I always love what you write, I learn something each time and feel I gain new insight from your wisdom and knowledge. I am not a history expert but I think I am a fairly good study of people and I am quite fearful that we are on a very destructive path that we can’t turn back from. The people with the most power and the loudest voices seem to have the greater influence over the masses. And often times they seem to be malevolent and self-serving rather than benevolent and inclusive. If we can’t learn as a People to take care of each other, we are certainly not going to take care of our planet. And as you have said so aptly, we are running out of time. I am a mother of three, a grandmother of nine, I have an advanced degree in psychology and I am a licensed psychologist. I see myself as optimistic and I want to be hopeful. But too often I am afraid, I feel hopeless, and I wonder with trepidation how long it will be before it is “too late to turn back”. Are we already there, is there anything we can do to change this trajectory and save ourselves and our planet? I worry for my children and their children and the generations after that because I feel there may not be any more generations and more than that, I fear HOW it will end. All that to say I share your thoughts and concerns, I just wish there was some way to help people understand the gravity of the situation. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Please keep writing - you never know it might be paying attention.

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Thank you kindly for your thoughts, Katie. My view is that, while the works will be increasingly disrupted and portions increasingly uninhabitable, we still have the ability to both envision positive futures and find ways to live better with each other. That drives me.

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I believe that’s true. I will stay hopeful.

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I turn 64 today, so this is particularly timely for me. On one hand I have faith in science pulling us through. On the other, I see the effect of unregulated pollution over my lifetime and despair. The changing climate and the decimation of animals and insects is easily observable and frankly terrifying. I can’t imagine a world without elephants or whales or dragon flies or bees. It’s also very clear to me that we are all interconnected in a million ways, plants and animals alike. I’ve come to realize for lack of a better term that God is manifest in the soul of every creature that ever lived.

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I posted a piece today speaking straight to that point

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What’s your substack?

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I am new to your writing and feel fortunate for my discovery. Thank you.

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Worth repeating: “now is the time to design a new narrative of progress—one that is inclusive, understands the benefits of our diversity as a species, and incorporates the realities of our endangered planet.” Thank you for encapsulating a future we could celebrate.

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Thanks, David.

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Well written, as usual. You surprise me occasionally, I saw a few offramps you decided to ignore, so that brought a smile. Kept thinking about my college-age daughter giving me Howard Zinn's history book as if it were gospel. I dropped a post today making a comparative literary analysis between the song Rhinestone Cowboy and John Locke's A Letter Concerning Tolerance. It's very apolitical, as is all my writing. You should be honored, I only troll over here. LOL - Joke! I love it if you or your readers gave it a look.



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Beautiful and elegantly written. Even if I anticipate what you are going to say, I want to read what you write to see how you say it. Inspiring. Thought-provoking. And provides valuable perspective.

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Thanks so much. Glad you find it valuable.

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What a great reading this was.

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Thank you, friend.

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You write so well, and are so inclusive, giving a balance, not like others who grab onto the "progress" and forget the rest. Forget that the "progress" they have made is not there for everyone. Forget that there is still so much brokenness in our world. Your list of our brokenness is so very comprehensive. Unfortunately, those who need to see it won't be reading it. Most troubling to me right now are the issues of: men deciding women don't have freedom over their bodies, replacement theory, and the issue I have been personally researching from every angle for so long, gun violence and the lack of any progress in that area.

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Isaac Newton said for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Although he was mainly speaking of science/physics, I believe the quote has a connection with all things.There is happy & sad , black & white, rich & poor, compassion & cruelty, good & evil. These have always existed, always will.As countries go, Finland is the happiest while the US is #16, not even in the top ten. There is tension, dismay, disillusion in our country with over half of the population disapproving of President Biden. Although times are a little better for African Americans these days, there is still prejudice as shown recently in the neighborhood grocery where 10 people were shot to death simply because they were black. And, sorry to say, there are black people who hate whites, won't speak & look right through you. The rich want more, more, more-money, mansions, yachts (Manchin lives on one), power, having little care for everyone else. Jesus said the poor you will always have with you. Upper classes get an esteem boost by looking down upon those with less. Even those who were once called trailer trash looked down on black people. Fortunately, there are still food stamps and the Salvation Army.

Cruelty is prevalent with name calling, rudeness, daily killings, belittling others, while others, unknown, receiving no accolades, feed sandwiches to the homeless and give a dollar to the skinny guy with the sign that says Anything helps. I do not believe all people are basically good. I think they are selfish. Even little children are born that way, not wanting to share toys, showing jealousy.There are good traits in many but people are primarily interested in themselves and show little interest in others or their problems. I do believe there are pure evil people. Putin is evil, an out and out murderer and happy to do it. And of course we have Mao, Bin Laden, Stalin, Hitler, Himmler and I am going to include trump. He is a liar, manipulator, two faced, interested only in himself and cheating.When little, I read he threw stones at a baby in a playpen next door. He wanted protestors shot. Even talked of killing someone on 5th Ave. Evangelicals lay hands on him and think he is the 2nd coming. Wanting to be king for life, then his family taking turns, he would have no qualms about destroying this country,getting rid of people, this an ignorant man who even upset Putin with his lack of knowledge or history.

The old testament is full of turmoil and killings. So the Son was sent to bring goodness and peace but instead suffered unbearable torture on a Roman cross, and the world went on the same as always.

Countries have conquered other, independent nations: Japan took China, France took Algeria, Britain whose empire was so great that the sun never set on it, took Palestine, Spain did its share .Germany & Russia took what ever they could defeat. And then we have the US, always looking for new frontiers, the first, land from sea to sea, called Manifest Destiny in the 1800s.First, the native Americans were decimated , considered savages, and still are 2nd class ranked. We took what became 6 states from Mexico, Guam, the Philippines & Puerto Rico from Spain acquiring Hawaii on the side. We have always been a warring nation-Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, 2 world wars. Look it up on the internet. The list is 28 names long. Now the frontier is space. What right do power hungry leaders, countries have to pounce on others? Why should other cultures become American or Russian oriented? We tried that with Indian children with devastating results.We have had our better moments, however, supporting countries with money, think land lease, finally paid back by Britain in, yes, 2006.On the other side of the coin, however, we sell them military supplies to protect or kill, depending on the circumstances.

Yes we carry the world in our pockets, the internet, but how much of it is the truth? How many fake posts, untruthful conspiracy theories, FUs are on it that stir up those who are already on edge and send them out to drive cars on sidewalks and kill pedestrians.

Yes we have better health care, medicine. Had we had it back when, my father would not have died at 66.But look at the prices in the US as compared to other countries. I think Bernie and Elizabeth are the only politicians trying to reduce the cost. Others not willing to bite the hand that elects them, i.e. Sinema. Republicans are dying to end Obamacare ......and Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. Senator Scott recently advocated raising taxes on all who benefit from these, he whose company was fined $1.7 billion for defrauding Medicare but came away with millions and millions himself.

Yes, since the invention of printing,( the Bible being the first but Catholics were not allowed to read it and only accept church interpretation) we have a zillion books. I have 5 book cases and need more as books are piling up on the tops. Not that many people read them, however. The fiction ones except for an occasional exception, are all about murder, stabbings, sex, little town bad secrets, and WW II. Ones put out by Universities are too expensive. They are mainly aimed at students who must buy the book the prof wrote for his class. The old publish or perish.

Crazy men have taken over reproduction, sending women back 50 years. Now they are even saying that when a sperm penetrates the egg, it's a baby and that contraception should be outlawed. Save the fetus, but vote against the born child eating. How about some vasectomies? How about believing women who accuse trump, Musk, Thomas, Kavanaugh ? A body part does not a potentate make.

Since the invention of gun powder in China, man has killed,loved his guns, created the power to destroy the whole planet, and there are those who would use it. But don't cross the NRA. Both parties need that PAC money. I think all the thoughts and prayers mean I'm glad it was you, not me. Give people bouquets while they are alive; they can't see them lined up on sidewalks .

There is a lack of good old fashioned morals. Older people wish for the 50s, 60s again.Acting used to be considered lower class; now, actors are celebrities, with multi fathered children, tattoos, the women practically naked & imitating intercourse during NFL halftimes. Make a sex tape, get loaded with money and invited to the White House. Companies hire people to teach employees table manners. Men and women both now cannot say a sentence without an a$$ or a $..t in it.

Education is lacking. Everything is technology. No one sits under a tree any more watching the clouds and thinking intelligent thoughts on how people's minds can also make life, alone, better, happier.There should be more to life than facebook and PCs.

Complain about gas prices but do nothing to end the greed of the oil companies. Lobbyists won't like you.

Food producing California is suffering from drought in 44% of its land. Food is stuck in seaports. There is a great need for truck drivers. Everybody at the grocery store complains about prices. A little bag of cherries costs $13. But, blame President Biden. I imagine he could do more. He needs to 'get on the horn' and travel around this country talking about inflation, what can be done, listening to people, And these people are tired of politician promises that are never kept. If you can't do it, don't promise it. Biden has done enough, served long enough. It is time for another. One who can for sure win in 2024 . If trump and the vote against everything Republicans win with no program except lies and negativity, God help the United States. Is the glass half full or half empty. Time will tell.

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