This Supreme Court largely abandoned legal reasoning and precedent to push its increasingly radical agenda that endangers a modern America and a healthy future
Our perceptions align. I was heartened by tuning in to Simon Rosenberg on zoom yesterday & hearing his very informed expertise from 30 years of studying polling data & elections. He is at Those opposed to the radicalism being shoved at us outnumber those who operate from grievance & worse. Onward & keep the faith!
Yes they did. So what do we do now that they are appointed for life. I think not only myself who is a senior, but also I think of the next generation and the generation after that, as these Justice are young and will be controlling the direction of the Supreme Court for many years. June was a very sad month for our country with the Supreme Court decisions handed down, e.g guns, abortion rights, environmental issues. I worry that our country is losing its way because of the radical agenda of the majority of the current Supreme Court.
At some point doesn’t Biden have to just say you made your ruling now enforce it? Or are Democrats just going to stand by and not do literally everything in their power to stop this?
The writers of the Constitution, recognizing the wrongs that could be committed against the people by one gov't authority, namely the king, made it a point to look after the rights of the people by forming three divisions of gov't so that a policy of checks and balances would prevail. Over the years, the one branch that has been steadily losing power to represent the desires of the people is Congress which is most directly involved with the citizens.Lincoln broke about all the rules to assure a Union win.
FDR broke many during WWII. Obama also to get the Affordable Care Act enacted. As the country has grown, become involved globally , and more departments added under the leadership of the President, the executive branch, through the years, has become probably more powerful than Madison, and certainly Jefferson, ever imagined. Add to this the election of donald trump who had nor has any reservations for breaking any rule that would impinge on his power, prejudices, cruelty,or money making schemes, we end up with his ability to put in place , 3 Supreme Court Justices who, for the most part, agree with his leanings. All assert to a belief in the conservative view of original intent where it serves their interests. They believe in states' rights, thus going along with trump's packing local officials who can control election outcomes, pass outrageous gun laws and now, decide abortion laws and women's rights to them. Since they are lifetime jobs that can only be shortened by impeachment or bad behavior, the Supreme Court is now attempting to become more powerful than was meant, the views of the overwhelming American citizens be damned.
Leading the pack is Clarence Thomas, longest serving justice, who, after being silent for years, has found his voice and is ready to take, as he calls it, revenge on his years of suffering and condemnation.
Raised by a stern grandfather who instilled in him the notion that individuals must work from sun up to sun down, get their hands dirty, make something of themselves under their own doing, Thomas has been against white "elite" help for black people believing they have made the racial situation worse. It is up to the blacks to pull themselves up by the boot straps and not depend on whites. He is against affirmative action, believes there will always be racism with blacks at the bottom and whites should be honest about it. For him, revenge will be sweet. He does not believe in precedence of more modern court rulings. Thus his written decision against abortion and threats of terminating gay marriage, even contraceptives.(no mention, however, of interracial marriage).56% of Americans oppose the abortion decision. 40% approve (about the same number of people who approve of trump).
We know Thomas lies. We know he has no respect for women shown by his treatment of Anita Hill. We know he goes along with his trump loving wife. We also know our Democrats have done nothing to oust him, Manchin, Sinema & even Biden will not override the filibuster, we run the risk of trump or desantis winning in 2024, Biden putting ego above winning (which he won't) so we are left with women protestors , 56 against 40, and more and more states moving in and evicting the right of women to control their own lives, a subject that should be off limits to men .
My generation of women could choose teaching, nursing, or being a sect'y. Imagine how surprising it was that a friend I met in college was going to be an accountant ! We are not going back to never learning how to drive or wearing hats and gloves to go shopping. The Supreme Court has gotten too big for its britches. Voting will be vital and critical.
Our perceptions align. I was heartened by tuning in to Simon Rosenberg on zoom yesterday & hearing his very informed expertise from 30 years of studying polling data & elections. He is at Those opposed to the radicalism being shoved at us outnumber those who operate from grievance & worse. Onward & keep the faith!
Thank you, Naima.
You are not an alarmist. History tells me you are justified. Great read Steve. Enjoy the 4th, it may be our last one!
Thanks, James. You, too.
James! We have known each other way to long; Jim still works.
Yes they did. So what do we do now that they are appointed for life. I think not only myself who is a senior, but also I think of the next generation and the generation after that, as these Justice are young and will be controlling the direction of the Supreme Court for many years. June was a very sad month for our country with the Supreme Court decisions handed down, e.g guns, abortion rights, environmental issues. I worry that our country is losing its way because of the radical agenda of the majority of the current Supreme Court.
At some point doesn’t Biden have to just say you made your ruling now enforce it? Or are Democrats just going to stand by and not do literally everything in their power to stop this?
The writers of the Constitution, recognizing the wrongs that could be committed against the people by one gov't authority, namely the king, made it a point to look after the rights of the people by forming three divisions of gov't so that a policy of checks and balances would prevail. Over the years, the one branch that has been steadily losing power to represent the desires of the people is Congress which is most directly involved with the citizens.Lincoln broke about all the rules to assure a Union win.
FDR broke many during WWII. Obama also to get the Affordable Care Act enacted. As the country has grown, become involved globally , and more departments added under the leadership of the President, the executive branch, through the years, has become probably more powerful than Madison, and certainly Jefferson, ever imagined. Add to this the election of donald trump who had nor has any reservations for breaking any rule that would impinge on his power, prejudices, cruelty,or money making schemes, we end up with his ability to put in place , 3 Supreme Court Justices who, for the most part, agree with his leanings. All assert to a belief in the conservative view of original intent where it serves their interests. They believe in states' rights, thus going along with trump's packing local officials who can control election outcomes, pass outrageous gun laws and now, decide abortion laws and women's rights to them. Since they are lifetime jobs that can only be shortened by impeachment or bad behavior, the Supreme Court is now attempting to become more powerful than was meant, the views of the overwhelming American citizens be damned.
Leading the pack is Clarence Thomas, longest serving justice, who, after being silent for years, has found his voice and is ready to take, as he calls it, revenge on his years of suffering and condemnation.
Raised by a stern grandfather who instilled in him the notion that individuals must work from sun up to sun down, get their hands dirty, make something of themselves under their own doing, Thomas has been against white "elite" help for black people believing they have made the racial situation worse. It is up to the blacks to pull themselves up by the boot straps and not depend on whites. He is against affirmative action, believes there will always be racism with blacks at the bottom and whites should be honest about it. For him, revenge will be sweet. He does not believe in precedence of more modern court rulings. Thus his written decision against abortion and threats of terminating gay marriage, even contraceptives.(no mention, however, of interracial marriage).56% of Americans oppose the abortion decision. 40% approve (about the same number of people who approve of trump).
We know Thomas lies. We know he has no respect for women shown by his treatment of Anita Hill. We know he goes along with his trump loving wife. We also know our Democrats have done nothing to oust him, Manchin, Sinema & even Biden will not override the filibuster, we run the risk of trump or desantis winning in 2024, Biden putting ego above winning (which he won't) so we are left with women protestors , 56 against 40, and more and more states moving in and evicting the right of women to control their own lives, a subject that should be off limits to men .
My generation of women could choose teaching, nursing, or being a sect'y. Imagine how surprising it was that a friend I met in college was going to be an accountant ! We are not going back to never learning how to drive or wearing hats and gloves to go shopping. The Supreme Court has gotten too big for its britches. Voting will be vital and critical.