Reflecting on infrastructure investment and priorities, the "freedom" of anti-vaxxers, and the real target of the House Select committee—behind the tweets
Yes, so true and beautifully written and said. I think to sum it all up in one word is exploitation or extraction. None of which is sustainable for a just society for all. Thanks again Steven your writings are so appropriate and appreciated. Writing can be and is also a form of resistance. #MDDOS my daily dose of sanity
There is a lot wrong with this country, and you covered the highlights of this mess. What we will never be able to fix, is the lack of basic human decency in the Republican party and their cult. There is no getting them back, and I for one, don't want them back. What I am increasingly sick of is the lack of consequences being paid by any of them. Yes, the unvaccinated are dying. I don't necessarily find joy in that, but, I don't feel any sympathy for them either. They have been irresponsible from the start of this and I'm sick of suffering the consequences of their ignorance.
As far as January 6th goes, I would like to think there are things going on behind the scenes at the DOJ, but, as you said, letting the public know, on a regular basis, that they are still heavily on the case, would be reassuring to us and maybe be a deterrent to any would be insurrectionists, going forward.
On the last subject, I just can't with Manchin and Sinema anymore. I am disgusted by them and their self centered, media whore bullshit. We the people didn't work our asses of to get Democrats elected, just to have them, once again, squander the opportunity. I'm sick of their spinelessness, their caving to and trying to negotiate with the GOP, which at this point, is the same as trying to negotiate with terrorists. I'm sick of the media and their lack of perspective in their reporting on any subject. I think their motivation is, they don't want to be seen as "liberal", so what they do when Republicans are in charge, is let a lot of things slide, and when Democrats are in charge, they go the opposite direction.
I have very little hope left for this country. We are destroying ourselves from the inside, and apparently, we have no policy for dealing with domestic terrorists. All of this is heartbreaking and I have no idea where to go from here.
After last night at the Capitol, I am left wondering who cares about the people of this country. It appears to be Democrats, but they are acting like me, me, me, and it does not help that two Democratic Senators appear to be bought and paid for by their respective lobbyists. The process of governing is so convoluted and is not getting better. President Biden has his heart set on helping "everyone", but "everyone" is not listening or cannot agree on what is important for the country. How could any Democrat in either the House or Senate vote against what the people want and need? Selfishness and self-importance seems to be their mantra. If fate smiles upon us, we will win back the House and Senate and their importances won't be so important anymore. No more screen time for them. Your article says it all, but for the life of me and mine, I just don't get it anymore. These are not people who run to help when someone is in trouble. They don't appear like that to me.
Yes, so true and beautifully written and said. I think to sum it all up in one word is exploitation or extraction. None of which is sustainable for a just society for all. Thanks again Steven your writings are so appropriate and appreciated. Writing can be and is also a form of resistance. #MDDOS my daily dose of sanity
Thank you, Marilyn.
There is a lot wrong with this country, and you covered the highlights of this mess. What we will never be able to fix, is the lack of basic human decency in the Republican party and their cult. There is no getting them back, and I for one, don't want them back. What I am increasingly sick of is the lack of consequences being paid by any of them. Yes, the unvaccinated are dying. I don't necessarily find joy in that, but, I don't feel any sympathy for them either. They have been irresponsible from the start of this and I'm sick of suffering the consequences of their ignorance.
As far as January 6th goes, I would like to think there are things going on behind the scenes at the DOJ, but, as you said, letting the public know, on a regular basis, that they are still heavily on the case, would be reassuring to us and maybe be a deterrent to any would be insurrectionists, going forward.
On the last subject, I just can't with Manchin and Sinema anymore. I am disgusted by them and their self centered, media whore bullshit. We the people didn't work our asses of to get Democrats elected, just to have them, once again, squander the opportunity. I'm sick of their spinelessness, their caving to and trying to negotiate with the GOP, which at this point, is the same as trying to negotiate with terrorists. I'm sick of the media and their lack of perspective in their reporting on any subject. I think their motivation is, they don't want to be seen as "liberal", so what they do when Republicans are in charge, is let a lot of things slide, and when Democrats are in charge, they go the opposite direction.
I have very little hope left for this country. We are destroying ourselves from the inside, and apparently, we have no policy for dealing with domestic terrorists. All of this is heartbreaking and I have no idea where to go from here.
This particular post highlighted the most important issues in America right now. Thank you
After last night at the Capitol, I am left wondering who cares about the people of this country. It appears to be Democrats, but they are acting like me, me, me, and it does not help that two Democratic Senators appear to be bought and paid for by their respective lobbyists. The process of governing is so convoluted and is not getting better. President Biden has his heart set on helping "everyone", but "everyone" is not listening or cannot agree on what is important for the country. How could any Democrat in either the House or Senate vote against what the people want and need? Selfishness and self-importance seems to be their mantra. If fate smiles upon us, we will win back the House and Senate and their importances won't be so important anymore. No more screen time for them. Your article says it all, but for the life of me and mine, I just don't get it anymore. These are not people who run to help when someone is in trouble. They don't appear like that to me.