The violations by Donald Trump and his enablers at our national military cemetery are an awful reminder of why we need to turn the page on this dark chapter
Yes, creates conflict and misery where ever he goes. How is it possible for such a soulless creature to live for almost eighty years in this beautiful country... nothing of beauty touching him, not even young people sacrificing their lives for their country (and his right to act like a braying ass). It takes my breath away.
Steven Cheung, Donold's "spokesman" is rapidly establishing himself as a mobster. Once again trampling not only custom, but US. Govt. regulations (at Arlington National Cemetery), for a desperate photo op. Nothing is too profane; nothing is too brutish; nothing is too outlandish as he/they desperately jockey for Trump's Last Stand.
Trump's actions -- and Vance's comments -- leave me breathless. And Cheung's cynical defense is beyond the pale. In November we absolutely must relegate them to the ash heap of history.
I hope there is a civil suit by the family who declined (or who were not asked) for permission. I also believe the Arlington employee's name should have been kept out of the news.
Trump is a total thug , he will never be otherwise and the people who surround him are also thugs .
They have no sense of right or wrong because they all have Trumps deranged tendencies and are suffering as we see clearly from a severe mental illness , Malignant Narcissism , which distorts any reality about the disgust the engender on a regular basis.
Trump is so profoundly disturbed that he sent crude sexual harassment of the Vice President of the United States to the citizens of this country and the world . This is who Trump is .
He lacks the integrity , intelligence, and the class to realize he’s an ordinary ‘ dirtbag” pretending to aspire to the Highest office in this nation without the slightest recognition of what’s required of a decent human being.
There is no bottom in Trump's downward spiral regarding moral standing and norms of behaviour. The thing is that the Media and the GOP and their backers are going down the same spiral by normalising him. If he gets back in the WH, the US as a Country will follow. Is that really what the American People want? If Harris and her team keeps displaying her own much higher standards, the gap will only become more and more obvious and eventually this will end in Trump crashing down his own downward spiral. If not, the American people and the rest of the free world are in for a very tough ride.
Trump derangement syndrome? The only one deranged is Trump himself. Perhaps J. D. Vance should be included in that syndrome. And how about the media calling out Vance’s lie about the Vice President? Shocking.
I see comments reported everywhere. The problem is if you are constantly drinking from their firehose of despicable comments they get all the attention — and love it.
Also saw that Vance was booed mightily by attendees of the firefighters conference. They just can’t take that guy out in public.
Really? Only DJT and maybe JDV? How about Rudy, Sidney Powell, and the ones who believe the impossible conspiracy theories? I feel certain they all share some ‘derangement tendencies’. Not Vance. His derangement like many others is in being an opportunist in over his head. He’s flailing and failing.
It was mostly tongue in cheek. Except Vance. I live in KY; know the county his family is from - where he never lived. He had a pitifully brief stint in venture capitalism - now leveraged for support from that world for the ticket.
And he became a celebrity as the guy who rose above his a lazy, drug addled, etc. culture by repackaging & confirming existing stereotypes. Ones he would have heard growing up near Cincinnati. I was in Cinci in the mid or late 90s. I was born & grew up in Michigan. Started college there years before moving to KY and am married to a Kentuckian with a doctorate etc. whose families Ky roots go back at least 200 yrs.
When asked by a waiter where I was from I said KY. He returned quite proud of himself with a dinner menu for my friend (who coincidently lived in Vance’s hometown, Middletown OH). He set a children’s menu place mat down for me. I mentioned we had no children joining us & he cheerfully responded this was so I could order without reading. These guys are examples of why Cinci passed an ordinance in the 90s that added Appalachians as a ‘protect class’. Also why Vance can’t go out in public without insulting someone.
How does he continually break the law with no consequences? While I do not blame the employee for fearing the MAGA nuts, why was there only one person there to try and enforce the law? Also, he and his liars have been able to blame President Biden for the withdrawal when tRump's administration caused the mess by first ordering the release of 5000 detained Taliban fighters, then setting the timeline for the withdrawal. The Dems need to lay the blame for the collapse on tRump's head.
And Cheung can go fuck himself. Child of immigrants goes MAGA. He's just another useful idiot.
You think Arlington Cemetery has this kind of issue very often? Everyone is provided the rules prior to their visit / event. Of course it was a woman so of course his campaign referred to the staffer as having a mental health issue. 🤮
‘Unfairly attacked': Army defends employee involved in Trump campaign incident at Arlington
I’m really glad you found the words to describe this dystopian event, because I have none. I am hollowed out by his complete lack of honor, duty, charity, reverence, etc, etc. And this is the man that G-D has chosen??? I’d say, ‘over my dead body’, but too many people have already died in the service of his evil aims. He has literally stepped on the graves of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country. Thumbs up??? To what? To the fact that they are lying in the cold, cold ground, miles and miles away from their families, who have sacrificed so that their final resting place is at Arlington? To the idea that they no longer have a voice? I’d say that the bittersweet memories they’ve left behind speaks louder than anything we can imagine…and so does Trump’s dishonoring of those memories.
Not only that "thumbs up," but at least one photo the mass media has yet to highlight seems to show a woman next to Trump flashing a white supremacist handsignal - aka the old Italian/Sicilian "cuckold's horns" formation.
I was wondering about that and googled the gesture, which said it was “I love you” in sign language, but I may have described it incorrectly. By hanging with CFDT, the other definition seems more appropriate.
Do these rubes in the photos not know about the suckers and losers comment? Or when he asked General Kelly "what's in it for them?" when viewing the graves of the KIA? I cannot imagine why they would be there with him.
Put your doctor hat on. Logic and feelings aside, people who are grieving and angry often look for someone to blame; to get even or to draw attention to their situation. They picked their “truth” and won’t believe bad things about a guy who provides a path to those things. His campaign always says the comments were a lie so does Donnie.
I see. Well, widows & other family members are not responsible for service members killed on active duty. I feel confident those who gave their consent for the photos/videos don’t have the flap over it on their radar as something they should be concerned about.
You’re looking in the wrong places and found the wrong answer regarding resentment. The kind of answer that feeds it.
Brookings reviewed the 2020 election results. Biden picked up 4% more of the areas that produce most of the US GDP than HRC. It tells you something when one candidate gets 51.3% of the vote from where 71% of the GDP is produced.
It tells you more if you also consider that the other candidate’s votes, 46.8%, came from areas producing 29% of our GDP.
He is such a vile and disgusting excuse for a human being. But what’s worse is that so many, seemingly normal people, still find him acceptable. People I call friends, I can’t even discuss politics with. Why is that? We are not the bad people. We are trying to bring forth the good, the truth and yet I for one, keep getting smacked down by the haters, as if I’m crazy…it has hit me and hurt me this week more than ever..Even after Kamala Harris wins in November, they will still be out there..hating. 😔
Could not have said it better. It makes one's heart hurt, the truly insane wickedness of Trump and his minions. This needs to end. This needs to end. Thank you for this post.
The entire incident is appalling. Desecration of such a sacred space is the most profoundly evil thing I’ve heard about in years. This, to me, is the ultimate insult to our fallen heroes.
My dad who was a veteran of WWII and the European campaign gave my sisters and I a tremendous gift. A deep love of this nation and a profound respect for our veterans and war dead. The actions by the Trump campaign at Arlington cemetery along with the spin from his campaign leaders is actually incomprehensible to me. Disgust, despicable, disgraceful, a thumbs up on hallowed ground? Dear God how far have we fallen, I take solace that my Dad is no longer with us and cannot witness what is happening.
"Felony factory, vortex of vitriol, bombastic buffoon," the descriptions of the odious and vile DJT practically write themselves.
We may even have to buckle down for a sustained campaign of legal, nonviolent resistance if the stupid Electoral College system lets this neofascist nitwit win in November.
Just when you think trump cannot come up with anything more, he does. No respect for law, people, living or dead. However, I have to wonder about the actions of the people who invited him to their boy's grave. They, too, stood there for the pictures with smiles and thumbs up. trump thinks he can get away with anything, AND HE DOES.
I think Vance is a slick, smooth talking fox in a hen house. He accuses Harris of being responsible for all policies of the past 3 1/2 years forgetting all that has been said about VPs. Biden, himself, called the job a bitch. John Nance Garner said being vice president is "not worth a bucket of warm................spit !"
While we acknowledge trump is a cruel, ignorant nut, I think Vance is perhaps even more dangerous.
The MAGAmussolini is the visible threat. A more dangerous and insidious threat is the fascist groups supporting him, such as The Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party. These two groups, along with other right-wing, brand-name Conservative groups, trace their roots to the pro-Nazis fascist organizations of the 1930s and 1940s, such as America First, and the Father Coughlin supported groups. These American groups supported Hitler and the Nazis throughout the WW II and they did not simply disappear at the end of the war but blended into the mainstream American political system. The heirs to the fascist movements of the 1930s and 1940s are a serious threat to America. They must be exposed for what they represent and actively be stopped from doing more damage to these United States of America.
There is no bottom for this man and so many of his acolytes. Despicable.
No. Bottom.
And Labor Day is nigh, watch it get even uglier.
Uglier than blowjob posts? Shudder.
Yes, creates conflict and misery where ever he goes. How is it possible for such a soulless creature to live for almost eighty years in this beautiful country... nothing of beauty touching him, not even young people sacrificing their lives for their country (and his right to act like a braying ass). It takes my breath away.
“Soulless creature” sums it up.
I am so very sad.. I just want to cry and cry.
Steven Cheung, Donold's "spokesman" is rapidly establishing himself as a mobster. Once again trampling not only custom, but US. Govt. regulations (at Arlington National Cemetery), for a desperate photo op. Nothing is too profane; nothing is too brutish; nothing is too outlandish as he/they desperately jockey for Trump's Last Stand.
The day when this bootlicking jerk is as inconsequential as his boss can’t come soon enough.
Trump's actions -- and Vance's comments -- leave me breathless. And Cheung's cynical defense is beyond the pale. In November we absolutely must relegate them to the ash heap of history.
Too bad the employee is intimidated. It would be great if Cheung was sued for slander for the "mental health" crack
I hope there is a civil suit by the family who declined (or who were not asked) for permission. I also believe the Arlington employee's name should have been kept out of the news.
I thought it was.
How? The employee's name has not appeared in the media. If we could sue everyone who insults us at our job, what do you think that would look like?
Trump is a total thug , he will never be otherwise and the people who surround him are also thugs .
They have no sense of right or wrong because they all have Trumps deranged tendencies and are suffering as we see clearly from a severe mental illness , Malignant Narcissism , which distorts any reality about the disgust the engender on a regular basis.
Trump is so profoundly disturbed that he sent crude sexual harassment of the Vice President of the United States to the citizens of this country and the world . This is who Trump is .
He lacks the integrity , intelligence, and the class to realize he’s an ordinary ‘ dirtbag” pretending to aspire to the Highest office in this nation without the slightest recognition of what’s required of a decent human being.
And the tragedy is, he gets away with it. No one stops him.
AMEN, Patricia!
There is no bottom in Trump's downward spiral regarding moral standing and norms of behaviour. The thing is that the Media and the GOP and their backers are going down the same spiral by normalising him. If he gets back in the WH, the US as a Country will follow. Is that really what the American People want? If Harris and her team keeps displaying her own much higher standards, the gap will only become more and more obvious and eventually this will end in Trump crashing down his own downward spiral. If not, the American people and the rest of the free world are in for a very tough ride.
"If he gets back in the WH," a lot of us will organize legal, nonviolent resistance until Hell freezes over and then fight them on ice.
Trump derangement syndrome? The only one deranged is Trump himself. Perhaps J. D. Vance should be included in that syndrome. And how about the media calling out Vance’s lie about the Vice President? Shocking.
Trump and Vance should be called out on many comments! Does media not hear them or maybe not listening?
I see comments reported everywhere. The problem is if you are constantly drinking from their firehose of despicable comments they get all the attention — and love it.
Also saw that Vance was booed mightily by attendees of the firefighters conference. They just can’t take that guy out in public.
How about: the MSM DOESN'T CARE.
Really? Only DJT and maybe JDV? How about Rudy, Sidney Powell, and the ones who believe the impossible conspiracy theories? I feel certain they all share some ‘derangement tendencies’. Not Vance. His derangement like many others is in being an opportunist in over his head. He’s flailing and failing.
Oh, thanks very much for your input.
It was mostly tongue in cheek. Except Vance. I live in KY; know the county his family is from - where he never lived. He had a pitifully brief stint in venture capitalism - now leveraged for support from that world for the ticket.
And he became a celebrity as the guy who rose above his a lazy, drug addled, etc. culture by repackaging & confirming existing stereotypes. Ones he would have heard growing up near Cincinnati. I was in Cinci in the mid or late 90s. I was born & grew up in Michigan. Started college there years before moving to KY and am married to a Kentuckian with a doctorate etc. whose families Ky roots go back at least 200 yrs.
When asked by a waiter where I was from I said KY. He returned quite proud of himself with a dinner menu for my friend (who coincidently lived in Vance’s hometown, Middletown OH). He set a children’s menu place mat down for me. I mentioned we had no children joining us & he cheerfully responded this was so I could order without reading. These guys are examples of why Cinci passed an ordinance in the 90s that added Appalachians as a ‘protect class’. Also why Vance can’t go out in public without insulting someone.
How does he continually break the law with no consequences? While I do not blame the employee for fearing the MAGA nuts, why was there only one person there to try and enforce the law? Also, he and his liars have been able to blame President Biden for the withdrawal when tRump's administration caused the mess by first ordering the release of 5000 detained Taliban fighters, then setting the timeline for the withdrawal. The Dems need to lay the blame for the collapse on tRump's head.
And Cheung can go fuck himself. Child of immigrants goes MAGA. He's just another useful idiot.
You think Arlington Cemetery has this kind of issue very often? Everyone is provided the rules prior to their visit / event. Of course it was a woman so of course his campaign referred to the staffer as having a mental health issue. 🤮
‘Unfairly attacked': Army defends employee involved in Trump campaign incident at Arlington
I’m really glad you found the words to describe this dystopian event, because I have none. I am hollowed out by his complete lack of honor, duty, charity, reverence, etc, etc. And this is the man that G-D has chosen??? I’d say, ‘over my dead body’, but too many people have already died in the service of his evil aims. He has literally stepped on the graves of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to our country. Thumbs up??? To what? To the fact that they are lying in the cold, cold ground, miles and miles away from their families, who have sacrificed so that their final resting place is at Arlington? To the idea that they no longer have a voice? I’d say that the bittersweet memories they’ve left behind speaks louder than anything we can imagine…and so does Trump’s dishonoring of those memories.
Not only that "thumbs up," but at least one photo the mass media has yet to highlight seems to show a woman next to Trump flashing a white supremacist handsignal - aka the old Italian/Sicilian "cuckold's horns" formation.
No. Bottom.
I was wondering about that and googled the gesture, which said it was “I love you” in sign language, but I may have described it incorrectly. By hanging with CFDT, the other definition seems more appropriate.
Online sources for the "Hook 'em horns" gesture but WITH thumb extended - say it's "I love U" in sign language? Which sources?
If she's next to Trump it's already a bad sign!
Do these rubes in the photos not know about the suckers and losers comment? Or when he asked General Kelly "what's in it for them?" when viewing the graves of the KIA? I cannot imagine why they would be there with him.
Put your doctor hat on. Logic and feelings aside, people who are grieving and angry often look for someone to blame; to get even or to draw attention to their situation. They picked their “truth” and won’t believe bad things about a guy who provides a path to those things. His campaign always says the comments were a lie so does Donnie.
Blame ‘tis better to give than receive
I take your quip, like other quips, as unserious.
Blame is not healthy and it is unproductive.
I’m just saying that many people won’t take responsibility for their situation. That’s one reason the trumpian politics of resentment work so well.
I see. Well, widows & other family members are not responsible for service members killed on active duty. I feel confident those who gave their consent for the photos/videos don’t have the flap over it on their radar as something they should be concerned about.
You’re looking in the wrong places and found the wrong answer regarding resentment. The kind of answer that feeds it.
Brookings reviewed the 2020 election results. Biden picked up 4% more of the areas that produce most of the US GDP than HRC. It tells you something when one candidate gets 51.3% of the vote from where 71% of the GDP is produced.
It tells you more if you also consider that the other candidate’s votes, 46.8%, came from areas producing 29% of our GDP.
He is such a vile and disgusting excuse for a human being. But what’s worse is that so many, seemingly normal people, still find him acceptable. People I call friends, I can’t even discuss politics with. Why is that? We are not the bad people. We are trying to bring forth the good, the truth and yet I for one, keep getting smacked down by the haters, as if I’m crazy…it has hit me and hurt me this week more than ever..Even after Kamala Harris wins in November, they will still be out there..hating. 😔
Could not have said it better. It makes one's heart hurt, the truly insane wickedness of Trump and his minions. This needs to end. This needs to end. Thank you for this post.
The entire incident is appalling. Desecration of such a sacred space is the most profoundly evil thing I’ve heard about in years. This, to me, is the ultimate insult to our fallen heroes.
My dad who was a veteran of WWII and the European campaign gave my sisters and I a tremendous gift. A deep love of this nation and a profound respect for our veterans and war dead. The actions by the Trump campaign at Arlington cemetery along with the spin from his campaign leaders is actually incomprehensible to me. Disgust, despicable, disgraceful, a thumbs up on hallowed ground? Dear God how far have we fallen, I take solace that my Dad is no longer with us and cannot witness what is happening.
"Felony factory, vortex of vitriol, bombastic buffoon," the descriptions of the odious and vile DJT practically write themselves.
We may even have to buckle down for a sustained campaign of legal, nonviolent resistance if the stupid Electoral College system lets this neofascist nitwit win in November.
C'est incroyable!
Just when you think trump cannot come up with anything more, he does. No respect for law, people, living or dead. However, I have to wonder about the actions of the people who invited him to their boy's grave. They, too, stood there for the pictures with smiles and thumbs up. trump thinks he can get away with anything, AND HE DOES.
I think Vance is a slick, smooth talking fox in a hen house. He accuses Harris of being responsible for all policies of the past 3 1/2 years forgetting all that has been said about VPs. Biden, himself, called the job a bitch. John Nance Garner said being vice president is "not worth a bucket of warm................spit !"
While we acknowledge trump is a cruel, ignorant nut, I think Vance is perhaps even more dangerous.
The MAGAmussolini is the visible threat. A more dangerous and insidious threat is the fascist groups supporting him, such as The Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party. These two groups, along with other right-wing, brand-name Conservative groups, trace their roots to the pro-Nazis fascist organizations of the 1930s and 1940s, such as America First, and the Father Coughlin supported groups. These American groups supported Hitler and the Nazis throughout the WW II and they did not simply disappear at the end of the war but blended into the mainstream American political system. The heirs to the fascist movements of the 1930s and 1940s are a serious threat to America. They must be exposed for what they represent and actively be stopped from doing more damage to these United States of America.