t argue the facts so YOU repeat cliches like “echo chamber” and ‘regurgitating”. I’m a subscriber & daily reader of the Wall Street Journal, Yuri, so I’m exposed to Conservative beliefs almost daily. Try responding to the issue I raised instead of making ad hominem arguments. What traditional Conservative beliefs are you espousing? And that Forbes article you cite above is NOT yours, it’s someone else’s byline.

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She is being funded by mega donors like Koch Brothers!

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From the moment Ford pardoned Nixon, I have felt it was a mistake.

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Personally, I view Haley as a slick grifting hustler.


Distorts truths


Low integrity

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??? She _is_ a Republican, after all. Party before country. At this point, anyone with integrity is gone. #TheRepublicanPartyMustDie (be disbanded)

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I don't see too many Haley supporters on here. I think most of us know that she is Trump in pumps.

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So was DeSantis. (Sorry to be catty.)

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Works for me. That person is the governor of my state.

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Boots that were made originally for walking. His boots were “kinky”.

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I concur.

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Ford’s pardoning Nixon was a massive mistake and a lot of us were enraged at the time. Nikki Haley is wrong. People who commit crimes must be held accountable no matter who they are.

I have no respect for her because she is dishonest, lacks integrity, and is a coward. That being said, she should keep running. trump receiving so few votes in the caucus and primary of two small states does not equate to a landslide of support.

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Ford’s pardoning of Nixon has led us directly to trump and his belief he can be pardoned if caught/convicted.

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I think she’s wrong and was deflecting. There is no way a divisive DODO (Demented Old Desperate One) would not be divisive after being pardoned.

DODO was pals with Nixon after Watergate. He studied it. They discussed it. He has said Nxion’s error was not destroying the tapes (although he didn’t mention flushing them). He also said he shouldn’t have resigned.

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She should stay, if only to exist as a stone in Donnie’s shoe an endless irritant to distract him and, perhaps, make him even more unhinged. Maybe if he gets really ugly (more so than already), it might turn off the less-rabid MAGA types.

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May also have to divide his attention between primary & general while he needs cash. He’s been paying stuff out of his political $$. Reporting is that E Jean Carroll’s verdict is more than he has on hand in political $$.

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Here's the thing: pardoning won't shut him up and won't stop him from causing mahem.

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Nor will anything else, including jailing him. The truth is that 40% of Americans are wacko & non-readers. They feel personally empowered by all of his crazy positions and anti-democratic actions.

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I’d rather see him in jail instead of a golf course. After almost nine years of daily Trump bs, please throw him in jail.

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I don’t know about that. In jail, he would be having panic attacks, perhaps his breathing would cause a...oh wishful thinking!

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Yes. At least Nixon went away voluntarily and quietly. Trump will never get out of America’s face, pardon or not.

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She should stay to bring out Trump’s flaws.

But, issue will be how long the Koch money is available to finance her.

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She doesn't need much money. Every radio and TV host will gladly give her free air time.

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True! That cuts 1 campaign expense!

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They also have their eye on the Senate. A lot of their work (polling, voter attitudes, testing messages) can be dual purpose.


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I think it is obvious she should stay in the race. There is a good possibility:

• Trump has a conviction

• Trump has a health crisis

The same thing applies to the democratic side. It will not be Dean Phillips, but Gavin Newsome keeps his name in the news, just in case Biden’s health falters. Kamala Harris is not popular, she just doesn’t connect with enough of the electorate.

Biden 100% deserves re-election. The main risk to winning is his age resulting in a health crisis. If he is sound he will win.

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He was elected as a stopgap one term president. He was supposed to groom his replacement. He’s clearly too old and feeble. I won’t be voting for him again. I’m tired of politicians staying too long.

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Yes, Trump is so much younger and hasn’t hit his expiration date?

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Not a Newsome fan but I agree with most of what you said.

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Newsome has his faults, but he could beat Trump. Phillips is complete unknown, and Kamala too risky. I’d vote for any dem against Trump.

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Why? Why is Kamala too risky? Is it because she’s a strong and intelligent black woman? Is it because she is like no other candidate? Is it because she’s married to a white guy who’s Jewish?

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VP Harris was my first choice for the Democratic candidate in 2020. She’s an intelligent, strong black woman, but I was afraid that voters would be too misogynistic and racist to elect her.

FWIW, I’m a 74 year old white woman who has been a democrat all my life and would vote for the NY pizza eating rat before I’d vote for a republican, especially tfg.

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No, no and no. Same deal as Hillary, people don’t like her. Beating Trump is the #1 cause, anything else is secondary.

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Yes, she should stay and keep up with the temper tantrum and senior moment comments, at a minimum. I realize she probably won't ask questions about E. Jean, but at least she touched on it. I haven't seen anything about how Von Hilliard was pulled off of TFG pool coverage because he asked Elise stefanik about what she thought of the E. Jean defamation trial. Keep up the good work.

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Sure but she’s not effectuating any change. She’s just giving the Republican minority (who oppose Trump) an excuse to claim that the party isn’t extremist. They still ARE.

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Stay. tRUmp might leave the party and, thus, split it, a la Teddy Roosvelt. Hopefully it would be the death of the party. (#TheRepublicanPartyMustDie [be disbanded])

I remember the Southern Project and, recently, I learned of the concurrent treason at the Paris Peace Talks. The party has gone downhill ever since. Newt Gingrich made excluding Democrats from power an explicit goal. SO, it's been a party of us-before-country for 56 (or more) years. That attracts con-men. Con-men attract the likes of Vladimir Putin. We see the result. It's not just tRUmp.

If Haley can get the party to split apart, it would be a huge success.

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I think the Republican Party is dead but there hasn’t yet been a memorial service and proper burial.

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Nikki, for all her faults, MUST stay and pound Trump daily, get under his skin, twist the knife. It costs virtually nothing to do this. She can get an interview on any radio or TV show she wishes. This will drive him crazy, push him to even more unhinged behavior and make clearer -- every day -- his diminished mental health and unfittness for office.

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@StevenBeschloss, I think you hit the nail on the head, as you usually do, with your comment, about Haley's idea of moving on and no longer talking about Trump, calling it, and I quote you: " a particularly grave error. Has not the Holocaust—has not American slavery and the Civil War—taught us that societies need to grapple openly and meaningfully with their deepest and darkest failures?" As you further elaborated, she has been walking this tightrope throughout her campaign. On one hand I think she is the best, now better since there are only 2, option for the GOP, not that I would vote for her because I don't want Conservatives to take more control of our government. However, I don't understand why she doesn't come out and take a real stand and really say that people who commit crimes should be punished and why should would hold Trump above the law. It would not divide out country more to have him punished. Though after Nixon resigned in disgraced to avoid impeachment, Ford later punished him to get the national nightmare over. It sends a very bad signal that no one will hold presidents who break the law accountable. That is not democracy. Those statements she makes are not going to get her into the VP stakes. She waffles too much and Trump demands total loyalty, to the point of groveling. Trump, the narcissist, would never think that Haley with her inroads into independent voters might help him win a general election. He is more interested, my opinion, in selecting a VP who has been TOTALLY LOYAL IN ALL RESPECTS. His ego tells him to take a like-minded person, such as Tim Scott, from a possibly important electoral college state (SC), or Elise Stefanik, from a state (NY) he is never likely to win but could possibly bring in some women voters. Of course, if Biden and Harris could do a better job of messaging and get the Roe v Wade issue back into the forefront, not on the basis of an abortion free for all, but on the factors that make it a necessary medical procedure often to save the life or health of the mother, especially when the fetus is not viable in vitro, or wouldn't survive long after birth, or be a totally damaged human, impossible to care for and putting a burden on parents and the government to support, with no quality of life, but just as a breathing entity. Back to the original question/issue posed, I think Haley's inability to take a firm stand for democracy and the Constitution, and not be afraid of offending Trump's cult base by saying he must be held accountable for his crimes, that doing so would not further divide the country, but rather, in time, would strengthen the Constitution and the values on which this country was founded, shows that she is not a strong leader. She is again caving to politics rather than leading. In my thinking, we need a person who is a strong leader, who is not afraid to make the difficult decisions, for the good of the country. We can't think how to get the GOP nomination and how to win the 2024 presidential election. We have to think long term.

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The messaging by the Biden-Harris campaign is getting much much better. They’ve hired a former producer of the Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show.

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That sounds excellent !!!

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Sorry Nikki, "an 80-year-old man sitting in jail" does not have a microphone... he would fade into oblivion. It's only his grandiosity that thinks his supporters would rise up. Now can we talk about jail, and ridding politics of all his enablers/abetters?

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As much as I dislike Haley for many of the reasons mentioned in the article, pragmatically I'd like to see her stay in the race. She will serve a valuable purpose by continuing to attack Trump (hopefully harder and harder) in a widely viewed public forum. This will not only distract him, but it will also trigger outbursts of his pathological rage for all the voters to see. Trump has built his political career by attacking his opponents with exaggerated nonsense. It's time he received some of his own medicine, but with substance and truth behind it. Bring it, Nikki!

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I think it’s cute that she thinks that the country would “stop talking about him” after a pardon, when we all know that he is never going to shut up until he’s either in jail or in the grave.

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If he doesn't win the presidency, what do you think his next move is going to be? I think it will be what he wanted to do when he first ran, regain his admiring audiences and start his own television network. With him as the star, of course.

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Hopefully? Prison! He will want to avenge his defeat by any and all means possible. He already wants to burn the country down to the ground as the head of the republican party, and given the chance, he’ll keep trying to do so until his dying breath. Being just a tv show host will never be enough.

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Or that. Prison works for me.

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Not sure it matters. It’s only a matter of time before she will be kissing Trump’s ass (again).

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Sadly probably true 😢

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Indeed. Wasn't the pardon's concept issued in fact to repair an error of justice ?

How can you then decide to pardon someone who has been seen to obviously breach the law when hundred of thousands are imprisoned sometimes for life for the same reason ?

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Trump did that repeatedly he use it as a power move. It had nothing to do with integrity, decency, honesty, or repairing a past wrong.

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Good question. Maybe she will pardon those hundreds of thousands also. Ahhhhhh !!!!

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When Nixon was pardoned, I was all of 30. I had voted for him in '68; and in '72. At that time, one had to be 21 years-old to vote, so Tricky Dick was the first president I was eligible to vote for. Yeah, I know. But, still, I did NOT like Humphrey.

However, I do recall believing that Gerald Ford had done the right in pardoning Nixon. My reason in that then 30-year-old mind was what a conviction might do to an already torn country. Fast forward to our current world. By comparison to Nixon, Trump is a criminal on steroids. Trump has committed so many crimes he likely holds the record on criminal acts by anyone person, president or otherwise. Trump belongs in prison; solitary. No phones, no mics, no TVs. Isolate him and allow him to wallow in his self-created hell and his miserable self-pity. Frankly, no amount or degree of suffering or punishment for Trump would be sufficient.

As to Haley, she is from South Carolina. That is enough for me. Her remark that the U.S. has never been racist left me stilled in my tracks. Even though I would not and will not vote for Haley, I'd rather see her at the Republican helm than the orange traitor. That would confirm for me that there is at least SOME stability within the Republican cabal. Trump is a threat to any civilized society, and his followers are equally depraved and intellectually deprived. Republicans need to be saved from themselves and our nation needs to be saved the from Republicans en masse.

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Wow. Well said !

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I think she should stay in the race to aggravate Trump and to see how other states vote in their primaries…

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The most useful thing that could happen with Nikki staying in the race would be an actual televised debate between her & Trump. I think she could easily eat his lunch & all the viewers would have the opportunity to see how stupid & deranged he is.

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Not sure about that, but it would be interesting. It is very difficult to debate an ignorant buffoon who is also a professional liar and cheat. It's not wise to argue with a crazy person. The folks watching may not be able to tell the difference.

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I disagree.

Niki could get under his skin so fast, he will become a wild maniac. Which he already has symptoms of.. he will talk crazier and crazier, and he will lose it. I’m thinking, perhaps she already knows this., and this might be her main agenda. To show the world what a complete asshole., and nut job. This guy is.. she can actually provoke him to lose it entirely, or he may even make him physically violent. He’s on that verge anyway..

You go, Niki I’m all for you staying in

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You are probably right about many Republican voters that would tune in, but being the first debate that would include Trump, I would hope that a few interested "independent" citizens would also watch and be totally horrified by Trump.

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I hope so !!!

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I hope she stays. If she leaves it will be so boring. If she stays, at least through Super Tuesday it might give some of the lost Magats a reason to question why they support Trump. She should force him to debate. Physically or virtually.

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LOL, what came to mind was a physical brawl between them...Nikki would win hands down!

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She’d kick his ass. Strong women terrify him.

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Agree .. Nikki will destroy the frump. I’ve never seen a more ignorant human being on this planet.. long before he became POTUS, if you ever watched him on Howard Stern, or any other shows, his stupidity was blatant, not to mention his perversion for his own daughter. He’s a sick SOB among other things.

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As long as I live I will never understand supposed ministers endorse this man and all he stands for.

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I agree. And this business that Donald Trump was ordained by God… is the most insane thing I have ever heard.

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That’s true. Strong smart women are his Achilles heel

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Yes - Haley should stay and for as long as she chooses and has the necessary support. Seeing her build courage to go after the violent, serial misogynist liable for sexual assault and rape, criminal, violent insurrectionist, treasonous, deeply disgraced, failed and one term ex president may help build it in others. Seeing the failed ex president become so much more 'unhinged' and threatening just towards Haley is needed for the GOP and, especially, independent voters nationally.

Haley also needs to press the demand that Trump debate her on live TV as his only other GOP competition and loudly propose he is a coward should he still refuse. Do this keeping in mind that the criminal, treasonous failed one term president has no impulse control. Draw him out even further.

That the national GOP and chief 'MAGA' parasite, Ronna McDaniel wanted to overtly deny the relevance of 48 of our 50 states and simply anoint the disgraced, failed ex president the GOP winner is pathetic. After her own sublime cowardice, Haley can atone (to a point, anyway) by defying, standing up to, and disrupting the 'MAGA Cult Train.' I hope she stays around regardless of the results in South Carolina.

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In my younger years I often viewed the Republican Party as the adults in the room: a counter to the sometimes unrealistic idealism of Democrats. Those were the Dwight Eisenhower/Everett Dirksen/Richard Lugar Republicans who embraced internationalism, (although Dirksen was initially an isolationist before seeing the light) civil rights, and many other 'woke' concepts, but retained their conservative economic values. Even though I frequently disagreed with Republican positions, I often saw value and truth in some of their thoughts. I viewed the debate as healthy. Compromise was not a dirty word.

Newt Gingrich severely wounded that party by eschewing compromise and placing party loyalty above policy. Mitch McConnell, Mark Meadows, and many others dealt more blows, and Donald Trump added the personal loyalty aspect to an already, perhaps terminally, corrupted party.

At one time, I hoped Nikki Haley could be the kind of throwback Republican I had valued. I'm no longer optimistic about that.

She should, however, stay in, but only of she keeps up the reality check of what Donald Trump actually is and what he stands for.

My, perhaps delusional, hope is that somewhere deep inside the kernel of what the Republican Party once was remains. If she can reveal it, that would be a service to us all.

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While both Trump and Haley are a danger to our country, Nikki should stay in the race. This would turn up the pressure on Trump, further split the party and waste conservative mega donor money. While a long shot to actually secure the nomination, Haley’s campaign would cause Trump to become even more unhinged. This may serve to finally cause persuadable voters to recognize his mental, emotional and spiritual unfitness. And her own cruel policy stances and calls to pardon an unrepentant serial criminal may alarm swing voters. All of the above would benefit Biden.

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She should go.

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She should stay. If were no other reason, but to piss the hell out of Donald Trump.. the more angry he becomes, the crazier he is, and the nuttier he sounds. This is why I want her to stay to the very fucking end.. just to make him crazier than he is, if that’s even possible

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She should stay until he is either convicted or implodes or explodes!!!!!!

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I would like to see Nikki stay in for awhile, although I do not want her to be elected!

She flip flops on issues & showed her dark feelings about slavery etc.

But, she gets under Tyrumps skin, & I think that is helpful.

It would be terrible to pardon TYrump! It will embolden this behavior to occur again!

What seems to be happening, is most Democrats “play by the rules” most Republicans do not. And we see the Hypocrisy and foolishness of the Republican House almost daily.

I hope you don’t mind Sir, but I copied one of the great statements you just made and would like to share her:

“I would argue that it was exactly in the country’s interest to have held the disgraced Richard Nixon accountable. A corrupt figure like Trump may have been more convinced that criminal violations from the White House could lead to conviction and possibly jail, that presidents are not immune, that he cannot count on pardons to absolve him of his crimes. Nikki Haley taught that little boy in the library the wrong lesson. As Chris Christie put it, a pardon signals there are “two systems of justice.”

I agree

My heart breaks because TYrump & Republicans have endeavored to end our systems with mockery and disdain for greed and power.

I believe Nikki Haley will continue their goals to stay in power. I do not want her elected.

Thank you for all you do.


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I know, Niki stated early on she would pardon Trump.

But no, we don’t know what she will do in the end. I have a feeling she may not pardon him.. I think she was playing to his bass, and still does to an extent.

Once she stops playing to the Maga people, I think she will win more points, and get more votes

She won’t beat Joe Biden, but I want her in this race, and I want her to be the Republican nominee. Just so that creep asshole will feel shittier about himself than he already does

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Stay Nikki. Highlight the difference between the Trump cult and any normal Republicans. Reinforce the dangerous plans he has for his administration.

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I agree you should stay and be a thorned decide but please define “normal” Republican ??!!!

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Stay in the race. Who knows. I remember a (true) quote from a state legislator that went: "When I started talking on this bill, I was for it; but the longer I've been talking, the more I'm against it." Lightning might strike twice.

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sounds like an early 80's song by the Clash "Should I stay or should I go". I see no reason not to stay.

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Yes, she should stay in. I totally disagree with her policies but she is an irritant to the Republicans and that’s a good thing.

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I agree She should do the total opposite of what Trump is commanding her to do.

Everything he wants she should go against. Make him crazier than he already is., feed into his low self-esteem, so he feels like a piece of shit. And see what he does..

He will lose it more than ever. I want to see him, lose it in entirely, even if he has to punch somebody in the face., it would be worth it. I would definitely offer my face just to get him punished and in jail., so there was time to go through all of his trials. He’s going down. No doubt.

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I agree it was a mistake to pardon Nixon. The American voters who rejected President Ford’s re-election may have agreed too. To pardon a convicted former president would be a grave error. Whether to commute his jail sentence is a totally separate decision.

Nikki Haley could sharpen her criticism of DJT by altering her previous position. Instead of a pardon, commutation of a jail sentence might serve the nation’s interest, but only if the convicted former president expresses remorse for disgracing the presidency and the nation.

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Didn’t the Republicans make the same argument twice when Trump was impeached? “He’s learned his lesson.” “We can move on now.” They said. We were all hoping that was true. Sad story is Trump won’t let us move on and never will. E Jean Carroll case for instance, he will not let her live in peace, he probably will be sued a third time for continuing his harassment. (Just a prediction). Trump will never let his base go, they will be a bane in society threatening those who openly oppose him until they forget about him which will probably be never. We are in this fight for Democracy for the long haul.

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Nikki Haley needs to stay in the race by correcting two terribly flawed campaign statements. 1. She needs to rescind her comment that America is not racist, and acknowledge that one of the countries fundamental problems has been and still is its problem with racism. 2. She needs to rescind her statement that she would pardon Trump if she were elected president, which creates a double standard by placing this fascist dictator above the rule of law. She is a slick politician and I doubt if she would concede to changing her position on either issue. But she is a hundred times better than her opponent, who was the worst president in our nations entire history. It will be interesting to see where Trump actually does end up. Hopefully it will be in a Federal or Georgia State prison, and completely bankrupt!

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Love the image. Trump in State Prison for the rest of his life. And totally bankrupt..

And his sons in the next cell.

Wow, now that’s justice…

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Biden and his family as well!

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she needs to stay just to keep the orange one mad. She could even be in place should something happen to the 77 yr old physically challenged and mentally challenged man.

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Agree. The frump may never make it to election. Prison, illness or even death.

What’s wrong with the rep pukes? They have no back up. What the hell is the matter with them

How stupid

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Haley is an election denier and says she'd pardon DJT if he is convicted -ludicrous on both counts!

She does, though, get under DJT's skin and misogyny, which feeds into our national attention on the EJean Carrol case, MAGA's intention to control women's bodies and so on; this can lead us, potentially, to another 'Me Too' movement as we saw in 2016. Haley can help in this way to defeat DJT (he had a melt-down over her 'victory' speech -pathetic), but she'll never get the MAGA base in order to become POTUS. So yes, for the time being, she should stay. Great question -thanks!

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Great answer -thanks, Lisa.

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