It takes a lot of nerve for Justice Thomas to complain that the American public is bullying him.What does he think his wife’s been doing for the last few years, knitting scarves all day? He had to know she’s been encouraging the gop to overthrow our government and she did a lot more than stand on the sidelines cheering her party on.

Thomas and his wife have outed themselves as a corrupt menace to our country. He has no business being on the Supreme Court and never did! In fact every republican-nominated Justice is corrupt except ACB. She’s a shallow religious fanatic who has no idea how 99.9 percent of Americans live and doesn’t seem to care.

I just read a letter signed by over 200 of her colleagues at Notre Dame practically begging her to to put off the hearings on her nomination until the new president was sworn in and acknowledging that if Biden is the new president she would lose her nomination. That’s food for thought, isn’t it?

Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh & ACB are all a disgrace. Alito’s draft opinion on abortion is one of the worst, if not THE worst written opinion I’ve read, and I’ve read a lot of Supreme Court opinions. It’s downright dishonest to write that there’s no mention of abortion in the Constitution because it implies that other, previous opinions, whatever they may have been about, met some kind of test or requirement that the topic had to be specifically mentioned in the Constitution when nothing could be further from the truth!

I looked up the S.C. written opinion on Roe v Wade. It said the right to have an abortion is so fundamental that laws challenging it must be reviewed using “strict scrutiny,” the most rigorous type of review the Court has. Compare that admonishment with the fact that the court let the recent Texas statute out-lawing abortion stand without ANY review even though it upended 50 years of stare decisis, aka precedent! To be clear, reading it is not the same as rigorously reviewing it.

The arrogance of these five Justices is overwhelming. They’re already behaving as if America is an authoritarian/fascist nightmare in which no government official ever has to justify anything they do, no matter how corrupt it may be. Every one of them let hubris get in the way of doing their job on behalf of the American people.

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Amen! Get the word out. No more waiting to see what happens. Now or never!

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Your final sentence says it all. These looming midterms will decide the fate of American democracy. I fervently hope that the reproductive rights crisis we are now in the midst of will be sufficient motivation to finally wake people up to the truth: vote to save the Republic, while you still can.

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James Sjust now

Positively, agree in all. We do not know what the final ruling may be in this case, but the smug attitudes and disregard for "American" expressions of dissent by the illegitimate majority on this court are clear to see. Please-for the sake of my grandchildren-vote BLUE in 22.

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Unless the SCOTUS's insensitivity to the will of the people is buried by other news, how can this not have an affect on voters? This is taking rights away from over half the population! Place this on top of the public hearings from the January 6 Committee that are supposed to start in June, and I believe there might be a blue wave, but I emphasize might, because there are so many forces at play here. What will the real fake news makers come up with? What new conspiracy theories that will be designed to draw attention away from the truth. Trump and his Russian masters have a way with creating lies and half-truths and building them into reality. As I have said here before, I am an optimist and feel there is a real chance as Trumplican true colors begin to shine in the light of an informed electorate that the dems will find a way. God help us if they don't!

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OMG, this is the best comment thread yet. The Rs are going to slaughter the Ds,

Not bc I'm an R, (no party pref from me) but bc so many former Ds will vote the other way or not at all. In GA alone, they've registered like a million new republican. The parents, many former dems, will sway the vote. Mark my words, there may be a veto proof senate and a pick up of 100 in the house

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May be that way, but I am still an optimist. I will be concerned for my son who would need to survive, but he's an optimist, too, and smart enough to work around the stupidity. Even the worst will not be as bad as Russia, or Turkey, or anywhere else because of the preponderance of our laws and general structure of life in America that still will be based on the goodness of most Americans. Sure, I will wring my hands and be pissed, but I will maintain my standards and continue moving on managing an ever increasingly successful non-profit serving those much less fortunate than us.

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When I was young I loved college and grad school, but didn’t want to make my career in an ivory tower. I wanted to be out in the world making things better, e.g. ending poverty, racial strife and the Viet Nam war. However, it seems that the Supreme Court is even more insular than the university ivory tower. So Clarence prides himself as being a strict interpreter of the Constitution and says “abortion” wasn’t mentioned there. But the first amendment and right to peacefully protest are in the Consideration. And he doesn’t like that part of the Constitution. So he raises false claims of bullying. So is he a strict interpreter of the Constitution or not? And why do these people get lifetime appointments anyway? Are they really the best and the brightest when it comes to deciding cases on a strict interpretation of the Constitution.? Or are they just regular Americans who have an axe the grind and used the system to get themselves in a place where they could do so. For a lifetime !!!

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Unfortunately, thanks to Trump and his minions, the latest appointees were overly political. This isn't to say that politics hasn't been involved on other appointees, but over the past thirty years it has determined who was to be on the Court by where they were thought to stand politically. I can remember when it was determined on their legal minds not their political minds. I do feel that lifetime appointments is unreasonable. When this was put in the original Constitution, the average age of a white was well below what it is today.

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It's against federal law to picket or protest a judge aiming to interfere with a ruling

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Really? Why?

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It is outrageous that a minority of religious bigots are allowed to impose their draconian beliefs upon the nation under the guise of being Justices on the Supreme Court.

If this does not result in a tidal wave of Democratic votes in November, we are doomed.

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Nothing anymore about the court being supreme. It's a disgusting politicized court with 3 justices put forward by a criminal, twice-impeached thug and compromised Moscow Mitch. VOTE and help register people, drive people to the polls and fight like hell! We are on the brink of losing the entire democracy. VOTE BLUE over Q. Biden needs to expand the court NOW. He has the right to do that. The house can pass the Women's Health Care Protection Act now. Manchin and Synema can end the filibuster. What a shit show.

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Excuse me? Criminal? Was he convicted and I missed it? Let's bet, biden gets indicted before Trump does?

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Thomas is simply not too intelligent.

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Bc he's black? Or why exactly? You don't like black people?

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