They clapped. They cheered. They capitulated once again to a convicted felon who incited the deadly insurrection and violent attack in their own workplace on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump’s arrival at the U.S. Capitol yesterday for the first time since J6 was, as MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace smartly put it, “like an arsonist returning to the scene of the fire.”
It was a miserable, degrading sight as Senate and House Republicans who gave an oath to support and defend the Constitution kowtowed to a criminal who condemns the American system of justice and undermines the rule of law on a daily basis. (Most if not all of these same people refused to certify the results of the 2020 election and accept that their Dear Leader had lost.) It was hard not to think about the 1930s when another nation’s leaders handed over power to a man so dangerously ill-equipped to serve their people’s best interests.
Unlike in 2016, it’s not like these Americans don’t know what they are getting. They have received ample evidence of his commitment to destroying America’s democratic institutions and way of life. But Thursday’s meeting was a chilling illustration of what craven politicians will do to get and keep power.
We all need to do our part to ensure that a strong majority of registered voters grasp what’s at stake before it’s too late.
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According to the Federal Code what happened on J6 was an act of terrorism against the United States of America. The Prima Donald is an anti-American terrorist. The GOP is celebrating an anti-American terrorist.
Absolute cowardice, and a disgraceful display. There is no longer a republican party, that died on January 6th. What exists now are simply cowards and sycophants more interested in keeping proximity to power than keeping the oath they swore. God help this nation!