Insecure bully is as bully does. As a fellow woke g d fearing, country loving American these reckless, feckless spewing mongers love the sound of their own bully pulpits. Much worse than any drug, feeding their own egos at any cost. As the bodies and victims of all their narcissism add up and pay the price for their spewed ruins. For my own woke self, I never listen or listened. I get my facts elsewhere viewing the real danger before he even took his elevator ride going down declaring his candidacy. I am so thankful for all the good historians, press corp, others doing their due diligence for truth and the real American way. Giving us the facts, perspectives so necessary and needed during these rough waters. Honestly and ethically trying restore a more even keel or semblance of any valued norms. Yes norms, these behaviors are far from any well established normalcy legal or other but that has always been their ulterior motive as Bannon, Miller, Flynn and numerous others have stated was the goal from the beginning even quoting Lennon and the desire to work from within government and tear it all down. If the inserection was not even proof of this I hate to imagine what will happen without them being held to any account. Trump is a mere puppet, doing the will of the more nefarious. Willingly filling his pockets of grifts, selling to the highest bidder's. The ramblings against others who have accomplished anything such as our Olympians, all of the Olympians that have dedicated themselves through hard work, sacrifice, dedication and purpose for a higher ideal, cause and goals is absent or meaningless to him and many of his cohorts, a no sum game. They succumb to the lower instant gratification m.o. instead of the more meaningful, satisfying and fulfilling long range perspectives without any real sacrifices. Thank you for your historic perspectives that help to keep me grounded and hopeful that this too we can and shall overcome. Please take a mental cleanse for having to witness and hear the narcissistic verbal vomit of a former president (g d forbid and help us) unwilling to even congragulate the home American team (which infact in itself is very telling) by knowing how much your wise words are so very valued and appreciated.

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Thanks for this. His put down of the soccer team was another example of his misogyny. More bluntly: he hates powerful women.

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believe that the people who react this way always existed. Before their comments were just yelled at their television. Now they have a national voice for their views and can gather together at Trump’s rallies. This makes it seem like something new to some of us.

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I could not agree more with this piece. It is so very sad and disheartening. Hatred of fellow Americans has been unleashed in this country to an extent that I have not seen before in my lifetime. I am not sure how this will end. I fear it will end badly. I also do not know what to do - except vote, support reasonable voices and hope. Not sure that's a winning formula.

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Thank you for a good article. It's obvious most of your readers share the same concern for the safety of our Republic, its Constitution, and the democratic process that keeps it running.

We no longer have a viable Republican party. We have Republican officeholders who answer to Trump rather than the voters. And they seem to not mind that they are marked for their spinelessness. Their major concern is staying in office and they think that means humoring Trump.

(I may not have heard correctly, but I think Stuart Stevens just identified Trump as a terrorist. A good call if so.)

If we ask our black, female, and LGBTQ+ friends, they will remind us that they have not necessarily enjoyed the same democracy as that of the white straight Christian males. Whites in the lower classes have not fared much better.

Capitalism and Christian nationalists are the de facto leaders and lawmakers for the nation. Neither are regulated in any practical way. They are backed by people who cannot accept losing an election. Their agenda does not agree with their constituents. They have gone public with their determination to keep the truth out of their plans.

We need to hear more noise coming from the Democrats, and above all, President Biden. They should have a 24/7 push in public venues raising public awareness (The GOP hates woke people.) and ire about the laws that are now being pushed to suppress the vote.

I just had an idea. I think that I will make future donations geared to a political noise meter.

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I have come to the conclusion that the cult of the former occupant of our White House, are small, pathetic, cruel, willfully ignorant people. They are easily fooled and believe anything that fits their prejudice, racist, homophobic view of the world. They hand over their money, their souls, and their literal lives, to prove their loyalty to him. This includes, sadly, members of Congress. I think of how many lives could have been saved had he just bragged about getting the vaccine and how tremendous it is. He could have named it after himself, as he has been known to do, and his cult would have cut the line to get it. If he had done nothing else for the good of humanity, and he didn't, that one thing would have mattered most, but, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. I fear I won't live long enough to see this country reunited in any meaningful way. The amount of damage done by him and his cronies in our government, will take generations to undo. His destruction of our institutions, may never be fully restored. The only heartbreaking, silver lining in all of this is, the people of this country showed us who they really are. He gave people permission to be cruel, selfish and downright awful, and they revel in it. Seeing them in their fullness is handy information to have, going forward. We must never forget what they did to this country.

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I agree, willfully ignorant!

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Future and present historians will be America's saving grace. They will document the damage. I used to say it will take an entire generation to heal this nation, but now I think it may take longer.

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A certain political party has made patriotism a dirty word. They’ve also made the inability to think in a logical manner something many seem to aspire to lately. People belonging to that political party criticize logic as being illogical, celebrate cruelty & think kindness is weakness. The rank immaturity proudly displayed day after day after day by people belonging to the political party in question is nothing short of overwhelming. Even worse, I fear it may be catching. I wish we could vaccinate people so they don’t get it, but we can’t.

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I don't think it was JUST Repugs celebrating the US Women's loss. I believe it was a cross-section of Americans.

Your typed these words "In these broken times, it’s hard to hold fast to the belief that we are all Americans and what combines us is stronger than what divides us."

But the whole point of your piece is to put the two political parties on opposite sides: one on the "good" side and the other on the "bad" side. Your description of ALL Trump supporters as a monolithic bloc of dumba$$ rubes white supremacists is just wrong. And also, grossly stereo-typical.

Please check out my content at riclsexl.substack.com

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Trumpers aren't Americans... as much as they wish they were - Americans stand by the Constitution - that is the law of the land - if you don't - you are not an American...

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