I am disgusted by the mainstream press talking endlessly about President Biden's performance at the debate, that he should step down because he is 'not up to the job'.
Not a word about the convicted fascist felon who lied his fat a** off for an hour and a half, who ran a corrupt administration for four years, and fomented a violent coup against the United States of America.
This is a redux of 'but her emails' that led to this ignorant, hateful person getting into the White House in the first place.
The MSM is owned by wealthy Republicans, and it shows.
While they talk about Biden and the not-really-a-debate they aren’t talking about SCOTUS rulings from this term, how they will impact Americans or preparing us for whatever SCOTUS will drop in the next hour.
President Biden's debate performance Thursday night worried me. I still trust him to lead our nation - he gets things done - he does the work of the People for the People. The press' obsession with the debate overshadows the fact that the Former Guy never really answered any of the questions directed at him and lied non-stop, The problem is that his supporters still see the classified documents case as a political hit job, and the pictures of documents stored in collapsing boxes as fakes. To try to convince them otherwise is like shouting at a wall.
Not only has Trump trashed our country's secrets before, but we have no idea who he may have shared them with, or even sold them to. Nor do we know if he has any more hidden away somewhere. The entire country needs to wake up and recognize what an existential threat this man is to everything we care about.
Thank you Steve, for not bailing on President Biden! I am so sick and tired of everyone making excuses for the disgusting orange criminal, while throwing President Biden under the bus! Who has had our back for the last 40 freaking years? Joe Biden, that’s who!!
I for one, will not turn my back on him now, when he NEEDS us most, and now, when we NEED him most!
The ruling of the Supreme Court this morning is the swing of a wrecking ball smashing into and demolishing the fragile edifice of our system of law. Shame on the majority on the Court. Their names will live on in infamy.
To imagine, however, that we can somehow pick up the pieces and reassemble them in order to work around the ruling, is wishful thinking.
For now, there is only one legal way forward: we MUST prevail in November. And in overwhelming numbers. Or the Supreme Court will find a way to throw the election to Trump.
The question, therefore, of whether President Biden - our most transformational President in recent years - should remain at the top of the ticket is now more crucial than ever. As of this writing, of course, we do not know whether his performance during the debate was merely an aberration. Whereas we might be inclined to give Biden the benefit of the doubt, it would be foolish to make a decision based on past performance and emotion alone.
It is incumbent on Biden, his cabinet members and those in the inner sanctum who know him best, to tell us what the situation is in honest, unequivocal terms. If Biden decides to stand down, he will be revered for his selflessness. On the other hand, if he decides to remain, it will be incumbent on us to support him fully and without further hand-wringing. Perhaps President Biden will be able to turn a negative into a positive by nurturing a groundswell of affection and support for a man who, regardless of age and infirmity, is determined to stay the course and fight on for democracy. But he will need to lean on each and every one of us. If Biden says he is equal to the task, will we be?
We are in this together. The stakes could not be higher.
Since presidents have full immunity, Biden needs to remove the 6 traitorous justices. Then he needs to jail them & TFG (as well as his “unindicted co-conspirators) for treason.
Not forgotten by any means. Oh yes, sick and tired of being sick and tired over the media of all stripes beating their breasts and flagellating themselves over our President’s “debate” performance as if it were a cage fight. Who the hell are they to tell us what they think? The Philadelphia Inquirer is the only paper that had a correct headline. All others are bird cage flooring; fit for shit.
Thank you Steven, for this critical reminder of the selfish disregard and/or purposeful sharing of our nations most Secret documents including military strategies.
I am disgusted by the mainstream press talking endlessly about President Biden's performance at the debate, that he should step down because he is 'not up to the job'.
Not a word about the convicted fascist felon who lied his fat a** off for an hour and a half, who ran a corrupt administration for four years, and fomented a violent coup against the United States of America.
This is a redux of 'but her emails' that led to this ignorant, hateful person getting into the White House in the first place.
The MSM is owned by wealthy Republicans, and it shows.
Simple truth and clearly written so anyone can understand where our heads should be today.
Thank you Steven!
While they talk about Biden and the not-really-a-debate they aren’t talking about SCOTUS rulings from this term, how they will impact Americans or preparing us for whatever SCOTUS will drop in the next hour.
“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” - Lord Byron
President Biden's debate performance Thursday night worried me. I still trust him to lead our nation - he gets things done - he does the work of the People for the People. The press' obsession with the debate overshadows the fact that the Former Guy never really answered any of the questions directed at him and lied non-stop, The problem is that his supporters still see the classified documents case as a political hit job, and the pictures of documents stored in collapsing boxes as fakes. To try to convince them otherwise is like shouting at a wall.
Not just a rhetorical question - can we focus on the deliberate and flagrant aspect of this national security breach - “mishandling” seems inadequate.
That’s a fair criticism. “Abuse” would be a stronger way to say it.
Much of the media joined with anti-Biden naysayers based on Biden’s poor debate performance.
Let’s consider what “performance” means and what is important for a president. We have 2 candidates. Each in that faux debate represented one of them.
I’m sticking with the guy with a record of accomplishments. I could not care any less about “presidential” entertainment.
1. an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment
2. the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function
Not only has Trump trashed our country's secrets before, but we have no idea who he may have shared them with, or even sold them to. Nor do we know if he has any more hidden away somewhere. The entire country needs to wake up and recognize what an existential threat this man is to everything we care about.
Glad to see eye are still on the ball in some quarters. Thanks Steve!
The Supreme Court majority no longer supports or believes in the rule of law.
Thank you Steve, for not bailing on President Biden! I am so sick and tired of everyone making excuses for the disgusting orange criminal, while throwing President Biden under the bus! Who has had our back for the last 40 freaking years? Joe Biden, that’s who!!
I for one, will not turn my back on him now, when he NEEDS us most, and now, when we NEED him most!
Let’s go peeps! VOTE BLUE! We got this!
The ruling of the Supreme Court this morning is the swing of a wrecking ball smashing into and demolishing the fragile edifice of our system of law. Shame on the majority on the Court. Their names will live on in infamy.
To imagine, however, that we can somehow pick up the pieces and reassemble them in order to work around the ruling, is wishful thinking.
For now, there is only one legal way forward: we MUST prevail in November. And in overwhelming numbers. Or the Supreme Court will find a way to throw the election to Trump.
The question, therefore, of whether President Biden - our most transformational President in recent years - should remain at the top of the ticket is now more crucial than ever. As of this writing, of course, we do not know whether his performance during the debate was merely an aberration. Whereas we might be inclined to give Biden the benefit of the doubt, it would be foolish to make a decision based on past performance and emotion alone.
It is incumbent on Biden, his cabinet members and those in the inner sanctum who know him best, to tell us what the situation is in honest, unequivocal terms. If Biden decides to stand down, he will be revered for his selflessness. On the other hand, if he decides to remain, it will be incumbent on us to support him fully and without further hand-wringing. Perhaps President Biden will be able to turn a negative into a positive by nurturing a groundswell of affection and support for a man who, regardless of age and infirmity, is determined to stay the course and fight on for democracy. But he will need to lean on each and every one of us. If Biden says he is equal to the task, will we be?
We are in this together. The stakes could not be higher.
Since presidents have full immunity, Biden needs to remove the 6 traitorous justices. Then he needs to jail them & TFG (as well as his “unindicted co-conspirators) for treason.
Steve, what is wrong with the 11th Circuit that they don't remove Judge Canon from the documents case AND penalize her for unprofessional conduct?
More like they are scones giving Cannon guidance.
Not forgotten by any means. Oh yes, sick and tired of being sick and tired over the media of all stripes beating their breasts and flagellating themselves over our President’s “debate” performance as if it were a cage fight. Who the hell are they to tell us what they think? The Philadelphia Inquirer is the only paper that had a correct headline. All others are bird cage flooring; fit for shit.
Thank you Steven, for this critical reminder of the selfish disregard and/or purposeful sharing of our nations most Secret documents including military strategies.
We must not forget!
Isn’t this proof T is a traitor?
Shouldn’t “Justice” Cannon be investigated?
Isn’t Cannons husband a member of a Mafia?
Repeat: Should Cannon be investigated?
memories are so short. Remember when Obama flubbed the debate? Everyone was in shear panic mode