The conservative movement has morphed into a giant grift. What we are experiencing may not have been the desired end state, but here we are. Reminds me of this quote: “I have always found it quaint and rather touching that there is a movement (Libertarians) in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough.” - Christopher Hitchens.

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IMHO This boils down to mixing the "veneer" of religion and politics as has always been done in the deep south. Red states tend to be single party "near Chinese communist" in power. All paths to power are blocked if not of the "party". Of course we are dealing with Fascist power structures here in the US which people may not understand is equally bad and comes to the same end result.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

More on Goldwater's warnings in an archived article


Abrahamic religion is about an exclusive control by a small number of individuals (the elite). It is a alternative government structure that taxes & dictates the behavior of those it rules regardless of the country's political structure.

Now the court has been packed with individuals that put the accumulation of their own personal wealth and power above their oaths.

What is an oath worth these days?

I swore an oath in 1971 to support and defend the Constitution. I discharged in '74, but there was no expiration date on my oath. Nor for any of those ex-military types that stormed the capitol on Jan 6, 21. (I believe additional charges of breaking their oaths should be leveled.)

There should be a consequence for breaking your oaths or lying to be confirmed by congress only to break your oath when gifted with a lifetime appointment.

One party is having none of it. It is celebrating Jan 6 as a warm-up.

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Good quote. Goldwater was an interesting character.

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My brother nearly gave my dad a stroke when he announced he’d vote for him if he was old enough. Not a real comment just a memory that has me grinning. Thx

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But, this is NOT Christianity NOT even close. 🇺🇸

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Two words: term limits.

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I have a Mayflower Cert, along with a large hard cover book published by the ancestors following the Chilton Family who came to this country, with pictures and stories. The REASON they came here for, was they had enough of Priests in the Castles making the laws over them. Now we watch here, as Religions try and take over forcing all of us to live the way they think THEIR God wants us to. It is time for the People to rise up against these False Prophets attempting to turn us into what we fled from. I have 5 grandkids to leave behind, and I will be damned if I will leave them to a theocracy here.

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There’s a flow downstream though isn’t there? The Mayflower passengers fled persecution but then took their turn in casting out and/or punishing those who took their own path. Don’t mean to offend and respect for your antecedents but let’s face it there’s a cyclical aspect to this phenomenon. I have grandchildren too and I fight for them to have a place in a multicultural world that sits comfortably in our country.

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OH, I fully believe in multiculture, what I object to, are those trying to inflict on us and our children, THEIR views, their religious radicalism . My 5 GenZ are fully informed on what is happening in this world, this country. And they Know what one party is trying to do to change the entire experiment here that is the US of A.

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Wholeheartedly agree.

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A particularly well articulated essay! I don’t see expanding the Supreme Court as workable, but you have pointed to other important reforms. And shone a strong light on an increasingly abhorrent abuse.

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Thank you.

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Perhaps the greatest flaw in the implementation of the Constitutionally-mandated establishment of the Supreme Court was the specification of lifelong tenure for the justices. Had the terms been specified for 16 years, as proposed on another post, there would have at least been some motivation toward appropriate behavior, and recourse for the People. But our system has now devolved to the point that the balance of power is no longer equal, and at least two of the three branches are in the grips of the oligarchs.

PS - the photo is outdated. For more than a year now the building has been cordoned off by a 3 meter high steel fence. Symbolically fitting, don't you think?

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The fence keeps away the marauding herd seeking justice.

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Next time I board a flight and see availability in first class seating I will exert the precedent set by Alito that the facility would have a vacancy if I didn't occupy that first class seat and they can then review their "bump list" to fill the economy class seat I won't be using.

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Good one, Shire. I am totally sick of all the grifting and laws that affect so many that work so hard to be where they are... and still struggle w/expenses. Time to get some accountability from these “Lifers” just who the hell do they think they are. It is outrageous. They have no right to talk about religion, people have a right to worship who, what or where. They do not have the right to preach “their” beliefs to others., what did happen to Separate Church and State. (?) I would appreciate someone addressing this for many of us. Thanks. Everyone have a nice evening.

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Thank you! I have the same mindset, in my opinion by sending "back to States" they are allowing States to violate the First Amendment by imposing their religion into laws. I didn't realize that a life appointment to the SC also exempted they (and their spouses) from filing tax returns?! I know the returns I fill out have a place to claim gifts, parent to child under $10k is the only exemption I recall, I think the IRS should audit all of them. Lovely evening to you as well!

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Goodness only knows what our world would be like if it hadn't been for the Supreme Court's appointment of George Bush as President. And, if only President Obama had continued his fight against Citizens United. (We know now who the actual liar was at Obama's State of Union, eh?) These and the other actions of the Court noted in your excellent review of it's ethical shortcomings have caused little if any actual push-back at a national level. So, it may be well past time to do anything at all to stymie the movement by the wealthy to gut democracy in the name of "I'm rich, therefore I'm smarter than everyone who isn't." I can't say. But I do know I wasn't put on earth to serve the whims of the wealthy. So, let's insist on term limits, demand that those on the Court who lied to gain their seats be booted off and let's make sure in the future some numbskull like McConnell can't make up a story to prevent a sitting President from choosing whoever he likes for an appointment to the Court. I'm sure there's more, so, let's get after it!

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Article III says judges of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior.......the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction both to law and fact with such exceptions and under such regulations as Congress shall make.

The present Congress will do nothing of the sort. Misbehavior will continue. "Once upon a time freedom used to be life - now it is money."

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Steven, Your essay clearly defines our present dilemma and the need for a counterbalance to power that the Supremes have so arrogantly displayed. Amazing to read "between the lines" the way they set up this exclusive social contract legally. Thank you for your clear observations.

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Thank you, Gay.

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Congress must assert its place as the primary part of our government, to which the other two are secondary. It should expand the court, impose term limits, impose and enforce ethics rules, and call the current members to account for their violations. Some justices seem to think they're above the law and ethical responsibility. They need to be shown that they're wrong.

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The assertion of privilege as the guiding principle of our country , rather than the intellectual upstarts of the revolution. What will prevail?

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Alito can try to disguise his behavior in as many disingenuous words as he can, but they will not serve to hide his disgraceful level of corruption. Who knows how many other such instances there are, over and above the one that has come to light?

They should be taken away in shackles, these corrupt Republican Justices, and charged under the full weight of the law.

What a travesty that the Justice Department is frozen - like a deer in the headlights - in the glare of not wanting to appear "partisan."

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Big 'M' money has always tried to buy politicians. The rich feel they are entitled to more say in our government and country than many of the rest of us. 'Majority' isn't a concept they play well with. As this post clearly explains we are back in a time when it is getting dangerously close to tipping over into the Oligarchs being the only allowed voices.

That is such an un American value. Now we do know the founding fathers were the white elite of the time and they did construct the country to fit best with their needs but they left documents that stipulated we are all equal and entitled to govern this country. A few tweaks for amendments to define who all gets theses rights over the years has helped but we still have a need to protect us from being swamped out why a few rich people. I am fine with people have gobs of money but I am not ok with them deciding how our country will be run.

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Thank you Steven for this insightful and clear view of what has happened to our Supreme court. It reminds me of several discussions my wife and I have had in recent years. For us, at the center of these examples of our decaying Democracy, we always find men, money, and power. Thank you for providing a place to confront this human flaw.

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Thank you for your analysis, Steven. The situation speaks to problems that pervade many layers of American society, outside the Supreme Court. The high concentration of wealth in the hands of a small percentage of individuals, is not new. The pursuit of money, power and position, comes at the expense of others, who are not so financially endowed or fortunate. I often ponder just WHAT happened to the desire to live an ethical life of good purpose? Honesty and integrity used to be core values. Now they seem like rare commodities.

I have taken to watching LESS News coverage, but did have occasion to see Trump, in his master manipulator mode, telling Rally attendees that the DOJ prosecuting him means 'they are coming for you'. Fear-mongering is his tried-and-true modus operandi, and he continues to behave like an unhinged maniac on stage and through his Truth Social platform. Have the GOP become weak-willed 'sheeple' following along without question? Trump has normalised unacceptable rhetoric and behaviour, for far too long., and capitalised on the Media's desire to feature his outlandish behaviour. The monster is still on the loose.

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